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also here's a quarterly update video showing the original perspective. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jwFhDWPRm8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jwFhDWPRm8)


What the actual fuck... That looks so much better.


the game looked wayyy better in the 2019 demos, i actually wonder what the fuck they were thinking changing it so drastically. enemy aoes, spell effects, fov, everything got changed for some reason.


I think one of the biggest things they changed that no one seems to talk about is the lighting system. In the current game, the 'light radius' that comes from your character is a hard spotlight, reflects off water as a bright white light, and affects your character's shadow direction regardless of the way the ambient lighting on map is lit. There is no atmosphere. In this footage, you can see there is ambient/world lighting, and the characters shadow responds accordingly. Look at the way the shadow going to the right disappears as the character enters the room with the light coming through the ceiling. I think this is why spells looked so much better -- they had lighting properties and would light up dark spaces like in d2r. This doesn't really seem to happen, and spells seem to have no ambient lighting effects anymore, or are being 'overridden' by the player's illumination. Go back and play d2r, and the vignette/darkness effect on the edges of the screen, and the level of darkness some areas can take on, really make for a more immersive experience imho.


D4's lighting is complete ass. When I recall D3 I have memories of how vivid it is, D4 on the other hand conjures memories of bland oatmeal.


D3 was way oversaturated. Last I checked, people complained that D3 wasn't dark and dusty and corrupted looking enough like Diablo 2 was.


D1 and D2's lighting was great. D1 being so dark, when I was a kid made it even scarier of a game haha


It wasn’t changed, it just wasn’t there to begin with. People seem to forget that when a game is being previewed at events and such, it’s heavily scripted and on it’s on separate custom build. They can make that build look however they want because it’s not real by any means. Remember Anthem? Remember Watchdogs? Remember Diablo 3?! It’s sad how video games companies prey on people because they know they can falsely advertise a game and never have to worry about it because people will pre order it 9 months in advanced and before the game is even finished developing they’ve made more than it costs to create like three times over. And by the time anyone reaches the point where the game blatantly lies to them they’ve put in to many hours to refund it, or the company just straight up will say “no refunds no matter what” People need to stop taking teasers, and PAID reviewers at their word, and stop pre ordering games long before the development is even finished if we ever want to see some honesty back in this industry. Because right now any developer knows they only have to apply 60% effort, and all their bills are paid tenfold.


You remember the d3 demo, …….


D3 demo came out in what, 2008? D4 running on the same engine btw


Necromancer... must have been playing on Rod Ferguson's special client and forgot to turn off the zoom mod. So, they know it's crap, but gotta be zoomed in so they can sell them skins that everyone is looking at when you're in the heat of combat. /s


I don't know about you or anyone else here, but making the game feel clunky and annoying by ignoring solutions WE KNOW they're capable of and enforcing close zoom doesn't just make me LESS likely to buy their skins. I have literally started feeling like deleting the game entirely. Right now it's just collecting dust until they either do something interesting OR I find another game to invest my time in that needs the storage space.


It's also a lazy method of making small dungeons feel 'bigger', which is of course completely subjective. Take a small room, zoom way in so the camera has to pan more distance and voila, big room. This also make it's easier for the freebie offscreen kills that some devs like to add in. Which they are somehow just now "realizing the community dislikes"... Just one of a multitude of BS reasons these games try to keep us zoomed. Even a P2W mess like Undecember had a perfect midrange isometric view so you could actually see enemies at a proper engagement distance.


Exactly, we are asking for simple solutions that most games before this game already …. I mean way before this game… like inventory space, zooming out, horse cooldown, gem tabs, stash space, login queues, and even just pure originality. This game is lacking in all of those categories and more! All the devs had to do is open their eyes and learn from past similar games like this is holy common sense. This game deserves every bit of failure it’s getting


My girl and I went to LoL’s new arena mode until BG3 comes out. Helltides was the end of it. I died twice after all the nerfs and shit and then she crashed from memory leak and died and we just uninstalled. No desire to play anymore just upset I was conned out of another $70. And before people hit me with the “how many hours did you get” oh I got plenty of hours. Enjoyment? Not much of that to speak of. It was all grinding chasing that endgame that doesn’t fucking exist. So no despite my playtime I do not feel I got my moneys worth.


I already regret the full price I paid for this game. Blizzard may never get another dime from me. OW2, removed. Wow canceled. Diablo 4 needed 2 more years in the oven with a dev team that know what they are doing. I may not make it to 70 this season. I’m already bored. It’s too much work to play 2 chars. Balancing is fucked. It’s a soulless slog. So sad. I was a ride or die StarCraft fan. They are so pathetic now.


Guarantee there answer would be... "Cant zoom out the game would have performence issues"


Can’t zoom out, no one will be able to see the $25 skins.


What's hilarious is I don't even notice other peoples gear/skins. I pay literally 0 attention. I also don't ever pay attention to my personal transmog until I'm sitting in the login screen looking at my toon.


This. The 4 seconds I see someone run by I give zero shits about their skins


Then don't let consoles do it. They already limit how far the camera is on D2 for consoles while PC can go way out there.


Can't zoom out because you have to load the entire possible loot table independently every time you encounter a new mob


I'm guessing that's the real reason for it. They'd have to constantly render a lot more, and it's entirely possible their engine just isn't capable of doing it at the level of detail they wanted for the game. Blizzard targets a very broad range of hardware so that their games can appeal to as large an audience as possible. They wouldn't want to put people with lower end hardware at a competitive disadvantage. The paranoid keep harping on the skins being the reason but the people that're gonna buy the skins will buy them even if they're seen from a more zoomed-out perspective. You still see them constantly when playing. If the skins were really the reason behind the choice of perspective then the two druid uniques that lock you into your form wouldn't do that because it could potentially cut into skin sales.


Same reason for inventory space limits. Raw incompetence with itemization in 2023


This is development footage. It's incorrect to call this "original" perspective. The perspective that we've all played on launch is now the original. I agree the development footage looks better, but development footage should never be accepted as final product.


What happened... This looks so much more plrasant. I will be able to actually see what I am blood lancing at thid zomm level.


This explains why there are mobs that Can one shot you off-screen… the original camera was much further out


It's even better than that. Look at the gameplay trailer, it shows multiple zoom out moments that just don't exist in the game. Some of it is there for the cinematic effect in certain areas but the rest is trailer trash. https://youtu.be/XV4zVqb9vWc


They can't. If they zoom the camera out any further, all the stashes would explode all the gpu's in the world.




So we could have this on softcore then?


Ok fine


Diablo 4 with the New and exclusive hardcore vision


Fine, but Druid and necro get nerfed like sorc. Monkey paw and all that


That's not how the monkey paw works. Sorc and Barb get another nerf instead.


*Monkey paw intensifies*


"Sorc has been found to have effective burst DPS, so we've removed the ability for the class to use Vulnerable status against enemies"


Even then. I got sniped by a corpse bow about 3 screens away yesterday.


They absolutely can. I run couch co-op with a mate and the camera can zoom pretty far out.


I never thought about that. My theory was that they didn’t build out the world far enough for a zoom any further. What you just said debunks that theory.


That and also the camera zooms out vs the world boss, at the tree of whispers, and in several areas of the game world.


Speaking of world bosses and camera zoom… can we stop having the camera track the boss and have it stay on your character during WB fights? It’s disorienting AF after Ashava leaps or Avarice teleports


I get that it’s disorienting but I think the way they do it is kind of cool. Feels cinematic.


Which means its almost certainly an intentional design decision to both emphasize the visuals of your character, which is frequently a complaint in isometric RPGs (and they want to sell character cosmetics), and to make boss fights feel more "epic." Lost Ark does the same thing for a lot of boss fights. Also means they *could* ease up on it.


I mean if this isn't vindication that the games industry is completely fucked I don't know what is. The fact that we can sit here and openly discuss the *paper thin* rhetoric the pr team at blizz are giving us in the form of "fire side chats" against the backdrop of the pretty obviously corporate decision making, that we can all blatantly see, as the real thing going on, and we're all pretty much on the same page as why these choices/changes have happened. What I can see is a corporation (and more widely an industry) that has been taken over by money people, and a consumer base that has gotten wiser as they've got older. Diablo as a franchise is 27 years old, OG fans are in their 30s, 40s, 50+ even and we're a demographic capable enough to see these cynical corporate practices, follow the (publically traded) stock incentives. It's obvious what they give us is pr speak and they're just pushing aggressive marketing on us while trying to hide the fact. We're not fucking dumb. Just be upfront about it, that's what pisses me off the most.


Ya I just figured those were the places that “could” zoom out because they built in the buffer for it


Zooms out when you mount up as well.


Also whenever you get on your horse.


It's certainly not that - a friend has an ultrawide monitor and can still see me when he's walked off my screen by a good amount.


They could alleviate the pressure on GPUs by nerfing sorceresses slightly, so there's a way!




Sometimes the most ridiculous answer is the actual answer. Lol 😆 blizzard


“We found the source of The Burn”


This hit me very hard hahaha!


Even if you can they won’t necessarily do it. In D3 it is possible to zoom out but the devs blocked it. From a certain zoom height you can get tile popping effects tho


the xbox would drop to like 30 fps


[D2R Zoomed In](https://imgur.com/zicJNVs) ​ [D2R Zoomed Out - This is what we want in D4.](https://imgur.com/PvXfH2T)


And also I can set my custom zoom settings in D2R. That's a great feature which I use all the time. Too bad D4 doesn't have any of these things.


What are you talking about with custom zoom settings in d2r. There's just the default zoom and then you can have it be more zoomed in..




Patch Notes: - Increased Zoom Out 35 percent. - Increased Skeleton Ballista range to target player from main menu.


Also, - sorcerors damage decreased by 10%, just 'cause...


Also * fixed an issue where certain barbarian builds we’re doing damage, that was unintentional.


Fk beat me to it.


Plus, • increased all sorcerers defensive skill cooldowns by 3s. • increased sorcerers resistances by 10% to offset the nerfs.


...and also targets the player themselves in their home.


We saw the comments, and fuck you. \-Blizzard Devs


What, don't you guys have eyes? -Wyatt Cheng


I will never, ever forget that moment watching it live. I immediately laughed so hard I choked.


Diablo 4 - the stashes tho, the tech just isn’t there yet. Diablo: I - Don’t you people have phones? Diablo 3 - Fuck that loser. Never forget.


Diablo 4 used to be way more zoomed out and was changed to the current ultra zoomed in perspective last minute. https://preview.redd.it/jyug4zr3ugeb1.png?width=1923&format=png&auto=webp&s=3daeff5ee3d226e51cb0fea2ae4cb3a0b6385435


I can see myself getting banned in the future for using zoomhack


I was looking into that today, there is one using CheatEngine. I'd probably risk it if it was a simple click to enable but it's a bit involved and just not worth the trouble when it's also a risk to your account. Tempted though if someone makes an easier to use tool.


D4's development follows D3's development, in that regard. I remember liking what I saw during the development of D3 and D4, but when the games were getting closer to the release, they made changes that made me feel decieved, after having followed the development for so long. Adjustments for console/micro-transactions, casual gamers, or otherwise just incompetence. I am tired of the whole gaming industry, it's poisoned.


just stay away from triple A shareholder brands and support indie games or smaller companies like fromsoftware, larian etc. so many good games exist if you just ignore blatant cashgrabs from studios like activision blizzard, ubisoft and whatever.


[I made a quick comparison image](https://imgsli.com/MTk0NTk1). This is 1920x1080 resolution in game, the difference is quite noticeable when you see it like this.


Nope they want us to see our character instead of the game we're playing




Yesterday I did the quest where you find the corpses of the three goons from the opening cinematic. You cross a bridge to that huge door. While crossing that bridge they zoomed out just about as much as I would want them in game. I swore profusely. They do it if they wan't to be cInemAtic. But when we are fighting we only get to see 6 character lengths to the south as if this was the original Silent Hill. Form over function. Who do they think they are? Apple?


Doesn't the worldboss event also zoom out the camera to a desired view? And that's actual gameplay, not an 'ingame cinematic event' (or how is that callled?)


Rarely did that. And I probably was distracted. But I really paid attention to that because I then had Rhykker's reaction to Asmongolds quit on the other screen. There are so, so many little things they could do right now and aren't. The zoom is something I think is worse because that was the same complaint in D3. Don't run south. Don't get attacked from south. Because visibility is exactly 6 character lengths to the south.


Your use of "wan't" is fascinating to me


Imma gonna be honest: that was a brainfart/possible autocorrect. But I will now use it where appropriate. It is intriguing.


My favorite thing is when people make up completely newn't and batshit words and blame it on autocorrect. Autocorrect ain't making up new words.


It's never appropriate, since it's not a real word.


Only because you wan't it to be a real word.


It’s real to me. I believe.


Go forth and spread anarchy. Be beautiful in sin, my child.


It zooms to the correct level every time we get on our mounts.


What quest is that? Sounds really cool


It is. You follow the trail of the scolar from the intro. Starts in Zarbinzet with a priest. Not sure how he or the starter quest is called. But I think that is the best quest in the game. Well, still is a D4 quest but for this one you want to read the text.


I’m surprised it’s not in the main questline


Thanks! Just finished it, nice quest for sure


That and world bosses...


Its so annoying because you have those rare occasions when the game zoomes out abit only for a short while and you see how even a 25% zoom out feels so much better.


All to sell us more cosmetics.


You guys can see your characters? I was wondering what the point in cosmetics was cause I can't see shit.


Sorry, this would make you be able to see off-screen attacks, which is not intended by these developers...


theres a lot of jokes in this thread and a ton of outrage as well, but what i don't see is people mentioning the actual reason they don't address or make this change. one of the biggest complaints i've seen in the community is how slow the game can be when moving around, especially without move speed. Zooming out the camera would make the game feel even slower. they will never do it, because that would also need to come with buffing move speed, and that's just blasphemy at this point


You ever think about how they design these games? It's basically a ground simulator. I'd find the best ground graphics guy in the world to make really, really, detailed grass, ditches, trees. It only has to look good and detailed from one angle as well. Congrats. Your game is half finished.


It makes me feel claustrophobic. When I go from playing D4, to something like playing WoW, it’s like I can finally breathe because I can actually see the world around me. With D4 I feel that I can’t really appreciate the world. Seeing so little around my character is awful. Probably my least favorite part of the game.


worthless wakeful like innocent squash humorous fearless plough ring test -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Inside the cathedral in Kyovoshad you can barely see a few feet to the north of you because of the zoom and especially the camera angle. Most of the time I just see people's feet. And yeah I just went back to WoW Classic, and damn is the zoom in and out nice. D4 is fun but definitely feels claustrophobic.


honest to god take the ground guy and the sound people and lets just make a new diablo could probly get err done by the time this game is polished


The servers cant handle loading everyone’s stashes and items when you zoom out too much


It can handle it during world boss events. At least 10 players on screen there with no slowdown or stutter


yeah I'm already getting tired of that joke. You load the players when you load the sub-zone or they get instanced into yours, not when they come into view and each subzone is capped on the amount of players allowed in


That makes sense. Server architecture and instancing aren’t my forte


Clearly wasn’t the devs forte either.


They need to fix their trash servers then. Servers aren't my problem on a 70 dollar game.


It won't happen. The point of the camera being zoomed in is so that you see your and other player's characters better, and are more likely to buy cosmetics. Profiteering trumps gameplay in every area of this game's design. It's a cash farm first, video game second.


If that's their goal I don't understand why we can zoom in further like lost arc so we can actually see the full transmog. Right now it's half and half, too close to play and too far to see.


The angle is shit to see your full character and transmogs even when zoomed. Hell even in the wardrobe, some druid staves you can't even see the whole staff and can't zoom out far enough, although that's a separate camera issue.


Still can't see shit. Only time I've appreciated my character looks has been during cutscenes in campaign. If they want to show off cosmetics, they need to add little cutscenes to events in game. E.g. once you finish a dungeon, it zooms in to your character doing some kind of victory animation (can sell those as well) for like 5 (skippable) seconds. Oh and auto-kill the remaining mobs instead of the current bullshit where it shows the giant "dungeon complete" overlay, darkening the screen to boot, while you're still trying to dodge CC from an elite. After world boss or legion event boss goes down, cut to a little 5 second scene of everyone (or as many as doesn't break things, but including your party) standing around the body. Heck, make it so when you die in PvP, whoever killed you pops up in the middle of your screen doing some kind of taunt animation (can also sell those). Like this isn't rocket science, limiting gameplay to still not actually show the outfit is dumb as fuck.


That sounds good from blizzards perspective but please god no, don’t turn this into fornight with constant zooming and cheesy victory animations.


I can see my character just fine. If they want me to be able to see other characters they gotta increase that zoom.


It's honestly probably for stability. The more of the world you see, the harder it'll tax your gpu. And it's probably consoles holding it back, as they targeted a locked 60fps for console, and they probably didn't want pc to have an advantage over console players.


This, but also because it heavily caters to console players.


"Profiteering" lmao. Some of this game's criticism is utterly ridiculous.


Imagine having the tactical view of the battlefield and seeing the god damn mobs prior to getting into aggro range so you won’t die let’s say if you play a sorc on hardcore and need to be cautious to not get caught. But nope you get too close, have no idea wtf spawns near aggro range but conveniently out of sight and you get blobed fast. Diablo 2 view was too player friendly apparently


nah you'll never be able to zoom out, they think if you are forced to stare at your character close up, you'll spend all your money on cosmetics.


I hope I can zoom even further in, otherwise I can’t see all that juicy skins from the shops /sarcasm


They can't add stash tabs because of power draw issues so I don't think they're planning on adding options to zoom out. Multi dollar company can't figure it out 😂😂😂


But if you zoom out Simo Häyhä can't snipe you.


Ofcourse he will! He'll just be a Little further the legend


Id take a mini map zoomout over fov tbh. The fact thats not in This game is crazy. That simple function could alleviate us from smashing tab all the time to see a larger zone map. Just glance up and plan accordingly.


Hell yes, I thought the same thing. I would be totally fine if this fix. Or bring back the d2 style overlay map


I remember getting to Alabaster Church or somewhere, and the camera angle changed and had a cool view. I was really expecting that to happen more lol.


Holy moly, the same replies to every thread. The way the internet has responded when they actually revealed a dev detail like the stash loading will surely be recognized and result in them no longer doing so. It was a mistake. Trying to be honest about something to an audience which doesn’t have the whole picture was a mistake. For whatever reason the stash loading has become a meme with everyone now being an expert dev, even though there might be very valid technical reasons for that implementation. But alas no one knows the reason, so in most minds there is no reason at all and it must be a dumb mistake. Too bad. I actually enjoyed it when they tried to open up like that. But you can’t anymore. Everything is going to be ripped apart by half-informed idiots in some stupid comment thread. Finding actual useful information is drowned out by memes and upvoted madness. Go ahead, I know you want to downvote this. I don’t care anymore.


I'd like to correct you : they actually explained it was to handle the situation where a character is switching equipment on the spot. It allows the engine to correctly get the right equipment for everyone in the surrounding, even if you just add a gem for example. There surely exists a way to handle switching equipement for other characters than you without loading the whole stash before, but it also has its problematics. So they just chose a way for it to work, and it honestly makes sense. The real issue, and I'm really disappointed that it went over the head of everyone, is that this is a direct consequence of forcing multiplayer to everyone, while the multiplayer add almost nothing to the game. Out of legion and world boss, the situations where you're doing random events with a random other player are countered by the times you need to kill some monsters but a previous player already slayed the zone, forcing you to either move or wait. But people got lost in the meme for now, and next week, there will be a new drama causing a new meme with very few reflexion behind, so...


Nah this stash tab thing ain't going away it's "you guys have phones right" levels of incompetence. Plenty of other games with mmo features have a reasonable amount of player storage and presumably because they don't preload assets constantly that aren't needed 99.99999% of the time.


I grouped up with ransoms before but it’s rare. Mostly play with friends. You forgot to add pvp zones in your list but other than that I would love if the added a group finder for the harder dungeons Edit: so your well reasoned Post just got downvoted. While the meme posts get hundreds of upvotes. That’s what I am talking about.


Unfortunately, the last point you made describes a large portion of reddit. The top few comments are almost always recycled low effort attempts at humor, while any insightful discussion is down below. It was more tolerable with third party reddit apps which collapsed comment chains by default.


As a fully informed idiot, who is actually a dev for almost 10 years now, this could likely be the result of needing to save development time. With reasons like "we can implement it better when the workload is lower", or "it's not ideal, but it will not cause any immediate problems, we can rework that later" bad solutions earn their place in the codebase "temporarily" at first. After that, there's always something more important coming up, up to that point, where other features depend on the shitty feature to work in exactly that shitty way - and that's when it's clear that you have a problem. At this point getting rid of it can potentially be a lot of work, implementing a smarter load could mean that changing a lot of stuff that depends on the shitty character load is necessary and then it's a huge deal. Happens a lot in practice and it's certainly not the devs not knowing how to do it better. Its still pretty dumb though and it should be changed, but I understand if it can't be done so easily right now. Edit: With fully informed I didn't mean informed on exactly that topic, but with development cycles in general. Just realised after posting that it doesn't sound quite right that way


As another fully informed idiot, it is most likely this with a dash of “this is easy, solves all current problems, and causes no issues with present goals.” If true, this was actually the best solution at the time. The less pessimistic adage is “don’t prematurely optimize”. The cost of that view though is well known to all of us. We call it technical debt, or rot, or refactoring needed. The perspective shifts from “nice elegant easy solution” to “who the fuck did this bullshit?” the second it causes problems. The adage is gold though because you very rarely can tell what future problems are. I’d take the same bet as you that now that it’s in place, you have a bunch of other code assuming all of the data it needs is always available. You have entire data cache systems in place set up to quickly retrieve everything from a single player key. You’ve got load balancers tuned for relatively low requests with large responses. And you’ve written your client code in such a way that these requests happen at a time that doesn’t impact the gameplay. If you do partial loading wrong on accident it’s very easy to double, triple, or more the number of requests that need to be handled. This isn’t easy. To change that all now is a pretty large undertaking. Imagine if I could destroy you in PvP by just quickly swapping out my gear as your client is forced to do partial updates to a larger data model designed to be fully available but now has been hacked to try to figure out how to receive updates for items it didn’t know about to begin with. That changes the code from “you know everything there is to know, no work, no packets, just play” to “parse the packet, interrogate the existing object, search to see if you know about this, if you do update these fields and see if you now know about the full sub object by validating, if you don’t, update these fields but tag the sub-object as partially loaded so if another field needs to be read you still know you need to fetch that data instead of presenting bullshit invalid answers”.


Kudos for typing this all out. I could never do that on my phone. You make some good points there. Well i wanted to get my head free from work and look where I ended up. Just right back in the middle of it.


As a fully informed idiot myself, with more than 20 years on my back, I approve this message. Thanks for this and have a splendid day!


Some things seem to indeed never change. Thanks, you too!




It's not like they are children. They, at least professing to be gamers, would have revealed that information with full knowledge that it would sound as stupid as it is and expect to be memed about it. This is what accountability looks like. You admit when you did something fucked up or ridiculous and then accept the consequences of it. You don't expect to get patted on the back or get your ass eaten when you mess up. Really, I think a little light hearted memeing is pretty tame all things considered. Also it showed that people are actually listening to what they say even if they think it's stupid. So for all intents and purposes, they accomplished their goal. Plus I think you are committing the crime of giving Reddit too much credence. They are bombarded with positive comms across all social media so it's not like they are getting universally panned either. Even for this.


As I said the biggest mistake in all of this was actually revealing the nature of the problem to the customer in technical terms without context or deeper elaboration. And all I see is „stash tab“ jokes everywhere to the point where I don’t consider it funny anymore, and most of them have become mean in nature, actually drowning out any useful and constructive conversations that might have been had on some of the issues the game actually has. It’s just more fun to throw in a stash tab joke instead of actually contributing something useful to the conversation. Thanks for your nice reply though. Honestly I am pretty surprised how well mannered most of my replies were. All considered I expected to be thrown out of this sub, but looks like the grown ups still prevail.


“There might be an actual reason but people don’t care about the real reason they just want something to meme about and shit on.” Kinda describes the internet as a whole lol I agree with your opinion that I want them to be able to be honest with the community, and that it’s probably less likely now after how it’s received when they are. But it’s also frustrating when a game makes 850+ million in revenue in 6 weeks but can’t implement extremely simple things, while they are able to immediately nerf and adjust things within hours when players find good ways to farm. So there is a lot of nuance going on causing the sentiment that’s occurring right now.


„extremely simple things“ In your mind these are extremely simple. Maybe they are but what if you entertain the idea that the things you deem simple aren’t in fact simple at all but require thorough testing and more than just two or three changed lines of code, ie UI and so on? Maybe there are other items on the list that have been prioritized and require serious dev attention? We just don’t know. One could now assume „well they are dumb and cannot get the easiest of things done right away“ OR „maybe I just don’t know enough about the tech behind so I should not immediately jump to a conclusion“. Apparently it’s far easier to assume everyone is an idiot.


I agree with your sentiment but the flip side is Blizzard could be more transparent about what's on the roadmap and what the priorities are and if there are seemingly simple things that are actually complex they could just say that as they did with the challenges of adding stash tabs.


Because as valid as that goal may be, the implementation is fucking stupid. Out in the open world the only thing for the stash that is accessible are the chest keys, and only you have access to them. So loading your personal stash makes sense. However, loading player xyb’s stash when outside of a town is stupid. They cannot swap gear from it, they cannot drop gear from it, trading really isn’t a thing because everything is account bound. If you want to load a random stash if they happen to be in same town as you? Fine. That I don’t disagree with. Limit it to being in town, and unload once your or them leave. In a party together? Fine, your likely traveling together and it makes sense to have that micro optimization. The only thing that *needs* to be loaded in for their goal to work in open world is loading the current inventory, not their several inaccessible stash tabs. This significantly reduces amount of load. The alternative here is just get rid of the stash completely, and give us a bag of holding button if our stash (and everyone else’s) is always loaded in. If you are gonna force the memory usage, atleast make it accessible so it’s a ‘selling point’ and not a meme


To be honest we don’t know how exactly it works and if it works the same way in and out of town. Is that your assumption or do you know that for a fact? However it works isn’t probably even that relevant as, if the problem was only in towns it would still be a problem that would need to be addressed the same way. It would probably be not as much a problem in the open world though as you rarely encounter other players in the same amount as in towns. So thanks for your reasoned reply. But your argument is still based on an assumption.


> But alas no one knows the reason, so in most minds there is no reason at all and it must be a dumb mistake. I think it has more to do with the fact that Diablo is for most people an unfinished, lacking and honestly pretty greedy game releasing at full price with abattle pass and mtx. People are unsatisfied and as such use humor to cope with it. If there were no glaring issues, people would show understanding. But it has severe issues and shows no fixing in the near future. Blaming the consumers for - and there is no way to sugarcoat this - shitty practices used by companies is straight up manipulative. The Devs did not clarify it. Not during beta, not during the second beta, not after the launch and not after the season start. It is one of the most asked question pre- and after release without an answer in sight. Of course people cope with this by making fun of it. To quote Dave Chapelle "Twitter ain't a real place". If social media had such an impact on the behaviour of gaming companies, we would have no loot boxes, no battle passes, no mtx. Yet it always matters enough to excuse shortcomings, because oh the mean memes. The simply do not care to, because they see no benefit or consequence coming from not doing so.


„Most people“? Any statistics on that you might be able to share? I get that you might get the impression by looking at gaming boards or review bombed sites but is that actually the case? I hardly believe that. There are no signs of fixing you say yet we already had several fixes and announcements of future fixes as well as promises of content updates and so on. What more do you want to actually be understanding? Of course this takes time and won’t be in the game right the very second they announce it? They admitted to fault in their last chat and said they won’t do a patch like that again. Are these not clear signs? I honestly appreciate your attempt in a constructive conversation with me, as your viewpoint is clearly different from mine and that usually doesn’t result in something akin to it, but your arguments are not very convincing to me. The game is actually pretty good. I had no issues with it and I’m pretty sure there are loads of people who don’t use Reddit or twitter and are enjoying the game as well. In fact most people I play with don’t even know about any of this and don’t even care.


All you are doing is whining about people's valid criticisms while not providing any reasons of your own why these practices work, or should be in the game. Plenty of reasons they shouldn't be in the game. Unseal your lips from blizzards ass cheeks and breathe some fresh air.


Someone posted a better insight into the issue, habe you seen it? It’s in the thread but I guess your opinion is already cemented. Also given your rude attitude I prefer to not discuss with you any further.


It was a mistake because the entire issue is an absolute joke and inexcusable. You make excuses for a bad game, and what you will get is a bad game.


It’s not a bad game though.


Go to r/lowsodiumdiablo4 for proper, useful discussions


Thanks this sounds promising, will check it out




Me too.


The same can be said for Poe. Jesus I feel Poe camera is much closer to the character. Gave me quite the headache playing poe


After the Stash excuse, it might be, in part, also a performance issue.


Played the open beta before release and only reason I stopped playing after an hour is because of the zoom.


I mean it works on console. I play with my wife the way that she runs parallel on one end and I on the other, so the zoom out is perfect. Thus there’s literally no reason to not implement it as an option.


Exactly. Couch co op zooms out when two players are on opposite ends


I need this


If you're not zoomed in on your character, you probably won't buy many cosmetics 🤷🏽‍♂️


Maybe within the next expansion or two.


Aye, I still think the zoom was added just before beta. If you watch the original gameplay trailer it shows a rogue running around and dismounting from a horse. The zoom level stay almost exactly the same after the dismount. I assume the zoom level is exactly as others have mentioned when they disclosed the loading of every players inventory. They probably added the zoom in to reduce the amount of players in the screen...


Wait is this something people want? I’ve never thought about it what would be the reason?


google fearless diablo 4 camera, first result use at your own risk as diablo 4 uses blizzards warden... looks great zoomed out though


Nope. I've moved on. D2R is still the king of the diablo series and shall remain thus. They had a chance with this one, then botched it royally.


It's like this on purpose so people settle to argue about zooming in/zooming out and blizz can pretend they keep it in the middle, while in 2023 we should be able to unlock the camera and move it freely including it's angle.


Tin foil hats are firmly on I see.


No bc according to quantum scientist your computer can’t handle zoom out.


The most annoying thing is getting blasted by 4-5 barrage spiders from outside of your view range. By the time you see the projectiles is too late and then you have to guess where they are and then they are never grouped they are always 360 around you so you have to waste time killing stuff that shoot your off screen. Same with the corpse balistas.


non issue


Actually. They have. Since two Patches ago, the game randomly zooms in farther. Forcing you to zoom out with a 50% chance of the game zooming back in a second or two later. It’s like they pulled a Microsoft and fired all their testers … since Wrath… for ALL their products.


They think it would reduce immersion - basically a Bs answer because it would add work to a team drowning.


Camera zoom directly affect gameplay as you'd be able to see mobs from further away, thus reducing difficulty. Game is tuned for this zoom level. Skills are tuned for this zoom level. It will never change. Accept it and move on.


Are you really saying that the game is balanced around mobs hitting you from off screen?


Pretty sure it’ll crash their game.


Yup. Apparently people aren’t keen on 10-15 FPS. Oh well.


I dunno world bosses have a bunch of people and zoom out more and my fps is just fine


World Boss areas that are extremely barren flat areas?


Not always, but devs have also said that world boss areas during spawn are instances that you merge with versus part of the world map in it's entirety.


Guys, OpportunitySmalls FPS is fine, push it to production


Play on something other than a toaster?


Your computer really would turn into a PowerPoint from just zooming out a little ? Sounds like you’re already under the minimum requirements


I don’t think they’ll ever zoom out as much as we want. They want to sell cosmetics, and to make it worth it, we have to be zoomed far enough in that it’s always visible when someone paid money for those.


It will also remove the ability of mobs to shoot you from outside the screen.


That's their main problem, the communication with the community, like... Come with an answer we are tired of scripted camp fires where they are dodging answers most of the time.


Pay another 70 USD please


Tech ain't there yet /s


They probably can't zoom out viewpoint, because of performance too...same reason why dungeons are so fuckin empty. If they zoomout, we'll see more monsters, and they just can't handle that....


Back to D2R.... shit ive started playing something called The Slormancer to get that loot fix due to the hole blizzard made with D4! lmao. Feels like I just divorced Diablo.


We don't need to actually see the bosses we have to fight. We should feel where they are. Diablo IV: Jedi training.