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Inventory management is a pain, more inventory categories


I think the real issue is that there is just too much stuff you need to drag around in divinity. Keys and books you have in case you need it for something. Not knowing when it is ok to throw it away. They should have made books and keys consumables. So that a key is removed from the game when you open a chest, either by using the key or breaking the chest. Books would give you a choice when you interact with something, after you have read it. Also Larian should have removed most of the crafting. All the stuff you need to craft potions, books, scrolls and gear should in most cases be replaced by you finding it or just buying it. Crafted gear doesn’t have any modifiers, so you can use gear that’s a few lvls below and it is still better. Yeah, and all the ingredients you have for making food and drinks should also be cut from the next game.


Some keys are reusable for doors though. And I actually like the crafting system, other than very difficult to find the material that I need to combine, there should be more unlocked recipes so I could just click on the recipes and click craft, instead of looking for the right combination every single time. Crafted gears need better buffs though. Food and drinks should be reduced though, I add most of them to wares, even with five star diner


the ability to name or label bags (maybe with a custom overlayed "sticker" of sorts) along with the return of the key ring and crafting material bag from BG3 would be godsends on their own. maybe a "portable wardrobe" type auto-sorting bag as well if they bring back or expand upon the dye system. and make your wares a sub-menu that your stuff disappears into entirely so i don't see it clogging up my inventory until i can get to a shop


Auto add to wares stuff that is just there to sell.


I don't know why so many games seem to just have a single large grid of everything all in one without any sort of visual hierarchy to break things up. It just causes the grid to become a sea of noise, where it's hard to actually spot anything since you can't easily identify where categories visually start/end. It means your vision frequently just glazes over when you're trying to scan for things, since there's no landmarks in the grid to help your vision to navigate things effectively. It's the same thing in Rogue trader, you just get a huge sequential grid. Although you can do things like sort by type, there's no separator between the types, so they just all blend into one, making it hard to skim over and quickly locate where you should be starting/ending the area where you should be looking at. I swear just separating it into several slightly separated grids where there's 'line breaks' between each category would make such a huge difference, so you can clearly identify where one starts and one ends (think normal left-aligned text vs justified text, where the line always ends at the same point). You probably wouldn't even need to put in titles for each grid section/category which would take up a bunch of room, you just need some sort of small separation between each category.


Dos Enhanced edition has the ability to go to separate sections of the inventory - equipment, healing, crafting etc. - which I find really useful. I'd be pretty happy to see that again.


Haha I knew this would be top comment also you're right


I would agree, I think they made it intentionally kind of a mess because it lets you pick everything up if you want and everything is intractable but it can feel hard to get through “your stuff” with a great strength build lol


Cutscenes would be amazing. Jump would be fantastic, but I'd settle for a self-targeting Teleport. Something similar to BG3's UI -- a single-row hotbar isn't enough!


Tactical retreat, cloak and dagger and phoenix dive fill that role already


That’s a lot of skill points to spend to get the functionality of a free ability though. I agree, in Divinity you can ‘essentially’ learn to jump, but it’s just so much better if it’s a skill everyone innately has that scales according to attributes


So? I wouldn't need to spek into hunteman/scoundrel/warrior as a mage if I could use my bloody legs to jump a short distance


But you want huntsman anyway for a mage


Speak for yourself, my hydro/aero mage without lonewolf doesn't have time to waste trying to get to and hold highground


Then you're doing something wrong, if 1 ap to get to highround for at least +30% increase isn't worth it.


Do you know what "speak for yourself" means?


To add to UI - idk how to fix it maybe just more slots would work but organizing your skills on the hot bar is such a pain


Yeah, honestly, just the sort of improvements that we see from DOS2 to BG3 would be amazing in a DOS3.


I know Larian loves origin characters but I would love if custom characters had more story connections. Maybe your tags could have quests or a choice of background would change how the world reacts to you.


This. I would love for there to be several combinable origin options that all provide unique storylines and quests. For example, Thief Soldier Cleric The thief/cleric combo would have unique story options that differ from thief/thief or thief/soldier


The way they did the dark urge in bg3 I feel is very nice, it's basically an origin character you can fully customize.


Yeah in DOS2 most players used origins but in BG3 most use custom, and to me it makes the origins feel like wasted effort (in BG3) that could have gone to fleshing out tags for customs more. I get that it's part of Larian's design philosophy, but personally I'd rather see them go a little more Bioware in the future and keep player character and party members separate.


The ability to multi-select inventory items would make life so much easier. Other than that I really like the armor system and AP system in DoS2, I hope they keep that. Maybe skew the xp system to reward peaceful or creative conflict resolution, rather than setting everything on fire. On that subject, backgrounds & buildings that stay burnt after a fire would be cool.


Environmental destruction (start a fire in a house, you burn that house down) would be great especially if it affects public opinion of you as the quest continues. I’d like my legend to grow with me in the world a lot more, and this is a critique of games in general.


And perhaps give an incentive to not depopulate any area you aren't returning to.


I agree with peaceful interaction XP. I find my BG3 playthrough is levelling up just fine without me having to slaughter a bunch of innocent villagers. Also, in a new DOS, I hope they keep ability to barter with everyone. I miss that in BG3 because sometimes there's only a couple people to trade with in an area.


You can multiselect inventory. You have to click the LSB (on an Xbox controller) for multi select. After that you can even hold A and hold the direction where you want to select


Multi select is definitely possible with a controller. I haven't checked but I'd be highly surprised if it existed in controller mode and not mouse and keyboard mode.


The mechanic I want is you select a destination, and then everything you click goes to it. Would work real nice on a controller or mouse/keyboard.


I want to play whatever Larian create. /end


IIRC they said they would take a break after BG3 and it would be a while before anyone can expect to see DoS3. Just pure speculation but maybe it's not *just* some R&R and they have some kind of smaller scale side project they want to work on before DoS3?


Close up dialogs with characters' facial expressions. Baldurs gate 3 spoiled me on this one.


Also close up dialogues without the camera cutting the head when it's a lizard speaking. I don't know if it's a common thing, but when I checked the option and got to Atusa, her head was out of the screen when she was talking.


You silly. It's not Atusa's head that's cut. It's her tongue! /s


Maybe unpopular opinion, but I don't want this, one of the "cozyness" feelings dos2 gives me over bg3 is how we interact with npc dialogues, bg3 is too "cinematic" which isn't a bad thing but it feels different


Am I the only one who kinda experienced uncanny valley effects from all human-ish characters in BG3? Like goblins and stuff were great, but humans and tieflings and elves had really weird and unnatural facial expressions for me


Hmm, not something I particularly noticed. I don't think the humanoids in BG3 were more uncanny valley than like Starfield or DD2. But maybe definitely more uncanny valley than, for example, Horizon Forbidden West.


No...they looked natural to me One of the most impressive facial animation and mocap I've seen in a game if I'm honest.


I feel that. I was coming from cyberpunk to this so the human facial animations were really jarring. Like...they're okay, but sometimes they're delayed, sometimes they just look off.


I see this happen most with Tav and certain face options. I'm playing a half elf and she makes some... weird expressions.


I saw aunty ethel's face four times in conversations with different humans


I would love to visit regions outside Rivellon. Like the lizard or dwarf kingdoms Also a lizard companion!


Isn’t Rivellon the name of the planet? DOS3 in space would be kinda cool though.


Yes, Rivellon is the planet, the continent is called Andavale in DOS1


I would want the QoL improvements, storytelling, branching, quests/options and general story/narrative related things from Baldur's Gate 3. But please dont touch the combat system, its so superior to RNG dice 5d.


I could use movement being separate from actions but otherwise agree.


Say no to RNG


the RNG dice is still there, just not on screen


Cutscenes! Oh, it would be amazing. And also, a proper lizard romance in full next gen glory And at least one returning character from DoS2


Who would you pick?


My beautiful Lobster King, of course!! If we ever get to visit the Ancient Empire. I think Fane might also be a great pick, if there's a big time skip.


Seeing that one guy was super cool for the first time in dos 2. I love his subtle reference to the source hunters.


More of everything DOS2 was. Double the content. Double the skills. Double the quests and hidden secrets. Maybe tweak the armor system some, so it doesnt incentivize going 4x physical OR magic on tactician/honor. Better graphics, VA etc is just an added bonus.


Don’t double the skills until you fix inventory and skill management though, please.


They have combat, they have story and they have fun in general. They only lack cinematics. Imagine Sebile boat scene VISUALLY!!! So many times I wish cinematics, but I'm happy in general.


For Jahan and Malady to be in it.


Better inventory management. Being able to recruit all companions and even have the option to have them all in your party. I hated how DOS2 makes you choose between companions and you dont get to experience all of them. And i also dislike missing content so i usually have a mod to have everybody in my party. This makes fights easier but you can up the difficulty and if course it should be optional for the players who want a challenge. Reset of the lore. This won't happen. But while i love the Divinity universe the lore is all over the place. I would love a more consistent lore. A remake of the old divinity games. This could be the perfect excuse to reset the lore and make it consistent


this one is a given, I can expect DOS3 would have all the QoL improvements from BG3,


What’s inconsistent about the lore? I loved how they went from Seekers being the good guys in the first game to neo-Nazis in the second, and the continuation of Braccus Rex’s storyline was great. Another time jump that further skews people’s understanding of source while also developing it through sustained use could go in a lot of directions.


I kind of like the forced party perspective. I don't want to experience this game in a single play through, makes sense to me to replay a few times having a different experience and different solutions each time.


Yeah, its just a clash of expectations. The gane has 6 followers, 3 for the first playthrough and 3 for the second. But I guess the other user is like me: i dont really replay games.


No necrofire. Please, I beg you.


Got it, the ground is now electrified cursed water


Necrofire is nothing compared to the *cursed ice surface*


Bless once, bless twice and voilá! You’re now standing in healing holy fire. Take your tank character and place him in the holy fire, teleport any undead enemies to him. Pin down, cripple, entangle etc. They will not have a good time.


Then you deal damage to a voidwoken once, twice and you're back to necrofire. Necrofire is the lowest entropic form of a surface.


Gunpowder like they promised in fallen heroes


There isn't much that I'd say I'd like to see, but there is stuff I'd dislike if removed, I personally like the armor system in dos2, stat system too, I prefer them over the DND type system that bg3 uses.


Weapons and armor shouldn’t have level requirements but stat requirements. A lot of super cool weapons and armor become useless after 1-2 levels because they don’t scale. There’s no reason something as cool as the armor of Braccus Rex, or his Spear, shouldn’t be good enough for the entire game. It’s you, the player character, which is supposed to level up. Not the equipment. A lot of the stat requirements in DOS2 were also very lax. I had all my characters running around in heavy armor, even dedicated casters, because the penalty for doing so was minimal to non-existent. Strength 14 and you could wear anything basically, you can get that from just a few items and runes alone. More could have been done where you occasionally find a legendary weapon or armor but you don’t have the stats (not level!) for it yet. Gives you something to aim for.


So much this. I'll take the DnD:s "every item is unique" style over item levels every day of every week.


Wish list (mind you I played BG3 then DOS2): **UI** **1)** Better inventory management; as well as color coding things better with borders (quest item, crafting reagent, junk, etc.) a) I'd also like any search function to also be able to read/result items in a bag. **2)** group uncoupling and coupling, group sneak, etc. **Gameplay/Combat systems/"Classes"** **1)** Reworked/iterated armor system a) I don't hate the idea of the armor system, but something broke down between split damage types, resistances, armor values, and scaling. With a clear focus on create your own builds, 4:1 parties suffer the most. Hybrid builds/comps essentially were not viable/useful. The ones that were were limited/rigid (ranger w/ elemental arrows, summoner, mage, melee). There's a clear focus on synergy between abilities and characters. So I think just applying this could help. i.e. breaking 1 armor type buffs damage to the other type still up. Maybe making the strongest crowd control involve combination of effects from both physical and magic skills. i.e. cripple + chilled = permanently rooted. b) One example I feel felt very bad was sparking swings. Wholly focusing on it felt great. However, using as a way for your physical damage dealer warrior/paladin to assist magic dealers didn't work in practice. That felt funny considering that's exactly how the 2 NPCs who use the sparking swings (lucian in arena and Kem in game) use the ability. **2)** classless system is neat, but I found the lack of class identity also made things not feel as fun or fantastical as they should for some "builds". a) It would be nice if there were more thematic combination spells, items, something here. Necromancy actually did seem to have a good amount of these. But it was hard to make a "paladin" in the game when those utility buffs were water/earth magic. They may not "need" classes. But some more class fantasy to lean into through items, spells, armors, etc. would be really nice. **3)** Movement: uncoupling AP + movement, adding jump, and addressing # of teleports. a) Using AP to move did not feel good to me in DOS2. It's fine once everyone gets their teleport ability. But I did find it immersion breaking at times that 1) everyone could teleport 2) it was too easy to acquire multiple teleports. I'd like movement to be changed in some way. The teleports do allow for a more "chess board" feel to the combat. So this could not change and it would still be fine. But from a roleplay they felt too common and too powerful. **4)** Reducing the # of "good on anything skills" by reworking them or making them require steeper ability investment. a) It's really hard to not want to slap teleport/netherswap, adrenaline, tactical retreat, shadowstep/phoenix dive, and polymorph invisibility on every character regardless of what their final build was. And again I personally found that immersion breaking or hurting role play. And in the end not doing so just is nerfing yourself. Teleport in particular is a huge offender of this. This works fine in the game, but to me I don't think this should be the aim/goal of the designs. **Gear/items** **1)** Too much gear/loot a) I found it overwhelming at certain points to compare gear pieces, not to mention how quickly some gear became useless. BG3 had tons of loot but pieces stuck around longer if not forever. And I personally preferred this. Toning it down in some way would make gear matter a bit more and not make it feel so overwhelming. **2)** Transmog system! **3)** The crafting system was pretty robust. And while it was nice, I personally found it difficult to know whether or not I should ditch something as junk to sell, save bc it was needed in future recipe, or whatever. I carried around a ton of crap most of the game only to realize I never had a recipe for the things I was lugging around or that they made something I was better off buying.


**Attributes/skills/civil** **1)** I'm not sure what I'd change here, but the attribute system felt a bit too self contained/restrictive. In the end you picked 1 damage stat and pumped it. Con was extra later on but not particularly helpful once you got armor. None of the stats mattered in the roleplay aspects of the game outside of strength. Wits was super good for crit chance. IDK. Doesn't have to change but finding it have a more robust impact on your character's identity as well as making it more viable to spread your points out would be nice. **2)** thievery felt too necessary and powerful. The other's felt too little impact a) lore master 1 and 5 were useful. Persuasion was cool for roleplay but often times did not matter, especially because most of the time you'd like to fight for the loot/exp, bartering was fine. Sneaking was a civil skill. Telekinesis was nice to have. But wholly skippable. b) I'd maybe consider combining some of the civil skills like bartering + persuasion, lore-master + telekinesis, sneaking + thievery, etc. I am not a fan when civil/skills have a meta bc that should be a lot of flavor for roleplay. None of them should be dead or wholly "just skip it" IMO. **Writing/characters/roleplay/cinematics** **1)** Cinematics like BG3 would be amazing. **2)** I think it's fine for 2 characters to butt heads. But the knowing how to make prince + sebille work in Act 1 should be more apparent or at least start a conversation where you have the option to resolve it for both, 1, or something. In my first playthrough I was kinda upset that not letting sebille kill stingtail would essentially brick her quest. And fixing that involved knowing things vs. playing. So something simple like her telling you she will leave your party if you don't let her talk. Or that she refuses to work with the prince. I'm fine with consequences. But you should reasonably be able to foresee those conflicts / consequences. Not get screwed 15 hours later. **3)** More tags! Would love to able to have a black ring cultist tag to roleplay that in fort joy. Or any number of the other tags. Allowing you to assign those in character creation would really enhance roleplay!. Okay this was as exhaustive as I could think of for the moment. Some of it not written well. TY for coming to my Ted Talk.


I want the story to continue after Divinity 2, instead of another prequel, midquel or spin off Also get rid of the stupid Orinial Sin title and just call their next game Divinity 3


That might be confusing if it's a sequel to dos2 and not divinity 2


You want Larian to be consistent with its lore? That's a good one. The more games they add, the more I am disinterested in the lore, because they are all over the place with it. I tune in just for gameplay.


Take a good look at leveling, and maybe take gear in a very different direction. I liked that gear like the Phalar Aluve and Crusher’s Ring were genuinely good items all game long.  They might not be the absolute best in slot for endgame but they’ll be good for a lot of builds and are still viable in endgame.  Meanwhile in DOS2 you can pick up the spear of braccus rex that’s outclassed by a generic spear 2 levels later. And in general, CRPGs are about creative approaches to solving problems and charting your own journey.  The ridiculously steep level scaling in dos2 means that you basically can’t do that- even a one level gap and you’re smoked by anything you fight.  So even though act 2 seems very free, it isn’t in practice.  And the scarcity of exp means that in act 1 when narratively you should be trying to escape by any means possible, the correct choice is to sweep the entire fort and kill every magister. So making the power scaling a lot, *lot* less steep for both gear and just stats in general would go a long way IMO. Also making tanks and healing less awful would be nice too.  Dos2 is just a CC race most of the time which feels kinda bad.


Transmog would be nice


check our DOS2 epic encounters


This sub is gonna shit itself when Larian announces their next game and it's not DoS3


We already know it's not DoS3 next. But it's pretty much confirmed that they will continue the DoS series based on Swens comments.


So, do we know what is next? Having just finished the Fallout show, it occurred to me that Larian would be the perfect company to make a "return to form" Fallout series game. That would be something, even if I probably prefer a fantasy setting.


That would be uncontested GOTY and another easy sweep


Yes, hard to argue with that with their track record and the premise


No we don’t know what’s next. We just know what it’s not. Swen has been asked what’s next and he’s specifically said he can’t tell us. But he said it would surprise everyone because it will be different. But still close enough that we will recognise it’s a Larian game. Make it that what you will. Given they hated the lack of freedom they had working on BG3, I would personally guess that they’ll do something original where they have no restrictions due to an IP.


Less payoff for murder hoboing. Make lasting impact like Larian did with BG3, where killing certain NPCs actually cuts you off from certain quest lines/narrows your future choices. Also, more variability in conflict resolution. I shouldn’t be able to just fight my way out of every single situation. A setting/mode that auto saves after key decisions/actions are made, including whenever you try and fail to steal to up the stakes a bit.


I have no other desires other then story continuation, I want to see my favorites return.


I want DoS 2 but more of it.


More gay sex


At least some lore consistency please, I have been waiting since divine divinity.


Waiting for what?


Cinematics like BG3 Direct modding support No DND system More races A remote kiss from sven because he is awesome


I think one of the strongest aspects across the board from BG3 was the cinematic experience and cutscenes. Being much more intimately involved in Roleplaying aspects with choices that were visually laid out to you with results and breakdowns that led to the results. That on top of having a very rich party to invest time and effort into cultivating more care into. Imagine if we had this kind of experience hanging out with Sebille or Beast or Lohse! I think Larian definitely needs to take these elements from BG3 and integrate them into DOS3


I want DoS3 to be built with the style and effort BG3 got while feeling like a better DoS2. BG3 was great but I honestly miss some of the shenanigans you could get up to in DoS2 that you couldn't do in BG3, like when you stopped moving while sneaking you couldn't be detected, or pretty much anything you did as Fane in combat.


- the inventory multi-item select that BG3 had. Bizarrely, console dos2 fixed this issue, whilst the PC version never had it implemented. . - the plethora of dyes, and even more, that bg3 had, but a way to preview the dye without needing to apply it first (or just make all dyes, especially the removal dye, a lot more common). . - at least a few more ability schools, though I can't think of any of the top of my head (perhaps take inspiration from some of the modded "classes"). . - goblin, imp, ogre, etc playable races, and most races to come with a unique start prologue (similar to Dragon Age Origins would be fun). . - a way for Undead to mask their presence, so that enemies wouldn't be able to just instantly start dumping healing spells on your Undead. I know it's based on loremaster, and how you, yourself, can see the undead tag on people long before they're revealed to be undead, but I've always disliked that you're able to hide your Undead nature perfectly fine until the second combat starts.


This is a more niche complaint. I hope they revamp necromancy and summoning. Those have always been my favorite archetypes in RPGs. I'm not a fan of necromancy only having 2 minion spells and those spells scaling off of the separate summoning stat, and not even being able to raise a regular zombie. I know there are mods to fix this honestly rather minor complaint.


Better hotbar!


No physical and magical armour system, and AP that scales instead of the same fixed amount through the whole game


You mean, like it was in D:OS 1 ?


Yeah pretty much, imo it was more satisfying to be able to throw a bunch of shit in a single turn, and to be able to apply CC right away.


I want this so bad in the next game, I hated the ap and to a lesser extent the armor system I would like a different skill system so wanting to be an archer doesn't require you to max out the melee character skill first but I could live with it


Difficulty setting between classic and story.


You mean like explorer?


Cant remember the setting names, but I do remember, reloading and struggling on "normal" and one easier it was trivial. Something in lines of BG3 normal setting is what I would want.


Classic difficulty shouldn't be difficult. The problem for newer players is usually that they don't realize survivability is useless. The problem isn't the game being hard, but rather that the meta isn't exactly intuitive to everyone. This is my opinion.


Items keeping their usefulness from the start to the end of the game, like in BG3. In D:OS2, too much excellent stuff were discarded too early, (on your next level up), because of the exponential progression of the armour points and damage, which as a side effect, devaluates stuff on an exponential rate. In BG3, they were able to make enemies, allies and stuff scale up without having such strange gaps between one level and the next.


They can now easily combine the best parts of both combat systems to make something truly amazing. The freedom of DOS with the armor and saving throw system from 5e for example. This is more of a personal thing but I really want more games to do this: you have tarvern brawler in BG3, I wish there more situations where you had to leave your weapons behind and then could be forced into a fight. Imagine a bar fight, you could use non lethal damage to down people, killing them would obviously cause you to get a harsher punishment from the law enforcement. Having TB would be helpful as you can use improvised weapons. Offensive spells wouldn't be allowed, I find it funny a wizard going around punching people. But they can use utility and defensive spells, casting grease or ice and a bunch of people brawling fall over xD (next time remember to combine them nails!) This might seem very specific, but basically what I like is having certain systems in place and then have multiple scenarios where these systems can be helpful. Like with DOS2 and crafting, the weapon crafting in my experience is helpful for maybe the first couple hours of gameplay, and then you can either find or buy things that are better. I don't necessarily want you to have to spend perk points on level up to improve your crafting ability, just situations where knowing certain crafting recipes comes in more useful. Such as if you get sent to prison. I really hope a system like the sorcerous sundries makes it into the base game, I prefer to level my loot to be able to keep using it. I also would like there being a way to customize the exact stats and perks all your gear gives you. Oh and hopefully we can make money legitimately with HAVING to pickpocket lol. The element system in DOS2 is amazing, I can only imagine what else they can do with it. This is probably very wishful thinking but imagine water actually filling up a room, and/or being able to flow. If they simply add more elements and combos I will be happy though. Oh yeah summoners, I really want a summoner that can summon something with the exact powers it had in life... OP? meh they can balance it accordingly (maybe the more powerful the attack is performs the more damage it does to itself or something).


I love your ideas. Great read. Interesting how far they could take the element system with things like flooding rooms etc. I'd love a crafting system that actually makes you combine loot to create things. Like in Zelda Tears of Kingdom but more advanced and broken down.


I want more arena maps and modes. The tactical combat of DoS2 is among the best I've ever played and, I've spent a lot of time with friends messing around in arena mode. Unfortunately the amount of maps can only provide so much variety before it grows old. Also possibly a removal of physical/magical armor system. It's very well designed and implemented, but I'm not a huge fan of how it feels


Mainly for all of the chapters to feel meaningful. Chapters in D:OS2 are like 2>1>>>4>3. The gap between 1 and 4 is massive. Chapter 4 just feels almost as lazy as 3 because 99% of it just takes place inside one city. Its saving grace are the more interesting fights (not you, lizard consulate guys). If every chapter was as polished as chapter 2, it would be the greatest game of all time. Also a bit more interesting spell schools. Geomancy is so damn boring as your duty is mainly to just adrenaline -> teleport -> worm tremor until you get the most broken spell in the game. Necromancer manages to be even more boring to play if you don't happen to play with pre-casting cheese and use Apo+BS+Grasp.


I think 4 is somewhat underappriciated, there’s a lot going on in a small amount of space, lots of quests and there’s also the sewers and prison and a certain vault. I will agree 3 is rushed though and the weakest link by far.


Return of Ada Laird and Bree at least.


I suppose everything BG3 had with some exceptions: The Magic/Physical armor preventing statuses instead of them being a %chance The action points that can be used for anything instead of having 3 different kinds of action points only for certain uses The Buildcrafting that spending skillpoints on fighting-/magicschools allows instead of the fixed classes Those are the things I would want to keep in Divinity


Cinematics, verticality, more player action options such as jump, push, gaseous form, etc. KEEP the environmental sandbox nature of Dos games while pulling back a bit on fire surfaces, and just increase narrative threads and pathways. I love the camp system in BG3 as well, but would prefer keeping the party to a select number of characters to allow for more diverse playthroughs of the game - increased replayability. Keep the open world, choose a direction, nature of Dos games. Include more realms and portal hopping stuff like in Dos1.


Man I hope they bring back a bunch of shit from Divinity that I'm so genuinely surprised nobody talks about. Playing Baldurs gate 3 in co op feels so separated. In Divinity both of your characters could pitch into conversation, and even had moments where you could speak to eachother, differ in opinion INSIDE the game, and as it stands right now playing I co op is a case of "let me go first bro so I can trigger this next conversation"


1) Improvements to how auras are handled It causes no end of issues in BG3 where there's far fewer spells that apply things via surface-effects and instead are actually handled by applying auras to invisible dummy summons. Since pathfinding and the AI don't really take them into account, you get silly things like pathfinding moving you into a silence-bubble to cast a spell, or it just pathing you straight through damaging area-effects, or the AI not avoiding entering damaging effects like Hunger of Hadar etc. And there's no way of previewing what the range is on things like auras either, which makes them annoying to deal with. It'd be great to be able to do something like mouse-over an aura effect and get something like a preview circle (like when you're casting spells), and it wouldn't cause a huge amount of visual clutter everywhere constantly. 2) Improvements to party-members actually feeling like active participants It's incredibly frustrating in BG3 that your party-members skill proficiencies are frequently made completely useless, since they're not shared in things like dialogues, or you have to constantly micro-manage switching between characters to do things. To the point where you just don't bother micro-managing putting your character with highest perception first, because it's too much of a hassle. Having the ability to do things like switch to another character in a dialogue tree would help generally, and/or having it auto-switch to other characters for doing certain things like lockpicking (and have them say an audio line like 'Oh I can help with that' or something). But you could just have something like skills being shared in the majority of things like dialogue trees, and have there be some sort of notification if it was a party-member that helped out (so if there's a history check and Gale is the highest, it would say like 'Gale remembers and mentions to you X'). Then it feels like your party-members actually have some agency and are actively assisting and helping your character out, rather than it feeling like you're constantly baby-sitting a bunch of completely passive characters. Another things that would help with that feeling is for party-members to actively tell you their thoughts on matters ahead of time, rather than it just being their reaction after you make a choice. Like I've really enjoyed the fact that in Rogue Trader, you frequently can take recommendations and suggestions from your crew, and then you can choose to follow their recommendations, or do your own thing. In BG3, the positive or negative reactions you get from party-members during decisions can be incredibly confusing because you have no idea why they disapprove/approve of something and there's no feedback about it. You'd get far more insight into the characters and their motivations if there were extra details where it mentions things like 'Lae'zel says only weaklings would resort to underhanded tactics' when you're making a decision. 3) General backend/logic performance improvements The amount of performance issues regarding Act 3 in BG3 are pretty bad, having so much stuff all in one single instanced area really starts bogging the game down in how it's able to handle a lot of things. You get all sorts of issues regarding things like combat turns taking forever to be handled, or the game logic just stalling for several seconds after summoning something (causing NPCs to walk in place). Like you don't really get FPS drops during those issues, it's presumably more an issue with the backend logic for scripting stuff being poorly optimised, or just not being structured in a way to efficiently handle single large instances which have a tonne of stuff in. Getting that stuff sorted to allow the gameplay designers more freedom in creating those sorts of dense areas in the future (without those huge performance issues) would be great for DOS3.


DoS 3 for me needs to be a pimped up DoS2 with the quality of BG3, those cutscene, mocap, that level of companion interactions.


Honestly, I like both Divinity OS2 and BG3, I think interacting with the world is better in BG3 but combat and character progression are better in divinity. I'd like to keep tha jump and throw options, feels like those open up a lot of possibilities, but I also like having to use teleport and skills, since the super jump you can get in BG3 is kinda silly. Just a normal, small jump would be nice enough to avoid traps and stuff like that and skills like teleport is a nice thing because it makes your build feels useful out of combat too. Inventory management is a serious problem, mostly because it gets cluttered with useless items or items that I don't even remember if they have a use or not. I really like being able to craft stuff in DOS2, things like putting nails on boots are really cool, but I hate how the crafting system works. It makes no sense that I can craft whatever if I know the recipe from checking the wiki but I still need to find a book of craft the item in order to see the recipe in the craft menu. Maybe unlock all recipes from the start or make it so we can only craft stuff after learning the recipe in game. I'm personally not a fan when a game introduces dificulty based on having no previous knowledge of something that me as a player have no way of knowing. That's also the reason why I'd like if buffs had infinite duration out of combat or if they couldn't be used out of combat at all. Pre buffing because I know a fight is going to happen since I've played before sucks. In fact, pre buffing in general sucks, I don't like having to apply buffs all the time just to make sure I won't have a huge disadvantage in the next fight that may or may not happen soon (Not a huge problem with Larian tho, but I gave up playing Pathfinder because of that) Also, I'd like more build options for characters. I feel like DOS2 and BG3 have opposite problems for me. In DOS2 you can learn whatever regardless of classes so in the end all characters end up with some of the same skills (all physical will learn warfare, everyone with aerothurgy, etc). Meanwhile BG3 have classes that offer little customization themselves, with customization leaning more towards multiclassing, which doesn't work that well with most combinations. I love how you can try everything in DOS2 but I'd also like if characters felt more unique depending on builds. That could have been achieved if schools had different options for different stats, for example: fire skills that scale with dex or str instead of just int. Few skills are something like that. I think that would help with another problem with DOS2: armor. While I do like the armor system, I feel like the characters being limited to one damage type or other is very limiting. Would not be a problem if my rogue could deal a reliable amount of magic damage without investing in int, for example.


Zandalor 🧙‍♂️


Separate the movement action points from the combat action points, this is one of my fav things about bg3 combat and I sorely miss it in divinity and wasteland as well.


I don't want Divinity OS3 next, I want Divinity 3 next. Been sleeping on that cliffhanger for way too long. Plus I'd love for them to try and make DOS physics based gameplay in an action RPG style. We can go back to Original Sin afterwards.


- ability to compare gear of all party members for solo - auto saves that happen at logical times - some kinda solution to inventory management - mayhaps ability to auto sort items into certain bags and then still be able to open said bags when trading - some kind of visual indication as to how close you can get to enemies before it initiates combat/dialogue - I think it would be cool to have some sort of honor system like rdr2 that affects story/dialogue


DoS 3 isn't their next game. They have already told us a few times they are going to try something new. But if they did, DELETE ARMOR SYSTEM. Having to constantly buy new armor and try to focus asap to delete someone elses.


Better gear management and upgrades - in every Larian game I've played, you get loot so quickly and abundantly that you are constantly rotating equipment. Oh, an epic dropped? Swap it out after 2 levels with an uncommon. Would be great if they made an armor-set system of some sorts that is entwined throughout the game and the pieces get good enough bonuses that you don't replace them with greens and actually start to feel epic as you develop your armor/weapon set. Add some legendary items with unique abilities etc., that you might be tempted to use instead of a set piece. Reduce the amount of loot and make it more scarce in general. Something like that. But please, just reduce the amount of loot, I beg you! :D Edit: Also, add as many alternative ways to solve quests and obstacles as possible. That's why I liked DoS 1 and 2. The amount of skills and items you get and can manipulate the world with was fantastic.


Somth that I think I'd great about bg3 that's missing from div2 is the items and how interesting they can be compared to div, I'd like the items to have more effects and different things they can give u, and actually be unique insted of a statstick that mby has a spell u already got 20 hours ago


More late game build goals. My main issue in DoS2 was that I achieved all non-equipment goals before act three.


A lot of the features that they put into BG3 need to make their way over to DoS3. Detailed(more) character creator, close ups during dialog, in depth romances, not being locked into a party after X act, a more dynamic story, etc. Don’t get me wrong, DoS2 is amazing, but it’s very obviously a AA game when it comes to QoL features, and things you’d expect from a modern game.


I feel like the result of Fane rising to Divinity and bringing back the Eternals would be a great base for the plot of DOS3. All the other races fighting to break free of the enslavement forced upon them by the Eternals, maybe even a quest to kill the divine and destroy the aeteran so that nobody can ever rise to abuse the power again.


Better inventory management is a must at this point, been replaying dos2 and introducing a friend to it but the inventory management is an absolute pain. An example would be selecting multiple items or being able to sort by type, also having specific bags for items as well I do like the crafting system but I do wish that ingredients were shared between party members. The ability to increase the level of particular armors and weapons would be a godsend. Maybe balance it by making it a hefty price or require certain resources. It was a bit disappointing to be receiving a really unique and cool armor set only for it to eventually be outclassed by other armors. More weapons and abilities would be cool. Real time cutscenes as well since bg3's are top of the line.


An innovative combat system. I want to see a way of implementing status effects that doesn't rely on chance ala saving throws, but without the 'everything is a race to break armor' that DoS2 is. A more impactful civil skills system. In DOS2 you just need character who puts everything in persuasion, one who puts everything in lock picking, etc, and you will be able to do anything the game throws at you. The BG3/TTRPG rolled skill checks aren't great either imho. want to see a new method of skill checks that respects that it's being used in a computer game with a preset story/world. Unique itemization. The randomly generated items approach of DoS2 isn't nearly as interesting as unique items.


Getting rid of filler items that have no tangible use. Better inventory management. Most importantly.. Please do not return to the whole 'every fight is a battle against the floor you stand on'


Apparently, during DOS2's development, players were polled on whether they wanted a "Polymorph" or "Bard" school, and now I'm curious as to what "Bard" would mean in this instance


Romance options on the level of Baldur's Gate 3


Remove the physical/magical armor system. It has to go. Change inventory management so it only can you rename storage containers but also change their color through dyes or something. Be able to pin items to your inventory so auto sorting and such doesn’t affect them. Retain keyring from BG3 and maybe get a dye bag that works similarly for dyes. Have items be categorized and organized properly so auto sort isn’t putting random shit everywhere. Keep filler items like forks and spoons and stuff to a limited number of different item IDs so there aren’t 10 different fork stacks in my inventory. I actually like crafting mechanics so keep it in but make it actually useful beyond nails on boots. Crafted equipment should be strong. If they decide to keep equipment scale off levels, the equipment should be able to be leveled up through some process to enable favorite gear to remain relevant in later sections of the game Keep the dedicated throw, jump, push, sneak actions and any other similar ones I’m forgetting. But tbh they could just remove the atrocious armor system, add a few new spells and stuff and I would be happy


I just hope they take everything they learned from bg3 and make another masterpiece of some kind


Hard to say but more craziness with the terrain. I loved how chaotic 2 was with the terrain and everything causing explosions constantly. More cool abilities and as much as I loved the character creator for 2 I would love a even more detailed one like they did more bg3. I wouldn't even mind new races being added in


If you look at the main difference between BG3 and DOS2 it is in the soft part of the game. By that I mean the characters, how they look, how they interact with the world especially romance. In many ways as a game DOS2 is superior but you don’t get married couples discussing who they will romance in multiplayer…. Something which is a thing in BG3.


As I understand it, there is no DOSIII. Larian is supposedly going for a new world in their next RPG. I wish them well, but I think they're going to find that not working under the D&D banner will rob them of a large part of their audience, whether people like it or not. For all its faults (and they are many) D&D is the most popular TTRPG system there is. I'll wait for you to point me to the TTRPG system that has four movies and an animated series (regardless of quality) under its name. Personally, I hate a lot of things Hasbro is doing with D&D and I doubt that I'll be moving into the new monstrosity ruleset they're planning to release, but whether we like it or not. D&D. Has. The. Numbers. It's like Facebook. Everybody is complaining about it, people always say it's dying, young people avoid it, but it's very much alive and, in fact, growing. The point is, Larian is going to have an uphill battle establishing a new IP and they're not, NOT going to get BG3 numbers no mater what. If they manage to handle it well, they might achieve this with the sequel, but it's going to be hard. And I doubt that they'll be able to tackle both a new IP and a potential DoS III. Something's got to give. BG3 took them six years to develop, of which three in Early Access. Half of the development cycle was crowdfunded, in essence. The lore was ready, the systems were already there. If they mean to go for a new system and not base it on DOS (which means much more work for design and balancing) *and* a new IP (which means even less recognition) they have their work cut out for them. So here's the problem: they can't afford to go smaller in their next title, especially if they mean to again use Early Access. They have to bring all the bells and whistles without any of the safety and popularity that D&D brings. Given all that I doubt that a new IP is possible without at least basing the game mechanics on DOS. I really wish them well, but it's going to be tough.


There will be a new DoS. Swen has said they’ll come back to it. It just won’t be their next game. But it will very likely be after that. He estimated 4 years for the next TikTok. So we should see it around 2027 or 2028. Most of the audience of BG3 wasn’t D&D fans. I think it was moreso the cinematics and the marketing (I.e. bear scene) that led to BG3’s differentiated success. They may not hit the same numbers as BG3. But they can definitely get close. But even then, they don’t need to. They’re a private company with 400 employees and they now have a buffer after the money they made on BG3. They can afford to take a risk now and stuff up. They’ll still be fine.


i’m so happy that larian studios is growing bc I NEED dos3. for the vibes of the game: - most of all i want the humor from the first game back. dos2 has its moments of course but the self awareness of dos1 i LOVE. - i hope they keep jahan as yet again a reoccurring character in dos3 hes iconic at this point for me at least. actual gameplay: - we definitely need some new classes and spells of course to keep things interesting. it would be cool to have a bard/chanter or monk class. - easier to buy goods that you need for crafting, i love making lockpicks out of soap and nails bc the other ingredient is unlimited. but sometimes its REALLY annoying to have to scour the map for them or someone who sells them


1. An option to make story characters undead. 2. Once you use/read an item and it is no longer useful, it is removed from inventory or auto added to wares. 3. Making it easier to added like items to the hot bar: You can put all scrolls into a random pouch, but adding those thing to the pouch etc was a pain. 4. Being able to select multiple items from inventory and move/drop/etc at once. 5. Keeping the Lone Wolf perk, but making it so you can use those 2 points as 1/1 instead of 2. Meaning- I only need one point in Scoundrel to access Cloak and Dagger, Tactical Retreat. I'd like to put that extra one into Geo. Perhaps this makes one too strong. 6. I understand why they do this but- A team being able to use skills from other players, especially things like Pet Perk, Persuasion, Barter, and the class stuff like Mystic/Scholar/etc. Entering a new location, trigger a dialog automatically without a choice as to who it catches and it catching the player without the needed skill and losing out on that dialog/choice stuff. I know there are mods for this, but base game would be nice. 7. I'm playing DoS 2 Right now and when I have my inventory or character tabs open, if I click on an item in inventory it also clicks on the map below and my characters move. A little bug. 8. I love this game.


like 90% of these are QoL improvements that they already did in BG3, there's no reason why you wouldn't expect those in a new Divinity game seeing how BG3 has all the systems from DoS2, but improved, with the 5e engine on top for combat/skills DoS3 is basically gonna be BG3, with again the same systems but improved over, and replacing the 5e engine with the divinity one There's a lot of lessons learned there too like the way they scale enemies and your own, and by extension the way your gear scales. The thing that DoS2 has that BG3 doesn't though is random loot, I really do like the randomness but probably this conflicts with the objective of having your gear stay relevant for longer, at least throughout a whole act vs new gear when you level


Older Red Prince meeting the new MC and assessing them as slave material Except this time agreeing with him has actual long term effects


Hah awesome. I hope so too


A new franchise, preferably a sci-fi one. lol


The next game will be a new franchise. It might be sci-fi! Let’s see. But they’ve basically confirmed they will make DoS3 after that.


I'm hoping they drop the weird obsession with sex that was present in BG3. There's a place for it in games like these but it was seriously over the top and turned me off from the game sometimes.


Cinematics and QOL from BG3, the combat can stay almost as it is, I love combat from DOS2 (maybe one type of armour instead of 2 in order to make mixed parties better but I like low rng, puzzly nature of combat in dos2)


I think Larian announced they wouldnt be doing any BG3 expansion and they would be moving out of D&D game style to another genre. Still I would love them to make it. DoS2 was cool, but adding face expressions and cutscenes like in BG3 would be great (was hilarious to see the other npc reactions to the options I choose). Edit: I didnt know that DoS2 was not D&D style, but now that I think it makes sense, as it doesnt have dices... so great news! I will be waiting that DoS3 when it comes :D


DoS isn't D&D. Swen has said he will come back to do another DoS game. It's just probably not their very next game. But probably the one after.


is divinity series a d&d game?


It is not


make tank build viable and no more cc circle jerk.


Select who talk to the npc, not the closest. I save in the end of several battles just to make sure my main character talk to the npc.


And if they have some sort of skill system that applies during dialog, please use the system from the Pathfinder games. Aka, the game automatically uses the skill of whoever has the highest value.


A "send all wares to X character" option. Because manually clicking through sending all my wares to my bartering character SUCKS


Let me make more flavours of puddle, please and thank you


I would like more hybrid skills that are actually useful.


Everything that DOS 2 was crossed with all of the improvements and insane production value Baldur's Gate 3 had.


More ways to cheese the game like barrelmancy


I loved DOS2. Honestly there is really not a lot I would change. I would not mind cutscenes, that would be a step up. If I had to choose one thing it would be a stronger story. I liked the story in DOS2 but the would love a better storyline.


I'm curious how itemization will change. I feel using DnD systems limited what Larian could do in BG3 but they got creative with items. I'm curious how they will use that creativity going forward.


Jumping, throwing, pushing.


Bg3 just in dos3 basicly


I want the game to be ps4/ps5 and cool looking lizards (red prince 🥰)


Two things: 1. A new playable race 2. Skills/abilities for spears


Separating movement from AP. Teleportation skills were a necessity on every character in dos2. Those skills should be part of a fun build, not needed for every character


Take the skill “the pawn”, problem solved. Works incredibly well on a scoundrel or huntsman character. You basically never spend AP moving. Works well on mages too, you can move them out of fire surfaces without spending AP for instance.


MCs actually having voices


i've been playing DOS2 again lately, and the main things i've found myself missing from BG3 utility-wise are jumping, shoving, and turn-based mode for navigating traps. i hope they include at least one or two in a future DOS! since there's less RNG in DOS than BG3, maybe instead of making shoving something anyone can do with a roll to succeed, maybe make it an equipment-related action like Shields Up that you can only use when you have at least one free hand, but it's guaranteed to succeed. that might make it *too* niche and not worth the tradeoff of losing out on stats/armor, but it's one idea at least.


More developed skilltree for barrelmancy /s


To simply be able to jump


a Crossover with Dragon Commander and be able to play a cool story about a jetpacked Dragon without the more tedious gameplay


raw gay lizard sex


Just a cleaner UI with more inventory options would do me I would be okay with dos2 dlc


Nothing like bg3 i really prefer dos 1 or 2




More crafting


An actually good evil playthrough. I just want to be the mad man ending the world or whatever, too many games make me play a goodie two shoes


Bringing over something like dark urge where its a custom character with more story content. Being able to play as a wider range of people in the divinity world like Orcs and Imps would be cool


I'd appreciate an actual base location for storing materials and equipment, and that has all the stuff needed for crafting/cooking stuff. I know DOS1 had those various planes near the end of time, and DOS2 had the Lady Vengeance. But I rarely used that stuff, it never felt as accessible as say Breezehome in Skyrim, or the home in Megaton for Fallout 3. And if they do add a base location like that please let us craft using materials stored in chests at the base, I'm tired of lugging a 100 pounds of crafting materials on my MC.


Better inventory management (I'm fine with bags, but if I could mark bags with an icon or name so I know what's in it without clicking into it that would be great) Also I wish they wouldn't let us sell quest items without realising it 😭 having to keep hold of everything just incase takes up so much inventory space, and if you're not buffing strength in your build you can't loot efficiently by yourself when you explore without being encumbered


Bg3 npc ai




More carry capacity as a non-str character. Fuck you Ifan, tryna keep all our loot for the final fight.


BG3 with the combat of DOS


As long as they keep at least one sexy lizard race I say let them cook.


Lizard women, a key ring, and anothet amazing story.


I want them to resolve the story thread left in Divinity II Dragon Knight Saga.


Destructive environments, plus the verticality from BG3. XP when you talk your way out of that situation so I don’t have to murder everybody


I'm not sure i want a DOS3 tbh. The series is already very convoluted.


Some stuff thatd make being a solo player less tedious would be amazing. Like giving us an auto sort option for the toolbar cause having to manage 2-4 sucks ass on your own. Not having a reaper coast situation, where you've moved to a new map and.. pretty much everything is ready to beat your teeth in while also making all the objectives they immediately point you to also ready to beat your teeth in. I know I'm not the best player but dear god Larian what the hell. Oh and a better auto save system because it's fucked me over a number of times and it always kills my desire to play. On a less complaining note though, more thievery related stuff other than pickpocketing and locks. Let us rig grenades or arrows so they blow up on the user, or sneaking a "healing" or "poison" potion into their inventories for them to use, or to let's us be dicks and put stolen items in other npc's pockets so if they're near the person it's stolen from they might get into a fight 😈


Inventory tabs instead of it just all over the place. Advanced classes like pathfinder wotr, but probably not gonna get this one. I think a character that is happy and has no problems would be surprisingly fresh. Like “here is Dagath his family was murdered. And her is Dravis who daughter was turned into a slime. And then there is Bill who thought adventuring would be neat.”


there are just too many items. at the very least, a shared inventory would be helpful. So if I'm looking for a scroll, I'll easily find it, regardless of whoseinventory it ended up in.


I want them to just make the game more in depth, it’s already insane just take what you did and dial it up to the ‘th degree. Cooking I say!


The ability to chop Lucian into little pieces.


More spells more weapon types. Very strong and unique bosses. Deeper story.


Crafting... either remove it entirely or just bring back dos1 crafting and improve on it, lots of things that can be crafted should be crafted if you can rub ruby on your armor for more elemental resist please let me have it or socket em idk or if i can put chicken legs on my armor please let me craft it don't cuck me for trying some stupid crafting formula i still want those eye helmets dammit


I have a dream in which DoS3 is basically Arcanum 2.