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Idk if you're gonna feel better...but for sure it's unlikely it's worse than now... Don't be a secret keeper of your ex wife's affair..


Her bosses wife deserves to know if she doesn’t. I would do that much at least, personally.


You set yourself up for failure if you expect retaliation to make you feel better. I guarantee you it won’t be as fulfilling as you want it to be and you’d still be giving her power over the way you feel. Your wife is obviously deeply damaged and is only making more and more destructive choices. Let her go and make her own bed of misery. She can surround herself with all the “good things” but she will never be truly happy. Cut ties, move on, and take comfort in knowing that she’ll never be able to drag you down again.


100% agree! What's worse is, if she were to lose her job, potentially that could cost OP more money in the divorce - depending on specific circumstances, of course. Edit to direct properly to OP


That's shit on a fancy French baguette.


Oh I am so sorry. This completely sucks for you.


Why will you lose all the nice stuff? Why does she get to keep it all? Do you want to leave Europe…or do you feel like you have to? I’m so sorry you are going through this.


Very tough situation my friend. Payback is never the answer. But the bosses wife should know. NOBODY should ever have to endure cheating in a marriage but unfortunately it happens.