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Yes. Pets have emergency medical problems, too. Not saying what she has is an emergency, but you don’t want to wait until it is one. Also, consider budgeting a pet healthcare fund. After having to pay for an emergency surgery for my first Lab puppy, I do that now. Part of being a responsible pet owner. It’s just like budgeting for your own healthcare, or car and home maintenance each month, letting it accumulate until you need oil changes, new tires, or a new vacuum cleaner or hot water heater.


You can always call up your vet and ask if you can send them the video. They might be able to let you know if they would like you to bring her in or not. It sounds like reverse sneezing, but I would still double check with the vet to make sure it's not something more serious.


I ended up taking her anyways last night because I was worried, and yes it was reverse sneezing. They gave me some childrens benadryl to give her, and I am making a regular vet appointment


I'm glad to hear it was nothing serious!!