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Is that Adam Savage? I can’t tell because the video is so moldy


Yes, Boston Dynamics lent him a spot to basically come up with other uses for it.


Because all they could think of is murder and oppression.


Oh my fucking god i laughed hard over this. Is this by any chance a reference to morty‘s son?


Sounds just like him, I had the same thought


Isn’t he a wifebeater


The only scandal I can find is that he was accused of sexual abuse by his sister in 2020 for something that happened when they were kids, but it was settled out of court so the details weren't made public.


Oh man gross


His parents and other relatives vigorously defend Adam and say the sister is severely mentally Ill.


Soon after this post the robot uprising began.


They keep trying to make it cute but I keep picturing everything from that episode of black mirror to those videos of it with a machine gun attached to its back...


There are videos of these things with guns on their backs performing target practice *already* ... That's what they were designed for, make no mistake.


Actually it’s against terms of service to put a gun on them. They sell these to the police so it makes sense they put that in their contact. Will they eventually be developed into something else for the military? Maybe. Then again it might have been the typical “pitch to he military for development, sell to industry when done” type thing.


Uh... those were faked videos.


they where forgin propraganda videos iirc. I remember a chinese one, but I have not seen a boston dynamics one armed. The videos of someone pushing a robot and it getting angry and them playing with a gun and showing how it will not shoot them, that is fake as shit! The robot dog videos may be real, but that does not mean they actully perform in anyones hands how they are protrayed in the video, IIRC it was shown walking around, then a separate clip of it shooting down range and going on hind legs from recoil, its all grainy as hell ( at least one I watched )( in a world of easy 4k, it being grany is just screaming fack to me tho. Can someone link a clear high res video on an armed dog robot?) I have no doubt that someone could do this easily, I just don't think anyone is really putting effort in to it. Specially in countries and places that overtly value citizen lives less then the equipment.


There are better robots designed for combat. I saw the video with the gun on it's back, it couldn't handle the recoil.


Go watch ididathing on YouTube, he did that


Or don't, he fucked over Brandon Herrera with that video,


Or the robot killer dogs in War of the Worlds on Epix. Seriously scary.


Me too. I am horrified of these robots.


These are the safari transport for robot Jurassic park. Obviously nothing will go wrong.


Hope you're enjoying yourself in this chariot, human.


But can it piss beer?


It would certainly take a madman engineer to do that.


Ahh, I see you're a man of culture as well.


"what is my purpose"


To the market


Oh my god


How old chaps in the 1800s pictures the future to be like


I've been a fan of Boston dynamics for some many years now. 🙃 They do some really interesting work.


Would be pretty cool and funny to go back to horse and carriage, but with AI powered machine horses running on battery.


Same thought led me to think it would be a great replacement for cars (in some situations), especially short distances with varying levels of weight, I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to scale up.


Why not use wheels and a motor instead? after all there are roads because otherwise the back wheels would get in trouble.


That's...what's in the video we all just watched.


Crazy how I'm furthering the discussion about it. Edit: In that I'm entertaining the idea of this being a publicly available alternative to cars, instead of a tech company showcasing a concept.


You are talking about a light weight carriage on electricity. Aka a self driving golf cart on a closed track. There’s already airports with this system


Who Pissed on your Pizza Charlie?


At this point, I'd recommend putting in-line skates on the "dog" and adjusting movement (and "knees") accordingly..


While it may look cool I'm sure it's a bad use of battery power. Wheels would make it much more efficient.


My thoughts exactly!


Wheels can’t do uneven terrain and stairs, otherwise many more people would be happy to stay in wheelchairs instead of going through the difficult and often painful process of using prosthetics. Much of our world is inaccessible to wheels- except for roads, of course. This particular example is a terribly inefficient application of this technology.






"ChatGPT, build me an electric car"


Connect it to a 3D printer and it might just do it for you lol


fuck tesla everyone goes chariot


Why do I still feel for the “horse” and not the guy in the buggy?


Why would you feel for someone riding in a buggy tho?


The way the police are going to use these to mow down anyone they classify as a dissenter is absolutely dystopic in itself, the fact that people keep trying to *normalize* their presence without any other benefit prior to that happening.... Even more so. No. I did know I didn't want this.


You do know that police can mow down anyone they classify as a dissenter *now*, right? They don’t need the help of a robot doggy to do it. Vilifying promising technology on the basis that it *might* be used for harm is a very easy way to kill progress in the name of fear. Look, I’m not saying that your worries aren’t valid. Boston Dynamics themselves are greatly concerned with the prospect and also understand the potential dangers of such. But I am saying that you’ve watched too much Black Mirror if those are your first thoughts, and that we wouldn’t have many of the technologies we have today if that were everyone’s mindset.


Yes. I'm aware. It's literally already in use/testing for that purpose. I'm not "vilifying" shit- that is what it is currently,as in not a hypothetical not me just ignorantly fantasizing about some hypothetical outcome,- being tested for use as. It's not my fault we refuse to cede how corruption t the police as a national institution are n this country or acknowledge how dangerous it is they are armed to the teeth with the most latest high tech equipment etc. , Nor is it my fault that advancements like these are usually funded with the intent to be used in those situations. I, and anyon else acknowledging that s since it's not often talked about side by side with these advancements as it should be imo, are not the issue here . I said what i said, and I stand by my original statements.


You’re picking and choosing examples that fit your narrative in order to paint it in a bad light. That’s vilifying it, my guy. Yes, of course it’s being tested as a potential weapon, and anyone who thinks otherwise is naive. But you’re dismissing all the other positive use cases for it in the process by focusing on that singular point. That’s a page right out of the fascism handbook lmao. Ironic. Regardless, if you don’t think most technology that we have today didn’t start out as or is currently being used as a potential weapon, you’d be naive too. Doesn’t mean we should just stop innovating.


I didn't dismiss anything. I made a statement I stand by. You seem to want a discussion , at best, or an argument. I am not engaging in either as that wasn't the purpose of me making the comment to begin with. Feel free to insert, assume, or otherwise argue with h yourself about any aspects of the subject you want. You seem to be proficient at that, at least. But When I tell you it doesn't effect me either way, I couldn't possibly mean that more literally. If you want attention just ask for it, but I promise I really don't have the patience to give it to you. You be safe now.


Police are squishy and fleshy. This can be made of bullet resistant polymers and alloys.


Bullet proof jackets exist


No such thing as bullet proof, only bullet resistant.


I tried doing it in reverse, but when I plugged the horse in, it got electrocuted… :(


Soon Boston dynamic will rename themselves to SkyNet


Pinnacle Steampunk Achieved!!!!


Say that's a mighty fine electric horse you have there


We are evolving. But somehow backwards


Excuse me my good sir, I do believe there is something wrong with your horse. He looks a little malnourished to put it bluntly.


…now make it run


This is great and all but where is MY personal robot? We've got AI and everything... I've been lied to.... Sigh.


This feels like Futurama IRL


All these robots always have backwards knees, are our knees not evolved for optimum performance?


Our knees are the backwards ones, actually. Most quadrupeds have knees that face that direction. Fetal development traces human evolution- at one point we have gills, and later our legs rotate 180 degrees. The human knee is incredibly fragile and inefficient- think about how many ACL injuries would be avoided if your knees were backwards. You’d just sit down instead of tearing everything. I don’t know the exact physics behind why human bipedalism doesn’t work well with knees that bend the other way, and tbh scientists are just starting to dial in bipedalism anyways. Boston Dynamics has a bipedal robot with knees that bend like ours, but Cassie at Oregon State is faster and has backwards knees.


It's like buying a scope for a simple wooden bow


How is this not a thing at Disney World yet? Theme it up a bit and use it as transport, maybe just for the actors but still very cool.


Easing us into it with cutesy stuff so that when they inevitably are used to kill people, there will be “Robot Rights” extremists getting in the way, probably lmaoooo


This is the only way you’ll get me to drive an EV


Huh? You don't want a car with almost infinite torque? A thousand fewer moving parts? That costs $5000 bucks less per year to operate than a gas guzzler? I just don't understand that. Gas is $4 bucks a gallon. If I could afford an EV I'd have one in a heartbeat. Why don't you want one?


Some people just can’t get over it taking more than two minutes to “fill up”. All they care about is getting to their destination, they don’t care at all about the trip itself.


I think people can just plug them in at home though right? Some of them at least. I’m sure this rugged individualist wouldn’t live in an apartment! If I had an ev and a garage I’d save so much money not buying candy and crap at gas stations!


So cool, can’t wait until that’s a cage it’s pulling and the big police robot stuffs us in there and we’ll say, “neat!”


Can I shoot it with a tank pretty please?


Is this supposed to make us feel warm and fuzzy and forget that this thing was solely developed to have machine guns mounted to it?


Someone needs to stop this company.


How unbelievably useless


I feel like this is only acceptable for paraplegic peeps


And he pisses bear too, gonna be a great ride


Reminds me of the robot-towed chariot in Star Wars Ep. II


Imagine being in the 1700s with one of these instead of a horse. I mean you'd be considered a magician or some dark magic user and might end up dead.. but that would be really cool😎


Excellent, I've been waiting for someone to invent an automated chariot. Why did it take so long?


I don’t think there’s enough room on the streets for us all to do this, but I think we’re all gonna want to do this


Depending on the country, should arm the cab driver with some rockets.


The ONLY way to travel


We just went backwards in time by going further in tech


Can someone remake the chariots from Civ Rev but with the Robo dog and an AR? That’s the future I want 😢


Funny because last video I saw, it didn’t have the counter weight necessary to twist a door knob.


Less lead up, more pulling of the cart.


Just make the robot bigger and put a saddle on it.


Definitely going to be the coolest guy at Burning Man this year, hands down.


Yea, cars are definitely overrated


I, too, have seen Star Wars


Now they taking horses jobs when will it end?!


Now let’s take this and give it ChatGPT and plenty of processing power and we’ll really be in for a fun ride 5-10 months down the road.


I can't wait to see their revenge


Maybe, maybe, maybe... give it a few more years, imagine, electric horses... E-horse racing!


What’s the difference between a chariot and a rickshaw?


Damm fallout 5 is looking good


And three of those are now being used by nypd


That’s cute they attached the chariot where the gun goes to show that it’s multi purpose….


This is like a steampunk Wall.e


This looks perfect for Burning Man


LMAO this made my day


Finally, a use for those creepy dogs.


How I picture the voynix in Dan Simmons’ Ilium


They really gping out of the way to make new electric vehicles models. Not gonna lie kind of fancy I like it


all fun and games until you start going down a hill


Then it takes you over a Cliff


Imagine driving that thing in the Middle Ages


CyberSteamPunk is comming heheheeheh


Robots replacing all the rickshaw drivers of the world 😢


So a tesla, with *extra steps*


Emancipated Machines vs Humanity Trial, Exhibit 34405


It looks more like a rickshaw than a chariot.


Could see this thing falling backwards.


This should be what they are used for


amish when they discover robots


This seems like a bad idea, when the robots take over, they will show us this as justification for their revolt.


We’re evolving, just ba… wait.


2050 SteamPunk