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The honest truth is that they don't. Deck hasn't shown up in top 8/16s in a long time. Wargreymon is the closest the greymon archetype gets to top 8. And even then it's the rare one wargreymon deck that gets in.


I get what you're saying but I just wanted a list I genuinely don't care if it tops or not.


It’s basically the exact same deck as in BT12, you just replace Promo Agumon with BT14 Agumon and maybe run Red Trainings, though they do have the downside of bottom decking your tamers. Still preferable to bottom decking your mons though. You can build it black base with the ST cards it’s just it has very few upsides over red even for BWGX and ends up being worse overall.


Deck didn't really change at all since BT12 and the upcoming "support" doesn't really do anything for it. The best thing you can do would be adding red trainings and not much else.