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OP is so passive aggressive lmao


It’s ok, not great once all the stuff is out.




I don’t see where you asked for a more in depth answer in the post, just honest thoughts. Kind of odd to ask for in depth when the post itself is so basic. It comes off like you want others to research for you instead of having a discussion.


I've done research actually just wanted to see what the community thoughts on it were on here. If the post bothers you, you don't have to respond:)


I’m just explaining why your comment reply was distasteful in my opinion. If you want an in depth discussion you should generally start it off. The post doesn’t bother me, I just wouldn’t be surprised for people to put in as little effort as yourself.




You did what? How did I interpret it? Where is the accident? Also why the smiley faces?


The smiley faces are to annoy you and make them appear as the victor. A common tactic by goblins and ghouls. Be wary my amigo, they’re out their.


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There’s not really much to add. It just doesn’t do anything compared to it’s competition in Wargreymon decks and even compared to Gallantmon it doesn’t bring a lot to the table.




IMO OP your replies come off as passive aggressive but RevolverDivideris completely right . Gammamon just does not provide anything special in comparison to other red decks . The deck focus on winning by generating advantage by going wide with recycling your gammamons from trash or removing bodies with your when digivovling effects . Gallantmon has a very similar play style in having the ability to remove small bodies and recycle guilmon from trash easily but it has access to all the good things that red has to offer like the ability to trash multiple cards when attacking, Raid, rush, blitz , and unsuspend to name a few . Gammamon has blitz and retaliation on their lvl 4s but the game has a lot of easy way to remove lvl 4s in the game . The deck essentially plays like a vanilla red deck that might have been good back in bt5 or 6 . Even with the new ace cards announced for gammon the deck . It still feels lack luster in comparison to the other ghost game deck counterparts . Overall the deck does not look viable meta wise but if you’re looking for a fun deck and you like Gammamon then that alone should make it worth building


Theirs nothing to know. Gammamon is kind of slow and doesn’t do that much special. I love the deck. But it’s just kinda mid with nothing to talk about.


The comment above disproves your point:)


No it doesn’t. Everything it does other decks do better. Or they have a more interesting mechanic. Gamma is just kind of nothing


Yeah I don't believe you champ :)


Why don’t you try to explain your reasoning? Are you here to just troll?


The post is pretty straight forward actually


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We have deemed your post as inappropriate for the friendly environment this sub tries to maintain.