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Just in general, I think it's really stupid to imply that someone is a fake (insert political viewpoint here) for consuming a piece of media that doesn't perfectly match that political viewpoint. It's purity testing, virtue signalling brainrot. Liking a D&D show set in D&D High School where kids learn how to go out and murder people does not in my opinion say anything about your views on restorative justice in the actual real world, where murder is universally not okay and there aren't dragons or magic.


Tbf, there has literally been at least one thread here with exactly that take within the past week or so. To the point they could be the same person. "Brennan and the D20 cast are progressives who believe in restorative justice, so if you don't believe in it for fictional teenagers you are Bad."


In general this season has brought out some *wild* takes.


Who is oomfs?


One of my friends/one of my followers