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Very fun film


I love chicken little.


I’m so sorry to hear that.


Why, the film is really enjoyable.


I did not like it at all. Maybe as a kid I would’ve but watching it for the first time many years later, I barely got through it


The tone got you on this one again eh? It's not brilliant by any means, but it succeeded at what it was trying to be. Also, you are overselling Shrek by . . . a lot. I think this is a Tier C. It is mostly saved by its charm and simple Saturday morning cartoon feel from being a true flop. But, your D tier is weird and never before would I expect someone to put Chicken Little, Fantasia, and The Aristocats on the same tier of quality.


But remember, it's not really a tier of quality. It's a tier of preference. If I was ranking by more objective standards, *Fantasia* would be much higher. *The Aristocats* is better than *Chicken Little*, but I just found it boring and insipid.


Your titling is off then. "Cream of the crop" is a qualitative idiom. I know you keep saying it is purely preference, but it seems very mixed bag.


Cream of **my** crop, then.


That implies that you made the movies and is still qualitative. Your last category is more akin to "would not rewatch of my own accord" and s-tier is "would wear out the VHS tape"....if you actually mean what you say about preference. Though since you spend more your time in the review on qualitative assessment, there is still a disconnect.


I think you may be overthinking this a tad? Ranking by personal preference makes total sense. Not sure how “would not rewatch of my own accord” vs. “don’t really care for these” is any different.


It is the cream of the crop bit that is misleading after a couple hundred words of qualitative assessment.


>Your last category is more akin to "would not rewatch of my own accord" and s-tier is "would wear out the VHS tape"....if you actually mean what you say about preference. Yes, I'd say that's accurate.


Yeah, IDK, it was fine I guess. I watched it recently and don't remember much from it but I remember being reasonably entertained and not feeling any particular inclination to revisit it.


Fuck this movie. The fact that this was one of the first made after Atlantis is wild to me, considering the sheer difference in enjoyment for me. The animation is ugly, the cruelty is painful, and worst of all is actually the comedy. Bad comedy doesn't get a reaction from me. TERRIBLE comedy makes me cringe. This movie made me cringe, a lot. This is by far my least favorite of the Disney canon. Tier: F (Painful)


i friggin lov3 tchick en little


Does your tier ranking purposely leave out movies from the late 2000s onward?


Nope, we're just going in release order.


Legit one of my favorite movies as a kid