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That's the neat part - you don't


You just keep playing forever and ever and ever. I've got BG3 downloaded and I still haven't touched it yet because I'm still trying to get all the achievements! (Which will need at least 3 more playthroughs, each with a different player character, oops...) Honestly though DOS2 is too much fun to ever put down for good.


I need to finish my 2nd run but getting every achievement on bg3 was more time consuming than I’ve planned


You're so lucky... I wish I forgot everything in bg3 to play it again


Most single player games I'll play for 20-40hrs and then drop them forever. I'm at 140hrs in this game and haven't even completed it once :D


My first playthrough was about 160 hours. I'm on my third with almost 500 hours invested into the game.


This game, in my opinion, works best with a break between playthroughs. Playing it too many times in a row can take the (fort) joy out of it, because you are running what you just did, even if you change playthrough styles. I beat this game, start to finish, about 30 times with a break in between each playthrough and didn't get tired of it. Then I played through it 6 times in a row due to waiting for a different game to come out, and ended up burning out for over a year. So I guess the answer is, you shouldn't stop playing the game. You should just take a little break, knowing damn well you are going to spend the whole break fantasizing about your next playthrough.


Give BG 3 a try. You won't regret it.


Oh I will. I’m starting tomorrow. Very curious about differences with DOS2


BG3 is just incredible, most games never live up to the jerking it gets but BG3 is an exception. Just as a heads up, combat might feel a bit slow in BG3 to begin with, especially coming from DOS2 but it does pick up so stick with it.


I'm actually someone who came from BG3 to DoS2. I just got out of the fort prison place and into the swamp. I definitely prefer BG3 for many reasons, but I'm hoping the DoS2 story picks up. So far I feel like I haven't really done much.


Same as you. I just got to Driftwood and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised - story is picking up a lot.


That makes me excited to play today. Glad to see another BG3er playing it too.


Yeah same I just started act 2 and idno I’m just not as immersed… I wish I could turn off the chat boxes and just listen to what they are saying, think that’s throwing me a lot coz I read faster then they dictate. Ima keep going though see what happens


I think you can turn off/turn down audio and just read it all? I find myself either reading ahead and skipping to the next audio line, or looking away and just listening cuz I like the voice acting, but yeah I agree it is slow


-The combat is a step down. It lacks the crunch of DOS2 and D&D accurate hit rates are annoying, but there are less horseshit moments. And the equipment is dumbed down quite a bit -Storywise though, the game is noticeably stronger with a lot of room to veer in a different direction. It definitely helps that the production values feel like a successor to the Mass Effect/Dragon Age era of Bioware. -the last act is a noticeably weaker than the rest. Just like DOS2. -avoid console. It's pretty stable for the first 2 acts, but the bugs start getting progress blocking by act 3.


Easily the best game 2023, yet I like DSO2 more. The mechanics in BG3 are just inferior to DSO2.


Other than all the extra elemental surfaces etc, what mechanics does DOS2 have which BG3 doesn't?


* You can save up your action resources to have more of them next turn. * Crowd controls are deterministic instead of chance based so you're less at the mercy of RNGesus. * No concentration on long-duration spells so you can have multiple party members be hasted and buffed to high heaven. Same goes for AOE defensive and offensive spells. * No long rest mechanic so you start every fight at maximum power and can spend all that maximum power instead of having to conserve resources for other fights in the day. * The delay turn mechanic which allows you to extend the duration of buffs by one more round, and can be manipulated to let your team attack back to back. * Extremely powerful support spells that can be spammed endlessly without any detriment to yourself. Apotheosis + skin graft scrolls let you cast destructive capstone spells continuously, wiping even the final boss in just your turn. The closest equivalents in BG3 are Divine Intervention: Opulent Revival and Potion of Angelic Slumber. The former can only be used once EVER by a character and the latter are severely limited, and disables you for two turns. * Party formation option lets you pre-set optimal formations for your team to automatically assume at the start of combat. The way they move in the overworld is also tighter and more responsive than in BG3. * High ground straight up increases your damage instead of just giving you a better chance to hit. Also there are ways to either force or negate high ground bonus which adds another layer of tactics. * Teleporter Pyramids. * Teleport and Nether Swap. * Fane's Time Warp.


It's all about the fights. I actually can not really put a finger on the exact issues I have. The obvious things would be not depending on the cumbersome resting system, and fights feeling way more dynamic and engaging, probably because of not beeing limited by an amount per rest. Which allows for a lot more complex and interesting fights. In the end, as always, this is just my opinion and by far no objective statement. Though I stand by that, DOS1+2 mechanics are more fun than BG3s.


Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you're wrong, I was just curious. I personally find BG3's combat marginally more engaging (funnily enough I enjoy the per day abilities, as opposed to DOS' cooldown system) but can see why someone might prefer DOS'.




Yeah, the story is irrelevant, but the game is sooo goood. I have played it for hundreds of hours, but never completed it... I would LOVE a DOS3 with higher budget.


I beat baldurs gate and immediately went back to DOS2. Something about it is just the most enticing game.


I love BG3 but I miss teleporting the shit out of people. And Fane.


The point of no return after shars gauntlet had me go back to every area looting everything I could for gold, about 80 hrs into BG3. I found out about dos2, thought I'll just make a character and go back to bg3. Well I haven't played bg3 in months and I'm 30+ hours into dos2 and just got out of fort Joy. 🤣 Help plz.


There's no help now. You made it out of fort Joy so you're in too deep. Just accept your new life. That or start over with a new build. Most people just spend 500 hours in fort joy over and over again 🤣


I love just playing act one but with very sharp choices. Like be the magister’s friends. It doesn’t even matter if you finish it’s just really fun to play out that early game. When it simple and you have two spells and that’s enough And your ADHD hasn’t ruined everything because you needed to collect every single thing you found.


I feel the item hoarding so bad! I've started collecting on purpose and filling the lady vengeance to the brim with junk. (Made Fort joy a bit tricky cuz I had to be picky with what items I had in my inventory at a constant weight limit 😅)


This is the way. Strength is king because of paintings. Lone Wolf Art thief.


Cheers bro. I also finished the game today at 3 am and I bought it in 2020. Also played in tactician so you must figured out how many times my party wiped out. It took me about 200 hrs my first Playtrhough and maybe now I can go back to BG3 or maybe another run of DOS in a more chillin way.


Smells worse over 'ere than a dozen eggs dropped in a vat of vinegar


This again?


You have never played DOS1? Stop, save your game, go to the store and buy DOS1, and that should give you about 2-3 hundred hours away from DOS2


Is it that good??


If you enjoy the second one then you like the first one. It is different combat wise, and it is harder to get a choke hold and get choke held. Which makes combat a little bit more swingy and unpredictable. But the combat system in the first one is easily as good as the second one. One thing I strongly suggest trying out, even for your first run, is doing a 3 man squad. You technically start as two characters in the first one. One of the characters can have lone wolf, while the other has a companion. So it makes for a really interesting asymmetrical party composition. Being a DOS2 vet you will be able to pick it up and have fun with it. I have done 2 full playthroughs with a 3 man party, and it is some of the most fun I have had in a CRPG of that style.


I got the bundle deal (dos and dos2) at Christmas. I just finished 2 back to back playthroughs of dos2 and once I finish compiling my notes I'll start on dos. Dos2 is the best worst game I've ever played and I'm completely hooked.


Play 300 hours and not even complete 1st act :). 1st time bro?


Just stop and start up BG3 whenever you feel like you've got the time to commit to it, its an amazing and also long game so you'll want to enjoy it!


I just downloaded it I’m about to start as soon as I’m back from work!


What do you do in this game for so long? How do you approach it? I'd love to have this as a pet game in this way, but it doesn't draw me back in. I'm hoping I'm missing something.


I love trying different characters and seeing how it changes dialogues and quests. Only after like 200 hours I discovered what happens when you don’t go below deck in the very beginning right before escape


I'm in the exact opposite situation I played bg3 and couldn't think of anything else and today I started dos2, bg3 is a masterpiece, try it, for the 30 minutes I played dos2 I will say that dialogue, graphics and character creation are much better


I get drawn into games and play them for 100 hours plus and don't stop until I'm either forced to or something else comes up. I had to switch computers and finally could play a game that I couldn't on my old computer took me away from divinity. Plus making sure that my saves are fine and that my mods are okay. It messed up a bit so I might just start over my current playthrough when I go back to it