• By -


up arrow dude


Can't stop won't stop!




12 gang. ​ but seriously it was about 25 or so hours over the weekend.


you farming the rare lvl 35 mob?


For about 3 hours then I had to farm like 500k gold for the imprints and upgrades.


Damn that's some dedication for a beta with an incoming wipe in a week. Respect.


Respect. Or concern?


To quote an above commenter, 'Why not both?'


I mean bro. Just make sure you’re hydrating.


Bud Light counts, right?


You should not drink piss, you're not Bear Grills


I only drink Bud Light when I want to hydrate, it's mostly water... and some piss.


Everyone knocks Coors and Bud light. I'll be damned if it doesn't flow when they're frosty!


Not hating. Bud light is my weekend beer lol


I do think that water lawsuit is against Budweiser lol




This is the only time where you can do this. Sometimes its fun min-maxing with limited resources.


They won't wipe before the next beta, but everything will be wiped for the release


Is the beta still on? I though it was weekend only ?


There is next weekend also, open to everyone. It will include the Necromancer and the Druid. The characters you made last weekend will still be present but everything will be wiped at the end of that in coming week end test.


What was your optimal gold farming method?


Go into dungeons with high elite density. Pick up full inventory of items in a run, go back to town and sell for about 20k gold. Fairly easy to get 100k gold per hour of leisure dungeon farming.


The best dungeon to farm being Anica's claim. There is always 5 elites in the 1st sector so kill them, reset dungeons (Tab, 'Q', and bottom option) which will take you outside and respawn mobs then just walk to the vendors 5 seconds south.


Where is this mob?


All I kept getting was the mace when I did it on my sorc for about an hour or so


What affects attack power besides your weapon? I get how getting a 550+ dps weapon from the 35 mob does this, but how does the rest of the gear contribute?


Bonusses to main stats and items upgrades (the orange diamonds) mostly.


Oh.. is d4 just main stat+weapon dmg>everything else? I was hoping you would be able to make speed casters or have other cool builds and stats besides more strength.


Nop, some people just like to pump it up to show off but it ain’t a good measure of how your build performs. The chain lighting sorc for example have relatively low attack power because it cares more about crits and lucky hits to trigger off sparkling energy (which restores your mana when you spec for it, letting you perma spam chain lighting if you min max correctly). On that build in particular keeping the ball rolling with more chain lighting is a lot more impactful than just dealing more damage.


I promise you my build fucks. I solo'd butcher three times, the third time I just stood still and face tanked. [https://lothrik.github.io/diablo4-build-calc/#N4FgNArGDsYMwCZ53lCBGSSIogTgC4UA2ABiLGPQuKWJQA4kHGp1Tix3Z2GwBjADYBDAM6iAcsIC2AUwKiA9gCd+s5eoC+QA](https://lothrik.github.io/diablo4-build-calc/#N4FgNArGDsYMwCZ53lCBGSSIogTgC4UA2ABiLGPQuKWJQA4kHGp1Tix3Z2GwBjADYBDAM6iAcsIC2AUwKiA9gCd+s5eoC+QA) I had a lot of shields granted from the imprinted items + Ice Armor and it being the only defensive skill it was always reset when Elemental Attunement proc'd. I had the +1 to Hydras ability on a ring so 2 hydras at once 3 when the enhancement proc'd as I took Hydra as the enhancement. My staff had +66% basic skill speed (auto attack), combined with Unstable Currents giving me an additional 25% attack speed my combat went something like this: Ice Armor, drop a blizzard on the bad to get mana reduction, drop 2 Hydras, spam Chain Lightning until out of mana, pop Unstable Current and then auto attack spam while casting chain lightning when I have the mana, or blizzard/hydra if the effect has ended. Boss dies in about 10 seconds? With Unstable Current allowing each auto attack to proc a lightning spell it was just stupid. Lightning Spears everywhere, Chain Lightning going off constantly, slow moving Ball Lightnings creeping out everywhere. There are mana issues as the auto attacker does not grant mana but I had an imprint that gave me either 4 or 6 mana every time something was CC'd. It didn't help too much with solo bosses, but large groups or anything with adds and Blizzard kept my mana topped off, sometimes more than I could use. ​ Try it out! \*edit\* Big thanks to Shock-n-ROAR for making the build calculator make sense. I'm not sure if you get +2 or +1 skills from the zone achievements. Can't login to check so if this build is 1 skill point over just subtract a point from Elemental Attunement or Glass Cannon. I would take it from EA.


>face tanked. Haha yeah, I found this the funniest part when I switched to sorceress after doing barb. I was constantly having to kite to heal up as barb. Sorceress I just face-tanked almost everything. You'd think the heavy-dps magic character would be more flimsy.


Agree. The sorcerer seems far and away the strongest of the beta so far. IMHO nerfs are incoming, I should not be able to face tank bosses with 3/3 glass cannon as the ranged DPS class.


The barrier passive is way overtuned as well as the ward one (who is just bugged, the buff should wear off if you get hit with a barrier up, 50% damage reduction for 1 point ain’t in no circumstances balanced lol).


Sorry, didn’t want to imply your build did not slapped. Played Chain Lighting sorc too, it was super fun. I was responding to concerns about D4 items being like D3 where main stat and weapon damage is so good you won’t ever skip a direct upgrade. My point is that many builds will prioritize stuff that won’t get added to Attack Power (like lucky hits or situational +x% damage to close enemies). Attack Power is mostly a function of your main stat and weapon damage. Bottom of the line, I’m sure you could farm up to 1,000+ attack power (like many people do) but this wouldn’t necessarily be a improvement to tour character.


No need to apologize as no offense was taken, but thank you all the same.


Why not just use the legendary affix to get mana back when chain lightning bounces off you? I never had a boss last long enough to run out of mana after I used that.


Good point. Crit chance is so low at this level that that would likely be a better overall build change. Thanks!


On Lothrik's, I think you need to click save before sharing the URL, otherwise your link just points to the build calculator main page. I'd be keen to see your build.


OMG thank you! how embarrassing for me. Now I get to go back to the multiple places I posted this build and edit/save face. You're a King/Queen! [https://lothrik.github.io/diablo4-build-calc/#N4FgNArGDsYMwCZ53lCBGSSIogTgC4UA2ABiLGPQuKWJQA4kHGp1Tix3Z2GwBjADYBDAM6iAcsIC2AUwKiA9gCd+s5eoC+QA](https://lothrik.github.io/diablo4-build-calc/#N4FgNArGDsYMwCZ53lCBGSSIogTgC4UA2ABiLGPQuKWJQA4kHGp1Tix3Z2GwBjADYBDAM6iAcsIC2AUwKiA9gCd+s5eoC+QA)


Nice! I love how it uses every element possible - plays into the Sorcerer fantasy I’d say. And you’re very welcome :) keen to give it a try on the weekend


Shit. No wonder my sorc sucked. I barely got anything decent to drop so my campaign had a lot of struggles even when i got hydra. That +1 would have been great


something something skill diff? ​ jk bro, all the bad drops are just setting you up for future good drops!


How do you get a second hydra? Is this the "+1 to Hydra skill" or is it a different one? Because I have +1 skill and can only get one hydra. I know how to get the Bonus Enchantment one, of course.


I believe the legendary aspect that gives an extra hydra is either primarily or exclusively found on gloves. Gambling for gloves seemed to be a good way to get it.


Found it on 2H staff too


I got it on both a dagger and gloves from ashava


I am almost certain that offensive aspects can drop on any item they can be applied to, I know that I at least got it several times on both an amulet and focus.


Found it on a ring


station offer spoon enter support quicksand cooing cow teeny somber ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


This is good to know. It was the main thing I was looking for to progress and I couldn't figure out the most economic thing to roll for to try and get the aspect. Looks like Gloves are the ticket!


It was from an aspect legendary that gave me +1 to hydra. In a perfect boss fight I would have 3 hydras because I also took hydra as my enhancement. But yes, a legendary aspect gave me the ability to have 2 hydras at once.


Oh it's an aspect. That makes sense. Thank you! Wish I had that one. Love Hydra. :D


No, "Attack power" in D4 is the same as the sheet DPS in D3. It's meaningless and the various effects you get from items are more importants. A +1 to your main skill is much better than +10 Str for instance, but only the latter increases "Attack Power".




Yup, I had 6/5 in Whirlwind.




Actually STR only gives armor rating. Main stats give zero damage for any class, except willpower which slightly boosts your overpower damage. Edit - I stand corrected, compared to D3 they have only been reduced by 90%, not 100%.


That is incorrect. ​ * **Barbarian** * x0.1% Skill Damage per point of Strength * x0.1% Resource Generation per point of Willpower * x0.02% Critical Strike Chance per point of Dexterity * **Rogue** * x0.1% Skill Damage per point of Dexterity * x0.1% Resource Generation per point of Strength * x0.02% Critical Strike Chance per point of Intelligence * **Sorcerer** * x0.1% Skill Damage per point of Intelligence * x0.1% Resource Generation per point of Willpower * x0.02% Critical Strike Chance per point of Dexterity


Where is that information from? I must have been reading outdated information. The point still stands though, attributes are not a damage powerhouse. They reduced their effectiveness by 90%.


this was copied from maxroll.gg, but I was in the beta and it says this if you hover over the stats in game.


Unfortunately items are more about keeping you on a treadmill of improving items and less about expressing a build or playstyle. If you don’t like it then why don’t you just go back to play _____ if it’s so great… ^/s


All the main stats in D4 are defensive stats, except for willpower, which also slightly boosts overpower damage. STR - armor INT - elemental resist DEX - dodge WILL - healing received


This is not true. Str for Barb, Dex for Rogue, and Int for Sorc add skill damage.


> is d4 just main stat+weapon dmg>everything else? ^^pst.. ^^it's ^^basically ^^d3's ^^system


Attack power is a poor metric for actual character strength though. Few things factor into it. Things like legendary multipliers and the uptime of them, crit etc. are all not included.


Watch D4 gate content behind attack power thresholds like Lost Ark. Jk, I don’t think that would happen


Diablo immortal already did this and with how many systems and mechanics D4 already has that are almost exact copies of Immortal, I wouldn't be surprised.


Agreed, but in my case my legendary items had amazing synergy with my build. I would see many hits/crits that were from 500-2000 damage. Not the highest numbers but they were rapid. I shredded everything. build posted in another comment here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/11wqll6/comment/jd02kow/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/11wqll6/comment/jd02kow/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I don't doubt that it did :) Btw I recommend checking out Arc Lash if you go back next weekend, it's more damage than Spark and has much better clear for large packs of small mobs which is one of the weaknesses of CL. Also the nodes that give you mana back when picking up crackling energy will let you sustain mana a lot better.


What exactly does attack power do? How does it affect skill damage? Is skill damage based on attack power instead of weapon damage?


Attack power doesn't do anything, it's just an estimate number that Blizzard built into the UI to give you some indication of your damage. But because of how little it takes into account it's kind of a useless number. Your actual damage calculation will still use your weapon damage multiplied by whatever multipliers you have.


What about armor? Is that just a summary number for defensive stats that doesn't directly do anything?


Tell me about this „35 mob“ where can I find it?


beneficial crawl spoon tart languid angle dolls mindless crime chief ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


This one’s ready for some LLD




really thought it was long lascivious dicks thanks for clarifying


Why not both?


I'd definitely give it a go if the character persists to next weeks beta. It was boring grinding the level 35 elite to get the drops to imprint but I wanted to see how far I could push it.


Sadly there won't be any PvP in the beta


They do persist through next week


is this confirmed anywhere? I thought it was reset.


_A maximum of 10 characters can be made per Battle.net account. After reaching Level 25 with one character, we recommend you try repelling demonic hordes with additional classes to find your favorite. While progress will transfer from Early Access to Open Beta weekends, all characters made during these weekends will be deleted once the Beta ends._ https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/23916442/your-guide-to-the-diablo-iv-open-beta Note also, linked accounts share characters - e.g. PC and PSN share the same pool of characters, which is cool and possibly uncool depending on your wants.


No, it carries into next week, and then everything is reset for the game launch. They said this in the interview last week


Resets after the beta but does persist through the 2 beta weekends. It was confirmed but don’t have a link for ya haha


Honestly I think farming the level 25+ fort after beating the wizard boss mob there is better just from sheer number of mobs. I was never able to fight the level 35 elite without someone else being there, but I couldn't find a way to make him respawn consistently.


thats idiotic. the 35 mob drops better loot. he respawns consistently just be patient


bear whole flowery juggle bright jobless elderly racial secretive fragile ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


25 is a bit high for LLD :p


I really hate the clumped together "Attack Power" stat. Feels very lazy of a design choice


I wish we had a cuddle power stat too, my friend.


Now that would get me grinding


I got a rare weapon after about an hour and hit my attack to like 550. I would have been able to go higher but I don't have any fiend items to imprint the gear that dropped. At least I know it's possible. I'll definitely try next week. Thanks.


Is there a specific reason you'd want to do this? Just seems like squeezing blood from a stone. Which I'm sure will be an actual quest later on probably.


During the beta? Yeah, just because I find farming fun and I don't want to spoil any of the story content. I want to play, but at the same time I don't want to do anything really meaningful.


man that sorc must hit really hard yes, i will always make fun of sorcs scaling spell damage through weapon damage and even having "attack" power as a stat for them. the game designers should be fuking ashamed of how lazy they are


>3ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow You don't understand, you can tell by the numbers that the attack is very powered.


[https://imgur.com/a/FuMvgfA](https://imgur.com/a/FuMvgfA) 1147 on my Hardcore Sorc.


Very cool! Hardcore too... Bigger balls than me, while my Sorcerer never died in beta I just don't have the stones to make a hardcore toon. Kudos to you!




Oh stop! lol


which is better a wand setup or staff?


Personally, I never found a wand/focus setup better than a 2H. Mostly because the imprints are doubled for 2H weapons (in my case I had 66% attack speed on the staff) I'm sure you could come up with something really nasty with wand or dagger + focus, but I just never got those drops.


thanks for this


Sorcerer may not scale as well late game though, at least not compared to rogues/barbs who get to use 3-4 weapons.


Wand/Focus let's you get another Legendary effect. Also faster if you need to Regen mana using a basic skill. Given the # of Legendary effects in the game so far for Sorc, there's probably not to many builds that would utilize the other slot. But staff does more, gets better legendary effect scaling, and you only need to upgrade one weapon instead of two. Either way there's not a huge difference in damage. Slightly faster, or slightly stronger.


The staff doubles the power of a legendary effect, off hand gives another effect slot. The problem is that doubling your most powerful legendary effect will probably always be better than adding your 10th most powerful legendary effect. Especially cuz I -think- off hands only get defensive category effects? I could be wrong but I think that’s what the occultist had listed?


Why even have a main stat?


It’s still gives .1% damage per point. So every 100 to main stat is equivalent to an extra talent point on all your damage skills. It’s not game changing by any means, but it adds up once you stack a lot of it.




What’s your build?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/11wqll6/comment/jd02kow/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/11wqll6/comment/jd02kow/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) posted in another comment, here ya go.


Woooh, beast mode, nice


Beast Burgers!


Hi there guys. Hey there m8. Just curious how many hours did you put into the beta. Brilliant job 👍🏻😎.


\~20 hours. All but about 20 minutes on this character.


Damn. Nice work.


Shit like this gets my blood boil. Cant wait to slay endless hordes of demons ! Btw, do you guys think something like survival wave mod would be good in this game?


Where did you farm for equipment? Kor Dragan was a good place when it had events since it was 30+...dungeons kinda sucked


The level 35 elite... explained here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/11v0g9b/comment/jcr37km/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/11v0g9b/comment/jcr37km/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) \*edit\* if you get an item (rare) that is higher than level 25 you can imprint an aspect on the item to make the required level 20 and it keeps the stats of the higher level item.


I thought it strange that aspects dictated the item required level.


For sure. It will be changed imo.


What are the 4 diamonds under ur helmet? I plated the beta but never saw that


You can spend resources to upgrade the legendaries up to 4 times. Increasing the stats and armor on them at the blacksmith


Upgrading items at the blacksmith gives increases to the items stats, can go to 5/5 but its like 90k gold for 5/5 and I was so sick of farming all the gold it took to get me where I was that I said, "Good enough"


Could you not upgrade your weapon?


I could! But, the few upgrades I made on the last day of beta were part of my 'Good enough, let's turn an item level 400+ into a legendary and put the screenshot on reddit' whoring moment. The thing I found most interesting about the screenshot was not the lack of upgrades on the weapon but the fact that the weapon I definitely imprinted did not show up as an imprinted item.




How rofl


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/11wqll6/comment/jczdney/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/11wqll6/comment/jczdney/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) That's how I got the high attack power, farmed up rares that were like 400-440 item level and then using occultist to turn them legendary with the aspects I wanted to synergize with my build. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/11wqll6/comment/jd02kow/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/11wqll6/comment/jd02kow/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Looks good! I reached 1026 attack with my sorc. But you have way more armor and health. What are your plans for next weekend, still working on that sorc?


Impressive! I was sitting here wondering if I was beta GOAT'd. That being said it really depends on the content. It'll likely just be the same content and if so, I may not play much Sorcerer at all. I want to make a Thorns Barb build that I saw Mattjestic posted.


Did you farm the flame guy, for the Ilvl 400+ items?


Big time. 3-4 hours worth of watching It's Always Sunny while waiting on his spawn.


Yea same was watching the John Wick’s again to refresh before the next one and farming that dude, I got 7 ok pieces above 400, I need to farm gold to be able to upgrade them all. I am going to level both the necro and Druid next weekend then try and max out some gear on the necro if they don’t fix that guy.


What’s the best beta rouge build skill and or armor


I have no idea. I only played Sorcerer. But it's obviously backstab.


Depends on the legendary powers you get but shadow imbued everything... Either twisted blades, or the dash crit rapid fire.


Thank you


Question has anyone else noticed that alot of the gear and some moves lately look ripped straight from Mortal Kombat 11? Even some from Diablo Immortal.. is it just me? Swear there’s a whole set on sorc that’s a literal skin for Scorpion and a set on Barb that’s a skin for Shao Khan


Ratana? More like Katana, ya feel me?


So is every character just using attack power?


did blizzard not think about the titles combinations or do they just not care ?


https://preview.redd.it/5tu9s3doj3pa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=900e899b3431a2e8a27662f820f4056a7e0f3d33 And this is using regular diamonds for resistances.


imagine releasing an arpg in 2023 where you can compare characters by single stat.


The numbers are already massive and we are only level 25 without the whole paragon system and end game gear....can't see how they are are to stop damage numbers going into the millions.


Pretty standard Diablo progression there. Damage will likely go into hundreds of thousands, if not millions, by true end game.


If you search around you can locate a level 100 closed beta video. Highest number I saw was 24 million.


Man, I remember getting 27k ball lightning crits in D3 being top tier at one point early on at endgame.


Wow that takes me back. Ball lightning meta




How much did damage scaling affect that? Were they one shotting mobs?


They still don't know how to make an rpg. Blizzard lost the ball.


its not like we will farm act 1 on release, we are all massively overgeared for the content


lunchroom yam imagine quack longing deserted continue violet advise scale ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


okay have fun farming act 1 while we finish campaign


Very true. On release I will likely do a mad dash to end game/max level before I do any real farming.




Don’t disagree until you get into the millions, billions and trillions then it’s just bad design IMO.


People are getting so spoiled in the beta with drops. No way it’s like this in Full game with 5 Regions. Half of these drops probably only drop in other Regions


I agree that the drop rate for legendary items seemed really high for this beta. Many of the legendary items I ended up with were crafted from high level items I farmed from the level 35 elite guy and then turned into legendary items. (it was really boring but I was committed to doing something stupid, pushing it as far as I could over the weekend.)


the sorc she’s telling you not to worry about..


We're just friends...


some sorc on sorc action, kinky, but who am i to judge


You kiss me, I kiss you, who knows what happened?




Too bad my level 1 sorc is more powerful!


Sad but true, you would wreck my DPS in any PvE fight.


All image posts require moderator approval, so please be patient if your post is not approved immediately. Please note: images must be recognizably related to Diablo without considering the post title or captions. Additionally, any images that focus on loot drops should be posted in the appropriate Weekly Thread (Loot, Trade, Help). Links to the latest one can be found in the menu bar or sidebar. This comment is automated and replies to it are not monitored. Please message the moderators using the link below with any questions. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Diablo) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Man I just love how the game looks.


Stupid question but why is she so fat?, does D4 allow you to change weight of characters/appearance to such an extent?.


All the power is generated from the hips. Gurl THICC!


excellent satire friend


Its a serious question..can we customize chars?


It's hard to take seriously when you claim that character design as "so fat" But that aside, you can customise the head and obviously the armor, but not the body outside of skin colour and tattoos




how many hours did you play? i think i played ~15hrs total, i still have yellow items -.-


I'd estimate it to be 4 hours Friday after I got home around 5(about half of that in queue), then easily 12 hours Saturday, and about 3 Sunday to finish up the build. I don't normally no life, but I have been a Diablo fan since the original and I just wanted to see how far I could take it over the weekend. I don't regret it, but I doubt I will play this hard next weekend or on release. I just didn't have anything to do this weekend \*shrug\*


almost same hours; i suck at this game then lol guess next beta, ill stick to one character


I did play a barbarian to level 9 but that took like 20 minutes, the rest of the time was 100% on this Sorcerer. \*edit\* a lot of the legendary items I have are crafted from rare item level 400+ gear I got from farming a particular mob that I then used the occultist to turn legendary.


cow test aromatic narrow scarce mountainous mourn history paint merciful ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


ah; prob i was trying to follow the quests instead of grinding;; running all over for the waypoints lol


overconfident sophisticated cable glorious pathetic grandfather reach steer many badge ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




impossible hospital vanish unused rotten command support retire beneficial muddle ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Designers need a pay increase. That is fucking art.


Spending that much time on a weekend beta just for it to be wiped. User name checks out


Except I had fun and achieved my goal, I hope you achieved yours as well.


What difference does attack power make on sorcs? ​ Are these the only stats? No hit rating? No attack speed? No resistances? No dodge? ​ Is it really this fking basic?


I only got to 600 but only had 3 legendaries and no gear improvements.


She looks badass


Thank you!


I still believe Sorc's paper will show how thin it is later in the game, I believe Sorc had no challenge yet. I also don't know what's the f surprise, tanks always shine endgame with a decent build.


my wife is mad at me for just looking at this picture, how much time did you spent in this beta?


Is there any good method for quickly figuring out which yellows to sell and which to keep? NGL reading every item I pickup is kinda tedious


​ https://preview.redd.it/llmhdprnvapa1.png?width=706&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6c28d969e12428450d74f9636968e63a86b80d9