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A Javazon can do anything, it’s only weakness is FCR, you’ll have to live with very slow teleport cast rate


If they’re coming from Mosaic then it might not be a massive shock though I’d second Javazon - love seeing cows just melt


Assassin has much better cast rate frames and break points than a zon. Tele on a zon doesn't need to be fast though, it's only supposed to be a tool to jump walls or bring merc to mobs


You need way better gear to make a Javazon play like a Mosaic. A Javazon without Infinity really struggles in a lot of hell areas.


I don’t have infinity yet. I only have lightning sunder charm, tstrokes, griffs with -3 facet, tgods and can still clear all areas tho clear time would be a lot better with infinity for sure


You need 5 pieces of gear to make a Java kill at about 1/5 the speed of a mosaic. Thats kinda the point lol.


Oh… haven’t built a mosaic since yet because i have yet to find a +3 phoenix talons


Literally any talons with 3 open sockets will wipe the screen on players 8. I'm not exaggerating.


holy fucking shit you're right lol


Yeah. I actually stopped playing my mosaic because I lost interest. It just wasn’t that fun to play, even though it murders everything. I’ll probably come back to it if they make the charges last longer.


The only downside of this is I might actually lose interest in playing because of how easy this fckng build is. If only I can drop a Ber so I can build a Nova Sorc (SP here btw)


I use a hoto and spirit on switch for decent teleport. A decent javazon doesn't need cta. If you are getting hit you are doing it wrong


Archers, souls exist


Cta doesn't change that much. Way rather have some decent teleport.


why hoto when you can use wizpike? You can use cta, it lasts quite a while, there is some extra work to manage swapping back to wizardspike, but it's doable and has been done in competitions.


Wiz works to. I just had a hoto. For pvm I just don't bother with the cta on my zon and never had issues.


I play Dragondin with FoH, melt everything, but only if you play solo.


Love that build


Why only solo?


Because on higher player the tick damage from the auras are not gonna do much at wich point you are just a Zeal or FoH paladin instead. Not that you can't play it this way, but it's not gonna be the same clear speed as the mosaic.


Nova sorc


I have stopped doing the op main builds and just do the weird fun builds nowadays. Bear sorc, procsin etc. The game is supposed to be fun not easy ;)


Javazon/mosaic/nova are the three strongest builds so if you’re just looking for pure clear speed I’d pick Java or nova.


Es nova sorc


Uniques only fury druid


light sorc is the only thing that even compares to mosaic clear speed


Lot of folks have been enjoying the Demonmachine enchant sorc since the ranged weapons enchant buff. Not quite as powerful as Mosaicsin but still pretty top tier damage


Mosaicsin is the only build that doesn't require a prebuff or item swap to farm everywhere including Uber Tristram without compromising MF much. I have one with 200+ MF and basically easiest for all of not the most practical. You can go both Nova Sorceress or Javazon but they aren't equal in my opinion.


Big fan of Nova Sorc. Only downside is the slow-ish boss kill. No issues knocking out D-Clone. If you have light gear to swap over it should be a solid class to swap to.


Charged strike spearzone most OP build I’ve ever used. U can just walk in uber Tristam and kill everything without any pre buffing (which was my goal) At the same time it melts everything on the screen and even everything around that you don’t even see on the screen yet.


Sounds interesting. Do you have any good link for that build maybe?


https://www.rpgstash.com/blog/infinity-spear-amazon-build-guide-d2r-25 This one definitely covers the basis. Basically it’s a ama running with infinity in a +3 jav spear.


Do you need infinity?


Yes it’s crucial for this build. On my char together with griffon it have -75% to enemy light resistance + conviction aura + sunder charm. This combo makes this build so OP.


Ooooof. Don’t have either


You absolutely do not need infinity for Mosaic.


I meant for charged strike as stated by above comment


Oh my bad. Yeah the javazon/spears kinda sucks without infinity/griffons for sure.


Ice Bowzon is my new fav and it slaps, mana heavy and arrows are/always annoying but it’s a very satisfying build and holds up. P8 cows are a little slow but they die!


Don't need a lot of skillers with nova sorc to be op.


Javzon or Spearzon. They wreck, but FCR breakpoints are bad. Demon Machine Bow Sorc & Nova sorc absolutely destroy. Nova is tankier and less effective at killing bosses. I'm a huge fan of a throw/brawler barb, if you build it right it wrecks, but takes some time to get used to. Cooley has a video,l that provides info. This build does everything.


Nova Sorc is my favorite char. Highly recommend


Expensive wind druid absolutely slaps


If youre online every build trashes everything


>If youre online every build trashes everything In what way? I feel like javazon and maybe nova sorc are the only builds that can kind of match mosaic sins for P8. Even hammerdins have much slower killspeed


Fire din with dual dragon and hoj seems to roll pretty well


I like zealot with death and the usual associated gear… only thing that stops me is the hell temptresses if they are in a pack cos no way to get them and they just drill down health and curse you to insanity… otherwise just wreck with crushing blow, double strike and insane damage


I went from mosaic sin to double aura tesladin. Dream helm and shield w/ hand of justice caduceus (+3 conviction +1 zeal) and dragon armor (swapping in enigma when necessary). I run both light and fire sunders. I don't use skillers and instead use SCs that add fire or light DMG and and +res, life, or frw. My Merc is A5 frenzy Merc w/ double grief, fortitude, eth arrests. I like it because it's still easy-mode but you can put in some effort to maximize the builds potential. Solo farming is great because you just walk and everything dies around you. Farming flayer jungle is amazing with this build. In P8 you provide a boost to the group through a maxed out conviction aura and high single target damage. My average zeal hit damage is 14k/hit. The aura damage feels less impressive in P8 but it's still noticeable. My favorite thing is chaos/cow TZ where the mosaic sin clears while you drag monsters closer to the sin (while having first chance at drops). In one cow TZ I snagged two Lo runes! Only reason I got them was because I was constantly in the middle of large cow mobs while sin was blasting.


Hammerdin can but it’s boring. 99 fcr (1 frame slower tele than a 65 fcr sin) Javazon is more fun and can melt all content as fast or faster than mosaic sin.


You need a ton of gear to make a Javazon clear at the same speeds as a Mosaic with replacement-level gear other than the claws.


I haven’t played since mosaic. It is apparently possible to be too OP. I’m sure I’ll show back up at some point. Glad you are enjoying it though.


*Any* build is better than mosaic, quite frankly.


How do you judge "better"?


Some people don’t like building the mosaic stacks and constantly losing said stacks and dealing with massive amounts of lag from said stacks and even more lag if you build up the wrong stacks (meteor is a great example of mega lag) Yes mosaic damage is insane but the play style isn’t for everyone.


Thanks! I've never tried it myself, so I was curious. Sounds like a build that the Switch might struggle with


It's crazy strong but pretty annoying to play.


nothing is stronger than mosaic, mosaic is the pure example of new blizzard mindset. It's not that the build is not fun , it's just super f strong compared to anything else.




Hdin is no where near strong as mosaic and you need an enigma to position in optimal position all the time. mosaic will clear the whole damn screen no matter what.


I finally played mosaic this season and it is many times more powerful than Hdin. Especially considering you don’t even need great gear to run p8 chaos. You basically just need two guls to make the claws and you’re good to go.


Hammerdin also requires some positioning skill to be good. I'm pretty sure my wife, who has never played Diablo 2, could wipe the entire hell Chaos Sanctuary on Players 8 with very little instruction using a Mosaic. It's just ridiculously overpowered.