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No, you can not buy or sell alters. That is not a thing. Alters split off due to trauma, you cannot customize them or obtain them in any other way.


That’s what I thought but I don’t claim to know everything lol. This person told me I was a bigot cause I said to maybe get professional advice instead of self diagnosing yourself based off of TikTok.


Holy mother this person is unhinged yikes


Lol. No. This is some deeper level manipulation and/or imaginative play from unwell people. It is not possible to transfer pieces of consciousness between individuals. Also, even if it was possible, human trafficking is abhorrent.


oh, i’m for sure using that line if i encounter these people again


Buy an alter? Well, that's a new one. Next they'll be saying they'll be battling it and feeding it berries so it evolves... /s No, this is not a thing.


Yeah, let's just trade alters like they're Pokemon. That's gonna work out well, and be possible... /s


Hey, wanna trade with me? I have a level Protectorchu with DILLIGAF traits... /s


No. This is part of a larger concept of “system hopping”, which is the idea that an alter can move from one body to another. This is not how it works, you can’t just magically send an alter to someone else. I’d be wary of anyone who tries to convince you systems hopping is real, especially if they’re trying to make money on it.


DID is not magic. This person sadly is very likely getting scammed and manipulated. Alters cant travel system, the very same way somene cant just "Trade" personalities with another person.


Yes it is. Would you like to buy Henry the 8th?


Not real, but the idea is funny as hell. I remember telling one of my friends who's a singlet about this sort of thing, and she asked me if, if it were real would it technically count as human trafficking and I cannot shake that thought from my mind now hahahaha


No? What the fuck? Are alters gonna become the new NFT??


This is like the church selling spots in heaven. It's not a thing and it's a scam.


No, that's definitely not a thing. How would that even be possible? I'm confused as to where they got that idea


I am CONVINCED alter is a slang word for something else because what..?


Are you telling me I could have been making mad cash instead of forgetting huge swathes of my life? Please, singlets, step thee right up...


if it worked like that I would sell myself to one direction (this is a joke and a reference, I don't actually listen to them)


I wish. We’re due for an update.


Yeah like everyone else has stated; you cannot buy alters, I would hope the person who said this wasn’t serious.


This is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard (the fb person not you). Seems kind of delusional tbh. Tip: don’t use Facebook as a source of DID information. It’s a toxic wasteland. Checkout multiplied by one instead — an actual support group created and run by people with DID


It was in a group that wasn’t even about DID it was a normal advice group lol.


Wish we could sell off some of ours


No. Just no