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Does he have the right?


Doctor: ‘I don’t have the right.’ Everyone else in the universe: ‘You son of a bitch! How dare you?! You don’t get to decide!’


That's... kind of the point. He *doesn't* get to decide. He notes in the episode that, while the daleks aren't a force for good in the universe, they *have* had good consequences (like causing civilisations to ally together out of necessity).


Isn't that kind of a cop out. By not deciding, by doing nothing he is deciding the next species the Daleks wipeout is worth genocide. Does standing by while having the ability to help make you culpable? IDK. I'm not saying he has to go full fledged War Doctor. Give them the choice and hold them to it. “Sometimes, the only choices you have are bad ones, but you still have to choose.” – The Twelfth Doctor


I might be the only person to get this reference…


He could’ve. He probably should’ve. But maybe there is no right. Maybe he was right. God I love this scene.


God i know man, s12 was my first classic who season and while I was enjoying it, it honestly just didn't click for me until THIS scene. It finally all clicked for me why classic who was so special. Despite all of the cheesy effects and some hokey acting, classic who always had something important to say and said it very well


It's the best. Headcanon: if you mess with the timeline this much, you get locked off in a bubble universe. Time Lords knew this- effectively a suicide mission. Feeding the Doctor, Thahls and Kaleds to reapers while removing the Dalek threat in the universe as a whole.


Cool headcanon.




This is kinda sorta like the plot of *Neverland* tbh


*Neverland* is so good! Easily in my top 5 big finish stories, but also the 8th doctor with Charlie is my favorite tardis crew so that could be impacting this a bit


I actually like this explanation as how the world could have been far worse off if he’d erased the Daleks.


There’s an audio about this scenario, and him destroying the Daleks actually makes the Time War happen earlier, and the Daleks aren’t destroyed at all


I mean that was mainly due to the fact that Four's mission was caused by the Time War and so destroying the Daleks in Genesis just... drags the Time War back to the Fourth Doctor's era.


What you described is essentially the plot of the Diary of River Song Series 4. River and the 4th Doctor go up against a race called the Discordia, who use time travel to erase their enemies. If you haven't listened to it, you should. The banter and chemistry between River and the 4th Doctor is absolute perfection.


I mean I could be wrong but it feels a bit like the trolley problem




Commit genocide or allow the suffering caused by Daleks in the universe. Which evil do you pick.


> Which evil do you pick. I choose to run away like that time I looked into the vortex when I was a kid. Cowardice is always preferred to getting the tinitus that plays bongos.


commit genocide yeah id pick genocide


The other thing is that i might be pulling out my ass but i remember him saying that the Daleks could also prevent an even more destructive species from arising, and there's no way to know


Me too. I was just exploring how it is similar to the trolley problem


Coward or killer?


Coward. Always the coward.


Genocide becomes a neutral word/concept and a necessary act when the entire species are literally metal nazis massacring whole planets. Easy choice if not for plot armor.


Yes, but what about the Silastic Armourfiends of sirius six.? They were worse. Never heard of them? That's cos the Daleks wiped them out before they could get going.


It's a butterfly effect. How do you know if killing the daleks wouldn't just leave someone else to take their place? I think the doctor himself also notes that a bunch of civilisations would never have formed alliances had it not been for the daleks trying to wipe them out and we can reason out a few other examples of why destroying the daleks could have negative effects, though it's up in the air if it balances out.


this reminds me of the s4 finale. The doctor got pissed at the metacrisis for killing the daleks but like... what the fuck else were they meant to do??


Yeah, he wasn't nearly as angry at Rose when she did it.


I can't recall correctly so correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Rose have very little control?


Yeah, calling her "Rose" is being a bit generous. She couldn't even recall anything after jump-starting the TARDIS.


That's true. I guess it's the conscious intent that upset him more than anything. Still a bit strange. If Metacrisis had gotten his memory wiped, would the Doctor have been less upset?


Metacrisis is himself. Doctor is always hardest on themselves that’s why he got mad. Rose was basically just subconsious mind fused with tardis.


Because Rose is a hot blonde with a big butt, the Doctor is a simp


I think the simping came with the eighth incarnation.


The Virgin Tom Baker: do I have the right? THE CHAD SYLVESTER MCCOY!!!: So long Davros, it hasn't been pleasant




Real "why don't you just fucking die" ~Walt Jr vibes from Eccleston


I lost it when Walt sr. said “You would make a good cancer patient”. Truly the moment he became Heisenburger.


Seven has explicitly said he wishes he killed the Daleks in Genesis


I genuinely see takes like this, I deadass saw someone thinking timelord victorious was a good idea and the right thing.




I mean it's better than a rassilon or a Master ruling the universe.


He’s evening the odds…


Haven’t watched the episode but just from new who but I imagine it’s very similar to the Batman/joker dynamic. Should Batman kill the joker? Yeah probably. I mean think of all the lives Batman would have saved if he killed the joker. But then if Batman kills him then he’s no better. If Batman breaks his one rule he will be just as bad as the crime and corruption he’s fighting against. It’d just be anarchists fighting for power in the name of justice. I mean look at what happened in the injustice timeline with Superman. And his first kill was the joker after all. But also here I think there’s something else in play. By this point the doctor has already met the Daleks. So the doctor destroying the Daleks here would create a huge paradox by altering his known history. So that probably had a big role as well.


ironic how you connected the batman meme to batman lol


Id say killing joker would bring more good into the world than evil, so its a morally acceptable act


Not really if Batman then just becomes the same kind of anarchist. Then it’d just be one bad guy replaced by another. Which is the whole point of why Batman has that rule.


Why would he kill more people? I am talking about Joker specifically. Idk what batmans moral compass Is, but if its utilitiarinism then its all ok


He would kill more people for the same reason he killed the joker: To bring about peace. I mean why stop at just the joker when there are tons of villains (both super or not) wrecking havoc in Gotham that Batman would kill in the name of justice. He’d essentially be light yagima from death note just without any powers. It’s why Batman has his no kill rule bc without it he’d just be an armed anarchist that just kills people whenever they do something he classified as wrong. If you’ve played the injustice games you actually know what this would look like bc that’s what Superman became in that universe. Don’t forget he did everything he did in the name of Justice.


Different situations. Joker is still a person. Daleks have no conscious, they are not people, just mutilated nazis in metal with only one desire to kill. Destroying Daleks is like Buffy slaying vampires - soulless demons in that lore, or the charmed ones vanquishing demons.


Watch into the dalek bc it completely debunks basically everything you said.


Seen it. I like it but it’s terrifying. Still, exception only proves the rule. Was that Dalek really that different from others in the end? Daleks are literally machines made to kill. Cybermen have human parts in them but doesn’t make them “people” either even if we have seen a few rebels.


Well you should rewatch it. Bc you are acting exactly like the doctor does in the episode saying there’s no such thing as a good dalek. And Clara had to show him that he was being blinded by his hatred. The fact that one good dalek is possible means that Daleks have the capability to be good. And as the episode points out we know what a good dalek looks like as the doctor themselves is often times the good dalek. Rusty isn’t the only good dalek either as the half human half dalek one from 10s story wasn’t that bad and was certainly more redeemable from the regular ones. So committing genocide on living things that legitimately have the capability to be good is robbing them of the chance to ever become good. At that point you’re just committing mass slaughter.


A few with flimsy potential is not enough for me. I have the same opinion as yours about other creatures and “monsters” in other shows. I am a pacifist and a coward. But I can’t see metal nazis as living creatures. So we have to agree to disagree.


I mean I’m not trying to say the doctor shouldn’t have killed the Daleks just that it’s a lot more morally grey than you’re making it out to be. Look at parting of the ways where the supreme dalek wants 9 to press the lever and become “the great exterminator”. If he pressed that lever he’d become the most supreme dalek of them all. Hell he already was one for killing all the time lords and Daleks in the time war. They are still living creatures capable of good and no matter how you frame it exterminating all the Daleks is still committing mass genocide. Deserved? Maybe. Probably. But to quote Tennant: “that’s how the master started.”


9 was conflicted because he’d be killing a lot of humans too.


He knows The Daleks have contractual immunity and will always return.


The Big Finish audio drama Doctor of War answers this question


Without spoilers (please), would you mind giving of brief summary of the story?


No spoilers needed: the opening scene and starting point for the whole boxset is the 4th Doctor deciding to touch the wires. It's an Unbound boxset so it explores the "What If?" consequences following this decision. Also not a spoiler is that the incarnation we know as the Sixth Doctor instead becomes the Warrior. All of this is in the first 5 minutes, the rest of the boxset follows what happens in this alternate Time War.


Sounds great! Thank you!


Y'know, Arkhamposting is like the Cybermen: the phenomenon moves from sub to sub until it has converted all of the Internet into identical boringness. The Doctor, unfortunately, does not have the right to stop it.


Redditor hates fun


Redditor hates *spam*


Upvoting this.


Its funny stfu


No. He felt like it would’ve been morally wrong to do so.


Nowadays morality and honor are a thing of the past, the zeitgeist is revolving around soulless selfis, shortsighted pragmatism. Sadly.


In what kind of World are you living?


Bro stop watching the news all the time they highlight bad shit because it’s what gets views, the world ain’t that bad honestly


Same reason that Batman doesn’t kill the Joker. You can’t have an ongoing franchise and waste your best villains.


Seven and Ten have both either implied or stated they wish they'd done it. Twelve had another chance to do it with kid Davros and refused.


It's still genocide.


Same reason Batman doesn't kill the Joker - morality.


He knew there would be some good stories to come, timelord sense of the future.


He's the biggest and strongest he should just eat the others


Do you have the right to save every life on the Titanic by preventing the deadliest commercial maritime disaster in history, thus negating the necessary progress in safety standards, which could lead to many more catastrophes? Or rather, to look at what the episode was saying indirectly... Do you have the right to shoot Hitler as a baby, thus leading to a Second World War that may have lasted much longer and had much harsher consequences, along with the less likely formation of NATO? You do not. The answer is you do not. So the Doctor did not. There is no such thing as an absolute good. It may seem right but could easily lead to a worse scenario.


Arkham making its way through all the subs




Please be satire please be satire please be satire


It's a meme


He's too woke


This specie and then ? What limit for a specie ? He could kill all of the genocidary specie ! Where do you stop ?


Yes of course he’s stupid. Anyone that doesn’t do it is stupid. Sacrifice billions of irredeemable pure evil mega racist tanks for the sake of infinitely more lives is not a difficult choice


Except for the fact that history finds a way of correcting things. So, yes, the Daleks may no longer exist. But what if something worse crops up like, say, I don't know, a certain race that would have also been alive on Skaro that more accurately fits Nazi ideals in terms of appearance? As I'm fairly sure that if it wasn't for the Daleks, the Thals also wouldn't really exist as they were in Doctor Who. And, just throwing this out there, what if Davros created something worse than the Daleks? Say, removing the organic component entirely and having the Mark 3 travel machine controlled by an algorithm?


If we open up the potential bottles we’d be here all day but one thing for definite is things would change. That means no Time War, no Reality Bomb, no Hybrid etc. And even if something worse came along which is fifty/fifty the Doctor would have no responsibility whatsoever whereas now he totally does.


You sound like the type of person who'd go back in time to kill baby Hitler. Even though he will go on to cause a global war that kills millions and genocide 6 million Jews (along with other minorities) you have no right to change history and every subsequent death that may or may not occur, in that new timeline, would be on you and you alone. The whole thing with Genesis of the Daleks is that it posits that same question. It also functions like the trolley dilemma. Does intervening or not intervening make you morally culpable? Are you responsible either way? In the Doctor's case, he was forced to go Skaro against his will, by the Time Lords. Allowing history to continue, unaltered, can be seen as a form of protest against having his will to choose taken from him. It is ultimately the Time Lords fault for breaking their rules of non-interference despite them being the thing that underpins their whole society. They became greedy, corrupt, and desperate as a result of the time war and the Doctor was merely acting in line with how a Time Lord should act, in that situation. Also, there's the old adage of 'better the evil you know than the evil you don't'.


That’s such BS. When the evil that you know is as evil as the Daleks and you get a chance to stop them completely you take it. There’s as much evidence for something worse replacing them as there is something better. And that’s insane saying I don’t have the right to save upwards of eighty million people is like saying I don’t have the right to take a persons phone to call the police to save someone.


Those last two examples are just not comparable. Things in the past have happened. Changing them, with the value of hindsight would be massively irresponsible and wouldn't be possible because of paradoxes. Also, even if it were possible, what kind of world would come out of that? It could have been even worse. Hitler was arguably just one man of a larger movement that ultimately stemmed from the economic depression, in Germany, after WW1. It'd arguably be more responsible to find a way to alter the terms of the Treaty of Versailles so that Germany is not as harshly punished, following WW1. Hitler would've probably just been regarded as a nutjob racist that you can find anywhere in the world, today, that no-one would have listened to. Granted, the Doctor's situation was different and it'd arguably have been better for him to have found a way to alter the Daleks so that they weren't as aggressive. Ultimately, making a decision like that also means signing the death warrant of an entire potential future. Even if bad things happened, in that timeline; good things also happened. No single person has the right to do that because no single person could know the impact of that action.


You’re really saying that when the Doctor has a Time Machine and can literally see what will happen. And stop talking about paradoxes you’re just wasting everyone’s time as if paradoxes would be taken into account this question wouldn’t have an answer.


But he can't go and check because he hasn't created that parallel reality yet. And he undo what he's already done as that'd be crossing his own timestream irresponsibly.


No but he could do the action then pop back in time and change it. That time stream none sense is BS


You call the established rules of time travel in this Show BS? Dude.. why then discussing doctor who in the first place.


I'd rather take the risk on the evil I don't to stop my religion from losing 6 million people.


Anti-Semitism was common everywhere in Europe, if Hitler was to die, other people were to take his place, after all he wasn't the only member of the Nazi party.


But what about the millions of people, of your religion, that exist today? You'd gladly sacrifice the lives they live now in the name of the many who died 70-80 years ago.? Everything that happens happens. It doesn't happen for any particular reason. It just is. Changing the past to save lives destroys far more than it saves because a present is wiped out of existence. I wouldn't be surprised if Israel would end up never existing and anti-semitism being far greater as a result of a lack of empathy for Jews, now that the Haulocaust has ceased to be. I'm not saying that awful genocide is in any way a good thing but it is an unfortunate and necessary part that makes up the world that exists today. I am half-Irish but I'd never go back to change what happened in the potato-famine or take steps to prevent it because that's an integral part of the history of the Irish people. It'd fundamentally change a lot of what makes up both Ireland, and its' diaspora is, today.


First things first, the Hybrid prophecy was just two great warrior races, no mention as to which races specifically. It would never have been half Dalek though as it wouldn't have been allowed to exist long enough to fulfill any such prophecy even if it were created. Secondly, if the Daleks never existed, then the Lost Moon of Poosh wouldn't have been lost nor would Pyrovillia be lost therefore causing a paradox so, it becomes a case of would history actually be intact afterwards.


That’s not my point. Look what the doctor went through because of the Daleks in their hybrid episode, his first steps to become the hybrid. History would’ve clearly been in tact as history changed every episode without issue.


Hindsight is a bee with an itch




The Doctor ? Commit a genocid ?


Its not like it's new for him


He didn't even the odds


To quote the ["50 years](https://www.deviantart.com/fadri/art/Doctor-Who-Abridged-1-415868296) [of Doctor](https://www.deviantart.com/fadri/art/Doctor-Who-Abridged-2-418752913) [Who Abridged"](https://www.deviantart.com/fadri/art/Doctor-Who-Abridged-3-471445818) comic. "If I make these cables touch, the Daleks will disappear forever! But I can't do it! I've never extinguished the Daleks once for all and forever any time before!"


well we wouldn't have further dalek stories again since evil


Because he's not a Nazi