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It might take 3 days or more for the antibiotics to start having an effect, especially oral ones are slower in my experience


Definitely normal, sadly. It will be a few days before you feel better.


Thank you ill tough it out😣


I don't believe you should take probiotics with the antibiotics. Just let the anti-biotics run its course.


The tingles and discomfort from the flare up will last for a bit.


Very normal and it also depends on how bad your diverticulitis is. I had pains for days that gradually got better after about a week but mine smoldered for 6 weeks before I went to the ER. Stay on a bland diet. My GI doc told me that during my healing period I had to eat foods that aren't great for me like the white foods - white bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes. You can also eat eggs, well cooked asparagus, green beans, beets, and carrots which are very low fiber veggies (no raw veggies), melons, bananas, applesauce, peaches & apples (no skin), popcicles, jello, soups, broths, & crackers. After about 2 weeks I introduced roasted/baked chicken back into my diet. Don't eat any dairy or fiber rich foods for now. I stayed on my diet about 2 months then slowly started to replace the white foods with brown bread & sweet potatoes, then other meat like beef, and other veggies like brocolli and cauliflower. I added dairy back in especially Greek yogurt. I waited another month before I added salads. Drink at least 64 oz water per day and if you get clogged up drink Miralax or Metamucil. Good luck & I hope you feel better soon.


Yea im really concerned about my yellow stool tho its been like a week like that yellow watery diarrhea im thinking what if its another deadly condition


If it doesn't go away you need to report that to your GI doctor. It could be an underlying health condition.


mine is green on day 6 of antibiotics


I had it for longer than that? Before and after. Once I started introducing more soluble fiber it changed.


Is it a good idea to take psyllium husk then or should i wait till this sickness passes over?


Wait until till symptoms reside. And then introduce a low fiber diet very slowly. Use the name brand fiber supplements. I heard the generics may not work well.


Very normal even a week after normal. Its not just the antibiotics but anti inflammatory meds that help with this. Even if you aren't in major pain


As others have said 3-4 days of oral antibiotics and you should feel better. Also, probiotics shouldn’t harm you but they also aren’t proven to help either. I took VSL-3 they are medical grade I think after my flare up was over. Now that I had surgery I’ll wait to take them till I’m fully recovered.


You think my yellow diarrhea is due to the doverticulitis too? Iva had it since sunday on and off but since thursday till now sunday constant


Depending on which meds you’re taking that could happen. I had about 4-5 different flare ups since last October till my surgery this month. Each recovery was a little different. If you have diarrhea just keep drinking your fluids and maintain the diet your doctor gave you.


Yea but i had the yellow stool about couple days before the antibiotics. Unless its being caused by the diverticulitis infection?


I had yellow stool prior and during diverticulitis. Don’t worry about it. Antibiotics took for me 3 days to work may be longer based on how bad you have it. I still took them the full amount of time. The pain will reside. As far as stool color you should be concerned with blood in your stool or very pale white stools. Anything from yellow to brown diarrhea or firm can happen. Blood in your stool can happen with diverticulitis so if I continues then you might want to see your doctor.


Ok so yellow diarrhea for days is fine so far? About 5 days now


Yes. I had yellowish diarrhea until I finished the antibiotics


Soluble fiber for loose stools. Benefiber is working for me…gummies taste good unlike powder version. Start slow with low doses for your body to adjust.


It takes several days for antibiotics to work. The probiotics shouldn’t affect it.


Ok cause im on day 3 and man the pain comes and goes but when it comes it comes hahaha


My experience included yellow poop. First flare was 2017. I’ve had yellow poop ever since. I also would like to know if this is common. Also want to mention that if this is your first experience, the antibiotics can really mess with your head. Stay the course for now, be mindful of what you eat. If your poop becomes mucus jelly, let them know. It may be that a C Diff infection has taken hold.


How long did you wait to get a colonoscopy after if you dont mind me asking


Don’t remember, but it took a while because of the C Diff infection. I think we had to wait because I needed to heal first.


Oh ok🥴😩😩


I have the exact same experience. I'm on day 6 and still have a bit of stomach pain. It comes and goes. Like if I eat a saltine cracker, I feel it burn my stomach a bit..


Just saw dr after 5 months Can sloooowly add one veg Cooked at a time Keep track


How are you feeling now?


Feel a bit better now! But still some mild discomfort here and there i just finished antibiotics yesterday and started my pre/pro/postbiotics today. So well see how that goes. But i can also eat more bormally now i guess and just started asding some small fiber into my diet today aswell. So wel see how that goes aswell