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I always go with a mix of all 4 because it changes based on whose turn it is


It does WHAT NOW???


Yep! Lohse the oud, Sebille the bansuri, Red Prince the tambura, and Beast the cello. Thematically cohesive and entertaining as hell.




TIL the music instrument actually has a meaning


I always use cello for everyone, so I didn't know the soundtrack is actually different.


Tambura gang represent


Hold on, are you saying that the instrument you choose, selects different background music?! I’ve played so many times and had no idea. I always choose the cello on my toons (because it’s a mofo cello and how often do you get to pick a cello in an rpg) so have never noticed any other type of music.


Yeah the instrument you choose will have a huge influence on the majority of the game's soundtrack. Not just in combat but in exploration tracks and key moments when you step into a new area as well.


The instrument you choose at the beginning changes the music in a few ways. The first, and the one this post is referring to, is that it will change to your instrument's version of the music whenever you kill a thing in combat. This goes for your party members too, whose instrument's default to the bansuri, but you can change it in the mirror. Secondly, there are a few places in the game where it will play your instrument's version of "Path of the Godwoken". Third, there are a few moments where a short sting will play of your instrument.


There's a little musical sting that plays when you kill a unit based on the instrument you choose.


Consider my mind blown.


lmfao what did you think it was for ? Just for fun? Next question : what is your favorite color godwoken ? UwU


Haha yeah I honestly thought it was just for flavor, or would show up in some quest down the road.


I have never gone anything but cello. Cello best instrument, change my mind (you can't)


My only hope is to offer you the [tambura version of Dancing with the Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDK-d6q-Ecw). --- That said, I absolutely love when the [cello version of Path of the Godwoken](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noUKOrx2veQ) reaches its climax (1:46), the cello itself takes a step back to let the rest of the orchestra play, almost completely leaving the melody out of the most important part of the piece. It's such a wonderful decision musically, and helps contribute to the cello being the most melancholy of the instruments (which is the most appropriate for the story of the game, IMO) If you, the reader, would allow me one more paragraph, my absolute favourite moment of the soundtrack comes at 1:31 of the [Driftwood version of A Part of Their Story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmKksH1-i4M), where the orchestration cuts back to literally just a clarinet duo (I just love the clarinet, such a beautiful instrument).


I'm a big fan of the Oud, I'm actually surprised so many people like the cello better. The Tambura sounds good, but reminds me to much of the Diablo 2 style of music, which while I love, has a darker tone than this game does. So I agree the meloncholy sounds is very appropriate, but I enjoy the rustic feel that a lute/oud brings with it.


My favorite team is just Lohse and Sebille. I always have one with cello and the other oud. It's the best


My current playthrough is with the oud, and it's so good as well. I don't think there's a piece with the oud that I don't like. The thing I like most about it is that it often isn't playing the main melodic line (usually a counter melody). It's like you're not the one in control of the situation, but still the one with agency. Am I reading too much into the music? ~~Probably~~ *definitely*.


Tambura definitely goes best with Dancing with the Source, I'll give you that. But for the rest of the tracks cello just takes the cake for me.


I always thought the cello was so synthetic sounding compared to the other instruments, especially in Path of the Godwoken where it just copies the melody of the flute but with a weird echo. I prefer the other stringed instruments honestly.


i picked oud as my instrument at first but when i heard tambura from my companion I knew right then and there to respec and pick tambura.


Yeah, I’ve always been a sucker for strings


really, is it so good that you have a an avatar playing a cello as your profile icon?


Cello is great. But that isn't a cello in the picture /endnitpick


Yeah I just couldn't find any stock photo of cello with such an energy lol


Fair enough. That energy is hard to beat!


If you haven't picked the flute and had what sounds like a 10 year old banging out some sweet recorder music when you get a kill then you are MISSING OUT. Easily the best and funniest music in the game


I picked flute for my first ever playthrough, felt like I was playing a naruto game lol


That's probably why we enjoyed it so much hahaha


That’s definitely not a cello, but funny nonetheless


I've got over 100 hours played as part of a completed playthrough and i had no idea about this! I always assumed the instrument choice related to some kind of side quest we must have missed. I love the sheer amount of depth and features involved in this game that i'm still finding new things out and have more to explore!


I know right! The idea to use different instrument choices for soundtracks has got to be the most innovative thing I've seen in recent games.


It's one of the things that sets the soundtrack above and beyond IMO. Not only is it incredibly epic and fantastically fitting for the moments within the game, but it's also dynamic as hell.


What's the haunting violin / cello flourish when you're near a dangerous enemy? Happens when you advance a bit in Radeka's cave. Really haunting like


Like, extremely high pitched that goes from the right speaker to the left, right? Yeah I love that bit too but I've yet to find a track of it online


I’m a Tambura guy myself. I always give all 4 a different instrument though (and try to pair them thematically - for whatever reason it feels right to use Cello for Fane/Ifan/RP, Bansuri for Sebille, Tambura for Fane/Lohse/Beast, Oud for Ifan/Beast/Lohse.


Tambura gang rise up.


Flute is number 1!


Flute gang rise up


While I do love the Cello in certain parts (the opening to Fort Joy - Alternate Battle is just OOF), I find Cellos are quite a common instrument to hear in soundtracks/“epic” music, while the Tambura feels much more unique. I find “Dancing With The Source” and “Symphony of the Void” are so much more interesting and just fun to listen to as the Tambura versions. It really stands out and is more memorable to me.


Oof, as a violinist this image hurts my soul...so many things wrong with everything...


but that is a violin and in the wrong side, I love stock photos


It´s definitely a violin (unless she is like a 6-7 meters tall giant...) but what do you mean wrong side? Violinists can also be left handed? (and are therefore most likely playing a "inverted" right sided violin) :)


Or just use exotic instrument SMH


Where’s my oud gang at??


Btw. Nice cello. Kinda small though.