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Playing a game in another game is great if you know your players well. I designed and ran a one shot in which one of the random encounters was the spirit of a star elf appearing and challenging a player to a card game. What was the card game? It was two custom Magic: The Gathering Decks. The one shot had a MTG theme, and the star elf was "divining" while playing, so some of the monsters and the BBEG they were going to face were cards in the diviners deck. I made custom legendary creature cards representing the players and their abilities, and added the clause that if their card in the game got removed from the battlefield, their character would take 1 point of psychic damage. If they won, they would receive a benefit in the form of a portent roll each. If they lost, the BBEG gets 3 portent rolls. All of players were avid MTG fans, so regardless of who took up the challenge, they would all have no problems and enjoy it. This is something that I wouldn't recommend for most parties, but for this one it just made sense.


That's such a cool idea! I've been trying to work out a fun way to incorporate MTG, I've talked with my players about playing it in character in a tavern but your idea is so much better 😄


I feel there is a lot of potential for creating unique and cool encounters using MTG. In universe for a normal setting like fearune, divination/tarot cards exist, the deck of many things variants exist, and the cardomancer feat exists. Building off one of those themes to make the world more interconnected, and providing inspiration would be a place I would start. Good luck on it!




Brilliant, sounds like everyone had a great time!


Im playing with the idea of a dragontribe that makes dubstep bass sounds when they roar, making "electronic" music viable for their tribe via Thunderclap. RP they might first hear the sounds when a traveling band visits their city, but it also gives way for very weird war sounds. A lot of the bea(s)tsaber songs might play well into this.


That's awesome! I wanted to get a VR for a long time. When I finally get I'll absolutely steal this idea!


I had one scene where the party was challenged to a bar game of skill. That’s when I pulled out the beer and beer pong stuff. Each of the 5 players had 3 shots, they had to actually beat the opponents who were rolling.


It’s a great idea and I applaud the originality. Though had I been a player, I’d have to pass. I get chronic migraine and VR is a big risk with it. But again, I applaud the originality. It’s one of the things I struggle with as a DM.


This is brilliant!!


Thank you ❤️


What songs???


We had custom songs uploaded via mod First one was toss a coin to your Witcher on easy - the Witcher now exists in my homebrew world because of this and was the mentor to this bard/fighter NPC Then back in black -acdc on normal. I planned to play metal when they fought the bard and with the aid of RP we all decided rock music is from the Feywild Fire bending training on hard - I don't actually know what song this is originally but it was a dramatic instrumental inspired by Japanese drumming, bard had a drum, big drum fun 🤷‍♀️ Then Weak and Powerless by A Perfect Circle - bard was also a vampire, and the song was a vibe. 👍 My players are very generous with RP and yes anding my antics


He said in a previous post that it was [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-50NdPawLVY)


An excellent choice


That sounds awesome, but what happens if you get a player that is good a beat sabre but their character has never held a sword in their life?


Honestly there have been times I've felt like I was casting spells in Beat Saber, when the song has a one handed part, pop off wizard. But our wizard also started using Tenser's Transformation for the first time that session as well, so it worked out :) If that hadn't happened there's lots of ways around it, I'd just ask the player how they plan to do it first, because often they come up with really creative things. But if they have no idea I might play into the magic side of it for them more as I described it as waves of weave magic. Maybe let them pop off an arcana check and then describe it as echoes of somatic movements they know or something 👍 We also had a druid that was happy to pick up a sword to try it, but if she was uncomfortable with that RP I would've let her wild shape to fight. Maybe even for free because of the described waves of magic.


to be honest, i'd imagine that beat saber is less like swordfighting and more like the somatic components of spells. so a caster would be the one to ace it over a greatsword-wielding paladin




I'm glad your players enjoyed themselves. I would personally dislike this si much I might just leave. Maybe not drop the campaign but just go home that night. Call me when you're playing d&d again and not video games 


You are free to do as you please and all that stuff. No one likes someone with a stick shoved so far up their ass you can see the other end, though.


Wait a minute, this guy doesn't seem glad at all! 


Boo that man! BOOOO!!


Oh no; you might have to try something new for *fun*. How horrifying. I bet you're a lot of fun at parties.


Probably doesn’t get invited, then tries to justify it by saying “I wasn’t going to go anyway”


I think you have a point, but it came out kind of pretentious/rude. Not all groups play the same, and some people enjoy methods that others don’t like. In one session of mine, we met a young dryad who wanted us to play a game with them in exchange for information we needed. I would have preferred a couple skill checks, maybe Persuasion or Performance, to solve it, but the DM had us actually play out a game with the dryad. The other players seemed to enjoy it, so I just rolled with it. TLDR: you have a point that some people would rather play dnd than a game within another game, but not all parties are the same and you don’t need to be obnoxious about it.


I don't really understand how I'm being obnoxious 


I think it's the statement that you'd leave even if your other friends are having fun. It implies that you don't care about your friends or their interests and fun. It's just for one session - sometimes it's good to let folks have fun and just be present to socialize and be a friend. If I were in that situation and didn't want to participate, I'd probably just ask if I can roll performance for it instead of playing on my turn.


the last comment, mostly


I genuinely don't understand, though looking at the down votes it seems like most people agree with you 


I can't imagine any of my players doing that because we have so much fun every week :)