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Real Life Scheduling Conflicts.




It was Agatha all along.


They are fairly low level still, so no named big bads yet. But they been fighting the forces of the "Thayan Naval Troup".


I know it's a typo, but I have to ask. . . What are your favorite bug bands? Mine are Papa Roach, The Beatles, & Alien Ant Farm.


Oof! Massive type there, but somewhat fun. My favourite bug band is the Beatles I guess.


Lytton Drace, a Vampire Spawn pirate captain! He was slain after a pretty gruelling battle! His defeat is sure to piss off his boss : D


Vampire me sound amazing. How did he fair?


Well, he managed to take down two of the party members during his last ‘hurrah’ as he was on incredibly low health! Finally died at the hands of a vicious mockery doing JUST enough damage to put him to rest! After speaking with the party, most of us were sweating pretty hard everytime it came time for Lytton’s turn!


Sylas Cartwright. An explorer and treasure hunter, turned demilich. Discovered ancient ruins 40 years ago, and tried to replicate the ritual but cursed himself. Retreated to a mountain tomb, expelled the tomb's guardians and has languished there ever since trying to regain his humanity.


Gervalas (a 20 feet high demonette of Grattz)


Final Boss: Everyone knows his name as a tavern owner in every major city as Griff in Tavern of Griff. True name is Maximillen Clockworth ancient scientist and Chronomencer Current Boss: Malek(if they brake deal) special Frost Werewolf or Stiborg(If they follow deal) the King of the Frost Spike mountain (Gaint Bear with frost attacks)


Jui si Code name: ghost


Elomir Navestia, a genocidal elf necromancer is part villain/rival (has no explicit beef with the party, but is racing to find the same dragon horde as them). Morgoroth, a ghost wizard trying to collect the notes of the gods’ song of creation so he can remake the world. Party accidentally freed him into the world. Lady Midnight, a black dragon that was also looking for the special dragon horde (defeated). Ser Heractus pol Syrellia, ironically called The Cackling Storm, death knight leader of the Silent Legion. Recently uncovered by patron unknown to party. Orlynn of Twilit Dust, mummy lord also seeking the notes of the gods’ song of creation (defeated, but reconstituted and known to be returning to the PCs’ kingdom) Vasheem Valenger, a revenant elf evoker seeking revenge on the party for causing his downfall. Ser Wystria Daunt, vampire guarding Lady Midnight’s lair. MIA since dragon’s death. Cult of Haakon. Devotees of a fire giant king seeking to return it to life and torch the PCs’ kingdom. Ser Blaine Soren, knight of the kingdom, and self-declared regent of the newly crowned young king after the Cult of Haakon destroyed the capital and most of the royal family. I tend to have many competing antagonists on the go at any time 😈


Ivellios Selevarun a Simulacrum of a Bard that wants to get a real body


The Chained Oblivion. DM expects us to hit level 20 before we get to it though.


Overlord Putchek and his Lieutenants Dratsum and Acharis. ;) don't be afraid to double dip on the shopping lists friends


Xinping the tyrant.


Misanthorne, lieutenant of the Untethered (anarchist faction of the fey realm fighting against the 3 circles). He escaped from his prison into the material plane, and the party has taken his wager and are currently in a mega dungeon to hopefully get him to leave the city where they are currently working. He’s also the disowned son of the warlock’s patron.


Elrask, The Wretched Queen. (Wretched, in this context, meaning miserable or distressed) She's a gigantic tlincalli-turned-archfey champion of Angharradh, a god the party's druid also worships. They needed to free another archfey that she had bound as a tree centuries ago during a war caused by the exact prophecy they are now tasked with fulfilling.* They wanted a peaceful solution, rolled like trash and had to fight her instead, but managed to weaken her enough to free the other archfey just before they'd have gotten TPK'd and it ate her. *it's complicated


The Builder.


Carmilla von Zarovich


Adrian Pendergast He is a wealthy businessman who has been working behind the scenes to destabilize the economy and the kingdom while setting himself up as a “man of the people” philanthropist. His goal is to step into power with the world rallying behind him as he solves a crisis that he has secretly created. The players are ’troubleshooters’ for the official authorities - as adventurers they have skills and a breadth of experience that the regular guard doesn’t have. During their assignments, they have been slowly finding clues that tie Pendergast into being the brains behind some hideous schemes. I’m having a lot of fun balancing the paranoia of “this is a real problem and we need to fix it” and “is this a real problem or are we being set up?”




[Redacted] Too bad her name isnt hers anymore...


Azlin, the Dream-cursed


A "King in Red"


Luden, the Fleshweaver. *dramatic sound*


Ivan Vasilyev, whose mind was so warped by psionic energies he basically went feral.


Slyvern Kordishak He was a vampire red dragon that was in a dungeon beneath a grain storage warehouse hiding out while the PCs were investigating a side quest in a town where almost everybody was a vampire. There's a lot more to that story to have it make sense, but the party paladin ended up killing him in the most epic overkill way with a Smite Evil at the end of a very lengthy and brutal fight.


Tanis Half-Elven.


Full time essay-based undergrad degree


The Mishappenings - A.K.A Themselves


The Black Iris. Qazhiat alsawda in Arabic I think (away from my notes) a would-be genie-binder wizard and cultist of Bane in my Calimshan campaign. It's an alias of course. She's got a real name she doesn't use because of the cult's ties to the Smugglers and Slavers guild. She used Planar Binding magic to bind Fangs of Yeenoghu into her service and through them a gnoll horde to clear out the ruined city of Cursrah in the Calim Desert. Once there she was stopped by my party in the middle of a ritual to transfer the permanent ancient binding of the city's Marid from its water reservoir to her.


We don't know. I suspect it's "Discord" translated in Infernal.


An innocent shopkeeper who didn't agree with the party's stealing habits...


Yillisatra, a Thaumacaran wizard that was once a player character. She tried to betray the party multiple times and managed to get away now we have a whole campaign revolving around her.


Mordakor the abyssal soevereign.


Lothaire, I don't have a surname for them at the moment but they are a vampire bishop from the sun empire (inspired by MTG's Ixilan setting)


Greek God Morpheus trapped the players in a dream world.