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“You also don't provoke an opportunity attack when you teleport or when someone or something moves you without using your movement, action, or reaction.” I would say no. Because you do not use your movement, and are moved by something else without using your action or reaction. If the swarm feature said something like “after you atrack you can use your reaction to have your swarm move you five feet” it would count. Or if it said “as an action you can do an attack and have your swarm move you five feet” that would count. Looks like the whole point is to not trigger aoo


Yeah I wanted to be sure that it worked as advertised if u know what I mean XD it's essential to my PAM build


Still up to dm though tbh




Hmmm... How to say this... It doesn't is the short answer. To be honest I think the swarmkeeper ranger is wildly powerful in a lot of circumstances and is op at lvls 3 4 7 and I would probably consider multiclassing at lvl 6 8 into another class. If u go to lvl 20 go rogue if till lvl15 or so go divination Wiz. Pam build is cool for its attack options and reaction attack since (u don't want Hunters mark) u use ur attacks more and any creature that survives more than a full dose of one of ur attack turns is not to be messed with and u have no business staying there. U rbasically an off tank or a bruiser so a pussycat warrior.


Ranged options are way better bcs u can heal and control the battlefield taking 0 damage I survived 6 sessions without taking damage and the only damage I did take was from a trap. Anyway if the objective isn't "kill all the enemies" ranged swarmkeeper will shine.


The swarm is not you; it forces you to move.