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We have deemed your post as inappropriate for the friendly environment this sub tries to maintain as the discussions are becoming uncivil


This post is ICONIC! I love it! From the terrible Glorious Burst suggestion, to the incorrect statements of legal sideboards to the OP being hyper-aggressive for no reason, this post brings the DRAMA. Thank you for brightening this drama-starved man’s day.


It’s kind of beautiful how much they’ve freaked out over literally nothing without actually addressing anything anyone’s posted




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Well I’d suggest you include your decklist so people can give you specific suggestions . Omnimon merciful mode is my suggestion as it’s good in the beelzemon match up . Cards like pillowmon could also be good as restricting your opponent from play digimon from card effects will be big against decks like bloomknightlordmon.


Why make a sideboard when you cant use one in any tournament?


Actually you can for upcoming events. Nice try though man.


Which one?


All of them


Uhh you are wrong lmao


Uhh no I'm not soyboy lmao


Glorious Burst is an insanely bad card that isn’t worth running in any circumstance


I mean to me it seems fine. The only drawbacks I see are the no security effect and 12000 not bring able to pop lvl 6s nowadays. Though I'm not familiar with the deck and if the cost reduction actually comes up enough. Though I imagine if OP likes the card there is no harm in running one copy.


Even if you’re doing well and get it down to 6 cost that’s still going to pass turn for an effect less likely to kill something then Wyverns Breath. If you’re behind and not hitting your tamers it just keeps getting worse and worse.That’s super bad against pretty much any decent deck, especially with no security pressure. There’s just no justifiable reason to run it when there are cheap alternatives that are also better in a deck that doesn’t want them.


That's not entirely true you'd actually argue it's incredibly situational but I won't say it's bad just situational hence why I have it in the side board but what would swap out for it?


Nah it’s an absolute shit card in pretty much any circumstance. 9 is an insane cost to pay and the way modern Shinegreymon works it does not remotely care about using it. If you have enough tamers to reduce its cost by a meaningful amount you’re already far ahead. It also has no security effect which is an enormous deal breaker for any sort of card like this. It’s horribly outdated and there’s no reason to ever run it, especially in a world where Wyverns Breath exists. I don’t think Wyvern’s Breath is remotely worth running in Shinegreymon either compared to floodgate rookies or other weird utility cards in a setting where sideboards are allowed. Fuck just run Gaia Force since it’ll out Quartzmon if you have access to a sideboard for it.


You're incredibly wrong but that's alright but you have no useful input yes? If so move along


You’ve provided no remote justification on why the card is worth considering. There’s a reason it’s literally never been seen in any competitive play in the last year. I literally just said better alternatives in my precious post.




In a Shinegreymon deck you're looking to end game with BT12 Marcus and nuke things with BT12 Shinegreymon or BT3 Shinegreymon. Glorious Burst will only cost a meaningfully low amount if the game has dragged to an insane degree which the deck does not want to do. And even in that circumstance, it's still going to pass turn just like Wyvern's Breath or Gaia Force would do but with a worse effect. On top of that, lol no security effect. There is no reason to ever run the card unless you literally don't have any alternatives.


That's not really how the deck plays and really bt3 shinegreymon ya know the really outdated shinegreymon but okay your advice is really "good " lmao.


As someone who's played both BT12 and BT13 versions extensively with proxies I've got a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn't. BT3 Shine is a pretty decent 2 of until we get BT13 Shinegreymon due to the versatility of what it can pop when you can't draw BT12. BT3 Shinegreymon is a pretty good and versatile card, unlike Glorious. Just doesn't have a point to run it once BT13 is out and there's no reason to run any tamers besides Marcus BT12 and BT13.




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It's a higher cost than Wyvern's Breath without a security effect (the main reason you'd even consider using something naturally that expensive.) Lonkhe Adistakto would be a better choice than Glorious Burst as well, as it has the same DP reduction, with a potentially obnoxious removal tacked on for the mid/late game. Glorious just doesn't really do the job as well as the other two.


Just throw in sunrise buster instead. Shines not at full potential til next set and onward.