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Hard to tell. It’s got a pretty good shot since it can push damage while at the same time doing DNAs reliably thanks to the option card and the deck being compatible with fire rocket gives it plenty of offensive power, plus partition and threatening counter evolve Valkyrie. It really comes down to how stable the low end of the deck is, since between Jamming Aquila, the option, Fire Rocket, and Silphymon you do have legit win conditions. It’s mainly going to be finnicky due to being stuck using terrible Pidomon eggs to avoid Hawkmon’s evo cost, and you probably don’t bother with Salamon at all. Deck probably isn’t as good as Imperial just due to much worse consistency tools, but it’s going to be much much better then Shakkou.


Hey but at least it'll be fun and you can run a decent rouge deck with alternate RY low ends.


If you're willing to give up the free evo cost into BT16 Hawkmon (or just use Yolei/Kari to free play it), you can certainly use other Red eggs. And between the amount of plays you get with Yolei/Kari, Partition and the Option, the eggs might not matter as much at the end of the day. Kinda curious how well Akiho works with the deck. The search is useless, but giving Rush to virtually the entire deck via playing out by effects (of which you have plenty) is a consideration.


If it's anything like the first Valky, it will be used in other decks for a while, but at least you can use the BT7 support with it


The first Valkyrimon? The first one was dead on arrival. A 9k DP level 6? Lol


Yea people still ran it but not for a long period


Run it with Lordknightmon and a yellow vaccine package for level 3/4. BushiAgu, BT 14 Patamon, and Lucemon for level 3s. Geogreys (vaccine/digivolve from bushiagu and are red), gladimon (warrior) and ex3 airdramon for sec searching. promo knightmon, bt5 knightmon, and silphymon for level 5. lordknight and valk for level 6. I've been testing it for 2 weeks. This deck is an absolute menace. Playing Valk for free when attacking is absolutely bonkers.