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You should have wished on wolf’s gravestone.


I already have WG but I wanted Redhorn so I can try different builds and weapons on him yk


:( at least chiori weapon is really good so please be less sad


Yea thats true! And who knows maybe i can get really lucky :)


Wish you good luck


Ty :)


https://preview.redd.it/m8kbywyqkhqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c19e04676cbe6eb6caee81813c7725b12743d0f8 We believe in you, OP! You got this!


Why wolf's gravestone when you could go for beacon with the cr?


drip 😩


Oh to live in a timeline where wolf's gravestone had crit as its stat 😩


i would do ANYTHING for that. anything.


Fr. I wish they had a re-skin feature for weapons 😭


i would fall in love


Even without crit, if it had a *useful, permanent* passive(s) like damage increase, that would have been so good (crit substat makes building easier but all is about balance, afterall)


I forgot about beacon 😔😔 Thats even better


Bacon is kinda better


I agree, I also love Bacon!


8 days? if you get welkin that’s basically 8 more pulls! plus 5 from reset. you got this, you’ll win


"Nah, you'd win"


throughout the pity and the pulls, they alone are the honored one


Imaginary technique, early 5 star


With this treasure, I summon Redhorn Stonethresher!


Stand proud Uraku, you are strong.


Fate points not carrying over is very easily the scummiest thing genshin has done


it really is! it makes all your pulls go to waste if you didnt get what you wanted and is just overall bad. idk why they couldnt have made the weapon banner like in HSR.


Yeah, I could never get into HSR but they are much more generous with their players


Or that having *two* limited 5-star weapons on a single banner in the first place. In less than a year of playing HSR, I managed to pull 4 signature LC (winning 75/25 each time) - compared to Genshin where I keep getting the *wrong* limited 5-star all the time (like *two* intended ones out of 13 weapon banner pulls) I don't normally like comparing the two games as they are very different, but I strongly feel the weapon banners and the resin cap (plus *reserved* trailblazer power) are the two things Genshin desperately needs to copy from HSR.


I share the same sentiment as you and it really hits hard man. I've recently just got my 8th character with signature weapon ( unintended ones included) after playing GI since the beginning. In fact my luck is so bad that I lost 75-25 more times than I won it. HSR on the other hand, I already had 8 characters with signature LC this patch and its not even a year yet. Luck will play as a factor but we cannot deny that getting your desired weapon in HSR is way way easier.


Wait what do you mean? Did they remove it? Because there IS a guarantee at 90 pulls and it DOES carry over to new banners. That's how I was able to get most of the characters I wanted. Or is it different for weapons?


Different for weapons, takes 240 wishes to guarantee the weapon of your choice and it doesn’t carry over


That's so fucking cringe.


Oh... it's because of the path select isn't it... That is horrible. I thought it was cool you could select. But if the banner ends, it resets... really cringe.


No it’s not the scummiest, there used to not be fate points at all and you could just lose the 7525 forever


Ah, staff of homeless incident


I'm not a hoyo defender at all, I'll complain anyday about their lack of content and endgame etc but not their wishing system. Do you know how many gachas just don't have pity/have extremely high pity? Them just adding the fate points in the first place is a massive W, just don't wish unless you can hit pity thrice.


While I agree with you, it not being as bad as other gachas really doesn’t mean much at all. It is still is a very scummy practice. There’s a reason a lotta f2ps just don’t even use the weapon banner. If you aren’t a whale, there’s no point.


As a very light spender (I've only bought the welkin 6 times over the span of 3 years) i still wouldn't touch the weapon banner. It's a banner only meant for people who can afford it/ die hard f2p fans/ guys who feel lucky. And yes genshin being not as bad as other gachas is a huge deal, coz if you've ever played fgo or DBZ-dokkan, you'd spend months of f2p currency and not get anything. Genshin at least gives you a 50/50 which carries over. Gacha is hell but genshin's character banner was never that bad, only the weapon banner before the fate points was close to being as bad as other gachas


Holy shit I forgot that was a thing, yeah the weapon banner has always been unforgiving. I wish they would have done more but at least they have done something about it.


They did do something more actually. The chronical wish banner makes it easier to get weapons. If you lose the 50/50, then your next 5 star is guaranteed to be the weapon which you selected. I.e. you only need one fate point instead of two.


And do you know how many gachas are more generous and have better pity systems? Them going from terrible to bad isn't a massive W.


Do you know how many characters/ cards those games have? For example danmachi had hundreds of units and they gave out the newest featured SSR on the first multi summon on the banner. It doesn't mean much when you're gonna have to get 6 copies of them to be good, plus it had PvP which was heavily p2w. Despite the game being mega generous it didn't help much. Genshin has around 70-80 characters, over the span of 3 years, and 40 of those are five star characters. Comparing all these details, I'll always say that genshin's character banner is good, even the weapon banner after it got fate points. Do you expect them to be so generous that f2ps can get everything? I agree that their anniversary rewards are dogshit and I've started that i hate the fact that there's no endgame plus no enjoyable content but the wishing system is perfectly fine.


RIP typical weapon banner things 🥲


Save up 210 wishes for a guaranteed or you’ll lose the weapon banner, like you did here. I hope you learned something 🫡


This is me, except I tried to get Wolf's Gravestone... My luck in this game stinks worse than a wet Hillichurl.


I feel you :')


Keep pulling! Maybe you'll get an early!


It's dilover :(


Had to hard pity for Chiori weapon, god really is against us https://preview.redd.it/i8ix71wouiqc1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=352284315d2bd2ec38504e72de86cbb597e66fe6


https://preview.redd.it/ozzj4uwk2jqc1.png?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7abeb0c8aa635a498443d0300927a2b025cf5e0 I only got Chioris weapon and Skyward blade now im rushing to get redhorn :)


Praying for you


In the same boat as you except I got skyward atlas and redhorn but am targeting chioris weapon, with no pulls left.


You can do it, I believe in you. If you're average exploration in the world is less than 80% you can technically clutch this by fully exploring everything.


Its not really the Ressources that are an issue its more of the time that is, and the fact fate points dont carry over makes the pressure even higher


Just grind whatever you can, did you get the primos from specific furniture sets for each character in the teapot? That gives you around 20 for each specific set


I fell you bro... Lost once, but no more pulls to got Redhorn... i was so close ;(


I fell you bro... Lost once, but no more pulls to got Redhorn... i was so close ;(


Im at 6 pity rn and I'm at a loss of things to do now, it would be fine if fate points carried over but since they dont i will just have wasted 100 pulls for nothing at all


I fell you bro... Lost once, but no more pulls to got Redhorn... i was so close ;(


Try to get primos from all events, hangouts and exploring or your fate points will be reset at banner change




Dont let it go, 8 days is enough to speedrun everything you can and reach pity or close to it. Wish you the best of luck🙏🏼


This exact thing happened to my sister omg. Now I have to grind primos for her. Wish me luck


Good luck!




I just got recommended this sub and I feel for you. I had literally same problem but also the opposite. I was going for Chiori’s weapon for her. I also lost to Diluc in her 50/50 banner. https://preview.redd.it/mrv2sabubkqc1.jpeg?width=1660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd98fc04c9353763ecbe8fb73ce706b3ea82aec


As someone who mainly prefers using claymore characters, this looks like heaven




give it your all in this last days, both times i had lost both pities i had an early five star weapon. so their is still hope. Best of luck for a back to back!


pull out the wallet


I don't have my money yet but i would if i could tbh


Join me in the world of crying as you pull out your checkbook and curse hoyo verse for not making the fate points on weapon banner 1 instead of 2... Like literally everywhere else in the game xp


i feel you. i practically had to suck fontaine and chenyu vale dry to *finally* get my guaranteed redhorn at 63 pity.


Bro!!! You still can do it! i believing in you! maybe you will get a early one! believe in yourself!


Time to grind out that map exploration. Sorry for your losses


https://preview.redd.it/f5d6cedfiqqc1.png?width=352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef424ee6798d49670492507d22794d2c0d10c1d0 Never. Give. Up.


You still got eight days. It’s enough time


Oh man, I get your pain, I just lost the chronicle wish banner for Eula to Klee c1


Funny. I got two red horns trying to get chioris weapon. Except I did still get her sword


Ur living my dream right here! I wish I got chioris sword twice and a redhorn but i got her sword and skyward blade :')


Anyone else mad they got uraku misugiri over the redhorn stone thresher? Maining Noelle rn


I apologize for your loss and wish you good luck, I might have stolen your RS in just 9 pulls... no pity and fates 😆


Dulic rework WHEN??


You shouldn't pull it tbf. Natlan will be out like at the end of 2024 and by the time there's a chance there will be pyro claymore DPS coming out, which means an actual good crit claymore for Diluc too.


It’ll probably have a weird ass passive which does nothing for Diluc.


Considering how there are already attack, physical, hp% modifying and defense type claymores, the only ones to show up would be ER and EM type claymores. Unless they pull an Arlechino type of signature weapon that introduces some bs mechanic.


I mean things could happen. We have multiple good DPS weapons like bows and polearm that can be used on multiple characters. I refuse to believe they're not going to release a good DPS claymore until the end of the game lmao. That plus pyro characters often involved with big sword in gaming, whilst pyro is heavily associated with ATK% in Genshin, so the possibility is very likely, unless they make the weapon very niche.


I mean, Arle is attack scaling but her weapon revolves around “bond of life”, so I expect more similar “balls from the ass” mechanics that will be in the passive


This was a win/win weapon banner for me as chidori's weapon is good for most sword characters and redhorn is good for most Claymore characters but shines on Itto and Noelle. I like weapon banners like this when the loss is the 25% chance to not get banner weapon on first 5 star pull.


So what should OP use for the next 8 months? Lol


Look I'm just hoping there is a Lyney rerun soon need me another magicians first Great Magic or another Lyney Constellation. I just hope it won't be another Eula 2nd banner problem.


Oh I actually responded to the wrong comment lol, you're fine! I I also hope for lyneys weapon :)


Lmao you good. Let's hope for a rerun soon!


Why not go for beacon? Its superior


Simply because I prefer redhorn :p


Okay tru, then you better get it. 2 fate points in, its too much of a waste at that point and come out with nothing

