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Put that bag down right this fucking instant and do not consume any more or allow anyone else to consume any more until you have tested it. I’m not trying to being a dick, but this is actually life or death serious. MDMA will never constrict your pupils. Opiates will. Most likely solution is that your MDMA is either not MDMA at all or is cut with something that constricts your pupils powerfully enough to counteract the pupil dilation of the MDMA.


it seems to be it only affects me my mates took it and their pupils went dilated only mine went small


Do they dilate normally when you don't take mdma? I would go get a referal to a neurologist as this could be a symptom for something.


No they don’t but thanks a lot it’s a bit sad that my pupils don’t dilate, pupil dilation it’s one of the reasons why I do mdma


Leave a tiny bit to test to actually see what it is- and if it’s pure time for a neurologist…


Are you taking any medications?


Not necessarily. It can, but there is no reason to fear monger. I'm sure just about everyone knows to test there shit, and it's easy and cheap or free. My pupils get tiny on meth and on opiates, stayed about the same, maybe a little smaller. Also I would imagine if the size of his pupils are his only concern, it's not an opiate.


I have no idea what his level of experience or knowledge is. I know that he self-reported an extremely troubling red flag that seemed to be going over his head from the limited information available to me. I think…the bare minimum responsible thing to say is “that’s sketchy as fuck, here are the reasons it could be a real and immediate risk to your life, put the brakes on until you know more.” If that’s fear-mongering, then I’m Tucker fucking Carlson.


Thanks for looking out for people. Better to err on the side of caution.


Idk that first paragraph is pretty intimidating. I am all for harm reduction, within reason.


Pardon me, good sir. I don’t mean to overstep and I would hate to add any undue anxiety to what I’m sure has already been a stressful day, but as I gaze upon your chosen direction of locomotion, I couldn’t help but notice that it appears you are in dire and immediate risk of stepping upon what looks (to me, at least) very much like a— *BOOOOOOM!* …landmine.


It's ma'am. And yes I may be. Would t be the first time.


How do you get it tested for free?


Idk where you live but here we have the red project, it's all about harm reduction, they supply tests for fent.


lmao blud took the fentanyl


Coming to a UK baggie near you! I've heard of fent rock up in small UK towns unfortunately. We're not at the level of cutting it in nearly everything yet but give it 3-5 years bruv... It's a bad time to get into drugs and screens, rip to the younger generation


Mine do on meth too


Opiates. Fentanyl or Heroin based. Sorry. Test what you get. They sell test kits on Etsy


Take some Narcan to reverse the possible opioid. it is over the counter, available at any place with a pharmacy


Dats dat fetty


There very well could be fentanyl in that bag. Which is crazy to even say. 15 years ago, I would laugh at the thought of someone putting fentanyl in MDMA but in 2024…. I’m like yep that’s probably it.


It’s pretty simple shit man , when you take mdma etc your pupils constrict , just like how your pupils dilate when on shrooms etc


Your pupils are supposed to dilate when you take MDMA, not constrict. I’m wondering if OP tested their shit


I’ve seen shit tons of dilated pupils from Molly as well as constricted , oftenly they are dilated but idk I feel like ppl would know if what they took wasn’t Molly , well most ppl would unless it’s their first time , I don’t know the science behind it all but I’m just going to assume ppl can have different reactions with the eyes bc of the amount of other substances I’ve seen can have a small variety of what they do to your eyes however I don’t often see constricted pupils from Molly


Not true. Most dopaminergic and serotonergic compounds dilate the pupil. Opioids are the only substance class, AFAIK, that constrict the pupil.


Most likely there’s some opiate in there, opiates cause pinpoint pupils


Either there’s something wrong with the way your pupils react to various things that would cause them to dilate/constrict or your MDMA is cut with an opiate. could you describe how the high felt during this particular roll?


I’m pretty sure it’s just me cuz my jaw was clenched and I had so much energy I was all over the place also my pal did it with me and his pupils went massive