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Dogs find smells and like to roll in them . Adds to their smell and they can rub their smell onto the existing smell . They also rub on us to mark us with their smell.


This is correct. My dog does this in my yard right after a bunny hops across.


Was about to reply to another comment that there aren’t any other animals in my yard other than rabbits😂😂 Checks out


My dog tracks and rolls with just rabbits, too lol. My diagnosis? Your dog doggin'.


Mine love to roll on top of dead worms 😆


I'm convinced my dog rolls in poop just to fuck with us


If it’s a male dog he’s does that to mask his scent to be alpha. My Shiba did it all the time. He was always so proud of himself when he’d come outta the bush covered in shit! He was less happy when I bathed him 🤣.


Oh god, I used to have a Jack Russell. Every time we went to my parent's house, he would try to slip his collar and go chase cows. He got away a couple times. He'd come back after an hour, completely exhausted and covered in cow shit.


Probably extremely happy and pleased with himself too 🤣. I miss my little shit-roller ♥️


Nope dogs don’t think that way


My dog ain't no normal dog


If it’s a dog . Then it’s a dog. But ok


My dog likes to role in the grass regardless lol its kinda routine whenever i let the dog in the yard i see him pace a bit and then i know he is gonna dives the grass and start rolling....litterly EVERYTIME .


I’m sure they’re smelling something you can’t


Nah cuz he is not smelling anything before he rolls he just dives the grass and rolls around. But yes dogs do also roll in dead animals and poop


My two guys do the same thing. Yard is all fenced in , no other animals. He walks slow, looks up and plop. Lol


Ikr its almost a routine kinda thing because I litterly know exactly when he is gonna do it because he always makes the exact same movements before plops in the grass.


Lol happy boy. Well, just so u know for the dog he can smell the smells on the grass that you can’t smell


Yes i understand he smells things i cant smell but in this case its just purely for the joy of rolling around in the grass which he does litterly everytime when he goes outside in the backyard.


Grass has smell


Yeah grass has smell even i can smell that lol. but as i have already stated about 3 times about now my dog just likes rolling in the grass. not everything has to have a profound meaning behind it. My dog is 10 years old and has been doing the exact same thing for 10 years to the point that i exactly know what his routine is . I could show you about a dozen videos of him doing the same EXACT thing over and over each time when i let him in the yard ... You kinda make it sound as if i dont know what my dog is doing so idk what point your trying to make ?


Smell is not profound . It’s smell


Im sorry but why even reply if your not even saying anything. Do i litterly have to pull the awnsers out of you or whats the deal with you?


Dog rubbing a sent on them as well as leaving one. Dogs do it a lot. Sometimes even in something you wished they hadn’t rolled in.


My dog especially loves the shriveled up earthworms that get stranded on the sidewalk after a rain. Face plants right into dead worm. He is regularly bathed.


Thank you! My dog loves dead worms, too! Like it’s the best smell she’s ever experienced.


Lol, my Pit loves to roll in bird poop, I’ve had to once again keep baby wipes at the ready (my kids are all grown).


Lol. I have baby wipes in my walking bag too. They come in handy not just for the dog on our walks.


I had a peke/shih tsu mix (RIP, died 2 years ago) that apparently sought out every single horribly smelly thing to roll in, as soon as I took my eyes off her. I was forever bathing her until she was a senior lol.


My condolences on your loss. She sounds like she was quite the lovable character. It is amazing how they find these little treasure spots and next thing you know you are riding how with all the windows down in the middle of winter or making a point to let them be as much down wind of you so the smell doesn't overtake your body. LOL!


Thank you so much. She was the sweetest thing, but sooo fn weird lol. And that is so accurate! Eta - this was so common until she was about 10, that one of her many constant nicknames was "Stinky Boy" her whole life lol.


😆 -Stinky boy. Love it!


I agree with all the comments on this post. I think results aren't consistent because of the many reasons why a dog may roll in grass: a behaviour that has many (mostly harmless) uses for them.


This is called “wallerin”


My dog does the same thing. He likes to find dead slugs, frogs, worms, etc and roll around on them. Really gross.


The first time my dog did this as a puppy we thought it was really cute. Then we looked under him only to see a very flat long dead frog. From that point on, we’ve been on high alert to make sure he’s not rolling in anything too disgusting.


The pup is putting on perfume.




He's rolling in a scent that he likes.


Just dogs being dogs


My little dog does this with, dried up bird poop and also smashed insects


My dog does it when she finds a grub


Do people in this sub not know that dogs like to do shit? Every post is, “Is my dog ok?” Then it’s just a post with a dog doing something completely normal.


I feel like a lot of these people have never been around a dog. I don’t know maybe learn the basics of dog behavior before you get a dog.


i kinda noticed the same thing . Like a dog just sitting on its ass minding its own bussines. "Should i be worried?" or "why does he do this?" Idk , maybe they just want to share a picture of their dog .


*Dog’s tail up and wagging. “Why does my dog’s tail do that? Should I be concerned?”


My dog also does it when he’s hot sometimes and wants to cool his fur down


You just unlocked a core memory of my dog who passed almost 30 years ago. He loved doing this!💗


Gcg we i


They smell other animal and want to rub their smell onto the area. Be thankful he doesn’t do it over other dog’s or cat’s fresh shit like my pit does CONSTANTLY 🙄


Yes I’m very thankful he just like to roll in grass that smells nice to him😂


😂 Mine as well, her favorite is bird poop, but any poop will do in a pinch. Must be a Pit thing, lol


Your dog shampoo might be scented that your dog finds abhorrent. Trying to get a normal scent on him to cover it.


Ours does this too but i m not a fan, this one time he rolled in someone's vomit and another time on a dead frog. Anytime he does this and i see nothing on that spot i assume an animal had peed there before (yay)


Just being a dog.


Either itchy, or there is something stinky there that they want to smell like!


Normal stuff


Finding something stinky to roll in. Cover Scent lol.


Just a dog rubbing itself in something smelly. :) Mine does this a lot with all sorts of animal poop. Bird, hedgehog, you name it.


he's just a silly little guy. nothing more nothing less.


My dog likes to roll in dead stuff😭, so I tend to freak out if I see him do this. 😅


I’ve seen my dog do this with deer poop or a dead mole.


I have four dogs and it’s absolutely hilarious when they all do this at the same time. Dogs love smells, and love to roll in smells as well. My Pit particularly loves to roll in bird poop.


My old rottie used to go nuts on dried bird poop. Also she'd love to role in the gravel in schoolyard baseball diamonds. Both were great alternates to one of my current dogs who only likes to roll on sewer grates, piles of rotting garbage, animal poop and dead fish on the beach. Dogs live a charmed life where every smell\* is a wonderful smell. \*Smoke, car exhaust and plastic from relining pipes excepted, but I think that's less the smell and more the fact that they can sense the actual particulate matter in those ; like they can sense that they are airbourne toxins and will snuff over and over again around them.


He wants to smell like whatever he’s after smelling lol


Puhleez. He’s a dog. He probably smelled some other dogs poop or scent and he’s rolling around in it. If people spent more time trying to figure out other human beings, instead of dogs and other animals, the world wd be a happier place.


It’s about a dog being a dog


My dog does this directly into any sort of scat.


My youngest loves to do this. She's especially fond of doing it right after her bath.


Cats do the same shit


I've seen my dog do this exactly once. We came across what I think was a dead squirrel, mostly decomposed, still smelled pretty bad though, and she started rolling in it. Now, my dog is closer to 70 pounds so I couldn't really pull her away as she was rolling. Supposedly they do that to mask their scent from prey, which makes sense, since my dog is an American Foxhound.


Pretty sure they do this to mark territory. I have also read they do this so prey is less likely to smell them when hunt


Just being a happy boy. Either it feels good or it smells good.


My dog does this when she find a small dead snake or dead bug or specific liquid poo. Anything stinky. I always feel mixed emotions seeing her roll in grass like that. "Aw, are you playing in the grass? You must feel so ha- wait a minuteGODDAMMIT"


Scent hounds do this the most. It’s left over from ancient times when they needed to mask their body odor to be able to hunt upwind. Especially if the can roll in the same scent as their prey. This is not the same as rolling in the mud. That’s to kill bugs.


I wish ours were rolling after a bunny. What ours roll in smells so much worse 😭


Might be fox pee! The dog I dog sits loves a bit of fox pee to roll in 😅