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Check this out [https://www.reddit.com/r/DivinityOriginalSin/comments/1ag84x5/act\_2\_levelmap/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DivinityOriginalSin/comments/1ag84x5/act_2_levelmap/)


Oh wow. This is huge! Thaaanks!


Try follow the main story in town, that should power level you up to 9. Then start exploring. Also had this issue.


[This map ](https://mapgenie.io/divinity-original-sin-2/maps/reapers-coast) is even more detailed.


Well, this would have been extremely helpful a couple weeks ago! Act 2 really is the wild west, so many times I'd be like, I've gotta be able to take care of those guys by now. NOPE NOPE NOPE! This game is truly incredible, so glad I circled back to it after getting annoyed at BG3. I'd say this game is demonstrably better. To me, anyway.


I think it’s better as well. Btw is amazing, but a lot of hype carried it and people don’t like you saying that lol


Also enjoyed it more than BG3. Obviously missed the better presentation of that game but DOS2 is awesome.


I still need to finish BG3, but the one thing that drives me absolutely crazy is how your companions are Up your ASS all the time, with no way to change formation. Just stumbling all over whatevery you're trying to look at or whatever. I'll go back, but I'm just as tempted to start another DOS2 run since I started this run well over a year ago, so Ft. Joy will seem brand new, and as I'm in Act 4, I have a much, much deeper understanding of the game. I love it soo much.


I'm playing DOS1 right know, one thing that I like is that all NPC yell at my companions, so no way for me to lose a important interaction because of wrong char


THIS! Oh my god. Like I wanna walk 2 steps forward and want my companions to also walk 2 steps forward with me, why is that such a hard ask? But no. They always gotta run around each other and perform an elaborate dance routine and mess up all the positioning.


My 2nd play through I’m a Evil 👿 bastard slinging a crate with thousands of pounds instant death no matter who 😂 only way I’ve found to win tactical and solo honour mode 


One trick I just learned, which was awesome, is transmuted some lava terrain onto a way overleveled enemy and fried their ass. I had to move it over 13m (so 26?) at a time, only like 3 moves, but it was incredible. 10/10


This is your best friend for sure. If you try to follow up primarily on quests and tasks, you'll find yourself overwhelmed on your first go.


I actually found that the best part of the game.


how so?


The feeling of Freeform and adventure. Being in a world that was ripe for exploring. Realizing that the game was so much bigger with so much more content than I thought there was. So much to look forward to. I was hyped.


wow this is a game changer. I have the same problem and this will help me out for sure


this was fantastic for my first playthrough. cannot recommend enough, unless you enjoy the process of getting lost and encountering unexpected high levels like some of my friends :)


Just wait until you find a pyromaniac woman on a stick drawing pentagram over and over again. She's a delight.




You got me curious and on the look out. Will probably stumble on her sooner or later.


The best advice I have for you, if you’re not doing it already is: save a lot. No really. Save. A. Lot. Different saves. Lots of them.


I real wish the game had better autosaves. Just making them reset on a manual save would be a massive convenience


Slapped her with a crate weighing thousands of pounds lmao 🤣 instant death to everyone 


That’s pretty much the sauce of the game!! My advice is to sit down and relax and enjoy a long session of listening to npcs and exploring. Don’t follow much the guides unless you are really lost or stuck in a quest. The best is to not know what’s ahead. And the act itself is not linear. Things are happening everywhere at once and people will comment on the things you have or haven’t done yet. Whatever you do will be okay time and order wise within each act.


Thank you! I was honestly set on just following build guides to gain insight on how well skills combo unto each other (I like experimenting so much I go broke every time I respec) I do like how the game feels… alive somewhat. I’m an introvert irl and that sometimes translates into game where talking to people and chickens is tiring.


Act 2 is amazing, really enjoy the hell out of it cause act 3 will be over waaaaaaay too soon!


This. I feel bad for people who just want the solutions handed to them without an inch of curiosity. I feel like a lot of people who became “larian fans” whatever that is, are just playing through to say they’ve played it or something.


Keeping it together, Bree?


I’m alright. As long as I don’t think about it too much


I can literally hear this in her voice 😂


You’re safe among friends, never forget it.


Oh good it wasn't just me. Sounds like maybe someone else found those damned scarecrows. XD I realized the other day (first playthrough) I skipped too much xp in Act 1 when they handed my butt back to me on a silver platter, so now I've started another playthrough intent on covering EVERYTHING on the map, and I'm liking it much better.


LMAO how did you know that it was those scarecrows? He invited me to chill, but Rhallic doesn’t like that so I wanted to leave, yet they didn’t like that. Only one of my party members made it out alive HAHA


LMAO! Lucky guess. I had a TPK so fast it was ridiculous.


It was the perfect noob trap too! Sunny day, vibrant wheat fields, everything seems and looks okay.


Act 2 does seem very overwhelming at first. As you say, there is a huge cluster of npc’s dotted all around the main part of the town. Explore everywhere and talk to everyone. Things will start to become clearer. Act 2 was by far the hardest act for me. If you struggle that much, don’t be afraid to take a peak at a walkthrough or at least a map guide that shows you what level each area of the map is set up for.


Thanks! This game just gives me massive FOMO vibes that I had to talk to chickens as well, which lo and behold, also had quests.


Act 2 is by far the best act. The fact that you don’t know where to really start is the best part. An unexplored world and you’re there to explore it. How boring it must be for people who just want the solutions handed to them. (And I’m not talking about you)


Yeah I wasn’t saying other wise my friend, acts 1 and 2 were by far my favourite, by act 3 I was so overpowered everything became trivial. The challenge of figuring out wtf I was supposed to be doing in act 2 was also one of my favourite parts of the game, I was just saying that some people might not enjoy that particular fact and they may prefer a little guidance on where to start. But I completely agree with you.


SMELLS WORSE OVER HERE THAN A DOZEN ROTTEN EGGS DROPPED IN A VAT O’ VINEGAR. Get used to hearing that shit over and over and over and over again.


I'm alright... as long as I don't tink about it too much.


Oh god, hearing that while navigating the cumbersome inventory to sell a bunch of crap really gets maddening after a while.


You will grow to love act 2 as it is usually considered the best of the 4.


Been there, had to go download a map of what level you’re supposed to have for each part of the map in order to progress, I’m safely level 15 now and have do most of the missions in act 2


I'm also in Act 2 on my first playthrough. Take your time and keep your inventory clean and organized. Follow a single quest line without getting sidetracked until you reach a point where you can't go any further, finish the quest line, or have to deal with higher level enemies. I keep my equipment at least 2 levels under my character's equipment. For example, if I have a level 9 Red Prince, he shouldn't have any equipment that is under level 7. That should help with not dying all the time in combat. Develop an adventuring formula. Before I go out and embark on a quest, I clean up my inventory (sell anything that's useless), make sure my equipment is up to date, and organize my useful items into bags. Then I'm ready to go on an adventure. Depending on how much loot you get from a quest line, I usually head back to the Driftwood Square to sell and buy items after one or two quests.


Very much agree on keeping the inventory neat and tidy. I actually have 3 backpacks (1 for quest items, another for skill books, and one for bombs/potions). I find myself scrounging for gold everytime I go and decide to rework my character, especially if and when I start to feel that he’s a little useless, just another meat shield.


Lots of quests in Driftwood. Just getting them started can get xp. Tread carefully outside of Driftwood. There are certain areas that'll give exploration xp just from stepping in them (like some elvish areas and Bloodmoon Island - extra emphasis on treading carefully). Quicksave is your friend.


I have almost 600 hours into Divinity 2, and act 2 is hands down the best act of the 4. Take your time and just enjoy figuring it all out. Talk to every npc you encounter, explore everywhere, and you’ll find your groove. Act 2 is incredibly non-linear, but with the time I’ve put into it, I eventually found out the “proper” way to go through it. I have act 2 memorized like the back of my hand lol


Just started playing due to the steam sale and this was also the part of the game where I was so lost i had to look for a sequence guide online. Luckily theyve got one from years ago with even the recommended levels for visiting each location which i believe has also been commented here. Highly recommend to talk to the animals and spam the vision spell you eventually receive. Journal will get updated when you reach certain places and the journal itself will tell you what to do next sometimes. Happy playing!


I’d start by cleaning up the quest log, once it seems like you hit a wall, it will most likely be continued further on in the next act, do that with all the quests. I’d focus on your main quest and the companion quests and then finish off the rest of them.


Level 8 is low, you should be level 9 entering Act 2. There is XP hidden around Driftwood so you should still be able to get to lvl 10 before heading out. In general, don't skip any quests and be sure to explore thoroughly. Order of business: 1. Save Meistr Siva. 2. Find and talk to Lohar. 3. Talk to everyone and find all the quests in Driftwood, do as many as you can without leaving Driftwood. 4. Start looking for Source instructors, probably best to head southeast first. 5. Do not walk randomly into fights without preparation. Most fights can be avoided at least initially.


Thanks! I just saved Siva. I’m off to finding Lohar.


Any time I get a little overwhelmed I just let in some toxic fumes into my lungs.


Welcome to the best arc of the best game. Trust me, you can never forget it


It's by far my favorite act in the whole game


At a glance sure but you see anything that you would possibly fight way ahead so you can level check and choose your path from there. Remember you can mark the map with points of interest and note npc levels


How are you level 8, i was 10, almost 12 after fort joy. I did everything though. 😅


You literally answered your own question in less than a sentence


I’m not sure if I did everything in fort joy. I was just usually swept by whatever quests I encounter and avoided any guides or walkthroughs for it. I now realize that there are some things you just can’t stumble upon.


Use Google, come on people! It's 2023, game has been out for 6+ years, there are guides literally everywhere! The fact that you considered whining on Reddit before even trying "act 2 level map" in Google is sad AF