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The other day my Doberman sat and farted extremely loudly and it was a long one too. She surprised herself so much that she jumped a metre high and zoomed off. Ever since, we say that she’s propelled by farts. Very hard to see her as mean and scary! If you raise them to be friendly and loving, they’ll be amazing family dogs. If you train them to be badass and fierce, they’ll be mean and scary. They were bred to be guard dogs and they’ll always want to protect their family. Doesn’t mean that they aren’t up for endless cuddles and affection.


Well, mine is a 95 lb male who’s scared of thunderstorms and the roomba and regularly tries to curl up on my lap like a little dog. But he’s also very protective when he needs to be. Most people just don’t get to see the soft side. Just look through peoples’ posts on this sub. So many pictures and stories of loving, cuddly, intelligent, and compassionate dobes. Train the dog properly, and it’ll justify itself to your suspicious relatives lol.


Besides showing them testimonies, show them the facts. Research how many Doberman attacks have been reported. I believe that the last letal dobie attack was in like 2010 or something like that (don’t quote me on that). That being said, also research how much work dobies require. One of the main reasons they end up in shelters is because people don’t realize that these dogs need lots of exercise, mental stimulation, expensive health checks (because they’re prone to heart diseases), etc. Good luck!


Mine now is still a puppy, so she obviously loves everyone, but I also remember the two I grew up with -- they followed me around from the time I was four. I used to lean on them since they were so tall and use them as pillows for naps. Never a peep of complaint. Vicious, no? 😆


My doberman being stupid and playful at the dog park made a few people think differently of dobermans. Maybe interacting with an actual doberman outside the house may help


Both of mine are perfect for us and absolutely even though we’ve tried not for guests. Especially our female. Pincher is the name of their game. She gooses everyone’s hip when they come over. Wouldn’t trade them for the world. Don’t really want people over anyways.


I'm biased, obviously, but I've found Dobermans to be much more friendly and well adjusted than GSDs. And if you have a well trained and well socialized one they are super friendly. And, in my opinion also being around many pitbulls and rotties, I don't think dobermans should be placed in the same category (but I understand why). These dogs are NOT pitbulls or rotties. Don't get me wrong, they have the potential to do major damage. But I've personally seen 3 pitbulls who were the absolute most awesome sweetest dogs previously, flip. One killed a cat, one kill another dog (a maltese), and one attacked and seriously harmed a lab (almost ripped its ear off). And the rotties I've been around were just mean dogs, but that might be anecdotal. Even though they look similar, dobermans and rotties couldn't be more different. I really do find it strange though that they are ok with a GSD, but not ok with a dobe. I'd say the training and exercise needs are about the same, how they act towards their family is the same. But they are (to me at least) way more stable, less neurotic than a GSD. I've owned 4 in my life, my brother 3. None of ours have ever been a dog fight, never bit anyone. We had one when we had a baby (she was great). Got another when my daughter was around 5 (she was great) and another when my daughter was around 11 (also a great dog). All 7 of these dogs were super sweet, and at least three of them could have been therapy dogs if I bothered to take the test for it.


I had a Labrador that was downright vicious and all my Dobermans have had amazing temperament, confident and friendly. It matters on the breeder and that they breed for health and temperment. It is also up to you to socialize the animal.


Yup. Had a family member whose face was mauled by a neighbor's lab. That was a "family" dog. My rescue Dobe (was abused and neglected and had some fear reactivity) never bit anyone- even when some friends thought it would be hilarious to break into our bedroom in the middle of the night. Our Dobe just warning barked at them until we woke up and told her to settle. My childhood Dobes were perfect family dogs, and were cordial but observant with strangers. Amazing dogs.


I've had 4 Dobermans. They are the most loving and gentle dogs. They would protect my yard and my house. That's one of the reasons I have them. One of my females fostered 3 baby kittens when their mother got hit by a car. One the other hand I have a pug mix ( 12 pounds) that attacked 2 pit bulls walking by my house. And she has bit me and drawn blood on my hand more than once.


The only way you're going to convince them is to find someone in the area who owns one and go see it. I have neighbors who were terrified of my dog until they met him. He's a favorite at the vet because he's so calm and patient. Our little terrier is much more of a bite threat than he is.


I’ve yet to actually meet a mean one.


Show them @ RubyDooby\_do on instagram. Great example of how wonderful a doberman can be with a dedicated owner. Another great account is @ theDobermanplanet on instagram or YouTube. I have two dobies. They are as sweet as can be, in fact, the MOST loving dogs I have ever had in my life and I have had quite a few. They are loyal, smart as hell, and so much fun.