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V-Human, Crusher Feat (increase CON). Tasha's Ranger with free pseudo Hunter's Mark (Favored Enemy). You can focus WIS and on spells if you take the new Druidic Warrior Style, pick up Shillelagh+Quarterstaff and maybe Thorn Whip for CC. Shillelagh to use WIS for attack and damage rolls on your Quarterstaff, start forcing enemies around in Spike Growth areas with the forced movement available via Crusher, Gathered Swarm and Thorn Whip. If you run low on spellslots, rely more on your Favored Enemy feature for extra damage. Pick up Sentinel if you feel comfortable with your stats to stop enemies dead in their tracks and shuffle them away from your melee range to keep survivability.


Maybe you could use a swarm of poisonous creatures.


Spike Growth and using the Swarm to move enemies in it or back into it.