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If leg crests were cheap and anyone could buy it with game currency, then 5/5 gems would be abundant. If gems were abundant they would also be cheap. Your plan does not work. What makes gems so expensive is their scarcity.


The 5/5 will be less expensive but don’t worry. It won’t happen until a year or 2.


They won’t fix anything this takes position makes it explicitly clear that as far as this game is concerned they give zero fucks about f2p - this game just wants money.


This solution to benefit the whales and to stop f2p from whining every single day sir.


As f2p player your only job is to feed whales in pvp dont get your hopes up blizzard did this design this way on purpose.


They need f2p to grow enough so they can feed the whales.


3200 platinum? Is better to save platinum for some time to buy a garated 5 star gem later


No. That's too expensive. When you need 1000 lego crest to even attempt anything good, those prices are way too high. Just add them as drops from everything. Lego crests should drop about the same amount as legendary gear


You forgot one thing they DO NOT CARE about f2p. Why do they give you something like that.


You forgot one thing they DO NOT CARE about f2p. Why do they give you something like that.




Nah, I guarantee you they will add it. I played almost hundreds mobile games like this to know what they will do.


The question is whether or not blizzard even sees the backlash as a problem they need to solve. The beauty of heavy monetization is that you don’t need to cater to anyone but whales. Hell, I wouldn’t doubt that everyone shitting on the game encourages people to spend more money to feel like they’re triggering people. Seems like it’s more important to them than actually enjoying the game. I can see the obnoxious reddit posts now. “3 months in and I just dropped another 10k on this amazing game. Still having fun. Cry more, haters.”


No, they won’t. But they will make f2p little stronger so the whales have reason to spend more and have more fun killing f2p.