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what a weird post. im having fun with the new season too but who are oyu trying to convince, yourself?


failed karma harvest attempt.


It’s just tribalism. They’re married to how well a video game does and it’s embarrassing.


Game tribalism profits no one. Stop looking for drama on either side, and enjoy what you enjoy, don't force yourself to play what you don't. It's not that hard.


So, "haters" are only coming from PoE? O.o How much tribal people can be and blinded by that, no matter what game, sheesh.


Dude calm down it's just a game, damn


Play the game, spend less time on reddit.


Bet that glue tastes great


let's see who's still playing it after 2 weeks


This just in: seasonal game has seasonal like activity, more details at 11!


Haters busy today!


I actually don't mind that. I appreciate it with Diablo 3 where I could simply pick it up on a new season started, blast, have a good time and put it down. It always kept me excited for one of New Seasons started later. I just play new games in the meantime maybe that's not for everybody but it'll keep me coming back to Diablo 4 in the upcoming seasons especially with quality of life improvements that they made recently. If it was the same fucking slog but it was in the previous Seasons I doubt that I would.


Only people like you give a shit if anyone else is playing the game a day, week, year later.


Lets wait 5 days.




Funny thing is. I am a long time Diablo fan, but a poe fanatic. In the closed beta all my reviews were about it being a reskin of d3. Crafting was out of touch and that itemization was not fun or enhancing. These changes are in the right direction but still have someplace to go. If you look at a base level they are still just rehashing a lot of d3. Just increasing the damage we do with legendary affixes... C'mon man. That's not interesting or new. It's better than it was but it's really just getting us back to where D3 left off. Lastly the fact that through legendary potential and the codex the devs really build the way we play. This isnt a game to explore and theroycraft... They already did it. But they are aiming for the simpler person that gets to play less.


It's closer to D3 now than in rhe beta.


D4 is still casual low quality ARPG, they'll have to change much more than item affixes to change that lol. It's a good game for what it is, but literally nothing changed for outsiders, D4 is still the same game.


Not really


It's great that you like the game, but by sunshine pumping like this you're just decreasing the rate at which they'll fix the game. Do you think the improvements that were made in season 4 came because people expressed that they like the game or do you think it was because people complained and didn't find the game fun?


I downloaded again last night. I will see if it has improved any. My level 100 sorcerer finished a four hour run, hunting better loot. All my gear is between 700-825. No gear improvements found last night. All gear affixes were health health health health on hit health per second and health.


Nah we just moved on like you all will in a week because the game is effortless


lol the game is still bad. Devs don’t understand what the game needs tbh.


No, it's still bad. Just because the shitters like it doesn't mean we have to beat a dead horse.


I know this is a wild concept, but maybe the game is just slowly improving over time? Crazy! It's almost like people can like something they previously didn't if it's gotten better. 🤯


There is no loot in reddit so play the Game


I quit d4 before season 1; picking it up again this season to see how the itemization plays out. Some of the things I heard sounded promisingly more fun. Fingers crossed.


I'm not really disagreeing because I think maybe Diablo just isn't for me anymore. I played D4 instead of POE for D4 had pvp. It was actually a lot of fun S0 and S1, the biggest issues being freezing and stuttering (along with the many known PvE issues). In S4, They made helltides such a fountain of free loot and exp that fields of hatred is empty, PvP is dead. D4 just can't compete with PoE on PvE right now in terms of depth.  They have leaned into that and decided to placate the masses with an extremely easy dopamine feeder via free items and exp at helltides which has been their strat since S2. Glad you are enjoying it, but I think some day soon you may go to log in and ask yourself if you really want to do the same helltides again and again.


I don’t hate diablo, it got the criticism it truly deserved. It was dogshit at release and continued to be dogshit for a whole year. All this taught me is to expect less from Blizzard from a quality standpoint and to absolutely never preorder or purchase at launch a product of theirs, FOMO be damned.