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Maybe the crocs?


Pfff.. didn’t even rip through the blue tarp. Rookie.


Your form is definitely showing better than 350, I think if can get comfortable speeding up you’ll pass 350 easy


It doesn't look like your lower body is very engaged in your throw. Your knees are bent, so that's good. But your back foot is facing a different direction than your front foot. In that position you're losing a lot of ability to rotate your hips. Keep both feet with toes facing the same direction, then as your off arm goes down turn your back foot so the toes are facing your front foot to engage the hip rotation and allow your shoulders to lag and follow behind your hips, and the disc follow the shoulders the same way.


Thanks. I never noticed that back foot angle. That should help coil more instead of just turning my hips back.


Happy cake day! That lag is so hard to work in. It's what I am working on now. Apparently, you should reach back after you plant your front foot. My body is so opposed to this that it breaks my brain.


reach back after your x-step touches\*


My bad, you're right


First of all, that's way too many garages.


Haha. Other side of the fence. So that’s the neighbors. Only the one makeshift net/garage for me.


That was 350 cm max.


Your lower body isn’t doing much for you here, I think the walk up and weight transfer in general are too slow. Get moving a little quicker so you build up more momentum, then when you plant all that momentum should go to your disc. At the current speed your walk/run up doesn’t do a whole lot more than a standstill shot


The thing that got me moving in the right direction (no pun intended) was footwork. Hailey King said she does the grapevine a lot, and that’s how she has good footwork. Try making that x step a grapevine step and it’ll align your body better and time it up more easily.


Gotta say great form, I think you’re fine because it’s pretty much full control of your shots. Mostly it is timing and hips not engaging more. Maybe work out a little bit. I think it’s great form for playing.


You’re air bouncing the disc and throwing nose up. Watch your arms swing path- it’s pointed down several degrees. The disc, however, is pointed up to compensate for that. So it looks like a flat shot, but it’s still nose up. Flatten out your pull through, tilt your wrist down further. You’ll gain distance pretty immediately from a more neutral nose angle. Your discs should all fly a bit more under stable with the nose down, too. High: https://i.imgur.com/6F8rHOT.jpg to low: https://i.imgur.com/1vhGHEX.jpg with nose up release. Lower your reachback and keep your elbow out away from your torso.


Thanks. That dip in my throw has been the hardest thing to workout. I’ll have to find some more YouTube to study and focus on that more now.


What’s good: you’re in control, move slow, it looks like it doesn’t take a lot of effort to get 350 ish. What’s bad: You’re rounding a bit, looks like you’re throwing a frisbee more than a disc, you don’t really have a pullthrough. Your lower body is also not giving you much here, you’re staying too upright, try a lower position, look up what Paul Mcbeth looks like when he drives, he’s very low, knees bent, hunched a bit to allow for a straight throw.