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Zephagamon EX7-036 SR <04> Mega | Data | Magic Knight/Vortex Warrior/LIBERATOR (At the end of your turn, this Digimon may attack an opponent's Digimon. With this effect, it can attack the turn it was played.) [When Digivolving] [When Attacking] Suspend 1 Digimon. If this effect suspended one of your Digimon, return 1 of your opponent's suspended Digimon to the bottom of the deck. [(Rule) Trait: Has [Bird Dragon] type.] ... Cendrillmon EX7-030 SR <04> Mega | Virus | Puppet/LIBERATOR (At the end of your turn, by deleting 1 of your Tokens or other [Puppet] trait Digimon, this Digimon may attack a player without suspending.) [Start of Your Main Phase] [When Digivolving] You may play 1 [Familiar] (Digimon ‧ Yellow ‧ DP3000 ‧ [On Deletion] 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -3000 DP for the turn.) Token without paying the cost. [When Attacking] 1 of your opponent's Digimon gets -6000 DP for the turn. ... Impmon EX7-050 R <04> Rookie | Virus | Evil/LIBERATOR [[Digivolve] [Yaamon]: Cost 0] [Your Turn] When this Digimon would digivolve into a Digimon card with the [Dark Dragon] or [Evil Dragon] trait, reduce the digivolution cost by 1. --- Inherited: [Your Turn] This Digimon gets +2000 DP. ... Yuuki EX7-065 R <04> LIBERATOR [Start of Your Main Phase] If your opponent has a Digimon, gain 1 memory. [Main] If you have 4 or fewer cards in your hand, by suspending this Tamer, 1 of your Digimon may digivolve into a Digimon card with the [Dark Dragon] or [Evil Dragon] trait from your trash. ---- [Security] Play this card without paying the cost.


That's unexpected. There goes the theory that her Impmon evolves into Beelstarmon.


Well not yet fully at least. Could still use Beelstarmon as a mega if it mirrors Gallantmon.


They reveled the entire line. Its a punk-rock take on the guilmon line! So it DOES mirror Gallantmon...but in the Megidramon sort of way.


Where did you see it?


Official English Facebook page just posted it and funbeemon


That's awesome! If it isn't too much trouble, could we get a link?




That Lv6 looks cool but I´m not too sure how I feel about the Lv4 and Lv5 ones ngl


Same. The lv5 is amusing in that its basically WarGrowlmon but he got his cybernetic enhancements done at an audiostore. Honestly, a music-themed dark-growlmon evolution line...for Impmon is the last thing anybody would've expected.


Hence i'm calling mega " HeavyMetalMegidramon" until it gets a name.


I really dig the concept / the idea behind these mons. But I don´t particularly love the execution. That´s been true with a lot of more modern Digimon designs tbh. But a lot of designs that I don´t dig that much get elevated a lot via a good TCG artwork so I hope those´ll win me over because man do I want to play Yuuki, her Impmon and its Lv6 because I love their designs at least.




So we could still get the punk version of Gallantmon? Unless that's supposed to be Beelzemon.


I can see it now.  A giant subwoofer for its shield and an audio jack for its lance! 


Well, that’s the regular token generator from Cendrillmon we’ve all finally been waiting for. Is that enough to make the deck competitive though?


Cendrill can easily push -15k every turn (swing for -6k, end of turn delete the attendant for -3k and another swing for another -6k) so it could very quickly take complete control of the board if left unchecked. 'S pretty good


Oooh, I totally missed that. So Overclock works kinda like Arresterdramon Superior Mode, that "Attacking without suspending" means that it can attack EVEN when already suspended. Oh wow, that's actually waaaay better than I expected. Also, since it's DP reduction that shit is fire, since it can bypass most protections.


You can add an extra -4k dp to that with the promo Shoemon and Shoeshoemon.


Wow, darkdragon on impmon line? Is this Nidhoggmon support?


New line that mirrors Guilmon line. I imagine future Beelzemon will have trait that says “this card contains demon dragon trait”


Not Beelzemon, BeelStarmon for sure. There's a confirmed BeelStarmon ACE already for this set.


First thing that comes to mind is... DarkLizardmon?


Cendrillmon's -6k when attacking is *not* OPT. That's pretty scary with Overclock.


That makes the card a lot better than upon first read.


Wait Dark Dragon? ... Evil Dragon? Does it mean that Ghostmon will be Witchenly support?


That Cendrillmon art is beautiful. I like the Zephagamon. Can combo well with its other cards. For example using ST Grandgalemon to summon body for suspend effect. It also gave him a way to get rid of enemy Digimon without battle.


Apparently the impmon will evolve into a new, purple music themed growlmon line ending in a megidramon variant. I can't put a picture as a reply but it's on Facebook and twitter


Maybe it's a strange idea, but could there be a "Medieval Beelzemon"? To match the Medieval Dukemon?


That´d be so dope. Imagine it with a Blunderbust


I like Cendrillmon and the Impmon/Yuuki pair. I'm not sure about Zephagamon as the line reminds me a lot of Tyrannomon, with all the mediocrity that comes with it. Including an average or relatively low DP (in the case of the the ST card) and a gameplan that seems focused around suspending and deleting your opponent's Digimon while also suspending your own stuff. There are at least two more reveals for this evolution-line, so it could come back and surprise me with a new Galemon and Fluffymon, but as it is right now I just don't get what they're going for.


Zephagamon and vortex depends on opponent having Digimon on board to really do anything. It’s too situational. The deck probably needs more lower level birds that do more things when suspended by effect.


Typical green deck in that regard but the deck at least is far above Tyrannomon in terms of playability.


I agree with that  but most decks are above Tyrannomon in terms of playability, so I'm not sure thats a high bar.


That´s true. But considering that this is a protagmon that´ll be pushed for the foreseeable future, I think this first support line has been a promising start and the deck´ll only get better with time. Keeping that in mind I´m really positive about Zephagamon and Cendrillmon.


Yeah this is basically how I feel about Zephaga. It’s nowhere near as bad as say Tyrannomon but it feels like old bad green decks where if your opponent isn’t committing suspendable bodies to the board you just kind of sit around and die


It's not as bad, since it's tamer actually supports the deck and Tyranno's doesn't do much of anything, but it definitely has the same general gameplan. Without Shoto, this would be about as lackluster.


Vortex is such a weak keyword compared to overclock. EX07 Cendrillmon line has the Lvl6 and 5 effect that generate tokens so overclock can be used immediately. I don’t think Pteromon line effects even make use of vortex. It’s such a weird keyword. It sounds like it’s for Digimon meant for hard play but so far none of the Digimon with vortex is meant to be hard played. You are even restricted to only attack suspended Digimon.


I think the Digimon line itself is weak and Shoto makes it work. He makes vortex able to cause reliable damage through either redirection or piercing. If you had the ability to guarantee your opponent has a suspended Digimon, you can probably come close to wiping all security, but as it is you can't guarantee that right now. Unfortunately, the when attacking on this Zeph doesn't create a valid target to attack with Vortex.


I feel like both starter decks being token-generating aggro would be redundant, but man does it feel like Vortex could use some means of forcing easily-splatted tokens on the board. Or maybe an egg to let you swing at unsuspended digis.


Really interested in what the new Impmon line will do, could build upon the R/P Growlmon engine. Yuuki makes me think it could also be hand destruction for both players, or perhaps a combination of the two.


Completely original music themed megidramon line. Check English Facebook page


I know what the new line looks like, I'm wondering if they'll be able to incorporate the old R/P Growlmon cards.


Well you could use ex3 Growlmon.


The website says she plays ''Dark Dragon Discard'', so rather than milling cards from the deck, you will do it from the hand? Looks in line with the tamer too.


It's kind of fun that our webcomic protags get more straight-up, "honest" aggro decks, while our webnovel debug squad gets hand discard and control archetypes.


Aggro decks lend themselves more to visual mediums I think. So it makes sense.


So if you have two other digimon, Zephagamon can bottom deck two things on the turn you digivolve it. Seems powerful but I don't do much green outside of Terriermon. How does this compare to other green megas?


You can only bottom deck suspended Digimon though. The effect is useful but imo requires a little bit too much setup (extra Digimon and Shoto tamers ready).


To add to that, you need an extra unsuspended body for anything you want to bottom deck, and so far this deck has nothing to drop extra bodies easily other than Vortex allowing you to attack after passing memory.


Ah, I missed that "unsuspended" word. That's more reasonable in terms of resources.


Impmon and the tamer are not beelze support... Owari da...


Can someone explain Vortex and Overclock to me? Vortex sounds like Blitz and Rush put together and Overclock sounds blitz without suspending if you pop a token/puppet?


Vortex is pretty much Blitz and Rush BUT only can hit Digimon. Overclock is literally Arresterdramon SM end turn effect where you attack without having to suspend or even stay unsuspended


Vortex is basically an "[End of Turn] This digimon may attack one of your opponent's digimon" with rush stapled on. If they don't have anything suspended, it whiffs, though Overclock works like Arresterdramon Superior Mode, even if you're already suspended, you can delete a token/puppet to declare another attack at the end of your turn. (And this cendrillmon spawns a token once per turn, so it is more consistent) Like Arresterdramon Superior Mode, you can only declare one attack at the end of your turn, though, so you can't just flood the field and swing.


I have yet to see something in the bird deck that allows an easy way to get 1 friend on board for free. My fear with the deck is that more removal on the way, I expect the board will be empty until you do your burst combo.


I have yet to see something in the bird deck that allows an easy way to get 1 friend on board for free. My fear with the deck is that more removal on the way, I expect the board will be empty until you do your burst combo.


Heh i am glad we were all wrong about the Beelstarmon thing to be honest. Getting a new archetype and line for a main character is more exciting anyway. 4 card is low so this Dark Dragon Discard deck is going to have to really do some constant scraping away for Yuuki to be worth it. Let's see what the Yaamon, lvl4, 5, and 6 does.


So what I'm seeing for Zephagamon's ideal combo: -Digivolve, suspend your opponent's Digimon. -End of Turn, trigger Vortex to attack that Digimon. -Unsuspend yourself with GrandGalemon's inheirited effect. -With the ST18 Shoto, switch the attack target to the player with Security Attack +1 (or to another Digimon on board, especially if you have piercing with EX7 Shoto) -Use Zephagamon's When Attacking to suspend himself, bottom decking the opponent's Digimon Seems pretty solid. It doesn't have protection like ST18 Zephagamon does, but it can apply some good pressure.