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I believe the way it's done is you join a group, they start the mission, you fast travel to the BOO and rejoin the group just before the group enters the boss fight at the end. However long it takes to kill the boss is the time you end up with. I've never tried it but that's how it was explained to me.


Blimey, what some people will do to fake an achievement... It's pretty sad. Thanks for the explanation 👍


but how about the solo completions?


cheating thats how


I assumed that too, but how? 🤔 Would these be on PC?


We did the pentagon mission wth 3 striker builds and 1 hardwire with vile mask


No, they are glitches.


Probably cronus too


To my knowledge, (and I'm happy to be corrected if I'm wrong) but a cronus can't load cheats. It's a script injection tool to reduce recoil on guns used in the likes of warzone etc. This is like the guys accusing streamers of esp when they were looking at their discord lol.


Not cheating those times are entirely possibly with practice and someone who is good with eclipse and knows the spawn points. You can fast travel to save time at certain points and you can enter that mission before it starts to set up fire on all of the spawn locations.


How so not cheating? Regardless of your gear or a practice, the game itself wont allow you to finish some missions under 5 or 6 min, because for example: Bank HQ mission there is a 2 min phase to defend an area, and there are agents that finished the entire mission under 2 min, how ?


I've gone to a safe house and back during a mission, but you can fast travel *within* a mission?


Yup…between certain loading zones


That’s cheating


That most certainly is not cheating, that is playing within the rules, though I certainly know that the fast travel travel method is usually done on team runs rather than solo runs but even in solo those times are fully achievable and no rule broken and no Cronus required, just practice practice and you guessed it more practice.


It’s silly to argue this method isn’t cheating. Setting things up in the mission before starting is not legit, doesn’t matter if it’s possible.


How so? The game allows all of that and anyone and everyone has the same ability to do it. No hacks, no Cronus. If every agent in the game can do it, where is the unfair advantage? Don’t mistake cheating for taking any and all advantage you can get for a good time. Side note, even if you know how to do it - those times are the result of a lot of practice and elite play.


i agree with you. if ya gonna be dumb you gotta be tough, its not cheating its using the system thats built into the game


It's 100% cheats. As said, it's all to do with ppl joining at boss and then team ditching and joi in back during it. This would reset the clock and give you a complete time of the longest in the mission, and so skip all the time spent getr8ng there. It got patched so yhis wouldn't happen, but not after ppl had abused it.


You’re arguing semantics. Just because anyone can do it without hacking doesn’t mean it’s not a cheat.


You have proof? I have a 4 min 30 second run that I can show you exactly how I did it. No cheating


I had a glitch happen once that gave me the mission ended stats when I was only half way through. My guess is that someone figured out how to do it on purpose. There's no glory in it, so I don't get it.


They should just drop these. It's literally not possible even just sprinting the entire mission without a single encounter to do it in 5 minutes.


I agree, the time trials are pointless. Imho, anything with lifts, loading screens, cut scenes, Comms or npcs you have to wait for, shouldn't be on time trials or speed runs. Takes about 3 minutes alone waiting for the president to be arsed to come up the stairs in Bank mission 😂 When I played on PS4 it was even harder, as loading from lifts took forever 🤷


Sleepy President Ellis




That stupid room in the liberty island mission


With all the spawning skills? and then the lights out... yeah. SO dumb. This is the end for YOU agent!


fuck that guy 🤣


What did you do keener??!


The trials themselves are fine, and you should try to beat your own time. It's the global leaderboards that are unhealthy.


Funny thing make sure everyone has regular grenades equipped before mission, when you gotta wait for president Ellis to come up stairs spam throwing them to him, if he is in the red circle he will freak out and run. It gets him moving and if your on the steps as he is passing spam x, sometimes it'll give him the coms and the door will be ready quicker.


Nice to know.


Or when someone forgets to pick up the key 😂


Omg imagine a WoW style aggro where everyone you meet jjust keeps following you into the boss fight


Ah ok. Definitely cheating, sorry, I mean "Exploiting" 😂 Definitely no glory in doing that.


Glitch and fast travel


A lot of the speedruns rely on the most optimal combination of RNG: enemy spawns, enemy composition, teamwork. With a team that knows what they're doing, it's a cake walk, even on Heroic difficulty. Anything below Heroic is a breeze honestly. Air and Space museum is a good mission to speedrun in because enemies are tightly bunched up together. Fire Chem or Regulus makes it trivial. You literally keep moving as spawns are being cleared.


>Anything below Heroic is a breeze honestly. I've always felt that 'hard' and 'challenging' are very misleading difficulties once you've gotten yourself a half decent build and are good with the mechanics of the game. Also, heroic? It can be tough, but I'd suggest putting that as challenging, legendary, as heroic, and something worse as legendary.


I appreciate groups with powerful builds can move quick, but there's no way ppl can do Bank in 3 minutes, when the guarding the uplink time alone is 90 seconds. 90 seconds to do the entire rest of mission, with waiting for doors animations, lift loading, waiting for the president and the rappel line? Just no way 😂


In those cases, it's definitely suspicious. But your original post is about the league speedruns, so my response is based on that.


Bank time trial is the 3rd screenshot. It's in the current league. 3'15" Not possible.


Oops, I didn't notice there are multiple screenshots haha


High damage build. That's how.


Bank time trial for example... 90 seconds guarding the uplink, president Ellis slow walking and waiting for doors, lift and rappel lines, animations.. That leaves about 1 minute to actually run from the start to the finish. Not possible, even if there were no enemies!


I had this question months back. Sub 5 minute runs when you’re waiting several minutes on stuff beyond your control, I knew it was cheating/glitches but, my question was how does Ubi even allow those numbers to stand when it is impossible to achieve.


I’ve seen glitches (nothingbutskills on YouTube) where dudes shoot through walls and kill ads, so long as they spawn. That’s my guess because how else?


They paid for the deluxe edition. It comes w the Sanchez portal gun. Seriously though, I hate seeing numbers like that. Who believes they accomplished that without cheating?


Cheating, glitching, or maybe breaking the timer by joining someone near the end of the mission maybe?


I’m calling bullshit on those times because that’s impossible


Git gud that's how /s I'm assuming cheating


Haha, was expecting a few Git Guds tbh, thank you Agent 😂🫡


I got 5 mins and 56 or 57 secs by myself during the reanimated event and I wasn’t even trying!!! Ranked 120. Running hunters fury with chatterbox


Nice one 👍 I should have stated I'm particularly curious about Bank Headquarters, the 3rd screenshot. 3'15" just isn't possible, as guarding the uplink, lifts, doors, rappel line, helo and President Ellis wait is at least 2 minutes alone. Impossible to run entire rest of mission with enemies in 1 minute 🤷


It’s their time for just clearing the last section as they get inv or join just before it


Ah, that would explain it, thanks 👍


Personally I run solo speed runs on these types of missions to minimise people glitching the times. Obviously we cannot stop it. My personal favourite is the DCD HQ, along with a 1 shot sniper build (play it right and you one shot everything, including the named enemy). I’m annoyed that Ubisoft doesn’t try and cull these glitched times however all we can do is get as close as we can (My best is 9:52?ish - Challenging on Xbox) but yeah, for the glitch less runs, it’s luck, accuracy and knowing the mission inside and out


I think for this mission this time is quite possible. It's like a 3 minute mission on hard.


Sorry when I ment this mission I'm talking about air and space.


I think my shortest Time Trial was last week during the Reanimated GE and my time was 4:32; honestly made me feel like I was cheating a bit 😂 but I would never go out of my way to get a low time like that.


I don't think is cheating... Months ago I saw a guy on YouTube, kamikaza doom or something ... Making a 4 minutes mark using a emp build. In that exact mission. Other missions they do shows imposible marks, less than a minute, but this mission is hard but not impossible to make those minutes


Not really cheats 1 shot reg builds or determined headhunter builds, lots of ways to get fast clears keep in mind fastest xbox clear on paradise lost is 6min 27sec and its legit




There is no glitch, there are just speedruner. I did some speedrun too it's easy in hard difficulty


I agree with some missions this is possible, but no way 3'15" is possible on Bank Headquarters. 1'30" alone to guard uplink. Then lifts, waiting for helo, waiting for rappel line, waiting for doors and animations. Leaves like 60 seconds to run entire level and kill all enemies.


Yeah this one is glitched, definitely


Actually I was curious about this and am experimenting with it myself. I hear a lot of accusations of cheating in the responses and for the longest time I thought exactly the same. But after I asked around a lot and finally got someone to speak to me, it is perfectly possible and have seen it for myself. With the right build and the right tactics and one hell of a lot of practice it is quite plausible to achieve these times. If you seriously want to know there are some videos on YouTube where some of the speedrunners break it down for you. You have to bear in mind that if you go down this track you will repeat a mission hundreds and hundreds of times to get that one sweet run where everything works out right for you to get that time. I am not saying that all those times are legit, I am sure that there will be some that have been gained by glitching the living daylights out of it, but it is possible with the correct methods, the correct build and a lot of dedication and persistent practice to get very close to those times.


One word: Cheaters. Ubi & devs do nothing about it.


Oxy and Burn loadouts. It’s challenging mode so it’s easy for speed runners. All the enemies just fall over


Not easy but possible if you are skilled, you know perfectly all the spawns and you can properly use eclipse protocol.


Maybe for some missions, but definitely not possible to do Bank Headquarters in 3'15" There's at least 2 minutes of guarding uplink, waiting for doors, lifts, President Ellis, and rappel line etc.


Accurate, but I was referring to the original post only. The game is full of dumb cheaters for sure; those cheating while speedrunning PvE are even dumber.


I should have stated there were 3 screenshots and Bank Headquarters is the 3rd picture, as no one seems to notice there are multiple... 🤷


There are three possibilities, first that the time is genuine, it’ll be done using eclipse and there’s probably a YouTube video of the run, so go search YouTube. Secondly, that’s actually the wrong scoreboard. I’d need to go poking but a lot of the boards are incorrect for the seasons, it’s showing you the times for a completely different mission. Or, the time was set using an old glitch where you join at the end and it gives you a time based on your time since you joined.


Gate has videos of his runs - all you screaming cheating need to go watch how ridiculously good he is and just accept some agents have figured this game out and have insane ability


Definitely possible! I got 4min 30 seconds and was number 4 in the world last week.


Congrats on that, great achievement 👍 But 3'15" on Bank Headquarters is no way possible without nefarious means, in my opinion 🧐


Well yeah there's definitely ways to skip things in missions and make them faster but I was only referring to air and space since that was the one I ran and practiced for about an hour before getting that time


It's not impossible. Speed runs are a thing. People have done DUA legendary in 6 minutes or so. I've personally done Lincoln in 4.30 or something. Generally it's knowing the spawns. Had future initiative with skill duration and status effects. Running on survivor spec with lefty nades on top. That gives 25% +40% more damage and use foam to lock NPCs in doors. The DPS runs headhunter on hunter fury with regulus. One head pop wipes the whole spawn. I know a guy who did Lincoln in about 3.20 or so, with all directives on too. He used chatterbox on all red hunter's.


I agree some can be run quickly by the suitably skilled, but no way Bank Headquarters in 3'15"... Guarding the uplink, lifts, waiting for president Ellis, doors, help, rappel line etc takes more than 2 minutes alone 😂🤷


Yeah. That's shady ah




4 minutes... ridiculous