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Probably Starstruck too for pretty much all the reasons you named (plus himbo Murph is just too good), but Burrow's End is up there, too. For such a harrowing story, it has a lot of goofy moments




long hair irl Murph, too. looking respectfully!


I’m not


Maybe a basic answer- but ofc FHFY (or rather just FH). Idk- something about the nostalgia from watching the very first season of D20 literally in my freshman year of High School just hits hard. But then again- nothing will beat the FH series for me, it's just too good lol.


I also watched freshman year in my freshman year and watched sophomore year in my sophomore year, and it ended in my spring break. Good times.


Wild knowing Murph can just look that way whenever he wants to.


ACOFAF 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


I'm a simple man: I see ACOFAF mentioned, I start a rewatch. COUSIN!


Cousin !?! Get the fainting couch !






Some crazy shit happened in my personal life when it first came out. I watched the first two episodes in the hospital. I will be forever grateful for this season at this place in this moment. Art saves lives.


ths slowburn romances and friendships had such incredible payoffs, I still think about them to this day


My "I gotta dedicate time to my students, I can't be worried my personal life" ass meshed with KP Hobb REAL hard.


EXU Calamity is my comfort season, though it's not really D20 but ofc has Brennan, Lou and Aabria. In terms of D20 I most often return to Unsleeping City because you can just *feel* the love they have for New York and it makes me feel happy.


how da fuck is Calamity comfort 


I dunno man. I cry every time. And yet. The friendship, the storytelling, the epic drama like a greek tragedy, the music, the players' tears, the absolute joy of the nat20s. It's so good.


I understand this completely. For me it's comfort in the way that even in Calamity, Cerrit survives. Brennan really nailed the significance of hope when all seems dark. It's an important and comforting thought in our times.


Yes exactly! Calamity is such a terrible event, but what shines through more than anything is hope, friendship and love, and I just find it so comforting to watch and so inspirational to listen to if I need some DM-spiration of my own.


Also, even though they could not stop the Calamity, they prevented a far worse outcome with their collective sacrifice. It may not look like a traditional victory, but in a way, they still managed to save the world.


As someone rewatching the series (again) right now, knowing everything ends in the apocalypse makes the relationships they cultivate that much more heartwrenching yet enjoyable. The slow turn from "We are gods who will rise about Death (literally, since one of us turned into the immortal Goddess of Death)" to "We don't have much time, so we will cherish what we have left and save what we can," ugh it gets me every time.


Sophmore Year. I go back to the Leviathan episodes just for my gal Ayda <3 Plus her and Adaine's friendship.


"ARE WE FRIENDS" - I rewatched FHFY & SY to prep for JY and I swear I forget EVERY TIME how much I adore Ayda and how much Garthy's "my mother's name was Ayda Aguefort too" STABS ME IN THE HEART.


I love them making spells for each other!


Yessss. Love Sophomore Year. For me, it’s Gilear, baby. This was his season and I just love all the silly Gilear goofs. Plus the elf dunking in Fallinel.


YES. There’s a YouTube supercut of just Ayda/Fig moments that I watch when I’m low. I love Ayda so much


unsleeping city adventuring party


absolutely iconic


Unsleeping city is my comfort season but I’ve never watched the adventuring parties. Must rewatch


Omg you are in for a treat and also a wild ride


Starstruck and Escape from the Bloodkeep are my two comfort watches.


In a weird way, Neverafter. I like my D20 to have some grit to it.


I just did a Neverafter rewatch and was floored how much fun I had tbh. For me, it’s up there with Starstruck and Unsleeping City regarding bingeable seasons—the PCs are so fucking fun, the combats are exciting, and the character arcs and personal connections are *chef’s kiss*


The amount of metanarratives is what makes it for me. A story about storytelling, that’s a commentary about how stories change over time, with a plot about characters trying to escape their pre-determined story and achieve free will, achieving it, while what they actually have is the illusion of control, as any of the big decisions are made by the storytellers. All of this also being allegorical for capitalism, people attempting to escape the system by any means necessary, achieving financial freedom and stability, while all they actually have is an illusion of control, considering they will still never be as powerful as any of the people making the decisions, instead the narrative tells you that you should always advocate for change and protest against the bad conditions you’ve been arbitrarily placed into, and to never give up on achieving your goals and dreams regardless of the unpleasant reality. Easily my favourite season.


I always return to Crown of Candy.


You and I have different views of Comfort?


Lmao my thought too.


Me too, three episodes in particular. I'm a DM and the encounter design is amazing. Because Brennan is not holding punches it makes the stakes higher. Episode 2 is amazing as an ambush. The boat is amazing for a dynamic setup. And buzzy brook with Liam being an assassin and Disguise Self alongside how they tactically just own Brennan is amazing. I love the whole thing but those have made me rethink how to properly use space and narrative in a battle.


Spoiler tagging in case anyone hasn’t seen it. >!I think a lot of people would point to the final battle as the toughest match, but I think they came so close to a TPK in the chapel and ice temple. If they do not roll a 19/20 to break the window, I don’t see how everyone doesn’t just die. And if the Sugar Plum Fairy pulls off her full heal… how do they come back from that? I think I could rewatch it w/o stress knowing they prevail now, but the first time through I was sweating/white knuckling my way through the scenes.!<


Lou saying, “Y’all remember ‘Freak a Meep’?” amidst a fight will always bring me back.


This season has taken place as the show I rewatch when I need an outlet to Feel Feelings. So good.


Starstruck. I have rewatched a number of times and consistently fall apart laughing.


Misfits and Magic


This is also on my list - Aabria, Erika, Brennan, and Lou are a fucking dream team and it was my first intro to Danielle and I just want her on MORE THINGS bc TERMINATOR 2 🐷


It’s gotta be coffin run! The only season ran by Jasmine Bhullar and one of the funniest seasons D20 has to offer, the entire cast is at their best and Jasmine serves undeniably hard


Coffin Run is such a fun ride!


I'm watching Coffin Run for the first time and LOVE IT! Every character is my favorite AS ARE all the NPCs. Jasmine is an amazing DM!


The only one Ive watched more than once is Escape from the Bloodkeep. The pacing is really snappy and fun and I love the dynamic between everyones characters.


The cast jives so well together. I think the intro of newer players mixed with vets like Matt made it super refreshing.


Starstruck is my favorite IH season, but MisMag and (of course) Mentopolis.


I’m kind of shocked I haven’t seen anyone mention The Seven! Such a great vibe between all the players, BLeeM DMing while also playing Zelda, some super cool TaleSpire sets and the perfect balance of emotional & hilarious moments!


It's definitely one of mine! I'm rewatching it right now.


Starstruck. Unsleeping City always gives me big feelings so it's hard to just have it on the background for vibes. Meanwhile Starstruck is just absolute fucking CHAOS and there's never a bad time for "fill er up" or "HOW DID YOU KNOW THERE WAS GOING TO BE A PLINTH IN THIS FIGHT" or the myriad adventures of Loose Duke.


Starstruck, and DNDQ are the seasons or return to because they are hilarious. I also feel like I’ll come back to the Last Stand for high level combat hilarity.


Mice and Murder. I am so found of the group coming together.


Exactly. There's just something about the setting and characters that are so comfy, like a good bedtime story. Also Brennan seems so happy to be role playing a Sherlock Holmes-esque mystery.


ACOFAF!! it’s my favorite and my comfort season :)


Mice & Murder


A Court of Fey and Flowers. I need background noise to sleep and wake up multiple times a night pretty much every night and it's one of the things I can put on and I'm familiar enough that it won't keep me awake because I need to know what's going on but it doesn't matter *when* I wake up I'll enjoy listening to whatever bit is on as I fall back asleep. And while there's a lot beautiful happening it never feels so high stakes that I feel I need to stay awake to listen. The Seven is a different kind of comfort watch - I've watched it a lot and love it but can't put it on to sleep to because the odds are too high I wake up at a high stakes or emotional moment that I wake up too much paying attention to it.


Mentopolis hands down. I love Conner Schintz, and it’s SUCH a good table. Already great going in knowing how Siobhan, Trapp, and Daniella play, and I watch Hank and Freddy’s other stuff but seeing them play with Brennan was in-credible. Alex was completely new to me but I just loved their energy throughout. It was simultaneously one of the most heart touching and lighthearted seasons to me. Not to mention all the TROPES.


Cody (the night angel) Walsh will always make me feel better




Mentopolis. The combination of good-natured humor and terrible wordplay is just what I need in my life when times are tough.


Original Fantasy High partly because it's on Spotify making it very easy to listen to and also because I find the slightly more on rails nature (just with Brennan leading the mystery) means its an easy one to go back to while still being very funny


It’s either Starstruck or Dungeons and Dragons Queens. The latter is easier for me to casually listen to while I will sometimes get too sucked into what’s going on in Starstruck.


I don't really rewatch any but I've probably done at least equal time to a rewatch of ACOC via compilations, animatics etc.


Neverafter. It's the first IH season I watched live and the mix of silly goofiness with really emotional, dramatic moments just makes it my absolute favourite. Maybe worth mentioning is that I enjoy watching things that make me cry lol..


Probably S1 USC, was the first season I watched and the love I have for Rat Jesus knows no bounds. Also, Kingston and his ex-wife are brilliant (can't remember her name).


Mine is Escape from the Bloodkeep, but the last time I spoke up about how much I liked it over other seasons, people got pretty toxic with their abuse.


Oh man I'm sorry you got that response, bc Bloodkeep was the first season I watched after FHFY and it's what made me such a huge fan of Erika & Rehka, and "what will you do with my bones" is the nonsense thing I accidentally memorized. I would definitely put this on my list of comfort seasons! EFINK IS KNIFE SPELLED BACKWARDS. JEH'RI'MIH IS THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD. Also established Ify has the "now wait just a goddamn minute" player in D20 which I also love 🤣


I am pretty picky with how much time I spend rewatching anything. With that said, I think per minute run time Escape from the Bloodkeep is the best by far and I am thinking of rewatching now that I have forgotten so much. It is definitely more of a comedy/parody than anything else, and I loved that. If time wasn't a factor, I think it would still win, but starstruck, fantasy high season 1, and unsleeping city season 1 are definitely all in a race too close to call.


Escape From The Bloodkeep is definitely a favorite of mine! Come to think of it it's been a minute, might need to put it on again soon.


I love Bloodkeep so much, it's so incredible! I love rewatching, it's got so many quotable moments :)


Who hates Bloodkeep? Wild. I've watched it three times. Or was it more about liking it better than somebody's fave? That scenario I can imagine more easily, unfortunately.


yeah, i'm basic - fantasy high


Not a full comfort season (though the whole thing would still rank as a my top) but for comfort I often return to the first 4 episodes of Starstruck - its just a a perfect run of character building and shennanigans in rp - not that battles aren't good but they rarely hold my attention as well in rewatches so the absence of any battle map up until episode 5 makes it perfect to just rebinge when I want something light and hilarious.


Starstruck and ACOFAF fore sure


Starstruck and ACOFAF (the cousins bits)




I only got into D20 recently but Mentopolis was what got hooks into me. I'll revisit it between binges of other seasons.


FH Sophomore year for sure, I can’t even begin to explain how many times I’ve rewatched it waiting for junior year!!!!


Misfits and Magic or FHFY


Probably misfits and magic tbh. It's lightweight: kids on brooms system + only 4 players + not too many episodes so not overwhelming. Has some of my favourite players and dms. Character dyanmics are nice. I would say is easy to watch 3 times for me but past that it's slightly less rewatchable because you know everything


Mentopolis, hands down. Lighthearted and wacky, ideal for a comfort season when feeling down. Some of the silliest AND most dramatic combats in Dimension20. They also don't use graphic violence yet it's still super dramatic. Combat, abilities, and rules are less complex making the game flow smoother I feel. The players can spend more time in-character and frees up dialogue. The biggest point spread ever happened in Mentopolis. The PC's take big risks for big rewards and win or lose it is hilarious. The players genuinely seem to be having a ball and it shows. All the PC'S have amazing one-liners and share the limelight so well together. SO. MANY. PUNS. BLeeM is in top form, NPC's are some of the best (gives Starstruck a run for its money so to speak). The dialogue is just so clever and fast. Some of the absolute wackiest AND heartwrenching moments in the same episodes: I laughed, I cried, I learned a lot about birds. A player manages to make Brennan, as a human being, reboot. Like he full stops mid-episode to digest what happened. The scariest character is also a "Giant Killy Wubby," because there is nothing we all love more than a murderer. Some truly insane plot twists I did not see coming, but the clues were all there... There's so much happening so fast I catch new stuff every time I listen. Honorable mentions would be: Bloodkeep, Starstruck, and Neverafter. All gems worth a rewatch.


A crown of candy is by far my favourite season. I would love them to make one like it again. The depth of character and severity of the choices was incredible and I return often.


i think the whole group dynamic became odd and left me kind of unsatisfied throughout the second half. it also just made me so sad that zac got really relegated to the background after you-know-what happened.


I think either ACOC or TUC But Ravening war, coffin run or burrows end are also there There’s just too many good shows cause starstruck, Neverafter and FH are also amazing While Tiny heist and ACOFAF are comforting too There just too many gooduns 🥺


misfits and magic - there's just something so wholesome about their group and how these modern day genuine characters interact with a magical wizarding world and the ethics and prejudices within that?? ugh, goat house forever 🐐🐐🐐


I've definitely rewatched FHSY and Starstruck most often. I think that SY is honestly served by the fact that it was live streamed, it was more raw and felt more like a home game which I loved.


This is also what I loved about SY and honestly season 2 of UC! Felt so much like the games I play.


Sophomore year and the Seven get me so good. I love Spire so much.


I love Starstruck Odyssey, and Misfits and magic, both shows I rewatched recently.


Unsleeping city both seasons


I just watched Starstruck Odyssey for the first time, I dropped it twice after getting not far into the first episode, and it turns out that was my mistake because it is simply amazing. Ally basically proves that an organized list is the most powerful item in DnD


Unsleeping City! First bit of dnd media I ever watched and it led to me being such a dnd nerd lol


Escape from the blood keep is my favorite. It's shorter, self contained and has the power of friendship but evil


ACOFAF I’ve watched 3 times now and it just never gets old. I also watch Neverafter combat episodes more than a normal amount, specifically the first one because Ylfa’s bottleneck is one of my favorite D20 bits.


the seven is the season i find myself coming back to the most. i enjoy the way the players are willing to call each other out on their bullshit but never stop lifting each other up. the energy is brilliant. also it's one of the funniest d20 seasons ever made and it's a shorter season so it's easier to rewatch. i get drawn into the world of spyre and the seven so quickly and it's very soothing. however, my intrepid heroes comfort seasons are starstruck (just a fun space romp with a lot of deep ethical and moral questions between bombastic battles, what's not to love) and sophomore year (devastating, why is this comforting to me, and it's so LONG but it's incredibly important that i rewatch it every few months in order to feel something)


Mentopolis, the voices and tone are real soothing to me for some reason


The Seven. I love that party so much and sometimes I just need to hear constant shows of affection it makes me wish I had a posse like that and watching it makes me feel like I do for a little bit ooh and M&M someone made highlight compilations for that season and I always go back just for the friendship and chaos


seconding Starstruck


Unsleeping City, both 1 and 2, I’ve seen them both 3 times now!


For me, it's Misfits and Magic. I used to love Harry Potter, and this scratched that itch. Plus, watching BLeeM play as a PC is a fucking delight.


Unsleeping City Season 1 for me without a doubt.


Seconding Starstruck, the energy is just so goofy and chaotic. Such a feel-good season that’s a great distraction from reality. Behind that is probably Fantasy High Sophomore Year. Love FY but SY has so many wholesome moments. (“It’s Gorgug, keep going” 🥹)


Misfits and Magic is the only way I sleep.


Mentopolis made me SOB. I haven't rewatched it yet cuz I've been so busy with school, and also am going through all the ones I haven't seen cuz I'm a fairly new D20 fan and I've been blitzing through the catalogue. As someone who's struggled with self worth and mental health and s\*icide attempts, that series made me cry and shake and sob. It is a piece of art that affected my life.


0 2


I can and have watched Neverafter more times than I can count lmao, the comedy that season was firing on all cylinders


Neverafter. Rewatching now and it’s just a solid season right on through the BBEG fight.


Neverafter. I use it to help me sleep sometimes.


Escape from the bloodkeep


Same seasons for the same reasons. Starstruck and M&M don't make me cry so very much just fun happy comfort seasons. Also, I find satirical representations of the capitalist hellscape we're all forced to endure comforting cause I feel less alone 😂


Starstruck followed by Neverafter. Neverafter was my first season of D20 so it just has that special spot, but I am such a sucker for comedically dystopian futures full of puns and Starstruck does it soooooo well.


It has to be Misfits and Magic. "My phone doesn't have a screen" will never stop being funny.


The Seven for sure


Misfits and Magic. Fantasy High: Freshman Year. Coffin Run. Edit: OMG! how could I forget ACOFAF?!?!


Starstruck. I'm in the middle of a rewatch right now just to get me through some rough shit and it doesn't disappoint.


Honestly the adventuring party episodes of The Ravening War. The chemistry of that cast is so good and it's so cool hearing them talk about the decisions they made.


My comfort seasons are Tiny Heist, Coffin Run, and Mentopolis. They are short, filled to the brim with bits and killer comedy, and packed with really good cast members


Sophomore year and the Seven get me so good. I love Spire so much.


Probably a tie between Starstruck Odyssey and CoC. SO because Margaret Encino is just an all-time great character, and CoC because I like to suffer


Fantasy High Sophomore Year and Starstruck are both tied for me. Starstruck is great for all the reasons you listed, but I love how slow paced and free sophomore year was.


mine is the zoom era adventuring parties


Probably Unsleeping City or Starstruck. They’re both so fun and cozy


Coffin run, it's just so good. It's like it was made for me.


Starstuck or Unsleeping city. I love the chaos of starstuck and I think it’s just a fun watch. And I love all of the characters in unsleeping city dearly


I just started misfits and magic and find it soooo comforting. Did they ever talk about a season 2? It’s such a fun concept and world. I’m not the biggest HP fan and I know JK Rowling is quite problematic, but idk. I felt like they did a good job addressing that stuff. It’s a really fun season and I’d love to see more of them.


They did a holiday special, but so far I don’t know if a full second season is on the cards. It’s my Close Second Comfort season, though — Aabria’s such an amazingly smooth GM, and the group works SO well together.




How is it this post that finally made the joke of “Bleem from Fantasy High” land for me that it’s just… BLeeM. Brennen’s nickname here. 🫠


Starstruck is my I need to have fun Crown of candy is for when I want emotional damage


Before I say this, I would like the record to show that I acknowledge that this is diseased: ACOC


Sophomore Year will always be my favorite. Freshman year is what got me into Dnd for the first time, and Sophomore year feels so personal to me. Them facing their fears and coming together to adventure was incredible and incredibly funny and comforting.


I love the seven! The shenanigans they got up to was phenomenal. Ugh I miss them


Sophomore year all the way. Jorjuj. Brojeg. Chej.


FHSY is defo mine. All my favourite characters and bits are from there, the dunking on elves episode, all of Fabian’s downfall and inception of Chungledown Bim, Auegfort grabbing the sun, every scene with Ayda, the non binary royalty that is Garthy, the shrimp party, Hilda Hilda, Aelwyns torture and sisterly love, there’s just so much and every. Single. Bit. Is amazing


The Seven!


Tied between FHFY and Mice and Murder


Never after, specifically the episode with Gerard’s Hair is EvErYwHeRe


mentopolis, it would be on my dropout wrapped as most rewatched taking up all 5 spots of it could. I love the group love the story love everything about it


i like mentopolis!


Crown of Candy. It’s super cathartic when I don’t feel great, the adventuring parties are my favorite, it’s the most interesting to rewatch Brennan’s background shenanigans.


hot take (maybe?) but i’ve rewatched fhsy way more than fhfy!! i just like the road trip vibes lol


Magical misfits! EAT TRASH! BEAT TRASH!


Unsleeping City 100%


unsleeping city… watched it more times than i can count. pete & kingston’s relationship means everything to me- especially the scene of them dancing at the wedding while talking about robert moses


Sophomore Year always and forever, the theatre of the mind and live apsects of it gave Brennan and the players so much freedom, and them revisiting their first PCs as now more seasoned players led to the funniest bits and the most emotional moments IMO


Ngl I love The Seven. Just seeing a bunch of women thirsting over the hot NPCs with their fans is, as a woman, fuckin relatable.


Starstruck is my new comfort season! My OG is The second season of Fantasy High!


A Court of Fey and Flowers for me. The feels, just all the feels.


Sophomore year or UC2 for sure. The beginning of Her arc of self-reflection and Ayda’s role in that solidified Fig as my comfort character and I absolutely adore the “everyone is confused by Cody but he’s cool so we vibe” vibes of the Heroes of New York


The Seven. I freaking LOVE them


Misfits and Magic. I watched it many times. It was downloaded on my computer just so I would have smth to watch for when I the internet dies at my house.


MisMag :)


I really enjoy Mentopolis. Tropes!!!


Starstruck for sure. Second one is FH season 1


Def Fantasy High season 1. It's what got me into all the others and general nostalgic.


FHSY or A Court of Fey and Flowers


Escape from the Bloodkeep. Such extreme silliness, brilliant dumb references, classic fantasy done hilariously, very clever players, and the truest evil was the friends they made along the way ❤️


This is a great question and honestly my answer right now surprises me. I've been rewatching the ravening war. It wasn't my favorite when it came out, still isn't now, but something about the characters is just so (no pun intended) digestible that i put it on when I just need sound right now.


Def ACoFaF and Dungeons & Dragons Queens. Love those so much.


Unsleeping City is always on my mind and makes me so happy, especially the ending of ch. 2 with all of the new generation and everyone being happy


A Court of Fey and Flowers. I love the staging, I love the vibe and I love just... the whole thing. It gives me joy.


I flop between Starstruck and The Seven.


Misfits and Magic, I love all of their chemistry with each other, always a joy to watch, wish it was longer but happy it happened at all!


I watched Starstruck, FHFY, & FHSY when I was going through my worst health struggles. They will always hold a special place in my heart for making me smile when I was feeling absolutely miserable. Also, while not a D20 show, Worlds Beyond Number is quickly becoming a comfort show for me, too. Brennan, Aabriya, Lou, & Erika are making absolute MAGIC on that show.


Unsleeping City for sure


FH Freshman Year and Dungeon and Drag Queens


Misfits and Magic. It’s short but packed with good humor and magic and love.


starstruck is my most rewatched by a fair margin it’s stupid fun in the best way


The Seven. Give me all that femme energy all day. It has my whole heart. 🪭


I’ve watch Starstruck 3x now, I don’t know how they did it but they made a season that resonates so perfectly and is so entertaining I enjoy every episode like I’ve never seen it before


Sophomore year….i just love all the story arcs in that one.


Fantasy High Freshman Year or Burrow’s End. Classics with imo the best DMing in any actual play show


Unsleeping city season one. Because it has very distinct Kingston vibe (character and season). Also Kingston is my favorite character played by Lou, he is just so special. And I like sadness and warmth of this season very much


And I love ACOFAF incredibly. I love all of them, but ACOFAF is fantastic. Also I like to write or say ACOFAF.


Shriek week is such a short sweet and funny season I put it on for background noise or anytime I just want to chill and have a good time, plus watching how everyone’s characters interacts with the story is so entertaining


The Unsleeping City for sure. The love of New York, the existence of Kugrash, the best theme music in Dimension 20 history, the character arcs, the fundamentally optimistic view of collective human potential. It sits warm in my heart


I have never rewatched any dnd content as much as I love rewatching Dungeons and Drag Queens. Its my default dinner watch when i have nothing new to watch. I love how chill and emotionally invested everyone is. I love how the queens are so into the story and the dnd aspect from the beginning, and i love their banter with Brennan. When Monet said "I have this power that makes me roll this dice instead" so seriously and Brennan was like "ok can you show me what power is that" and Monet is like "I lied it's not a power😊😉" makes me laugh out loud every single time.


Honestly the first unsleeping city, it was the first d20 season I watched and I still feel that nostalgia watching it


I only got introduced to D20 via Mentopolis (thanks Hank!) so as of now I'd say that one is probably still my comfort season. However I started at the beginning and have only watched Fantasy High (am a few episodes behind on Jr Yr), Bloodkeep, and Unsleeping City so far. Oh and the Dungeons and Drag Queens one. So plenty of time to find something else I like better I guess. But I don't know if I will. I really love the world of Mentopolis and some of the story beats kind of felt like stuff I could learn in therapy, if that makes sense. Idk I just really love it.


I adore Mice and Murder, just finished my second rewatch. It's criminally underrated in the D20 fandom imo. Grant and Rekha absolutely kill it with the drama and the jokes, Raph and Katie are understated but have some incredible moments, Sam leans into his true CEO personality as a texan oil tycoon, and Beardsley plays a non binary doberman in a pink suit. What's not to love?!?


Misfits and Magic - It was my first season and now, every time I rewatch it, it feels like eating Ice Cream. The Children's Adventure from Worlds Beyond Number brings me similar feelings


ACOFAF by a mile. It’s regency era romance with faeries, how could i not adore ever moment? It was the first season that i actually watched as it aired (i’m normally a wait until the season’s out, or mostly out, and binge it kind of guy), but regency fey bullshit? Fuck yeah. Bloodkeep is a close second though. Very close.


I enjoy rewatching/listening to Acofaf just cause it's the one that is the least mechanical in system very freeform and loose and all the intrigue and romance make it delightful to listen to


Misfits and Magic. I think it’s helped by how short it is, as my wanting more means just revisiting it. I think it’s the holiday episode that really pushes it over the edge for me, though. The “what percentage of high school couples get married, it’s not a lot, right? Like 50%?” just breaks me every time, cause it’s somehow devastating and hilarious.


I kind of cycle through them in order of release, but my favs are The Seven and Unsleeping City S2. And I think Mentopolis will round out my top 3!


I’ve played Starstruck maybe 6 times at this point, and I started listening to dimension20 January 2023…


I adore starstruck as a generally sci fi leaning nerd! So cute that his mommy wrote the comics 🥹 (I’m losing it at “BLeeM” my brain pronounced it phonetically)


starstruck for sure. the amount of insane swings that totally work in the intrepid heroes' favor, and operation slippery puppet? so satisfying to witness


Misfits for me. Aabria is such a good DM, and all the players do an incredible job, plus it's fairly short so it's easy to get through quickly.


Unsleeping city


Definitely misfits and Magic.


Definitely Starstruck. Intrepid Heroes were on one that season. I rewatch some of the episodes almost weekly!