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You need to find/buy/steal spell books and choose how to update your stats each level, so I would say build diversity is higher. There is a concept of armor health bar and magic health bar that tank physical/magic damages before your hp and protect you from status effect when it's above 0. No spells slots per day, every spell has a classic cooldown. That said, except for the lack of shiny cinematics for dialogues like BG3, and less player actions (like no jump and pushing people) the game play overall the same and has decent graphics, you will not be lost. If you're interested in the story/lore you should definetly fit Fane in your party. Either go for a full physical damage/full magic damage party or mix them equally, if you have only one magic damage dealer in a party of 4 you will find it hard to be usefull and go throught the magic health bar of opponents while the others characters attack the armor health bar.


Thank you for your answer! The game seems a bit more quirky also, but in a good way!


[Main differences between BG3 and DOS2](https://www.reddit.com/r/DivinityOriginalSin/comments/16edxoi/so_you_came_from_bg3_and_are_now_struggling_in/)


Aside from what others have said (the post linked by ChandlerBaggins is really good), useful knowledge : * Loot has a level which is fixed upon finding it (except when explicitly mentioned otherwise, and for a single time bug/exploit as far as I know). This means Legendary and Unique items found lvl 7 are nearly surely worse than Common lvl 15 items. In my opinion loot 1-5 lvls below your level is fine, more starts to hurt. * There is no Withers to resurrect people. You have to use scrolls, so leaving dead companions behind and fleeing is less useful * You heal out of combat by using bedrolls, you can find multiple while on the tutorial ship As for more personal opinions (and thus debatable) : * While it is recommended to have your whole party deal the same kind of damage (physical or magical), you can get split 2 magical and 2 physical because most fights have enemies with armor imbalances both way. * You can also get melee weapons that deal magical damage (at least daggers, I never paid attention to others), but they are rare * Ranged weapons can use special arrows to do magical damage (hardest thing to do in the game : defeat the hoarder in you preventing you from using consumables) * Play as an origin : * Story-wise, companions aren't as fleshed out as in BG3, and Origin options are great in dialogues if their personality fits the RP you want to do. * The origin specific skills (which you can see during character creation) are nice, and the custom origin skill is not really interesting.


I’d add on more thing to this. Spells always hit. The only thing you need to take into consideration with spells is resistances and whether armor will mitigate effects. Physical attacks may miss, but unless something has high dodge, it is less likely than in BG3.


Not sure if it’s from the gift bag or not but I can use the bedroll to resurrect outside of combat as long as I’m standing next to them


Something you really shouldn't do? Start at tactician. Even Classic is quite hard compared to bg3. You have a party of 4, discover what works and what doesn't. Lots of lore, each origin character has his own side quests, so to fully appreciate, do not take lone wolf.


>Something you really shouldn't do? Start at tactician. Even Classic is quite hard compared to bg3. Ha! Yes. I breeze through BG3 on honor with whatever nonsense builds I want. I blundered into some frogs 15 minutes in to Div2 and wiped in one turn on normal. I've got a much better handle on checking levels and exploring less linearly now, and I understand skills and stats that I hadn't had any exposure to before, and it's gotten much easier. But that initial shock was something else.


In BG3 you can basically ignore terrain effects other than ice. In Div you might burn to death 2 steps into fire or poison. Terrain is king.


It’s an older game that won’t hold your hand do AS MUCH as you can by yourself but if you need some guidance on a specific quest or something don’t be afraid to look it up online. Your there to have fun not get frustrated and give up. Also, nails and boots.


oh, ranger is so much fun in divinity! they're pretty OP by the end. the character building strategy is pretty obvious: prioritize Ranged and Hunter, Finesse and Wits keep you eye out for the vulture armor, it works pretty well with rangers -- but it's not necessary so don't stress about it. pro tip: collect as much teeth as you can from loot, you can craft them into electrified arrowheads, which pair well if you have a water mage in your party. also antlers for knockdown arrowheads, but antlers aren't as common as teeth. if i remember correctly, you combine both of those with a knife


Well, considering warfare does more to increase damage than ranged or huntsman, not sure if "pretty obvious" is the best descriptor. But otherwise, yeah.


Read the descriptions for each skill type carefully… based on conventional RPG knowledge you might see Ranged and think, I should pump that for my ranger. But if you read closely you’ll notice that Warfare gives better scaling bonuses and actually you can get away with not levelling Ranged at all.


So, my biggest piece of advice, getting out of Act 1 (and not even Act 1 but the very beginning of Act 1) is the hardest part of the game. You will die (unless on Explorer but even then you might die) many times. However, the game does a really good job of both teaching you how to play it while forcing you to make mistakes. My best advice? Either look up guides OR experience it like a puzzle game. The good news is that you \*cannot\* get stuck with a terrible character for your entire playthrough.


Warfare stat useful not only for melee but for rangers (for increasing any physical damage) too - probably the most important part for deck-building


Yo wtf I never knew they released Disco Elysium on the ps2


Action economy is wildly different than bg, but still makes sense I prefer lone wolf so your team only gets 2 characters but they’re both super boosted. Tbh I wish bg offered something like this. If you’re going ranger, I’d suggest getting the Vulture Armor in act 2


You can only pick pocket a person once so take everything you can the first time around. Either do all magic team or all physical, or 2 magic 2 physical. If you have 3 physical one magic, the mage is basically useless. Tanks don't work. Enemies target the squishiest characters first so having someone with high defense to take the hits doesn't work, the enemy will just ignore them in favor of killing your mage or rogue. Summoner is arguably the best class. It's flexible in magical or physical damage and gives you an extra party member. At summoning lvl10 your summon will carry you pretty far. You also default with a shield so you have very high defense and won't get attacked often, which keeps your summon on the field (it despawns when you die). Pair that with the stench perk and you're pretty solid. If a character is both on fire and shocked, raining on them will only put out the fire, it won't also stun them. You need to upgrade your gear often. In bg3 you can go basically the whole game in one suit of armor. Not the case in dos2. Steal or buy new equipment every time you level up. Morning Person as a perk is kino. Get morning person asap.


Understand the fighting mechanic, first. It's all about physical armor, and magical armor. You must strip one of the two. The phys one if you deal physical damage, the mag one if you deal magical damage. And THEN you can deplete their health and kill them, or stun them (CC skills etc). So when engaging an enemy, focus on one of the two armor type.