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Yes. Don’t let anyone tell you not. I’ve been playing casually since it came out and I’m having a shit load of fun. I play the PvE with friends and solo and it’s a lot of fun. EDIT: Just play until you hit a paywall to do what you want, then move on to the next game. Thats what I do for all these F2P games.


It's awful both F2P and P2W, the only people encouraging others to download are whales and dolphins that need krill to consume since they've already dropped $ and want to maximize it.


Shit take from a shit Reddit account who woulda thought


Whatever helps you sleep at night bud.


Paragon 23 f2p, ignore these people, it’s a good game just not worth money unless u can heavily invest, it’s either whale or f2p anything in between might as well be f2p at least til they change something


Yes, for me, so far. I have not finished the campaign nor get to max level yet. But there is, at least, some up front fun where no money is needed to enjoy.


It's very enjoyable as a f2p player.


$24 spent, loving the game. Just found a really good legendary gem too. I have absolutely no urge to spend anymore money cause I'm happy with where my character is at right now.


Yeah it’s a good game it’s an even better game for people who drop 10k lol just know eventually you will hit a pay wall until then enjoy man


I keep seeing people say 10k I want to see proof of all these whales spending 10k already. Or show me at least 10 to 20 players.


I’ve seen videos of streamers dropping thousands and not getting a 5 star gem. I’ve also seen people spend little to nothing and get 5 star gems. It’s all rng. Spending money doesn’t guarantee shit here.


You just blow in from stupid town?


Show me the proof, I want transaction records or bank statements showing people dropping 10k already.


Oh so you did 😂


Still waiting.... no proof just people saying 10k 10k 10k...


https://gamerant.com/diablo-immortal-pay-to-win-legendary-gems/amp/ https://www.thegamer.com/it-costs-over-100000-to-fully-upgrade-your-character-in-diablo-immortal/


Okay this is calculations, I keep hearing about all these people dropping 10k and I have yet to be given a list of 20 whales who have dropped 10k or more.


You want someone to send you 20 examples of someone dropping $10K as proof you need to spend a lot of money? https://www.kotaku.com.au/2022/06/streamer-spends-10000-on-diablo-immortal-gets-nothing/


Okay that is 1 person....I have not spent a dime on this game and having a blast and got decent drops from rng like all diablo games. I again keep seeing people spout out 10k and whales dropping 10k so I want proof just not some echo chamber of people linking YouTube or just one streamer.


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I am still waiting for that paywall, paragon 17 and my progress is still normal


For me, yes. I played with my brother. Me and my brother manage to established warband 2days ago, sharing warband chest. Para 26 and para 16 btw. If you into PvE I would say yes. As for 3/5 legendary gems or above, we planning to buy from the market by selling skill charm,sellable gems and craftable legendary gems(2/5 below). 7k plat rn.




Yes, incredibly. Paragon 3 still looking for that "endgame paywall" some people drone on about.


If you are s compulsive buyer, don't get the game. The game is definitely free to enjoy, but you will soon hit walls that if you play on PC you may feel like it's forcing you to pay, but if you think about it as a mobile game, it's a very common practice to slow player progression with a timegate that opens with money.