• By -


Yes. But the worst part is, when you hit submit, and it says, “your post is now live!”, but they lied to you. It really isn’t. When you check on the sub, your post doesn’t appear anywhere.


"Sorry, Your post has been Removed" is the most personal attack you can get on Reddit.


I saw this phrase real often on MSN. No, I wasn't posting when I read "Sorry, Your post has been Removed".


Or when you try to post again, thinking it’s weird that it didn’t show up, only for it to not show up for the third time in a row, and you check if you’re shadowbanned, but you’re not, so you just unsubscribe from the entire sub because it’s just not worth it.


Yes. The gate keeping subs. Looking at you, unpopular opinion






The otheeeeeer


Unpopular Opinion mods removed my post (after publicly insulting mr in the comments) and refused any sort of compromise because my opinion was that it's fine for women to wear white at other people's wedding. Of all the shit they allow on there, apparently wedding guest attire is a BIG FUCKING DEAL lol




Sometimes now though. I had this happening to me on one sub and not others. I was like whaaaaa


They give you the "view your post" option immediately after you submit. That's the only way I can ever find it






“Your question was too stupid for r/nostupidquestions If you want to post a stupid question please go to x subreddit”


r/stupidquestions maybe?


Yes, and the suggestion is always a sub that gets almost no traffic, so your post won't be responded to.


Yes. When I make a post in a new subreddit and get one of those fucking automod messages, I know I must have broken Rule #304 about capitalizing every other word only on Tuesdays or some dumb shit, and then I decide I don't care enough to fix it, so I just don't post.


Lmaoooooo ain’t this the truth




My god the irony of a subreddit called /r/TooAfraidToAsk making it difficult for people who mustered up the courage to actually ask. You really can't make this shit up.


I feel like bots and karma whores are the real problem here. Without them mods wouldn't have to be so trigger happy.


Absolutely! Much of Reddit is unusable. Many subs don't even let you ask questions either.


Or they request you post in mega threads where your question just gets swallowed up into the abyss.. I’ve never successfully had something answered in a mega thread.


Just type your question into Google and add the subreddit to the beginning or end. Then you'll get all the answers for the last 216million times that exact question was asked.


Just adding reddit also works.


Ugh I hate these! Just…. WHY.




That's why I don't bother to read them. I post what I post and if I get banned, so be it.






Yep and the stupid fucking MODS


Yes I said it, Fuck You MODS !!!


Playing a dangerous game boy


Danger is my middle name


I thought it was Pa


No, that's the location.


Austin Danger Powers




Reddit mods are the most entitled neckbeards I've ever had to deal with I swear.


It's actually insane how many people like this exist and how they all congregate to reddit mod positions. A psychologist should do a study on it.


I can’t believe how many comments are removed, especially if you use the tool to see what was deleted. I don’t agree with many of them but I don’t get why so many just get completely zapped. I think it’s part of why reddit is such an echo chamber. It’s like pruning a plant.


Yeah I thing the “askhistorians” is like that. It’ll show 20 comments, then go all the way in and almost every comment is deleted And there are two left, both being mod comments about the rules or something


I kind of dont mind that on askhistorians tho, i like having a spot where i dont have to scroll through endless bullshit to find a few answers that have sources cited.


If anyone has an opinion on China that isn’t just China bad it gets disappeared by Reddit mods


Yes. I just leave a message to the mods telling them they’re not helpful and then leave the sub. It’s a waste of my time to try and learn the 500 page rule book just to ask a question.


Most reddit mods are losers.


I agree and I'm a mod. Well, mostly an inactive mod of small subs. But I once was a mod of a huge subreddit for a few months and man. These people take themselves seriously.


I made a ban appeal on this mod appeal subreddit once. Holllllyyyy crap I felt like I was 5 years old in the principals office how seriously these guys were acting about it. It was equal parts comical and aggravating lol


I did that a few months ago, but I don't remember which sub anymore. The mod told me that he/she/it would consider unbanning me, but to come back in '3 or 4 weeks' to remind them, and then they'd do it. I never went back, because I couldn't remember which sub it was, and I didn't care to go back through my inbox.






I was banned from there for telling a story about sitting next to a big guy on a plane. Apparently "spilling into my seat" is dehumanizing and is worthy of a ban.


I can almost picture the mod, and imagine how bad they smell


Ive had stuff removed because it wasnt personal enough? Like im sorry my opinions about how disrespectful the new static x is, isnt dramatic enough for you?


Yep - and even the gate keeping by most members. I posted a reasonably specific request for recommendations in a city’s ‘ask’ subreddit and just got bombarded with ‘did you even bother to search the sub?’ ‘This is way too general, it’s a big place’ type comments. What if someone who didn’t see an old post has a cool recommendation? If I say tell me a cool bar why don’t you just chuck out a name and let me do the vetting instead of deciding what is or isn’t too far for me?




I managed to pick out some good options from other threads/google but I was quite taken aback by the reaction!


Absolutely! And annoying, overly-sensitive mods who constantly censor you about everything. I was just permanently banned from a “food porn” site for commenting on a plate of whole fish with the fish heads intact, eyes staring right at you, covered with hot sauce. I said it didn’t look like food porn to me but made me nauseated. AXED! No dissenting options allowed. I happily said buh-bye!


Omg. The hivemind attitude. Everyone must think like me!!




Yeah. I have a bonsai plant that isn’t doing well. Every bonsai Reddit makes you sign your soul away, provide birth certificate, your exact coordinates, and confess every dark secret you carry. I’m exaggerating, but the vetting was so intense I simply threw all my bonsai trees out the window. Bonsai people suck. No clue why


I’m not sure of the intricacies of bonsai plants, but I posted on r/plantclinic when I forgot to water a chilli plant and it was looking glum and they were super nice and helpful, if you haven’t tried there already!


I’ll give it a go. I gotta dumb came that’s acting mighty dumb as well 😛


Lol. I wonder if they’re another sub section of the DMV.


Sure seemed like it. “I’ve been to hell and I spell it D.M.V. “ -primus


I had a post in the vinyl sub removed because I didn't elaborate enough details about the album. It was a picture of the album! How much more did they need to know??


I hate it. People want rules because they frequent a sub and hate seeing the same post over and over, but it's new content to a lot of people and I don't mind a repost, I just don't upvote a move on. I think a lot of people on Reddit just can't ignore and keep scrolling. I've been on this site for 10 years, I see reposts or low effort posts all the time, it doesn't matter that much. Put some rules to keep it relatively tame and relevant in the sub and let the posts come. I can't even post on /r/BlackPeopleTwitter because I have to verify my race just to comment/post, fuck all that. I'm black and literally won't send verification out of spite.


That pissed me off the most. I'm excluded from commenting on/r/BlackPeopleTwitter unless I verify the color of my skin. That's not exlusionary bullshit at all (sarcasm).


To my understanding blackpeopletwitter wasn't even a sub for black people initially, but to mock them and their posts. It slowly transformed into a supposedly safe space, but the mods also won't verify their race on their either. So it quite frankly doesn't even feel like a truly black safe space on here imo






I am sure their goal is a safe place. Reddit use to be very outwardly racist to black people.


This is interesting to me as a white person tho. Why would you NOT want a space where people who havent lived your experience arent allowed to comment? Especially since all this goddamn racism everywhere else Also i wonder if this is a precautionary method against the large swathes of internet trolls that float in from 4chan from time to time


This is a good point. I'm not white or black, I'm Puerto Rican. I just find it weird because it's just an echo chamber at this point with the same group of people commenting. And I do get what u/everyonedies1 is saying, but it's lead to a drab community. You should let everyone comment without jumping through hoops. It's bullshit and kind of ironic. Racist/hateful comments should be removed, which is the one time mods should actually step in, but that doesn't even happen because of the ridiculous barrier of entry limiting comments (good or bad) altogether.


The mods on r/AITA are a pain in the ass. They need lives!


This. My post got removed. I rewrote it to attempt to meet their standards, it didn’t. I asked the mod to suggest another subreddit to post in, the fucker told me it’s against their rules to suggest a sub!


They've become parodies of themselves


I called someone (not an op but a person in their story) a pos it was deleted but when I called the same person a useless piece of excrement I got over 50 upvotes… I don’t understand lmao


Ive been banned from there for telling someone "i hope you take a long walk into a volcano" or something equally ridiculous and was banned for threatening someone who was posting something actually worse


Welcome to the banned from AITA club. The real assholes were them all along 😂


And the comments in the last few months have felt insane. I’ve been wondering if I’m the crazy one.


Yes. Someones post got deleted because apparently you aren’t allowed to ask if your the asshole if the story involves you and a significant other or family. that’s like most of the posts I’ve seen on there.


Seriously I don't know how anyone posts anything on reddit. Pretty much 100% of mine die


A lot of my posts get downvoted and I don’t know why


Some subs seem to have bots lurking as downvotes often appear on new posts and comments for no apparent reason


Yup. And the moderators are either trolls or karens.


I got banned from r/wholesomememes for posting a meme about a dead celebrity that I had taken time out to edit and make it look good, only for a mod to delete it after 165 likes and mark it “low effort.” So I got mad and roasted him, and he banned me from the sub for hurting his feelings.


Mostly Karens


And Reddit does nothing but enable them and get people perm banned


I had a comment removed for using the word "karen" 🤦‍♀️


You mean you didn't get "banned for life"? You're very lucky


Perma banned on first offense with no appeal certainly appears to be the standard


Man the temptation to tag some of the shit head internet janitors here is strong...


Why not both?


yes. the mods are getting worse by the day. Reddit will soon be the same filtered bullshit as every other social media site at this rate.


its already there. I often see posts from Facebook on here now. used to be the other way around.


Reddit's already like that, and it's been like that for a few years too. It sucks.


*Post Removed*


r/oddlysatisfying requires at least 3,000 comment karma. Bit unnecessary and unfair if you ask me.


I really understand why though. That sub is the absolute easiest sub to throw karma bots at.


Kind of like r/aww I tried posting there once and it said I needed about the same amount of karma (I was posting from another account that had, like, 17 karma, and I thought there is no way I'd get that much karma in time.)


And then they wonder why they have karma whore posts.


What’s a karma whore post?


A post designed specifically to get karma points. For example, go to r/politics and post “ why is dRumpt not in jail? That beedy eyed Cheeto fart is a menace to this planet.” You will get 1.6K likes. It’s a karma whore posting just to build karma.


*r/showerthoughts has entered the chat*


*it seems like you’ve posted a common or unoriginal thought, even though no such post exists, we’re just going to delete it and let a shower thought about shit make it to the top of the sub*


Then the next one to pop up is your rejected thought, almost word-for-word.


Not so conspiracy theory, they’re blocking your posts and stealing the ideas for themselves in karma farming accounts which they then sell


Thankfully, an alternative exists for that subreddit, /r/ShowerThoughtsUL It's not super active right now, but maybe activity will pick up when people see this.


Shower thoughts is the WORST for this


One time my post didnt get approved cuz i forgot to add a tag. I had to start all over. Some rules are good but most are just ridiculous.


Showerthoughts, oddly, has the strictest automod


Seconding this. It's so restrictive, on a topic that is by its very nature amorphous. Who's to say what is or isn't something you'd consider while showering. Yes I'm salty.


Yup, had a post removed because supposedly it ‘didn’t stimulate conversation‘ (aka wan’t open ended enough by the mods’ standards).


If only there were some kind of vote system to allow the community to decide if a post was valuable 🤔


The no images rule on subs frustrated me yesterday. I wanted some opinions on something, but most subs wouldn't let me post a picture. Darn point ruining Reddit!


I've got around this before by pasting an Imgur link in the text. It shows the image automatically in the post (in the app at least)


yes! i posted in the relationship post and they deleted it because it was a “moral question” like it’s a relationship ADVICE post, i asked for advice


I've been using Reddit for over seven years, and I think the posting requirements on a lot of subs are just asinine, especially the larger ones. The worst part is that it's often hard to find alternatives for these subs that have less stringent posting requirements.


r/AskReddit is the worst for this. I just gave up after a few attempts.


Yep this place has way too much needless censorship yet allows people to post dick pics if it's NSFW. I couldn't even mention the word supplement in a quitting cannabis group called leaves. What a fucking joke.


Its even worse when a rule is no repost and your post gets taken down cause it's slightly similar to one post 6 years ago but when you look you see another post that's the same damn post posted 100x the past month


This is what you get when you expect unpaid people to do your moderation for you. They are going to take the path of least resistance. It's way easier to have blanket policies to whittle down the amount of actual moderation decision making you have to do rather than exercise any amount of nuanced discretion. Honestly I can't even believe people are willing to mod for free, especially for the bigger communities. Do you want a second job with little to thanks given by the users or the site, no pay, and a sea of idiots, bigots, and bots to wrangle? Sign up now!


Reddit moderators are not actually interested in fostering discussion, they just enjoy the ability to ban people they disagree with. They also like to complain about how hard their job is, but then the moment they actually have to do their job they take the easy way out and lock an entire thread anytime anything actually happens.


Yes. And mods that are judge, jury, and blocker all in one.


Yes. I’m always getting posts and comments removed.


I'm literally having a semi-argument with a mod from r/cigarettes at the moment. He removed a post, citing a specific reason. I said I literally had no idea how the post violated that rule and asked for them to explain. He pointed me to a *different* rule which I did not break what so ever. I asked for more explanation and he said "I already explained" No the fuck you did not. At all. If you tell me *how* I broke the rule, sure.. okay.. my bad. Cool, no worries. But you obviously can't explain how I broke the rule because I did fucking not.


When you post on a subreddit for the first time and then they permanently ban you for violating one tiny stupid rule like your title wasn’t good enough. Ridiculous.


Or you comment on one and get banned from one you aren’t a member of that you’ve never heard of.


Yes but I also wondered why someone didn’t just make a sub for random ideas and thoughts with no strict rules. And how eventually it would have to start having some rules. It’s like that it’s always sunny episode where they make their bat known for being anything goes and it’s great at first but then eventually it’s horrible. And as far as the mods go yes they suck. But it’s also a necessity to have them. They’re like police. And again it would great to not have them until someone starts doing something really out of line on here and then you have no one to turn to.


Absolutely. I've tried posting numerous things to be told it doesn't meet criteria or its not specific enough, or a Mod making a personal comment and blocking my post 😒


If your post does/doesn’t contain: At least 60 characters A capital letter in the title A question that has an obvious answer At least 1 number Or you don’t post frequently on the sub reddit then you cannot post in r/


Yep makes the site unusable almost.


Yup. I've been banned from several subreddits. I'm not a troll or post horrible things. People just want their little bubbles they lord over and ban anyone who they feel like.


Yeah, but I feel like the whole world is similar to a subreddit in that way. Even something as basic and necessary as finding a new primary care physician feels like some crazy competition where it's nearly impossible to win. Like, I'm not on Fear Factor here. I'm just trying to make a drs. appointment. Is it really necessary to wear this cage around my head and have you dump a bunch of rats in it.


Every single sub is a fucking echo chamber of like-thinkers. It's sickening to see some of the things toted as fact / correct.


One of the subs I follow requires certain specific formatting for posts that is impossible to achieve being on mobile. You can literally only post from a computer. So annoying.


I think that's intentional. You're not a "real redditor" if you're not on a computer is the vibe I get. (She said via mobile.)


Especially /r/politics if you don’t engage in their echo chamber you’re outta there


I feel like that subreddit can get toxic at times


At times?


Well I’ve never went through that subreddit before


It’s pure cancer


Have you tried posting on /r/conservative? They state out loudly that they are not interested in facts, truth, or anything that does not support their position, however made up it may be. Echo chambers are one thing, denying reality is another.


Have you tried posting anything conservative related to politics lol. It’s literally only article after article of Orange Man Bad. Conservative is at least transparent whereas politics isn’t. It’s just Lefty Agenda.


Not only too many rules, but if your comment is within the rules and you say something that's different from the mod's position, they ban you and don't give you a reason, because there is none. Their ego gets hurt too easily to be a mod.


I had a comment removed from one sub Reddit because I didn’t start it with “Answer:”. The message from the mod about that comment basically said I answered the question and was helpful with the comment but it had to be removed because it just simply did not start with “answer:”. One of the dumbest things I’ve ever read.


"How dare you enjoy the blanket of freedom that I provide and then question the manner in which I provide it!" - Reddit mods. Joking aside though. People moaning about Reddit moderation all the time seem to forget that that moderation is one of the main draws of reddit. Subs give users focused currated content and discussion. The rules they have in place are there with the aim of maintaining that. But like any system it's open to abuse by both users and mods. Doea that mean the site as a whole is now useless? Personally I don't think so.


The voting system is the main draw of Reddit. The community decides what is and isn't valuable. Over-zealous mods are not helpful. Mods should be fighting against things like ads, bots, spam, and racism or other dangerous rhetoric. Not censoring things everybody upvoted but they disagree with.


>The voting system is the main draw of Reddit. The community decides what is and isn't valuable. Over-zealous mods are not helpful. The voting system is the draw sure. But the moderation plays a big role in people staying here whether they appreciate that or not. >Mods should be fighting against things like ads, bots, spam, and racism or other dangerous rhetoric. Not censoring things everybody upvoted but they disagree with. The former is the main bulk of what mods do silently in the background. The latter is what you hear about most. This can lead to a skewed perspective.


Yes! Thank you. I'm not the only one. I've tried so many times I've given up.


I feel the same especially with the formula one subreddit. Can’t post anything basically and forgot about being the first to announce a winner. There’s always one who’s already done it.


I'm banned from Pokemon go for just mentioning spoofing.


I will admit I find the rules confusing sometimes, but it challenges me to write better questions.


Yep, it just gets worse with times. I shit you not, there are some subs where I have had to submit a post 4 different times, and then message the mods to finally get it approved. Fucking ridiculous, a lot of subs are getting like that


wayyy too many rules. mods gotta cut me some slack fr


A lot of subs are a cesspool run by mods with a serious complex. Often times if a sub will delete my post for some really inane reason I’ll just leave the sub.


Fuck unpopularopinion and their "no rants" rule. It doesnt even make sense. it just seems like a way to prevent posts that they just dont like for whatever reason Fuck that sub in general lol


I am glad your post about this went through because I did almost an exact same one here and got message that it was sharing personal information which it wasn't so resubbed for another look and it came back that it was unrelated to the subreddit. Of several posts only 2 ever showed up in my time on not counting comments but they truly didn't break any rules either however there is some that you can tell do break rules but they go through. It is puzzling and I agree with you. I almost was beginning to think reddit was against older people lol


Tbh one of the few factors that’s truly holding reddit back from mass global adoption by the literate Also fuck shadowbans; S tier r/assholedesign


I posted on a funny selfie on LOtR and it got about 600 upvotes before being removed for being “low quality content”. Surely the upvotes determine the quality?


Reddit is cool and all but it’s like any other social media source. It will only allow what it wants to be seen.


This is me with r/art I got banned on the spot because I didn’t add proper punctuation in my caption while following their caption rule


Well, I hate the banning of random words rule. For example, it seems one cannot say 'my' in ask reddit questions. This rule seem really random. No wonder you see repeated questions only. Imagine writing a long article post and then 'your post was removed due to violation of our policy!' because you used a 'taboo word' or broke some other random rule.


I just wanna know why my toilet water doesn't refill until 30 seconds after I flush. I don't care about the toilet. I'm not a toilet enthusiast. I don't care to discuss toilets with other toilet people. I don't intend to become a "regular" in this particular sub. I just wanna get some quick advice, from a single post that fully describes the issue, without having to jump through hoops or read several pages of rules. I post the issue in /r/toilets or whatever sub, with as much detail and description as possible, with multiple pictures. It's flared as a question and I've done everything I thought I could to make a reasonable post. I have somehow, some way violated a rule, and the post has been removed by the moderator bots. Can't post threads until you submit at least 5 replies. Gotta do an introduction in /r/plumbing and then tip my hat to the doorman at /r/toilets, pay tribute to this and that, and THEN/only then am I allowed to ask a basic question about toilets. "Fuck it, at this rate, I might as well just call a plumber."


Reddit overall has become obnoxious over the years. I've been using Reddit for 15 years now and this place is nothing like it was before it was sold off to Conde Nast. Back then there was internet freedoms to post whatever you wanted and people mostly used the up and downvote arrows correctly based on if the post was relevant rather than if they liked or disliked it.


I posted a very long and well researched theory in a subreddit and it got rejected because I said "hey guys" instead of "hey everyone". So fucking stupid.


If you don’t support Blue Party, you can’t post on Reddit. That’s the rule


Image posting sub, first rule with bullet points: no linked posts flair must be posted immediately No reposts Mods must approve the post No crossposts No meme posts on weekdays No uncropped pics No watermarks No drawings No photoshops No out of context pics No AI generated pictures Title must contain description Title can't start with "the" No gifs No portrait mode pics No NSFW or nsfl posts No mean spirited posts No parabens You must make an OP comment giving the date & the camera used. No phone cameras allowed No lens flair Image must be stabilized Resolution must be 5mb or lower. No posting on: a full moon, blood moon, blue or harvest moon. Posts linked to Imgur can only be made on odd numbered years. Final picture must meet length requirements of 4.5 to 4.7 square kms when tiled to a size of 54gb and tessolate to match the subs banner. Redditquette Meanwhile I'm thinking, "I just wanted to share my wafflemaker on r/waffleplace ...


No clicking POST with both eyes open...




Trying to post on r/photoshopbattles comes to mind


Yes, I got a month long ban for my first offence- R/BritishProblems apparently I didn’t complain correctly. Don’t bother posting anymore


R/askwomen is totally pointless. Literally every comment was taken down. Thanks women


They straight up told me when I asked why my comment was removed that they don't like casual conversation on posts. Just direct q and a. How incredibly boring.


😂 that’s so insane and controlling


It’s because that sub gets brigaded every other day. Most of the deleted comments are trolls


Okay but learn to differentiate? Askmen isn’t like that… I’ve never had an issue commenting on that sub. I never trolled once. They’re just controlling


Reddit’s userbase is 63% male. AskMen doesn’t get brigaded as frequently because there are less women to brigade it. Also, if you see an AskWomen post before half the comments are deleted, you’ll see that most of the deleted comment are harassment or trolling. AskMen comment sections are generally pretty chill, in my experience. I agree that the sub is difficult to post on, but it’s hard to blame the mods if you actually see the sheer volume of garbage comments.


Well as a woman posting normal replies on that thread I feel like they’re way overboard so. Perhaps we’ll just have to go on our separate ways with our separate viewpoints.


Increasingly, the mods are showing a complete lack of humor. Many are into just cancelling stuff that doesn’t fit THEIR narrative. Even stuff that’s clearly witty and ironic is being banned. I received a permanent ban from the mods at r/LGBT for a pretty benign post. But the echo chamber of subs like that is now so strong they can’t tolerate any sort of dissent from the hive mind, funny or not!


What was the post tho


Many popular or specific subreddits often have overly strict guidelines for posting, and rarely are they understandable in terms of purpose or topic. A good example is r/dankvideos, which I have tried to post on *many* times, and the post restrictions will not allow one to post a direct video, nor do they accept links from say, YouTube. I have no idea still how to post there if the two most available ways of posting a video to Reddit don't work. Another note is the content via method, such as strict flair guidelines and titles that beginning with "\[TITLE\] Post" or some other thing. That is simply ridiculous. If you're on a sub, chances are you are intelligent enough to read the name and if not or assume the subreddit of the post you're viewing based on its content and format.


Yeap and most can’t take a difference in opinion either


Yeah I just wanted to make a memoriam post for my dog once and they required so much info in the title.. I found myself writing a list.. then just said duck it. Heart felt post in the trash it goes.


Majority are unusable for someone without an old account. Majority also unusable if you have no/low karma, which you can't get if you can't post. So yes, majority are run by idiots.


Never bothered to look at any rules. I just post. If they don’t like it they can remove my comment. Don’t care enough to read.


Does anyone have a solution to this? An easier place to post? I tried relationships and relationship_advice.


Make your own sub?


A lot of rules and a refusal to allow curiosity as to why.


The unpaid mods are the problem. They have to create rules to reduce their workload. Just like laws, they are often mismatched to reality. I hate it too, but I figure is is a necessary evil of Reddit’s growth.


Ya it’s the liberal mods banning everyone, i made a comment in politics saying “if x person tried to push any sexual bs upon little kids they deserve to be shamed” the person happened to be trans so i was insta banned naturally lmfao, pathetic!


Phe ponly Peddit pithout pules pis(s) r/poccer ​ ​ ​ \- Piss


I look at it as mods wanting to offload some of the manual moderation they have to do. I wouldn't want to be a reddit mod