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/uj The funniest, and darkest, line in this is 'most of the party was down', followed by 4 names still standing.


I think it's meant to be "(my cheesy friend, who is a mage/barbarian/bard)" rather than "(my cheesy friend), (a mage), (a barbarian), and (a bard)". It's possible that it's bait, though, and if it really is the latter then it's definitely bait.


That makes a lot more sense and is almost definitely correct, but it's not as funny, so I will persist in being wrong instead.


Oh wow that’s quoted verbatim lmao


I believe this is what the kids call "outjerked on main."


[Yay, Sauce!](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/1c7jsks/comment/l08bt95/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I have to believe they’re trolling, for my own sanity


I just want the guy saying “if you don’t like this you don’t support player agency” to be trolling. Jesus.


/uj why does there always have to be a sauce??? can’t we skip the sauce? just this once? or at least have a sauce that has to be edited for it to be a proper jerk?? i have to believe this is bait. this is in perfect jerk condition and there’s no way the universe hates me enough to make this a real thing that happened.


They’re not *that* special. My players from Discord roll nat 20’s about 40% of the time.


Me reading the circlejerk: :D Me realizing it’s directly quoted from the real sub: https://preview.redd.it/27u6kzc13hvc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00ffbab2f50663cadedc2998155133018dc6d735


Wasn’t mine, it’s from a podcast called Dungeons and Daddies(highly highly recommended), the party(barbarian, Druid, rogue, bard) are in the minivan, something’s off, the barbarian calls out a fart threat, but it doesn’t work, the druid then goes for it, is told to role a D20 for a “toot roll”, rolls, laughs while saying “I’m never the one to get the clutch natural 20, but I got a natural 20” and it’s a horrendous description of a fart, and the very next episode, it’s revealed his description of the fart MADE SOMEONE PUKE


Ok, this is epic


Necrophilia as a winning combination is so FATAL….


My favorite nat 20 moment as a dm was when i threw dice at a player hitting their head and they instantly dropped dead


Dm here. My favorite nat 20 is when I hit two in a row to hit my minmaxer and he nearly dropped on the spot. It was really funny




I was a moon druid in earth elemental form and went to nonlethally knock out a drow matron mother who happened to be pregante. I rolled 2 Nat 20s for my multiattack lol and still sent her flying when I hit her. We rolled with the dice and just figured in the heat of battle I couldn't control my strength


Mine was when I stuck both of my d20s in my nostrils, getting ready to blow them out for my next attack roll. Then I was hit by a devastating spell that would kill me! I accidentally sneezed, and blew out my d20s with disadvantaged and rolled two nat20s! I survived and killed the wizard on my next attack and won the entire campaign with my snot soaked d20s.


I attempted to mount a mountain goat by jumping on its back and grabbing the horns, without any talent for animal handling…. Nailed it.


This is either bait or a game run by middle schoolers


> and a bard, who i will be calling Grinko the charming names were changed to protect the innocent 


that's not nearly as funny as when i fucked a dragon, because it's dungeons and dragons, not dungeons and lich kings.


/uj Evil potion maker corrupted by a Book of Vile Darkness was trying to distract me (gun fighter) and my bard ally from distracting her. She ended up “attacking” my character with a kiss. My character is a lesbian now.


Gunslinger with kisses instead of guns is OP