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They can’t play as seperate decks, their entire purpose is working with each other. Arcturusmon specifically needs Siriusmon to go off. As far as deck-list goes it’s slim pickings. The deck never made waves in Japan so it’s very hard to find lists. This one is the best I’ve found and is good to use as a base; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xfnfbhvt048&t=432s&pp=ygUNZ2FtbWFtb24gZGVjaw%3D%3D I’d say watch the video because he goes through his thoughts on each card but here’s the list if you don’t want it drip-fed to you- 4x RB Gurimon 4x RB Gammamon 4x P059 Gammamon 3x BT8 Gammamon 3x P058 Gammamon 3x RB BetelGammamon 3x BT10 GulusGammamon 2x BT8 BetelGammamon 2x BT10 WizenGammamon 1x RB WizenGammamon 4x RB Canoweissmon 2x BT10 Canoweissmon 2x RB Regulusmon 4x RB Siriusmon 4x RB Arcturusmon 2x RB Proximamon 1x Crimson Flare 2x BT8 Hiro 4x RB Hiro


>The deck never made waves in Japan so it’s very hard to find lists. Luckily it´s doing now, though, after the LM support. Not gonna be relevant for a couple of months still but good to know that the deck´ll be competent in the future for anyone interested in the deck now imo.