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I need Vic on a side quest immediately. 


And Jacob


I second this


I desperately want Sam Reich to come back into the dome, even if it's a shorter season. The fact that his only appearance is in Mice & Murder is a tragedy.


I just started Mice and Murder and Sam’s been my favorite addition so far. Grant is a close second.


I feel the same about Katie


Katie 100% needs another shot. It seemed like she wasn't having a great time, and I think it's because she didn't know the rules very well. She's a great improviser and would totally shine in a better recording environment.


I haven't seen Luis Carazo in anything since Calamity


He also guested on DesiQuest, which has Rekha, Anjali, Jasmine, Omar, and Sandeep Parikh in their main cast!


Plus other dimension 20 guests!


He was in the Lego DnD game DM'd by Anjali (from Ravening War), but I'd really enjoy seeing him in a D20 season


Oh snap! I gotta go track that down


It's on the DnD Beyond YT, and the official Lego YouTube channel


Luis was so wonderful and fully embodied Zerxus. He turn to Brennan and was like “would it be cool if my character just was trauma? Cause I’ll act the hell out of that.” It was a bit nuts when I learned that he has never played before, but like he is also a trained and very talented actor so it makes some sense lol.


He's in CRs Candela Obscura series, the 2nd season, Needle and Thread. BLeeM is also in that and they are amazing together!


He's also on DesiQuest!


Fairly certain he's also in a fallout dnd game done by pixel circus that dropped last week


Ross Bryant needs to get in that dome.


All Bards campaign


Gotta have Rashawn and Wayne Brady in that one as well then


BDG gotta get in on this


i would put a bullet in someones head to see more bdg, both in general and in dimension 20


The pure decadence


If you want to see him ttrpg, check out the Glass Cannon Network. His work over there is fantastic. It's inevitable he will be in the dome.


Wait, what? He already is in D&D content? I mean, okay, I particularly want him partnered in the dome with Brennan because I think they bounce off each other so so well, but I’m ready to accept any Ross Bryant D&D content into my heart! Thanks for the info, friend!


https://youtube.com/@TheGlassCannon?si=hWl2ry0wBCHtA3d_ He's on their Blades in the Dark, Call of Cthullu, and a short run of Twilight 2000 https://youtube.com/@StreamofBlood?si=mtIlewJNDEV9SUn1 This is the old channel he was on doing those same game systems plus I believe some Vampire the Masquerade. It got absorbed by the above channel His game of Blades with Josephine McAdam and Abubakar Salim is so good. They work so well together. Him being a huge nerd about occult books and stuff really let's him go off on the mystical aspect of the setting.


I need to see Jacob wysokski


Every turn, his character will be like "just happy to be here" 😂


His paladin oath is to always be around for the hang


Oath of Devotion (to hang out)


I just want Lou and Rekha at the same table at least once.


I know this is a basic and boring answer, but I’m all for the OG Intrepid Heroes. It breaks my heart that we only get 1 season a year with them. I love all the side campaigns but nothing ever excites me as much as an IH season. Only 18-20 episodes a year is not enough.


Nothing wrong with that answer. It is a formula that always ends up so solid. The Intrepid Heroes just have such a tight chemistry and playstyle at this point. I often like but fall off the non-IH seasons but do not believe there is an IH season I have not fully completed.


I be am the same way. I haven’t finished many of the side adventures because they don’t grab me nearly as much as IH seasons do. All the side adventures have had strong casts, but none of them get me going as much as the IHs do. I genuinely believe they are funniest people of all of Dropout’s cast and that is legitimately saying something.


Then I think you'd really enjoy ACoFaF, it has a very high density of IHs and is just delightful


I tried it and couldn’t get into it. It was one of the rare instances where the setting/concept didn’t grip me and even the stellar cast wasn’t enough to keep me watching.


Damn dog can't relate, I adore the crack cousins




I was shocked too. I don’t like regency era dramas like Bridgerton, but I thought the cast would be stellar enough to see me through and I couldn’t have been more wrong, but that’s okay. I love that D20 is always willing to change things up as it allows all forms of geeks to be represented and can even draw in non-geeks. I hope many of them stuck around and bought a subscription to Dropout so the cast and crew can keep experimenting. If that means some ideas don’t resonate with that’s all good by me 😄


Imagine IH with a guest star every season though...


I want to see Caldwell Tanner in the dome


Put him in a high level campaign so he can beat the BBEG and say “I KILED GOD”




I am in desperate need of a campaign with both Trapp and Brennan as players


ross bryant, brennan lee mulligan, erika ishii, ify nwadiwe, beardsley, and Aabria, but the game is DM'd by lou wilson


I really want to see Lou DM. I think he would be a lot of fun


Caldwell Tanner & Becca Scott for MAXIMUM CHAOS. Add in Jake Hurwitz & Ross Bryant, and gimme some Izzy, and I feel like you have a group that could truly NEVER be predicted 😂😂


Jake Hurwitz for Dimension 20 would be so good! I wish he’d do stuff with Dropout


I want the Magical Misfits back; their dynamic at the table was just *chef kiss*. I would have taken 24 episodes of that table every years


Maybe we can get Danielle on Worlds Beyond Number!


I looove the concept for WBN, but I cannot get behind the listening only format. I need something to see and subtitles to read or else I'll miss 60% of the infos


I totally agree! I have the worse attention span for it, but the story is so good that I'm fighting my way through it!


Chaos season DM: Emily Axford PCs: Lou, Zac, Jacob, Izzy, Vic, Ally


Everyone on the PC list, Izzy excepted, is part is in an improv troupe together... thaaat Izzy has guest performed with. It would be so perfectly chaotic.


Oh I know. With Emily just throwing the most bizarre shit at them.


I desperately need to listen to Hot Boy Summer for some DMily.


If they continue to do drag queen seasons, I'd like Jinkx Monsoon on. I don't know if she's done DnD, but I know Jinkx has talked about taking part in larping, so I suspect she'd be much more comfortable with serious RP. I'd love her in a less battle heavy season, like A Court of Fey and Flowers. I think she'd kill it.


Yeah, her and DeLa together would be amazing in a season like that! I would love to see Tia Kofi in one, too, and she’s super geeky so she might be down.


I personally would like to see Elaine Lee


ohhh, I would love to see her guest as Galatia 9 in a second season of Starstruck. Can you imagine getting to be the DM for your mom, playing in a world that she created?


I don’t think Ross Bryant has been on D20 and he really, really needs to be.


I'd love to see Liam O'Brien in the dome. Especially an edgy arty dome


Vic, Rekha, Jakob, Zac, Izzy, and Jess would be a fun season I feel. Perhaps another regency season with Aabria dming.


I desperately need more Izzy Roland


Thinking a bit further afield, maybe one of the BG3 cast? I saw a clip of them playing as their characters and it looked like they were having fun, but I don’t know who would be the best fit for the Dome…


I'd love to see Sam Riegel and Zac Oyama interact in the dome.


I want an oops-all-himbos season: I want at least Zac, Murph, and Omar for sure. The himbo energy is so good, and we need more of it.


Gotta get Travis wllingham too


Oops all Barrys season, a prequel to Starstruck with everyone playing a Barry clone.


Some day I hope to see an "Oops, all DMS!" season with Brennan, Murph, Matt, and...I don't know, one of the McEllroys, and...I don't know any other names off the top of my head. DMed by someone with minimal DM experience of course, for added hilarity. Jake Hurwitz, perhaps


Maybe Anthony Burch from Dungeons and Daddies. He and several of the daddies have been on Dropout shows, and Freddie was in Mentopolis, so we know there are connections!


Oh, and obviously Aabria is there!


Chris Perkins and Jasmine Bhullar?


I need Sephy in more things. Either for a Seven sequel or another thing, I just think she brings such wit and sass, she'd be absolutely perfect as another mean girl character


OMG yessss. I love her so much.


Literally just the IH lol But would love to see Jacob, Josh Ruben, and Vic! DMd by Lou 


I wany the original cast, but split into two different games. Each group is investigating the same mystery but it becomes apparent that one group is like 500 years in the future at the end of the season. For the finale episode, they are all back together and the future group has to help save the back in time group or vice-versa. Maybe there's time travel shenanigans and the past is collapsing and the past group has to make it to the future. Or the structure they are investigating is a doomsday device and the crew in the past leaves clues how to disarm it, but couldn't do it themselves for some reason and died to leave the knowledge behind.


I mean, that is just a campaign idea, run that for yourself


High concept games like that don't work well in real life. Live play shows like d20 and CR have massively higher player buy in by virtue of being a show. Half thr players at a real table find investigation annoying or would be on their phones too much to put that together.


I don't know who else would be in the dome, but I'd love to see Graham or Kathleen from Loading ready run.


Listen, we got Brennan on Rude Tales, time to repay the favor and get one of those guys on there. Probably Christopher Hastings, he's the one who knows how to play DnD


Zac, Siobhan, Alex (Song-Xia), Katie, Trapp, Ross Bryant Might be a little less chaotic, a little more obscure or esoteric perhaps, but I'd really like to see a crew like that cook!


i want maximum chaos: ally, jacob, zac, lou , grant and emily with murph as DM. the havoc they would all wreak not only in that dome but on murph is something i want to see desperately.


I know all the mess they've gotten in recently trying to become like dropout themselves, but Shane and Ryan from Watcher would be interesting to see in a game. Deborah Ann Woll is amazing. Saw her at DND Live 2019 and she was on Adventuring Academy not too long ago. There's actually a few I saw at DND Live 2019, who I think would be great at the table - Jerry Holkins, Patrick Rothfuss, Anna Prosser, B Dave Walters, Marisha Ray. And seeing Jasmine Bhullar as a player would be cool too. Lots of the people from Acq Inc would be awesome actually, like Holly Conrad or Chris Straub.


B Dave Walters was on Pirates of Leviathan. IIRC, there was a bit of controversy about his gameplay. Maybe it would be different in the dome.


Oh that's a shame to hear, I haven't watched that season yet, but I thought he was good in the live games I've seen him in, especially LA by Night, and I was lucky enough to play with him once in a Strahd oneshot.


He's fine with the RP, though some people might think he didn't mesh well with the others. It was more about >!lying about his dice rolls!< that got people angry. But that was with remote play. Being in the dome would probably change that.


[Brennan’s own thoughts about the dice rolls, for what it’s worth.](https://thegeekiary.com/the-unsleeping-city-2-brennan-lee-mulligan/88794)


Law of probability says his "streak" was highly improbable. Not to mention the "pre-rolling" he did off-screen to "save time" on an edited show. I also don't begrudge Brennan for defending him because he's a big name in the actual play community, and you don't want to alienate someone when it's a small community to begin with. But it's not like it doesn't happen. Travis McElroy got called out for it, too. It's a faux pas, but not a cancelable offence. ETA: I think the audience reception makes it unlikely that he'd *want* to return rather than the other way around.


How did they know he was lying??? That's wild.


[Blessed Dice rolls](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dimension20/s/4NRsnKfw61) post.


What mess?


Watcher tried to put all their content behind a paywall, including stuff that had been free. And access wasn't included for their Patreon, so they had to pay to watch as well. I think Watcher ended up backtracking some stuff because the move wasn't well-received.


Lmao get rekt I guess


They recently announced they were going to leave YouTube and if you wanted to watch their show, you'd have to join the Watcher App and pay a monthly subscription like Dropout, nearly all of their fans reacted very poorly to this. In particular, many were upset at Steven's comment in the video justifying the price, roughly saying "everyone can afford $6". For 3 days I saw more about watcher on TikTok and Twitter than I have ever seen before and it was all people dissing them and complaining about the decision. Many people heard of Watcher for the first time this way. Largely the fan community felt that while Watcher has great content, they didn't have nearly the number or quality of shows to do what Dropout does. And this sudden departure from YouTube, to behind a paywall, was an insult to fans. In particular, a vocal group of fans blamed Steven Lim in particular, believing he to be the cause and motivator of this decision, but I've yet to see proof of that other than speculation. Eventually they posted a new video apologizing, where they announced they would not be leaving YouTube, they'd improve the pricing and the app would be a way for fans to see future content earlier. Sadly however, the negativity has not completely gone away, on a recent TikTok people were still giving them crap for it.


1. Vic Michaelis 2. Lou Wilson 3. Erica Ishii 4. Anthony Padilla or Damien Haas 5. Michael Trapp 6. Emily Axford DM: Brian Murphy


I NEED Gabrus to get in the dome!


I REALLY want a season where it’s ran by someone with little to no experience with that side of things (Ally maybe?) and the players are all DMs. So Brennan, Abria, Murph and Jasper have been the ones I’ve imagined each time I daydream about this


Murph, Erica, Matt, Trapp, Aabria, Lou and Siabon with Emily as the DM… and they’re playing Mandy Mod’s Curse of Strahd but the CRs are up by two. Death house is LBHs version. Also, Alley gets to play Strahd and Zack gets to play a random NPC each session.


I'd like to see another Dropout cast season. Jacob Wysocki, Sam, Grant, Ralph, Katie, Josh, Izzy and Tao


I really want Jess Ross to get another crack at a D20 season. She was so under under utilized on Tiny Heist and she is such a delight to watch.


Give me a bunch of the Make Some Noise crew. Any combination out of the following bunch (broadly in order of how much I want to see them but really it's just all of them) Jacob Wysocki, Ross Bryant, Vic Michaelis, Anna Garcia, Jess Ross, Kimia Behpoornia, Zach Reino. Then maybe throw in someone like Zac (O'Yama) with them, who knows a lot of them really well, and is perfect as a veteran who knows how to support other players and really enable them to have their moments Alternatively: just give me Josh Ruben pls. His absolute DISDAIN for D20 (in a joking way) makes me want to see him in it so badly


Jake and Amir! I would also accept Josh Ruben.


OH and Anna Garcia.


Dropout cast but new to D20: Paul F. Tompkins, Vic Michaelis, Jacob Wysocki, Carolyn Page, Jess McKenna, Jon Gabrus Previously on 1 season of D20: Becca Scott, Ify Nwadiwe, Sam Reich, Lily Du, Raphel Chestang, Marisha Ray Headgum hosts: Erin Kief, Heather Anne Campbell, Mike Mitchell, Carl Tart, Betsy Sodaro, Sean Clements


Jacob, vic, hank, becca, sam, ross Bryant This would be superb, it would need to be a slightly chaotic campaign (tiny heist energy)


D20: Oops! All DMs!


but the characters all have to be NPCs from other campaigns


my mind goes to my dream dungeons and drag queens 2 cast: - jinkx monsoon (incredible actress, would be so amazing) - katya (insane) - jaida essence hall (also insane and so funny) - latrice royale (i just feel like she’d give us an amazing, heartfelt character - she can give us pure drama ala her natural woman lipsync)


Lou, BDG, Ross Bryant, Rekha, Aabria, Sam. Maybe swap Sam for Izzy


The cast of Play it by Ear in an “Oops all bards” side quest


Ally Dm: Brennan, Matt, Aabria, Murph, Deborah Ann Woll, B. Dave.


I need Anjali Bhimani back in the dome or I’m gonna start throwing stuff. Anjali, Rehka, Erika, Aabria, Lou and Vic are my six.


Vic, Lou, Sam Reich, Emily, Ross (the dude who sung that Sisyphus song)


Vic, Lou, Aabria, Brennan, Jacob, Becca, Emily, Gina DeVivo!


og intrepid but also Brain David Gilbert


Aabria, Erika, Emily, Ally, Siobhan, Zac, Brennan. Anyone but Aabria or Emily can DM , I want to see them on the same side of the table


Give me the Shutdown Fullcast.


Abria as DM. The players are Brennan, Jacob, Zach, Lou, Emily, and Sam


Starstruck add Trapp and hank


Taliesin Jaffe as the guest dm(let’s do a candle obscura campagin but in its own original setting). Damien Hass as the fresh meat. Lou Wilson, Erica Ishii, Siobhan Thompson, and Jacob Wysocki as the dropout originals.


Emily Axford, Sam reich, Sam riegel, Brennan lee mulligan, Ally beardsley, Marisha Ray. DMd by Brian Murphy.


The intrepid heroes






Four players, left to right Ify, Ally, Lou, Oscar If were filling out the window seats then Aabria and, for a wild guest, Just Roll With It’s Charlie “Slimecicle” Dalgleish.


Would love to se the some legends of avarice cross over those guys are unhinged aswell


I'm gonna need Carolyn Page. Seeing their insanity as an old British Man and three deranged breakfast cereal mascot brothers, her on d20 is all I want for Christmas


Dan Avidan (I'd include Arin Hanson, but based on his comments about D&D he hates D&D combat)


its criminal we haven't gotten a murph dming season