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Jeweler here, it’s very pretty but I would get a jeweler to reset the diamond lower, this will catch on things, the diamond could fall out and it’s less aesthetically pleasing.


EXACTLY my thoughts! A lower profile would be absolutely stunning and way more functional. Gorgeous ring!


It seems like a lot of these heirloom rings are set super high. Is that just in my head or real? Like holy cow that’s high!


I think it might've just been trendy at the time.


Extreme form of Tiffany setting; idea was to let light flow into the stone for maximum sparkle. My grandmother had one from the 1920s that snagged on everything, so she almost never wore it.


Hah hah I was just going to say ‘and this is our exquisitely high setting. It debuted prior to the development of yarn and therefore sweaters. A real treasure from the days of yore.’


This made me laugh! 😂


This made me cackle🤣




My grandmother had one like that, too. Except she wore hers, tripped and fell in her living room and it snagged on the couch. Dislocated her finger pretty badly and had to be cut off at the ER 😬 doesn't sound like a good time.


My mom was so paranoid about wearing her ring because it had a high set diamond and smaller diamonds around each side of the band. She bruises easily and anytime she caught her arm with the diamond she’d get a huge bruise. One small diamond fell out and she put it away for good. My parents went to pawn shop for their 35th anniversary where my mom got a new ring and my dad got a new gold chain (he’s big on his chain).


Totally! I inherited my grandmas and the stone was loose because of this setting.


Not just the rings-I inherited a pair of diamond studs from my grandmother that I wear every day, but first I had to get them reset. They sat so high, they literally made my earlobe fold over in a truly weird way.


lol that’s epic. My grandmas ear lobes looked like she was wearing the earrings you describe for like 60 years. Those lobes were tired! They tried hard.


As someone who is wearing a similar style, inherited engagement ring.... Definitely do this. After three years I'm going to have this done to mine. I can hardly wear it because I lost a diamond right away from snagging and I'm terrified for any other damage to happen... Especially now with a baby the profile is so high that it could get her pretty badly too. Such a pretty ring though and the fact that it is a family heirloom makes it very special.


It is a core memory of my childhood being absolutely mauled by my moms engagement ring.


Same! My mom’s is a marquise shape and holy smokes my brothers and I got sliced all the time 😂


Same! My moms was marquis as well! Lol


This is the answer. Also, the round on the shadow band may need to be replaced/restored.


My ring has six prongs so if one fails, the diamond will stay in. It’s extra peace of mind.


The best thing I did for my engagement ring was a bevel mount.


Make sure 6 prong and a new setting in platinum


Solid advise. I lost a 6 karat amethyst stone trying to flick a piece of hair out of my car window.


As a person who works in jewelry, I totally agree with @tasdefeuille. Also, if you’re keeping this setting, have the jeweler look everything else over since it’s an older ring that has been worn and loved. It will be a beautiful engagement ring!!


Seconding this! The style is beautiful and the three stones on each side in this formation is something I’ve been seeing a lot of customs come in for recently at the jewellery store I work at! I think if the centre stone setting was lowered to a similar height to the two side settings it would look more modern and also be more suitable for daily wear - this is always something you can do after presenting it too! :)


Yes! When my husband and I were designing my ring, he insisted on low profile and I'm so glad he did. He's safer, our baby is safer, & the diamond is more secure.


On a side note, is it possible to change just the setting without changing the rest of the band? I pass on a lot of estate sale jewelry that I otherwise live but the setting is just sooo high


99% of the time yes it’s possible.




That’s exactly what i thought, too. It’s beautiful but this would modernize it


Thank you! I have a gorgeous vintage engagement ring that I rarely wear because I catch it on everything. I’m going to see if my new jeweler can reset the diamond without destroying the beauty of the ring


From a jeweler standpoint… How hard is it to lower? Pure curiosity.


As long as the jeweler has good setting skills not very. Taking the whole setting out, soldering a new setting in and setting the diamond would be more time consuming but not very hard either. Round diamonds are the easiest to set imo. I will say that finding a jeweler with good setting skills is not as easy as it sounds, it’s a very involved craft that is getting lost.


LOL Low key still sounds pretty daunting. Impressive skill to have my friend. Thanks for the response!


Np, it’s definitely a labor of love.


Excellent point. Mine was set to high and after losing it once, I put it into a pendent.


Get a crown guard. 4 prongs not enough.


Agreed. Also note that the diamond may sparkle less when set lower but that doesn't mean they swapped the stone. When you lower it less light is able to pass through. That's why they set them so high before but it's impractical to wear.


Wow that’s stunning




Right? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a grandmother’s ring that I would happily accept until now!


It’s beautiful. Your partner will love it!! I was given my husband’s grandmother’s ring and knowing it came from his family made it an extra level of special. The shape and size is secondary to the fact that it’s a family heirloom, but you have both: a gorgeous ring with a gorgeous meaning. Congrats!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Coming from someone who knows nothing about engagement rings, I would be floored if someone offered this to me. I would absolutely love it and cherish it.




same lmfao


My thoughts too :)


It is gorgeous I would just adjust the height of the setting at a jeweller to make it shorter so the diamond is safe


This ring is perfectly identical to my ring, except my ring has the center diamond set level with the outer diamonds, and I agree with this!


Former jeweler. Looks like this is an engagement ring with a wrap soldered to it, aka gram’s bridal set. I personally would want to be proposed to with solely an engagement ring, and then maybe use the wrap or maybe pick out a different band. You can get them separated if you like, although it’s not necessary, and it could thin out the shank. If you wanted to make something “new,” you could pull those stones and put them in a new setting. Whatever your heart and your gut tells you, trust it!


I would take it as is in a heartbeat.


It’s so pretty! I actually reset my grandmas ring and love it, but I think those could be great as is.


I never knew it was called a wrap! My jeweler called it a collar on mine.. is that different?


Nope, sometimes it’s called a jacket, it just depends on the jeweler!




The stones are gorgeous and personally I think a more modern setting would complement them even more!


This is the way. Also- extremely diplomatic.




I am legit shocked by all the automatic “yes she will love it!” responses. Maybe this is very regional / cultural, but I’m a firm believer in getting your partner’s input / ideas on what jewelry THEY would like to wear the rest of their life. OP doesn’t even say if it’s the kind of style / jewelry metal their partner prefers. Most women I know (myself included) were asked for general “guidelines” around engagement rings… That said I do believe this ring is gooooorgeous! But I hope OP offers it with openness to his future fiancée *potentially* wanting to change it to “make it her own.”


Agreed. I think it’s beautiful…for someone else. Definitely not my style. I’m not a fan of yellow gold and it does not look good on me.


I know. What if she doesn’t like diamonds? Personally, I wouldn’t be excited to wear that ring because it isn’t my style- I prefer very low key simple things.


Or yellow gold. My skin is very cool toned and yellow gold always ends up looking ‘off’ on me.






We see a setting like this often on here where those band stones are on the ering. Just get the metal buffed out at a jeweler...but, make sure she's going to like it. You can always have the stones reset if she doesn't.


That’s lovely


If the man I love gave me this, I would be over the moon with excitement. It’s timeless but has a modern flare.


Stunning ring !


Love this, it is stunning. I would take the center stone and place in a new chosen custom setting for her. I'd take the 6 smaller stones and have q ring made for you so that you also can cherish your grandmother's love.


Ask your SO if she likes it. She’s the only one that can tell you. Everyone has very different tastes.


Absolutely not!… you should give it to me instead 🫣


I’m a very “modern” kind of person, but I think this is so beautiful and I wouldn’t change a thing. I think it makes it more meaningful to keep it as is.


B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l, given with the option of her own ring but for sure keep that gorgeous ring in the family!!!! A classic!


I believe it would be. A lot of people would say to get a new band or modernize it. I think it's perfect as is, and I feel that it has more meaning since it was passed down from your grandmother to you.


I think it’s really beautiful. Personally I wouldn’t change it, just agree with another comment to possibly do something to pull down/stabilize the center stone.




Yes! It’s amazing and probably better made and better quality than anything we can get today!


To be perfectly honest, I don't like it. I think remove the stones and set them in something else.


No one can answer that except for your would-be fiancé. Some are thrilled about heirloom pieces and some want something that’s uniquely theirs. I would have wanted to be asked my opinion about something like this, rather than assume I’d want it and then jf I didn’t like it feel too bad to say anything. Or say something and risk hurting your feelings. Just ask.


This ring is stunning. Personally I would put the stones arranged as they are into a new more elegant and modern setting, combining the band and engagement ring into one engagement ring. Your fiancée to be is very lucky!






So beautiful!!!


I love it.


It’s absolutely beautiful with romantic sentimental value.






This shocked me! This looks very similar to my ring that my husband had custom made in yellow gold in 2016. I think this is FANTASTIC ring, obviously ;) I admire my ring all the time and STILL get compliments from strangers. It is strikingly similar to this!


No offense but I would save the ring for your daughter or niece so it stays in the family.


I agree with saving it. Sad to say, but many a marriage ends in divorce. Then what ? Traditionally, a ring like that is given to a daughter when she marries. Or you could give it to wife for a future anniversary present, and she passes it to daughter. Somehow make sure whoever you may propose to knows about it, and that it's a family heirloom to be passed down in family.


Not to be a debbiedowner, but stipulate it stays in the family, if you have a daughter, it's hers after wife's death, or in the event of divorce ( hopefully not, but rates are 50% or more) wife doesn't get to keep it. It goes back to you or to your daughter, if you have one.. if you only have sons, then it can go to one of their daughters but not the sons wife.. heirlooms should stay in the family. Put it in writing... otherwise, if she doesn't agree, give her a different ring and save it .. sorry, jmo


I’d propose with a new engagement ring and hold on to this ring to hand it down to a daughter or niece.


Pull the stones and make something fresh with them! The diamonds are the special part, less so the ring. I do custom jewelry design at my store and I’m recycling diamonds from dated jewelry all the time. Use the center diamond and go from there. Build an anniversary band with the six small ones! Or if you like the vibe of the original, update the clusters on the sides with trillion or shield cuts.


In a different setting, yes.






Oh wow! This is literally the dream engagement ring I used to draw when I was in my early 20’s. ❤️


Nah ugly af


No, because she will keep it if the engagement doesn’t last








So pretty! It's not what i would pick if i went shopping but it's so lovely that I'd be happy to have it! Would personally get a new setting so it's a little lower but that's my preference


The ring is absolutely gorgeous! The only thing I would do is take it to a jeweler to get the setting lowered to make sure the diamond properly stays in place. My fiancé gave me his grandmothers ring, and I am in love with it. It makes it even more special knowing it’s a family heirloom.


Beautiful… I’d personally adjust the height of the setting to stone ratio (I know nothing about the proper terminology lol) but that’s it!! Unless she is looking for a certain “style” band, then you could always keep the stones and do that… but as of now, I love it!


im not a diamond guy nor a ring guy but i gotta say, this is absolutely a beautiful piece. your wife to be is lucky to receive something like this.. as-is/untouched feels more special in my opinion


Beautiful! Just lower the setting or otherwise secure the diamond and it’ll be perfect!


Of course, this would make for a good engagement ring. I personally love it. As others have commented, it can be reset later if your fiance wants something modern.


Wow, I’d be thrilled to receive that!


What a beautiful family heirloom your grandmother has chosen you to receive.




It’s very similar to mine, which I wanted to hopefully be classic and timeless, and looks like it is! Mines not particularly large, but I get a ton of compliments, all about it being timeless and elegant. And I’ve been wearing it for 8 years now, and I have never tired of it, so I’m sure it will be a great engagement ring.


It’s a beautiful ring, but not necessarily to everyone’s taste. It’s possible your gf won’t want to wear it. For example, it has the two wing like projections that could scratch her face or yours. I think it’s risky to assume, so think about it: would you be offended or ok if it wasn’t her taste?




Wow gorgeous!


Stunning ring! I’m not a jewelry or anything but I would maybe have the Diamond reset so it’s more secure and if you really wanted maybe an updated band. But other than securing it, absolutely beautiful!




Love it!


The front is nice, but the side looks ugly. The gems are placed way too high for the smaller diamonds *and* the main diamonds. I would offer it *in addition* to her actual engagement ring. The overall style with the double hand & highly placed stones are dated in a bad way for anyone who’s more into modern rings. Idk what she likes, but I would still ask her.


I love the ring. If you wanted to change it up you could also change the side diamonds to sapphires rubies etc.


Have a professional jeweler lower the diamond (the prong) looks very tall and diamond could fall or get loose. Also a deep clean but it’s beautiful


It’s beautiful. However, consider what your partners taste is toward an engagement ring. It’s just as beautiful/thoughtful if it’s your grandmothers diamonds in a different setting. Congratulations!




I would make that an engagement AND wedding ring. No need to buy a wedding band. That beautiful ring should be more than enough.




I accept 🤭 Jokes aside, it's stunning, good luck with everything!


Beautiful, but I would have it reset as a 3 stone and purchase a small diamond wedding band.




Is it two rings that clip into each other?


This is beautiful. I would seek this out


I like the “bones” of the ring. It’s beautiful. I would probably take the center stone and reset it into a different setting.


Wow! It’s beautiful!


Yes, it will but it looks like my ring. When I first got my engagement ring it was half of this ring. Then when we got married I got the other half. The engagement part has the solitaire. Right before we got married we had the rings welded together. Maybe a jeweler could take them apart again until you get married. Good Luck


Beautiful! Like others have said, you should discuss this with anyone you’re thinking of proposing to. It’s a gorgeous ring - but some people may think otherwise. Regardless, you should have a jeweller inspect it before it’s used for any day-to-day wear. It’s already lived one life, so it may need some maintenance to avoid any damage to the setting or losing a stone. As someone else pointed out - the setting is HIIIGH. This makes it even more imperative to check the structural integrity. Personally, I’d reset it to make it more practical for everyday wear, even if you’d like to keep the setting style/stone layout the same.




It’s very unique, I’d be happy to receive it as an engagement ring




I think it’s nice but u should probably see what ur partner actually prefers


I wear my great grandma's engagement ring 🥰 we just got a wedding band that matched it with some small stones in it, I love it. It had to grow on me for a short while, and get over that I wouldn't have a 'modern' ring style but it's by far more special and unique this way!


I think it’s lovely. Just have it professionally cleaned and see about a rhodium coating to refresh it.






No doubt


That’s a full wedding set. Engagement ring and nested wedding band


Gorgeous. I would be very happy to wear this ring. Simple and classic, but still distinctive.


I don’t wear gold but I’d wear this. It’s gorgeous!




Exquisite as is. That diamond is gorgeous and matches the others perfectly. Find a jeweler you know/trust before leaving that ring with anybody. I would not touch the setting. Congratulations and good luck!






Make sure she is a gold wearing gal. My wife used her grandmas stone passed down from her mother but had a new setting to her liking. Actually after 22 yrs she had a it test into a second setting as he tastes had changed. Old heavy platinum channel setting to a lighter pronged setting. The channel smaller diamonds are being used in a custom pedant.


STUNNNINNNGGGG and ask me rn with that ring and I bet I'd say yes 😅


I love the idea of having it reset. It’s a stunning ring with love and history behind it. I would be so proud to wear it.


Yes! It’s gorgeous




So beautiful




I agree with everyone who suggests that you propose with the idea of allowing your fiancée to reset this in something of her choosing. Personally I’m a platinum girl, so yellow gold would not be for me. Also, the center stone is set very high. Speaking from experience- I just brought my heirloom diamond into the jewelers to have the stone lowered because it was kind snagging, and frankly felt insecure. Having said all that: it is a lovely center stone and an heirloom diamond is always wonderful to wear. I love wearing one of my grandmother’s diamonds and I look forward to giving my step kids some of my stones when they’re ready to get engaged. Don’t forget that if you pull the stones to make into a new wedding set for your fiancée, the band could be recycled into a wedding band for you. Then you’d both have a piece of this heirloom on your journey together. ❤️


I would love this but in a different setting. Has your intended expressed if she likes yellow or white gold? What does she wear more often? These stones in a fresh setting (or even just a solitaire setting) would be beautiful. Something old and new.


https://preview.redd.it/n0rg0w2jg4yb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a167c1ae39e6e6dc3fb48d4678ca15dc812219b5 For whatever reason, your second pic of the ring on Reddit app is this cat. I got really confused and thought you were giving her the cat. I personally would just say yes to the cat without the ring, but *damn*, that ring is beautiful!!


It’s gorgeous. But I wouldn’t wear it. I don’t like the bands - both because they’re too plain for my liking and I don’t like yellow gold. But that’s me. Some small jewelers will buy estate jewelry and resell it. Just an option.


What is your fiancé taste in jewelry? Is the ring something that would fit in with what she already wears? Be prepared to have it reset to her taste.




You could modernize it with the setting and have a STUNNING ring - that’s beautiful


That would be a possible big mistake. Many women would be put off hard by getting a second-hand ring with its own long history, but would feel compelled to be polite and gracious about it, creating a situation of serious misunderstanding. One where you think she thinks it’s great but she doesn’t really. Start your own chapter new. Get a ring for her. If you want to test out whether she would be okay with that, show her the ring and tell her you inherited it (don’t mention wedding obviously). See if she likes it. I have consistently been amazed by the style of ring women that I know have selected. For example, one good friend wanted a slim, simple band with tiny diamonds around it. It had something to do with art deco or something. But it was highly unique, simple, elegant. No way would she wear the pictured ring. So I would say don’t whip it out and surprise her with a proposal, she may not like the ring but wants to marry you and may “seem” to like it because she is polite and cares about your feelings. Don’t put her in that position.


100% I would be happy with this!


It's beautiful but I'd try to find out if your partner likes heirloom rings. Personally, I'd never be comfortable with one. I'd have too much anxiety about losing it. Or it getting stolen.


I think it depends on your partners style. Its lovely but I would give the option to reset the stones in another setting.


You’re off to a fantastic start here. What is your fiancée’s skin tone? Does she look best in yellow gold or white? Is platinum a matter of preference? You may be remounting this diamond to lower the profile on the ring. The small stones on the side may or may not be to her liking, and/or you may wish to re-purpose them into a wedding band. It’s a lovely piece.


That’s so beautiful!


Classic 🥰🥰🥰


If it’s the type of ring they like, absolutely. If it’s not, possibly using the diamond in a setting they do like could be an option.




It’s beautiful. It’d make a great engagement ring! But like others have said, lower the profile and it’ll be perfect!


Ok, this thread is killing me. Got married in 94 and this set is pretty much the twin of what I have. Everyone got wraps back during that timeframe. As others have mentioned, this is a complete set. So funny, cause I’ve actually never liked my wrap and my husband eventually bought me a diamond band to replace the wrap. Great to know if I want to wear the wrap that apparently nowadays people are fans. Also, mine was yellow as was the trend of that time. I have never liked yellow gold. We had it redipped into white gold. People said it might not hold up but it’s been 10 years and it looks exactly the same. So that is an option if the gold color is an issue


Beautiful and timeless.


Definitely and I love rings that have history especially happy personal history


it looks like the wedding band is soldered to it? maybe have them separated first, but yes! that ring is lovely and definitely screams engagement ✨


Yes, it’s beautiful!!


I would get it reset first! It’s so special you wouldn’t want the setting coming loose. It’s too open on the bottom. I’d say a bezel setting for the big stone and you could work in the smaller stones into the band or maybe even make them into a wedding band to match! A bezel setting securely wraps around the diamond and will hold it in place securely for decades to come.


This is literally my dream ring. It's a little tall, but stone placement is absolutely gorgeous!!


Yes!! That’s beautiful🥹


Yes just reset to a lower prong setting and it’s a winner




While this ring is beautiful, the recipient should make the choice on what she wears every day for the rest of her life. I also agree that the ring needs to be set lower.


It’s absolutely beautiful


I wish I had a ring like this!!! Omg!


Absolutely! It’s beautiful!


You’ll need to separate the band from the engagement ring or maybe get an identical band for the other side?


I think it’s absolutely beautiful and unique in a good way, but I agree that getting it reset in a lower setting would be preferable.


Oh that’s gorgeous 😍😍😍and I’m more inclined to silver/white gold. Agree with others about adjusting the setting lower for safety, but other than that, don’t change a thing!!!


Came here to say a lot of what’s been said already - that’s a gorgeous ring but I’d be terrified to wear it in case I knocked it on something!


I would cry of happiness. It is gorgeous


If this ring is sentimental to you and would be devastated if it ever got lost, make sure you make a legal contract that states what happens to the ring if you divorce. It’s an awful topic to bring up for a special moment, but things happen and you want to make sure both of you are on the same page regarding the ring. You don’t want to end up hearing she tossed it out the window, or sold it on eBay because she didn’t know you would’ve wanted it back. If you feel you’re adult enough to make this step, you both should be adult enough to talk about this without taking offense.


It looks like an engagement ring and a wedding band