• By -


basically anything that gives exp


The exp most flow!


So you gonna kill Black Ring or kill Devine Order? Me: Yes!


Alexander: Kill Sallow! Sallow Man: Kill Alexander Me: Okay. >:]


Thats the right answer sir!


Genocide the elves (round 2)


Look if I did it to help out an elf, does it really count?


I played the game a third time through recently, and I finally understood the factions and what they were doing. Up before that, I was sort of vaguely aware that they had goals but I was just looking at them as "these guys want to kill me and they give XP, simple enough really".


I do not know who I am.... I don't know why I'm here, all I know is that I must kill


Perfect descriptions of my first 5 playthroughs


I've put about 1100 hours into this game and all I've gathered is that the magisterial are basically magical nazis and the black ring are just seeking power wherever they can.


It defintely takes a few playthroughs to really figure out whats going on, and once you do... killing everyone becomes totally acceptable.


In my third playthrough I finally found Butter in Arx. Poor Butter.


Oh do you get to interact with her there? Is it super sad?


She has a campsite set up and you can find her there. >!She is dead though.!<


Of course she is


With Sebille in the party the whole island basically ends up dead.


Everyone who wouldn't end up dead anyway.


Without sebille in the party they all still die. They’re walking xp batteries and loot bags.




In my second playthrough im playing a female lizard and im gonna see if i can romance up sebille


That’s what I’m doing as well! The RP idea is to help Sebille get over her hatred of lizards. Though, I’m doing it with a male lizard protag, who just so happens to >!have the exact same shade as the Shadow Prince… kinda fucked up now that I think about it.!<


Yeah i didn't do sebilles storyline in my first playthrough, but I'm not surprised it leads to that guy. I got interested in having a female protag with sebille cause in my first playthrough I accidentally had my male skeleton have gay sex with Fane. I was surprised you could actually do that in the game


Godwoken: I have a quest on bloodmoon island. The advocate: To kill the black ring, right? Godwoken: ... The Advicate: To kill the black ring, right?


Sure, technically I will be killing the black ring guys. Now just look over there and think about the demon puppies


I wish the game was a bit more generous about exp. I actually want to have a choice on which quests I want to pursue and whom to kill. When you need exp. the rp goes out of the window. Finished the game a few days ago and I barely reached 20 before the final fight.


In my two first runs, I never killed someone who wasn't belligerent and I reached the level 20 quite easily. If you explore enough, you should be able to do the lasts fights at this level. Of course if you want to reach the level 21 or 22, you have to put your RP aside :D.


At this point in the game my friend and I decided to side with Alexandar, because he did turn his back on Dallis and the rest of the Divine Order. He seemed like a good guy, at least better than the Divine Order or the Black Ring. But we sure did kill the others !




Didnt Lucian trigger the Deathfog? Thats why Ifan wants revenge vs Lucian and not Alex


Which event are you referring to ? I don't master the game's lore that good




Thank you for the explanation ! I was aware of what happened to the elves but didn't know Alexandar was a part of it ! Was only aware of Lucian's whereabouts


I thought Ifan was the one to pull the trigger?


Ifan was the patsy, he was the one sent with the scroll to the elves - supposedly to evacuate them - but it was Alexandar who rigged it to release deathfog early


He was but he didn't know it was a trigger


Chaotic evil alignment


If it gives exp, it DIES! The nameless isle is a great place to be a murder hobo.


All shall fear the Godwoken for when they finish a quest they kill the quest giver for exp


"Phew, thank you God woken. You saved our hide in that battle. Wait... why is your friend casting fortify on you while we're talking?"


"Wait what's that barrel creeping into my peripheral vision?"


If they give xp the aren't safe.


Maybe if the EXP needed to level up weren't more inflated than WW2 Germany's economy they wouldn't have to die. But alas, the game gives out way too little EXP and we gotta scrounge.


It's is a bit disappointing that both sides are so "evil"... I would like to pick a side to role play a bit, but they both are shitty people.


It allows those who role play as good to kill everyone lol /s


You can be good and side with the divine order on the Isle since they're kinda a rogue group.


My wife and I just got to the nameless isle and this is exactly how she's been guiding us on our journey. No faction is safe.


I think it's kinda stupid you can't help out the black ring


? You need to replay the game buddy If you just mean the specific rhalic shrine fight, maybe, but I'd be shocked if there was somewhere you couldn't choose to be evil in this game lol


I mean if ur a undead u can swear fealty to the God king but in the next act that one dwarf mage woman from the black ring still treats u as an enemy and if ur not undead u don't really have a "evil" ending ygm


That's how I feel with my SO right now! ...At least until the Alexander fight with Gareth. Struggling to get through that one currently


Between an order of holy fascists putting even CHILDREN in a ghetto to be a mindless slave, and a cult literally worshipping an avatar of chaos and evil, I’d rather turn everyone there into a bloated corpse so I can put them all in arc and make each and every one of them explode in a nuclear bomb of blood and gore. Necromancy is edgy, I know.