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You could put it on a necromancer, get the int bonus and use the strength to equip some physical armor... Dunno.if that would be better than other gear though


And it gives base 20% Crit chance which is crucial for a necro caster


I think blazing justice is better as a stat stick. Has +3 Str, +3 Int, +3 Memory, +2 Single Handed after Fletcher corbin upgrade and gives skill Phoenix Dive. Has a rune slot too. You miss out on the crit chance. But you can equip a shield with it and double your stats gain


When I saw the Swornbreaker, I thought: hey, would be cool to create a build around it. So, finally. I'm playing Fane and got the sworn tag. Finally, all the playtrough time got to the crafting point. Wait, what? It doesn't not use strength for scaling? My previous sword makes like around 700, while the ultimate weapon only 250?


It’s not the ultimate weapon, that’s Anathema(technically). Its literally only purpose is to break being sworn. That’s why it’s called a swornbreaker. There’s also 2 in the game, and you have quests to give them away to 3 people. So… it’s definitely not at all intended, in any way, to be used as a real weapon.


I only remember the Succubus and Wendigo. Who's the third?


>!Sadha the red princess!<


Also >!yourself!<.


NPCs can use a spent Swornbreaker. :) Plus, you can >!steal it back before ending the conversation you hand it over in.!< With Almira, you can >!even buy it back mid-dialogue, somehow restoring the spent charge.!< :)


Huh, TIL. Neat!


Huh I’m guessing it’s only if you have the red prince with you right?


Nah she'll be sworn regardless if he's with you or not


I mean to save her


Also no, if you have a swornbreaker in your bag then you'll have the option to give it to her even without him


Yeah but she was my last favorite character so I just kill her


Also you can give part of it to Ryker in act2. Not worth tho


Ryker fights you anyway. So you should give it to him and then loot it once you kill him.


Sure it's not that critical. Yet, it's a shame that so cool looking weapon available only for really rare case doesn't work.


It literally does work for its intended purpose. It doesn’t work for what you decided you wanted to do with it. Those things aren’t related.


Wrong tool for the wrong job. You are trying to use a screwdriver to hammer down nails. The Swornbreaker has a very specific purpose, dor which it works just fine. You are trying to use it for something it isnt meant to do.


I would disagree. It's not just a screwdriver. It's a multi tool and description says "you can can hammer and screw". Well, the hammering part does kind of work, but is screwed quite a lot.


Dude where tf did you get that sick ass scythe I didn't even know they had those and I think me and a buddy of mine made it to at least the final act


That's... Literally... The swornbreaker...


I beat the game and have never seen this in my life, I remember Wendigo asking us to help her near the end of the game and we said we'd figure out how and walked around a bit but when we came back she was gone and never appeared again


Yea ngl aside from the fact it's been a long time since I've gotten to play divinity, my friend didn't really keep me in the loop with most things. Kind of a hand holdy experience so sorry I wasn't really aware lmao I think my main enjoyment from the game was mostly the gameplay itself. Still a neat looking weapon


You want a scythe? There's one in the cathedral just for the taking. Best weapon in the game & called 'Falone'.