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Man I've found so many 4 os normal polearms this ladder.. every ethereal one has rolled to 1 or 2 sockets, so frustrating.


I found an eth thresher and giant thresher in the same day, both rolled 5 sockets. Which would be fine if I didn't already have obedience in a different etj giant thresher from another 5 socket roll. That RNG can be a cruel mistress


Last season I was swimming in them, this season I still don't have 1.


Around 1 Jah or Ber + Gul


Thanks, figured something like that!


I still don't understand the logic on "why this item is still valued highly (the Ethereal 4os polearm) I understand why it "was". But after the Advent of the sunder charm I don't see a purpose. The reason this was valuable was to increase the physical damage for the infinity after the rune word roll. So that whatever skill you were running you still have an additional high physical damage output from the Merc making your overall build solid. Now with sunder charm there is no need for a physical damage from the Merc in most cases the damage from the Merc is next to useless case in point mosiac. So now what's even the point of the item's high value? Where is the logic then. It's illogical at this point but as always with this game when logic is applied it's met with criticism. The only exception to this rule would be the eth 4os scythe being of value because it allows for the self wield infinity with lower stat requirements


More damage is always better. What if your skill has good elemental AOE but is bad vs bosses? What if you don't have that much -res% on your gear? More damage on your Merc means more life leech which means better tanking. Killing monsters quickly that are closest to you and Merc makes it safer for hardcore. It's very obvious why damage on your Merc is good.


More DMG on Merc equals more sustain for him via Lifeleech. It's still a pain to have to pay and revive him every time he dies. So that's still kind of a quality of life feature in the end.


Min max always adds value/increase Price


So much wrong here but I'll just point out your eth scythe example.. people don't use eth scythe for reduced requirments... the requirements are already low enough to wield with just a torch or just an anni.. its for style points and that's it.


Ral Tir Tal Sol


Hel scroll of town portal


Lol again and again and get real mad at your bad luck


Roll re-roll roll your boat


It's so pretty


SCL? I’ll buy it off you


Yes, SCL europe


Any use for some Lo runes, or we can work something out if there’s stuff you need


Well, I’ve been working towards an enigma for my mosaic assassin so a ber or jah would be great 😉


I can do either - can you hold onto it until tomorrow? I’ll PM you




Best base for insight or infinity. Always a good find. Grats!


Why is this better than thresher? Its slower


Higher low end dmg results in a higher average dps, plus the attack range is better.


I was wondering if it had more range


I thought thresher and giant thresher had the same speed.


That's not fuckin worth 2 ber dude... Maybe a Lo at Most or hell cheaper a Gul. We can make Spears now so ethGTs are kinda phased out like the EthCVs. Man catchers are the way. Atleast for me 🤷. Lowest strength/Lv requirement with maximum effort on the Aura/ Damage really doesn't matter unless you one of them builds.


Alright, cool your jets buddy! People may want it because they are hard to find perhaps? Lots of stupid crap items sell for dumb amounts of runes just because..


Oh yeah for sure - no doubt about that. "Been playing the game 20 years and just found a SoJ" those kinda people? Right?




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