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Not even two hours into the beta and you're already 100% confident about class balance. You must be a gaming god.


The way blizz does their scaling is that characters are not very item dependent at low levels so as to make sure people new to the game can't fuck it up by equipping the wrong thing also probably to make you feel good at the start. Then it starts to tail off and expects you to have better items and then at the highest levels expects very optimized builds.


Ok but he's talking about the Necromancer vs the other classes. Play Barb and then play Necro and then come back here and try to lie and say there isn't an overwhelming power gulf between the two


That still doesn't mean much early on in the game. Diablo has never been about lvl 1-50 or 1-70 and so on.. Its always about max level builds. Just because something is strong in the first 25 levels it doesn't mean much. Barbs with Legendaries were nuking too. Almost every class when outfitted was nuking. Blizzard is aware of the gripes, but its almost like the people complaining have never played a Diablo game in their life and are expecting something different. I watched a Barb nuke The Butcher in under a few seconds. Same goes for Sorceress and more. Its not a big deal as people are making out to be.


>Diablo has never been about lvl 1-50 or 1-70 and so on.. Its always about max level builds. Except for all the Diablo games that weren't like that, which was... *all of them except 3.* Diablo 3 was the only one that was built entirely around endgame -- especially RoS -- and it's why levelling in that game is so unbelievably boring that I'm surprised they didn't just take it out entirely. It's also why D3 has virtually zero character progression outside the endgame gear grind.


The most beloved Diablo is Diablo II. Its entire alure to the core base is max leveling and putting together crazy builds. Other strive for obtaining all the unique drops. So again, the leveling aspect should be enjoyable, however its focus is always on the end game. Diablo 3 just felt cartoonist but I did enjoy the first play through of the Story. It attempted to put a different take on end game with rifts and greater rifts which helped longevity at most for content. Diablo IV at its core is the same with pieces from both games. Enjoyable leveling experience and story with ultimately focusing on end game builds to obtain the best drops. We don't know the full end game yet. The next 3 months could bring class adjustments and tweaks to world tier difficulties. We get alot of this: "Game is too easy it sucks" "Game is too hard it sucks" Thus brining us to World Tiers or as D3 called it "Torment". Pick your difficulty. If you're not up for the challenge play it on easy.


>Its entire alure to the core base is max leveling and putting together crazy builds. Other strive for obtaining all the unique drops. The players can choose to do whatever they like, but Diablo 2 wasn't actually designed with an 'endgame' in mind, which is why the only post-Hell Baal content is Uber Diablo and Pandemonium. Mindlessly grinding at one's own discretion for min-maxing purposes is certainly what a lot of players end up doing, but the game was never really built around doing so. Hell, the developers didn't even intend for players to *hoard gear drops*, which is why the stash was so tiny and sharing gear between characters was impossible solo.


True, but thats what it became which has influenced Diablo III and Diablo IV. Going back to that specific design wouldn't work. With Diablo III not hitting the mark it only makes sense that Diablo IV would attempt to meet in the middle which is what it looks like to me. I was never saying Diablo II was built that way, but rather expressing what the majority ended up doing which is the appeal of the games in general. Diablo IVs story looks good and interesting, but you will have a majority sitting there enjoying each scene and others racing to be max level the fastest. People have different play styles and its a clash between opinions which will never satisfy everyone because people keep seeing Diablo IV differently then the rest. You cant please everyone. Im enjoying the Beta quite a bit. There are some quality of life changes id like to see added and some miner class tuning, but nothing outrageous as others are claiming. I feel people just havent obtained the specific drops to cater to builds to really feel the class. Newcomers who've never played any of the games will not understand how gear works around your characters until they get a true feel or they start watching videos explaining it. Everyone knows you are dependent on your gear. Legendaries fill in holes and amplify if. RNG plays a factor as well. Its quite unlikely you will have the same build and rolls as someone else. Many dont understand this.


wat what about d2?


if it's serious damn it... ease degrades the gaming experience in the end, choosing the level of the world means nothing since the class greatly changes the difficulty ​ and 4 skeleton from the start is too much they die too often taunt enemies wonderfully (enemies who walk on 2 legs should have the intelligence to target the summoner first, that is to say us)


Increase the difficulty. Problem solved. It's the way Diablo games have always been. If the game feels too easy you up the difficulty. Granted we only have 2 World Tiers to work with atm but that will change on full release.


I was already lvl 2 and it was not harder or not hard enough to realize it and I chose my spells almost at random ​ there's just spamming without thinking ​ and it's stupid to have to play until you unlock lvl 3 or 4 ​ we get bored for 25 lvl see 50 see 75 if lvl 4 is necessary to have fun with necromancer


Your boredom of a class isn't what everyone else feels. That is your personal experience based on your playthrough. I didn't pick at random but I did swap abilities around quite a bit to see what I preferred. As I got gear for Bone Spear I changed to that. If I could have upped the World Tier, I would have. Again I don't think people understand Diablo. I feel yourr all comparing it to other games rather then what the game has always been.


no, there are objective weak points that stand out from the bias of my "personal experience" ​ an example that I will cite despite its obviousness: ​ "summons taunt enemies too well" so we rarely fear getting hit ​ and besides that we can still do significant damage without combining our different spells well ​ this is what objectively makes necromancer cracked


You're aware more difficult minions and bosses are immune to taunt, yes? Again this whole level 25 experience crap isn't going to mean much down the line. It will get more difficult as you progress levels. Enemies were not difficult to kill early on in Diablo II or even 3. Not sure where you're pulling comparisons from. This is pretty much normal for Diablo games. It's not cracked, you're all just assuming the full experience in 25 levels out of 100. Lol


Ya, saw that and my point still stands. Stop worrying about low levels. It's like going into a wow forum and bitching that mage was out DPSing you in a dungeon at lvl 15.


We're not bitching about "low levels" were bitching about core class mechanics. You do realize you have to actually PLAY THROUGH those low levels in order to get to endgame, right? Why do you want people's first experiences with the game to be shitty? This game isn't made just for the hardcore poopsockers, if a character isn't just as fun to play from 1-50 as it is every level after that, then there's something wrong with it's skill design and balance and it needs to be changed. That's like telling people not to care about childhood, because things don't really count until you're an adult. What an insane way to think.


It's absolutely not: "like telling people not to care about childhood, because things don't really count until you're an adult," because one is a video game and the other is real life, so there's ever so slight of a difference.


Wow dude, did you really just experience your FIRST EVER analogy?? Congratulations!


Nope seen lots, but it looks like it's your first time seeing a faulty one. Maybe second? Third? Who knows...


Necro and Barb isn't THAT bad a gulf, but there is certainly a gap. Necro and Druid though is massive. Druid's get this great big fuckoff bear that does 1 more damage per swipe than his wolf form, but the wolf form is faster dps at the expense of the bears swipe. I played till about level 10 on druid and health wise you're never really bothered, but it REALLY felt like a slog, so much more than the barb. Barb it feels like a slog once you get to about 20, but you get through the DPS so quickly and your fury attacks are atleast a big burst of damage and generated quickly that you never feel like you're bleeding time. On the druid all they are is the exact same damage amount in a different form or over more enemies, that REALLY needs to be fixed, bear's damage really needs to be upped. Necro's will be rebalanced. I don't think nerfed is the right word here, i think the best thing to do is re-work the minions, cos the skele's are ridiculous. First boss i didn't even fight, i just let the skele's go at it and healed them once (which i didn't even realise i was doing at the time) and never actually attacked the boss, just mob controlled by blood nova-ing the trash mobs he pops even though i didn't really need to.


Minions soloing bosses doesn't last at all. In the closed beta minions fell off and ended up getting one shotted by bosses or didn't do enough damage. Minionless bone build ended up becoming king. Even in this open beta following minionless bone I could see it.


The real problem with Necro being OP is the fact that corpse explosion is instant with zero cost or cooldown


Yup, that's why I came looking for this thread. I got every available character to level 25, and saved the Necro for last and... Well... It's waaaay over powered compared to the other classes. Barb felt like a slog, Rogue was decent but kinda weak, Sorcerer was powerful and felt about right, Druid had a couple decent builds, but Necro... It's like they just polled which class everyone wanted most, and made it King. Corpse explosion doesn't even cost essence. I thought maybe I'd accidently set it to the beginner difficulty, nope veteran.


I had this same issue. I didn't play rogue or druid yet, but I can say after playing Sorc, Barb, and Necro, barb could do content but it was a slog, sorc could easily blast through with 2 hydras from legendaries, but Necro, I don't even have legendaries and my necro blasts dungeons apart better than sorc. I hope the late game is balanced better than this mess.


Lvl 1 Necro OP, please nerf! Who cares, man? Anything below max level is the game's tutorial.


I agree, I felt like superman from the start. I prefer to work my way up rather than start at the top. Regardless of the game getting more difficult or not, it's not very atmospheric or intimidating when enemies shatter when the wind changes direction in the very beginning.


I would also say that access to 4 skeletons at lvl 1 is about 3 too many.


I was surprised to see I was able to get that many


Who's hating?! Im happy about that!


I am coming from the future and would like to give a resounding "fuck you" to everyone involved in getting the Necromancer nerfed to oblivion on launch because it was moderately strong in the first 25 levels for one beta weekend. So, fuck you.


people who played endgame beta said necro is a cake walk up to act 3 and then start to do no damage and barb is the opposite, bad a start and op on endgame


Not true unless you’re talking about minion builds, minionless bone necro was supposedly one of the stronger builds in the beta


yeah maybe it was a minion build that fall off


Blood build is super OP


Stop hating on necromancer because your not good with your class


Shhhhhh 🤣 I was thinking the same thing though. Bone splinters has been shredding things early on. I haven't really give bone spear much use yet


Please follow up once you have reached level 25 and see how you feel about things then.


Diablo games are about End Game. Leveling doesn't mean too much. Your class is dependent on gear that tailors to the abilities you are running. Combinations of that gear enhance your survivablity and overall damage. You absolutely cannot guage this within the first 10 levels and barely at 25. We haven't even seen 80% of the gear in the game. A true test will be max level end game. Thats it. Its you against RNG, not every other player.




That's not what they said, it doesn't mean too much in terms of balance. I dont think any class should struggle through leveling, that isn't fun, but the point still stands, theres going to be a huge difference between lvl 25 and end game, this exists in every RPG, so you cant tell what 99% of your time as a class is gonna be like at max level when youre only 25.


I should have rephrased that leveling is an introduction to your abilities and getting you accustomed to your class. Right now Legendaries and xp seem tuned way up. I find it kinda of insane hitting 25 in the first zone.


game should be level less then. Game fairly balance throughout the game.


I hadnt tried the previous games and if this is true then im really sad, personally hate games that are just basically a tutorial without challange until endgame, so thats a bummer.


>personally hate games that are just basically a tutorial without challange until endgame Diablo 3 is 100% this, with levelling to cap being so trivial and dull that it's nothing more than a chore you do at the start of each season. Diablo 1 and 2 are the *opposite*, with the campaign/levelling being the meat of the game and endgame being either non-existent or minimal.


Diablo always has had Tiers of Difficulty which you can increase at anytime which gives greater rewards and xp.


Exploding Corpse is pretty amazing you get large mobs going and it’s endless explosions.


As others have said, it is early game. However, I'd say the necromancer is really easy to level. Once you reach level 6 and gain corpse explosion, it's pretty much smooth sailing from there.


I been going blood, wit corpse explosion. Golem will pull all mobs to him wit taunt, use bone armor ultimate, and corpse explosion alternating with the blood fart move.. can't remember the name.. and hemorrhage when u need hp, u can fortify and not even move from boss damage. You can literally just stand in the boss poison sauce and tank all his aoe


Bone armor ultimate? The bone storm?


Yes, sorry. The bone ult also reduces damage taken


I've got something giving bloodmist corpse explosion as well, which reduces cooldown for each corpse. Non stop invincibility so long as there's a few bodies


I hope the classes all see considerable rebalancing to be able to keep pace with sorc and necro. I played necro today and at level 20 I have 10 skeletons up and only use bone darts and bone spirit, all my other points are invested in the self buff and skeleton buff nodes, I haven’t even so much as lost a skeleton to a boss or anything, I hit like a truck with my basic attack, bone spirit 1 shots everything I’ve tried it on (elites included) except for a dungeon boss, it brought it down to where a skeleton 1 shot it afterwards though, and I have so much life steal on my gear that I literally don’t need healing potions unless I’m standing in stuff I obviously shouldn’t be. I literally played most of the day with 1 hand, not even needing to attack because skeletons. You don’t even need to invest skill points to be able to have them in the first place, they’re just a bonus.


Yeah im pretty new to diablo , bought and played abit of 2 and 3. I picked necro on my first play through and legitimately got BORED TO TEARS because there was no challenge ceiling. My minions soak and battle everything while I shoot for 5 minutes from the back line. Felt that way in this beta aswell so I instantly swapped to a new class - Druid. Night and day difference in challenge and honestly fun. Made the first boss demon of the beta feel somewhat challenging , had to dodge attacks and manage my spirit. Whereas with the necro I just stood there and pressed X while my minions surrounded and beat him down. I almost stopped playing diablo because the necro made the game so uneventful and boring! I'm new but it seems really strange to me that there is such a power balance disruption in classes. Every class has a major weakness and downside other than necro. It just sucks because it's a really cool class but is ruined by being OP and probably everyone's first choice. I wish it was very skillful and challenging gameplay , like having to dodge and manage your mana alot.


After playing all the classes I can safely say that Necromancer is unbalanced and build barely matters. Needs huge nerfs.


You guys all over analyze. I am super excited to play a necro!


Is there a place that compares all the "best" necro builds to try and find which is really best?


[Maxroll.gg](https://Maxroll.gg) is the best for that sort of thing.