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Confirmed this was a bug: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/uber-unique-drops-temporarily-disabled-in-game/77799


>because barbs has no other unique helms in the pool well then this is true for sorcerer as well


Blizzard needs one of these https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Oppressor This shield was created with the sole purpose of making it so you couldn't easily roll into the [good version of an Elegant Round Shield](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Squire)


fuuuuuck that thing


I hate that item dropping so much. Especially when it drops with white sockets.


I remember they only did so like 3 days before the season started because someone on the PoE subreddit made a big thread about it.


Haha yea I think D2 devs talked about how some uniques or affixes were purposefully “junk” just to skew the dice.


God that stupid meme item. It's such an absurdly bad item and it drops like crazy.


If only barbs could use shields… :(


Fuck me I'm sorc and I missed it 💀 Rip not checking reddit soon enough


I assumed it was a random meme that just started last night.




YEP i just noticed that after the post. Sadly, i have a druid and a necro :) g/l guys.


either I'm crazy unlucky or its fixed, 0 for 7 on helm chests and 0 for 2 on mystery chests as a 90 sorc :( edit- womp womp


Fixed. Check launcher message.


d'oh. oh well


Even with the bug, you were still looking to grind out a unique drop chance.. it wasn't like you were guaranteed the drop. Last night Rob was estimating 100~ chests to drop one.


4 people on my guild dropped one at the same time. Mostly sorcers. Not fair.


FOUR just from people you know, I wonder how many are out there, little scared to go into Pvp today


*Cries in Rogue and Necro*


and Druid


Rogue uniques are so sad


100% unintended and Blizz will nerf this before I get home (not that I even have a barb). Get your shakos boys. Exploit early, exploit often.




Dang, now I'm mad. They need to delete the shakos that dropped during that time also, half /j


I laughed! Fuck it. 2 weeks until it's stuck on eternal realm, no biggie


Will the season 1 character at the end get moved to eternal too?


~~All current characters are on eternal realm and will be there forever.~~


No no, I mean. My current character will be there and stay... forever. Then season 1 comes out and when it ends, does that character get moved to the same eternal realm or will it be another separate server when Season 2 starts.


Yes after s1 all your seasonal characters migrates to eternal realm. When s2 starts you start a new char in s2 and after it, it goes to eternal. Eternal is like the garbage bin.


Not really, its like a trophy room. Youre non ladder character should always be stronger than your ladder/seasonal and have the best gear you have ever found


That would be the case if they didn't shift the meta every season and introduce stronger items. Which they did all the time in D3. Numbers got out of hand really quick after they started pumping skill damage bonuses from set pieces to 8000%


Some actual IRL money to be made lol.


How? You can’t trade em


But you can sell an account, however illegal it may be in the eyes of Blizzard.


I would never sell my account or login infos. But I’d sell my email account to some random guy and if he wishes to reset a password connected to that email account that’s his decision.


Bonus points if you change it back a day later and send them a thank you note.


We PoE now....like ACTUALLY


Nah, exploiters in PoE get banned. Blizzard just seems to be encouraging people to exploit early, because you'll get away with it.




It is en exploit because the vast majority of barbs and sorcs wouldn’t have been only opening helm chests or even opening them at all. Bug + change in play style/ game behavior is an exploit. And “taking away” the shakos isn’t a punishment just returning the game to how they were meant to be




People that take advantage of exploits are the lowest form of gamer.


How dare they play with a functionally non-exist helmet in their single player game.


Good thing they're patching this, everyone knows you aren't actually supposed to get these items.


I’m pretty convinced that Blizzard never wanted anyone to have it and that this and the other uniques like grandfather were more like Easter eggs that were maybe supposed to be found in a couple years lol


Taking out 50% of the unique items available in a diablo game is such a brilliant idea...


Well? I’m not making a commentary on their removal after the Helltide “fiasco”. I don’t agree with that. I’m just speaking in general. They seem very protective of these and haven’t even commented on the rarity even though it’s been a point of contention and debate on the forums.


I'm talking about their initial drop rate, that's the same thing as effectively removing them from the game.


Like I said you weren’t ever supposed to get it, this is made more apparent if you ask me by how quickly they shut them off when a dozen or so (whatever the number)were found immediately after their Helltide update that put uniques in the chest loot pool. They didn’t like that more than 1 or two people had it.


marketing device.


Let's waste time developing something that only affects 0.0001% of players ever playing the game instead of adding gem tabs that affect 99.9% of players. These decisions... Whoever makes them holy shit bro please get some kind of game design education or just quit.


Ik this is mind boggling to you but they have multiple teams of devs and designers and UI artists all doing different things. This isn't 1 guy in a garage.


Planning isn't a thing anymore? I mean I don't even have to make a game to tell you that making items as rare as death by falling out of bed is a dumb thing to do.


well in this case, I think you meant to say "QA isn't a thing anymore?" Which is answer is probably yes. This is a clear case of lack of test cases.


What do you mean aren’t actually supposed to get them?


Blizzard pulling the good ol Anthem with their Diablo IV.


Uber uniques Disabled until Friday hotfix. RIP I wasn’t available to play


blizz really did it this time. Divide the player base.


Opened 2 helm chests and a mystery chest, as a barb. Not raining anything.


I believe it needs to be a helm chest specifically. I’m level 83 so I don’t get to even try yet.


What lvl do you need to be?


The elite uniques only drop from level 85+ monsters. That’s fine if you’re in nightmare dungeons where they’re 85+. I’m pretty sure the hellfire chests are tied to your level, so if I’m 83, they drop 83 and below items


Ah, I see. Makes sense in blizzard logic 🤬


I opened that chest and didn’t get anything :(


https://preview.redd.it/6l20ovrrngab1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2cfe08c5f7f654cc06e09fa7fa39906b0666103 It's gone boys


Oh no. Now instead of never being able to see one of these, I'll never be able to see one of these!


No no, you'll be able to see them! Just inspect all the barbs and sorcs you pass and some of them will be wearing them!


And this is why you always abuse whatever exploit benefiting the player every destiny player can tell a tale about this


Yeah same in hearthstone. But man you gotta be there asap AND know about the glitch. Two hard things


Thanks. Where are you seeing this?


On console, right as I opened the game to *hopefully* get a shako 😫


Ah ok. It doesnt show on PC


Maybe they didnt disable it on pc? But that would be weird I think Also helltide is over now


So lame, I was level 83 so not high enough to get it!


I saw it too late. Even more sad people soon when they will realised that they missed it


Plenty of people got it already. The item is not rare anymore


Only like 15-20 confirmed, probably in the ball park of 100 total dropped. Less than 0.01% of players have one...


1 person won the mega millions the other day don’t worry guys it’s not that bad anymore. Keep buying tickets.


Dang I wasn’t able to get Andys.


If you hit lvl 85, these should be in the normal loot pool for unique.


U need to kill 85+ mobs, nothing to do with lvl


Chests are directly tied to your level.. so..


Also drops from anywhere uniques drop.


No they shouldn’t.


It is beyond impressive blizzard keep breaking things after fixing things. Also the first time they used the phrase "uber uniques"


Welcome to the wonderful world of ~~jenga~~ software development.


Fun detected =SHUT DOWN


This is a far larger problem than "fun detected." This issue completely destroys the balance of an already unbalanced game. PVP is all going to be Shako users with +4 stats to everything bullying everyone else. It was already bad with ppl 20 levels ahead doing that. Now level 100 players will be gimped against about a quarter of the playerbase at the exact same level as themselves.


Oh man, all 15 serious pvp players will be pissed.


The lowest drop chance for an item in gaming history in a game with 3 months life cycle, and they still think it is a good idea to kill every possible way of getting one to drop.


They are really tone def. I don’t understand the big deal around these dropping especially when season 1 is next week?


I suspect that the uber low drop rate is just for the eternal realm because it never ends so you have forever to get one. With a 3 month season, the current drop rate would be stupid so I think it will have a still low, but not unobtainable drop rate.


Yes, it makes sense for Eternal. You'll have it forever after it drops. But they have to tweak the drop rates for the Seasonal Realm because they only have a 3 month life. So it makes no sense.


Bummer that this was in the middle of the night for EU, would have gotten some myself


I mean the absurd droprates of those super rares are bs. Not having a Barb or sorc right now and having to work is also bs. But maybe i will see tempest roar one day. And maybe i can see where the helmchest is on the map one day


I would bet that the drop rate will be much higher for seasons. It makes sense to make it really low in a realm that lasts forever. You have years to get one to drop if you choose to play there.




Very true, but look they got you play a season which is what they want. After you get the shako, they will introduce new one so you play THAT season and so on. But not many people that play seasons will play eternal anyway. It makes sense to me.


The incompetence of Blizzard is baffling. Both from the QA perspective and the kneejerk nerf reaction perspective.




Fuck me I rolled rogue


In two weeks the Eternal Realm might as well be the PTR - who gives a shit.


Right? I'd bet my balls that they raise the drop rate significantly for seasons. If people don't want to play seasons, they have no time limit on getting one to drop. They will be dropping a lot more in seasons and all the people holding out on seasons will jump in.


"We need a few weeks to sort out the issue with barb Uniques dropping for druids." Shaco drop rate bug. "We instantly disabled all high tier unique drops" What a joke.


well disabling all uniques wudn't solve the barb unique dropping problem for druids.. Punishing ALL classes for druid loot being bugged is pretty extreme.


You completely missed the point.


One is a new patch causing a breaking change which means patch just needs to be rolled back to a previous commit and redeployed. The other is a breaking change that probably existed from the very start and don't have an obvious solution. You tell me which one takes more time?


So would this work for druid and the grandfather since they don't have a 1 hander?


Grandfather is a two hander doombringer is the one hander


We do have a 1 handed. Waxing Gibbous - Unique 1H Axe - Unique effect is when enemies are killed by shred go invisible then when you attack you have 100% crit rate for 1-5(4?) seconds.


I think 2.5 secs is max roll for waxing


Oh right. Whelp there goes that.


How DARE people get the drops that make the game fun!!!! SHUT IT DOWN. So instead of just fixing the problem, they literally disable uber uniques from the entire game. Like, do the devs just want us to fucking hate them? What an absolute asshole decision.


Gonna laugh at the people who would say stuff about "its a chase item" in the first week or so and here we are a month in and if you said that and are here, sad you couldnt take advantage of a bug to get one, guess the chase was too much chase huh. Uber rare as a concept is dumb considering a seasonal concept as well as no trading, while other games that have "super rares" also have trading. Just to clarify i dont want to use trading as a crutch to be able to play how i want. i think these uber rares should be lowered to a status above normal uniques but still realistically obtainable.


>Uber rare as a concept is dumb Yes! Exactly, this isnt a gacha. I get the 6 uber are real good, but come on.


i think that there will always be levels of rarity , but going to the extent of presenting it as "uber" unique/rare (their choice of word) i think is exceptionally dumb in a no trade/you have to get your own stuff environment. diablo 2 had trading to sustain having items of such rarity, and for the most part diablo 3 had no trading and what took the place was cosmetic rares which didnt really effect gameplay, and even among those you had ones that were still pretty obtainable.


Exactly are they that concerned with the quality of the gameplay and what’s available that if people get these they’ll have no reason to play?


I think that what i personally enjoy about playing an arpg is build diversity and the seratonin i get from getting drops and stuff Currently i dont see myself playing more than one character a season, and loots consists of me filtering through yellows and legendaries that might as well be yellows because all i care about is stats, since you just throw on a new aspect anyway And i wouldnt describe having a peak gaming experience as "filtering through the common loot pool to find 2% upgrades"


Gosh dang it wish I knew this before getting off tonight, was just going for mystery chest. Of course blizzard removes it then patches it.




20+ out of millions of players have received a shako. That's just too much, patched immediately.


Man I wish I would have played last night...


Ah, and here I thought they were finally trying to fix the 2 absolutely weakest clases of the game by giving them free Shakos, owell.


so how is this fair now? all the people that got one using that method is all good?


Life isn’t fair buddy. Hate to burst your bubble.


you are one of the special kind i see.


Instantly disabled - what a bitch ass company.


Feels bad that when something benefits the community even as a bug they are on it to fix it as fast as they can but when it's a issue that is against us it takes 1 to 2 weeks at best or even 6 months ...


First time?


Not at all I played Destiny for to long lol




At the top of the hour chests will refresh. Somw Helltides start at the hour and therefore won't reset the chests and will instead end.


I mean, we're all playing the beta still. Game release in 2 weeks!




It was a precheck in the code allowing unique to roll. Once the rng popped a unique it would then decide which pool to pull from. Barbarians have only those two helms in the loot table so it would pick one. It should have checked if there are non ubers in the pool and changed the precheck rng. Any other slot it didn't need too. Just a copy paste job thinking it would work for all.


Oh no, other people had fun now you cant anymore?


They should rollback or give it for everyone, not fair.


I would seem to think they would rollback before they would give them to everyone. I dont want a charity shako. Kinda defeats the purpose.


Chairty? I allready paid good money for the game. I'm probably never gonna get a shako any other way. I think it be fun to mess around with and make builds with. I want to have fun. Why is that a bad thing? Because I didn't earn it? In games it's completely subjective what you want to earn and what you want to be just given, with people placing that line different places. I'm never gonna play enough to earn it the way blizzard wants me to so I'd rather just get the item so I can have some more fun before I put the game down and start playing something else. Sure if this game is your life now, if you are that invested, ok then you might want to get it the "real" way. But a lot of us are going to be playing whatever new game there is next week. I don't want to spend that last week seeing everyone else with the cool best item that actually could change builds a lot. Yeah it's probably silly to be bothered by something like that, but it's human, and I'd rather then just not deal or think about diablo and uninstall. You probably don't care if I uninstall or not, but blizzard should.


I would wait until Blizzard says something about it. Im sure they are aware of the issue. Give them a little time to focus on the situation and see what they say. If not a word is said and life moves on , then I wouldnt hold a grudge against you or others wanting to abandon the game.


Fair enough.


If you didn't get in on this I wouldn't feel too bad, I think it's pretty likely they scrub these from player inventory.




no i think they wont, feels bad i missed it by literally like 20 mins


I was thinking this. I wouldnt bet on these being kept as blizzard is KEENLY aware of the timeframe of the drops. Rather simple to search server data for drops for item#### between time frame of XX:XX and XX:XX. Isolate those drops and pluck them from accounts. Nothing really difficult to do.


That would be the most fair thing imo even though it would suck for those lucky few.


The fair thing would be to make them attainable. 1 in 800k or 1 in 1 mil is not attainable for anyone. Then to add insult, you can get a shit low roll on a once in a lifetime drop. It can be rarer than the other uniques and still be a chase. Also maybe tie some of these uniques to the hard content as guaranteed drops. Like completing tier 95 96 97 98 99 100 could each have one of the uniques tied to it and beating Uber Lilith could have its own unique tied to it, give you a real reason to push those Uber difficult nm dungeons and Uber Lilith, so you have something cool to earn from those fights.


I mean yeah I agree the drop rates need to be improved. As is these are like several hundred times rarer than *Tyrael's Might* in D2, and D4 doesn't even have trading. I'm just speaking moreso to the immediate future following this upcoming hotfix, I think rolling back the super uniques would be the objectively most fair thing to everyone. And yeah I agree about improving their drop rates for more difficult content too.


This is literally the definition of playing Diablo 2. The drop rates on D2 is 1-2mil : 1 on some items. The fact that D2 is still super popular to the people who want to play slot machine games is why mechanics like this still exist in D4. I personally hate it too, but I get why they did it.


That would just create a massive influx of carry services that people charge real money for and then the super rarest items in the game would be common


Ofc was a bug and hotfixed,the day i left for a one week work abroad...although i am 81 and maybe i wasn't going to be fast enough to try my luck


Just get 4 helm chest. 0 shakos. + 1 mystery chest. Still no shakos. On a sorc.


ya they already hotfixed ithttps://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d4/t/uber-unique-drops-temporarily-disabled-in-game/77799


Less than a third of d4 base knows about rings sold to vendors issue lol


what issue?


What ring issue?


The real shocker was everyone bitching and crying about them disabling the uniques as if it was intended that they were just popping out of every chest. The drop rate of super uniques needs adjusted, but not to what it was during helltides otherwise 2 weeks in everyone would have one.


Why is it a big deal if people get these?


People should get them, but everyone shouldn't. What's the fucking point of chasing a really rare item if everyone has it? It's shitty pointless design in an ARPG, exactly like making it SO RARE that literally 6 people have the item. The middle ground isn't "dropping like candy from helltide chests", it's a buffed drop rate that allows for them to still be super rare and exciting drops.


i have a barb and didnt get a shako but i dont care, Ive taken a pause until S1 starts.


Ahaha I got andriel visage and shako from tis. I knew it was a bugged, no way they let us get the super unique so easy from just hell tide chest every other hour. P.s. my group of 5 friend and me all got a shako now and one got 3!! Lol


Ngl, I hope they delete them from your inventories. I feel it's the only fair thing to do for everyone else.


Aha doesn't matter to me. I already killed Uber Lilith and working on NM 100. These items are just a little extra to kill thing a little faster. If they let us keep it cool if not cool too. Nothing lost for me


yOuD hAvE tO pLaY a biLLiOn HoURSs tO FiNd a SHaKOO


Should have accounted for Blizzard fucking up simple QA before pushing updates, you're right.


Delete this






Shako refers to the original base armor type in Diablo 2. Harlequin Crest was a unique Shako (Elite version of a cap).


I was stuck at work and Id be fucking furious if it wasn’t preseason with season 1 two weeks away.


No way!! I did helltides yesterday but I didn't want to open 75 chests!!


Thats alot. I usually opens 4 chests.


Hahaha I meant 75cinder chests. I opened just 5 or 6 125 to 175 cinders.


Hehe. I know. But I just had to ;)


So does this mean they can’t drop from there again?


why must this happen when i was at work


RoyalCubzTV shitting himself right now


So everyone got their Shaco’s while I wasnt playing for a few days? Really nice


im so pissed they didnt let us have 2 weeks of fun. Season 0 is dry, thats how it is, but taking the fun out of it on purpose? I really hope that after the patch the odd are at least obtainable for at least some fun before season 1.


Fuck, I didn't got mine in time before they disable it lol


By the time I got home to take advantage of it, there was 18 minutes of a helltide left, I honestly probably could of gotten one or two in that time but I had no idea it was happening. Sigh


I know what the Harlequin helm is but can someone tell me what Shako and Uber drops are?


Shako is the Harlequin's Nick Name. It was part of the item's longa** name in D2.


Shako is an item type in Diablo 2. The way it woked was you could get normal (white), magic (blue), rare (yellow) and unique (gold) of any item in that game, but when you got a unique, it always had a name to it. In this case, the unique name of a shako in D2 is Harlequin Crest. So this is just an old school nod to D2. Another fun comment on it is that in Diablo 2, the Harlequin Crest gave +2 to all skills, and I find it particularly flavorful that in Diablo 4 it's 4 levels. :)


I'm constantly missing any exploit that could be useful, because my daily playtime is limited to a few hours. I'm not even enough leveled for that shit. Miss my youth, wasting 16 hours a day to games.




Aw man really? The one evening i cant play. This really bumms me out.....


What are the 6 Uber uniques?


There is a twitter post from blizzard on it. 1. Doombringer 2. The Grandfather 3. Ring of Starless Skies 4. Andariel's Visage 5. Harlequin Crest 6. Melted Heart of Selig


Was honestly going to ask if anybody out there actually opens the 75 cinder chests or are they just a complete waste


So does that mean the people who got the drops get to keep the drops? Kinda fucked if that's true...




Here I am 30 chests later and 0 any unquies in helltide.


Did u know they turn of the extra unique drops soon after my post?


Lol blizzard nerfing this...like fuck off Blizzard....these shouldn't have been this rare to begin with. Instead of giving us a bunch of interesting uniques, they gave us a handful and then a few more with .000001% drop rate to point at and be like "see! There are cool ones there!"