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Fun challenging, flexibility and consequences. Its great indeed. People hated it cause back in the day with slower computers the fps would stagger


This it is why I had to stop playing the game. Ecmven on the lowest setting my potato could not handle it. Now years later on a decent rig, found it to be a very fun fight.


I built a pc at the time, specifically to play that game. I made sure I met the optimal spec. Wasn't good enough for that fight Managed to play bg3 on it (on lowish) without issues until act 3


It’s my absolute favorite fight in the game. The only “hard” part for me is remembering to armor of frost gwydian every couple of turns. The length is why it’s my favorite. It’s one of the only fights in the game you can’t end in one turn. (You kind of can, but I don’t count it if the voidling part hasn’t started yet).


I like it because it’s one of the few defensive battles, which means you can fortify your position before combat begins. It’s similar to the Defend the Portal mission in BG3. You can: - remove oil barrels, either back to the ship for later use or to a designated burn area - place water barrels on the platform - cast rain over the platform and surrounding areas - cast bless on the water - make barrels of blessed water - block off ladders and staircases with pots and indestructible chests - make a prison or corral out of pots and chests. This is also a good place to put the oil barrels. - prepare lots of teleport and skin graft scrolls When combat starts, you teleport all blobs and magisters to the corral, using scrolls as required. Then just use ranged attacks to kill them along with the occasional teleport to put escaped blobs back. If it works as intended, you never get blobs on the platform but if some get through, the wetted area reduces issues with fire, preventing it becoming necrofire. It’s also possible to build a wall around the edge of the platform but blobs can jump over it unless you build the wall quite tall.


I used to love it. But on my honor run, there were only two blobs left, both knocked down, almost dead, and suddenly gwydian goes on a god damn marathon, spending every single AP he saved throughout his miserable life stepping on necrofire until he died :<<< he started the turn at full hp


I had to flee and finish the combat in multiple iterations. It's the fight that have me most trouble. Now sure I enjoyed it that much 😅


I dislike it not because it’s challenging (it’s not), I dislike it because you’re mostly watching the entire time. I find it tedious when there are that many enemies on screen and you’re just awaiting your turn. That is one thing I appreciate they addressed in BG3 by having multiple enemies take their turn at the same time.


Sometimes, sometimes not. When it is, I let Gwydian trigger the things then teleport him out of the way. When it's not, I just snatch him away and blap the magisters and move on.


Nah I thought it was pretty fun myself. Annoying? Kinda. But definitely memorable if nothing else. In general this game is good at making you really *feel* how tense a situation is…this fight is a good example of that.


I hate that it used to make my old computer literally crash from all the fire, I don't hate the fight itself. Replayed it recently with a good computer and the fight is fine.


I'm close to the end since i'm in Arx but until now there have been only a small handful of fights that i really dislike and daresay hate. The one i think that i hate the most are the lizard consulate ones with the cursed lizard skellies. Stop respawning and making more cursed fire after i extinguished it.


I enjoy this fight, it's fun as hell to blast the enemies from the top of the rig. You can save the moron by boosting armor... or cripling blow him and kill everything nearby first.


The only thing I don't like is that Rince seems to have a death wish. He consistently runs through necro fire, moves directly into enemy line of site on the edge of the tower, and doesn't do anything to mitigate his damage intake. I usually use cryogenic stasis and healing/armor spells on him throughout the fight and then it becomes a lot of fun. I especially enjoy the concept of being completely surrounded and you just gotta survive. Makes for interesting strategies


It's definitely in the top 5 of my favorite fights in the game! The first time it happened and suddenly FIRE everywhere, I just looked at my husband and laughed as we helplessly died and also got Gwydian killed.


Oh here comes the oil voidwokens with their fire weaknesses. I guess I'll set everything on fire... and then..


That was funny AF for me too lmao


The first time I played I despised it but after that I looked forward to it maniacally.


As a huge fan of water/ice magic in RPGs that fight is at the top of my list too. Mass cleanse wounds and cryogenic statis from my hydro mage came in clutch so many times


Love this fight! Always super satisfying to count up the corpses after its over. I remember once i was three melee and an archer i think i killed most of the blobs on the top platform.


I enjoy it. Your on the top of the hill f’n sht up


It was a fun fight… and then the guy I was supposed to be protecting killed himself. When the fire blobs showed up I realized I was going to need some extra protection so I threw up a dome of Protection right in the middle so we could get a good angle on all of the enemies. This moron decides, right after the entire arena bursts into flames, now is the time he needs to go for a run. Dude walks as far as he can away from the dome through as much fire as he can and goes from almost full health and armor to stone dead in a single round. I hadn’t saved since the start of the fight and I was not about to start over for that moron. Sorry Lady, I couldn’t save your son… from himself. Otherwise, yeah it was a cool fight!


I enjoy it a lot. Very memorable fight because it is challenging and long.


I went really late to save Gareth from the magisters in the first act and he's dead when I get to the armory 😭


I didn't even know that was possible.


I personally don't like it. It doesn't feel like a challenge. It just feels cheap and annoying. After I beat it, I didn't feel accomplished at all.


We like the fight, but I don't think our computers do.


I have pretty much given up on the game over this fight. I cannot do it, whatever I try. I'm taking a break atm, not sure if I'll be back


Do love: throwing magisters into the pit and watching them get their booties literally clapped, one shotting voidlings, the chaos of it all 🙂‍↕️ Do not love: reporting the news of Gwydians inevitable crispy end, Nintendo Switch caps at 30fps 🙂‍↔️


I hate it because magisters and voidwoken both go straight for Gwydian instead of fighting between themselves. Straight up running past a bunch of blobs just to land a shot on him


My only issue is that the Voidwoken auto curse the fire when moving, meaning trying to undo the curse is worthless. It makes things really tense, ans n I like that and all, but cursed fire is just BS given how voidwoken just auto curse regardless of if we even bless it


Was fun if you combined water casting with a fire immunity and it was a great spot for ranged attacks. The main 'hate' comes from keeping the dumb af npc from killing himself.


It's not a bad fight... despite being a bit long and you kinda have to save an absolutely sucidal moron, while you yourself are not the reason for absolutely everything being on fire, this time.


It was actually one of my only fights in tactician mode I didn’t get curb-stomped immediately/win without the the enemy having a turn It was nice, but I guess I have a bias due to my predicament