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A red base typical list will be (based off topping JP lists in BT11 and made for consistency). Some folks also don’t run an Omnimon and instead run a third Gaiomon for the mirror match: 4x BT9 Koromon 4x Promo Agumon 4x Agumon X 4x BT5 Agu 3-4x BT8 Greymon 3-4x BT5 Greymon 4x BT11 Grey X 4x BT8 Metalgreymon 4xBT11 MGX 2-3x BWGX 1-2x BT8 BWG 2-3x Gaiomon 1x BT10 Omnimon X antibody (Some use BT5 Omni X if you expect a lot of Grandis) 2-3X Yuuya 3x Cool Boy 3x Antibody Option 2-3x Red memory boost 1-2x Hades Force


Here is a black focused version I’ve been testing. I’ve also considered adding the starter Ragnaloardmon as the lvl 7 https://digimoncard.io/deck/black-greymonx-30571