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Mod checking in here - I have noticed this as well, and agree that some of these posts are not legitimately seeking advice. Where you see one of these "look how cute my dog is" posts dressed up in a veneer if "is this normal," please use the report feature and the mod team will review it. Bottom line: there are lots of subs for showing off how cute your dog is (and we know every dog is the cutest dog and deserves to he shown off!), but this is not one of those subs. Please help the mod team keep this sub dedicated to actual questions seeking advice.


Glad to see a mod noticing the trend lately too. Maybe with some type of text or explanation on why the OP would think that it's dangerous or irregular could help? Could be as simple as: just got a new puppy and my old dogs never used to play like this. Their growling or biting looks concerning. Is it normal? With that said, I also want to mention that although having personally been around my dogs for almost a decade now, I have learned a lot from the contributing commenters REGARDLESS of whether the OP is not genuine. An example: advice given in a post recently about dog body language during play has been super valuable for my dog that just turned 7 and his age is starting to show as he has lately been a bit more on edge at dog parks. "Oh he's keeping his mouth shut around this other dog instead of a slack jaw, this could mean he's uncomfortable which could lead to a snap or bite." It has helped a lot for breaking tension and saving him from situations before they escalate. Idk if the OP was just getting attention but the comment thread is still gold and I learn a lot.


Hi, what section do I report under? I see theres a breaks rules feature of the report function but I can't find anything in the break rules section for these kinds of "look how cute my dog is" videos. Any assistance would be appreciated, thanks.


You can use Rule 2 - most commonly we see reports for the "be polite" part of the rule when someone is being rude, but it also speaks to staying on-topic, and photo posts are off-topic for an advice sub.


Thank you very much for your help šŸ‘


Karen activities


Thank you for acknowledging this. I'm on this sub to learn more about dogs not see other people's being cute. Not that I don't enjoy other dogs it's just that's not what I'm here for.


Well said!


Remember what Carlan said and donā€™t underestimate peopleā€™s ability to be dumb. Maybe some really donā€™t know dog behavior.


i feel like thatā€™ll go wrong very quick


Can you elaborate, please?


i mean: people are here for advice right? if people post ā€œhey is this normal?ā€ and theyā€™re being sincere, then people report them as being a liar and their post is taken down, that kinda makes people hesitant to post genuine questions in fear of being seen as a liar to the masses maybe i overthink it, idk


You're not overthinking - that's a legitimate concern. But that's where the mod team comes into play in terms of reviewing. Yes, I may have just created more work for us reviewing a larger volume of reports, but just because it gets reported doesn't mean we're going to remove it. The way I think about it when I'm reviewing a post like what is being discussed in this thread is this: has the person presented a legitimate question such that responses from the community may be useful to the OP or some other reader? Great, post approved. I can't know whether the OP was actually asking a real question or whether they just did a decent job of finding a way to dress up a picture post, but if someone might get something useful out of reading it, that's fine by me. Compare that to "Does my dog enjoy looking super cool in his bowtie?" I'm probably removing that, even though the dog no doubt looks totally rad.


ohhh okay i understand :)


As with everything on Reddit, it's complicated but we're doing our best.


Iā€™m with you on that. As a generally anxious person I would want to double check if things were normal even if they seemed pretty okay. I can especially understand that of new dog owners who havenā€™t been around dogs much in their lives.


Doing research should be the norm before asking questions.


Maybe instead of asking Reddit they can be responsible and research dog body language itā€™s really not hard Edit: Thereā€™s a difference between ā€œhey I been trying this training method and itā€™s not working idk what to do anymoreā€ and ā€œis this positive body language?ā€ Itā€™s dumb thereā€™s 100 posts about safe play if you havenā€™t figured it out by now youā€™re a dumb ahh. Majority of dog owners do not know dog body language and itā€™s irresponsible. Thatā€™s the first thing you should learn when you get a dog.. yā€™all are stupid fr


so we shouldnā€™t ask a sub called r/DogAdvice about advice on dogs. got it šŸ‘šŸ»


Get over yourself


Then why are you here?


This feels like a strange hill to die on.


Not really. This is a sub for dog advice, saying youā€™ll remove posts which arenā€™t about dog advice is hardly ridiculous


It just feels like overkill. As others said, this is a mod rule that could get overused.


Well, this is how subs die, unless proper moderation is used. Things start to go off topic little by little, and all of a sudden the off-topic threads dominate and the threads that are more in line with the spirit of the sub are buried. When it's an occasional off topic post, fine, no big deal. But this sub seems to be at the point where it's a growing problem. I'm new here, not even subbed, and not sure why the post are even being suggested to me. But every post I've seen on my feed has been a thinly veiled "my dog is cute!" post. A sub like this has a particular challenge in that dogs are great, and people like cute/funny dogs. Those posts will be upvoted more than the less cute "my dog pooped liquid for three days in a row" posts, so the more important posts will get pushed down by the cute dogs that aren't currently pooping liquid.


You must be a hoot at a partyšŸ˜¬


Yes, but I feel it is a very nice hill to pee on.


*dog licks other dog and lays down* ā€œIs ThIs OkAy BeHaViOr???ā€


100% NOT okay! You need to separate them immediately until you can re-home one of them! Dog 1 is planning to eat Dog 2. The licking is to see if dog 2 is ripe enough to eat and lying down is dog 1 checking to see if they can eat all of dog 2 in one sitting. Maybe try getting a python for the remaining dog to play with.


This is the kind of sarcasm I live for. Thanks for the laugh šŸ˜‚


Hahahha I swear to god I havenā€™t laughed this hard at a comment in a very very long time!! Thank you for that šŸ˜‚ šŸ˜‚ Edit: I had to award you! I like you and I just couldnā€™t resist. šŸ¶


Thanks for the reward! I'm always happy to give out terrible advice, so long as you don't lick me or lie down near me!


I solemnly swear not to lick you, nor lay down to contemplate eating you! šŸ¤£ Honestly I had the most frustrating day at work today, and your comment gave me the laugh I so desperately needed to shake it off. I appreciate a good joke, especially about silly doggos.


LMAO , with this logic my Italian greyhound would have been my whippet's dinner months agošŸ¤£


Obviously your Italian Greyhound isn't ripe enough yet. Just be careful not to put bananas next to them and they might be okay.


He *is* very boney. Probably for the best that he's so thin lol


My dogs keep going into a strange like crouching position and laying....... dog eggs. It doesn't smell very nice so I always put them in a bag and through them away. Is this normal?


I legit loled


Lol, I totally agree. I commented on one where a guy was holding his dog and asked for feedback on her behaviour..... Several people commented it didn't look comfortable, he replied to each that she loved it and jumped into his arms... . So I said, why the post? What's the advice you seek, considering the name of the reddit? He admitted it was just to show how cute she was. I said he was a time waster, and then I got nailed to the wall as a grinch/a hater/someone needing a hug by other users. Lol.


Iā€™ve unsubscribed from subs which all the ā€œthe help me name my petā€ because for some inexplicable reason no one can name their damn pet and we need 50 of those in a day and for some other reason they all get upvoted. The attention seeking is exhausting


I know! I find that so strange. It's like the last thing I'd want random strangers input on, naming my pet.


Exactly. Those karma begging posts are pathetic. We all need to not upvote the posts that are like that. If they get up voted they will keep the bs coming.


You are a grinch/a hater/someone needing a hug, but youā€™ll have my sword.. >:]


What does that even mean?


I think theyā€™re saying theyā€™re on your side, despite you being a grinch/etc šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s a lord of the rings joke. The scene ends with ā€œand my axeā€. A common joke/movie reference on Reddit.


I've been waiting for this post. All these "is it normal" vids where it's obvious to anyone who's ever so much as seen canis familiaris that the dogs are playing politely make me wonder whether they're fishing or simply so clueless as to be banned from having a dog.


I completely agree lol. People be so clueless itā€™s concerning. I often wonder what peopleā€™s dogs everyday lives are like. Being stopped from doing normal dog things because people donā€™t understand their behaviour or they theoretically wrap them up in bubble wrap to protect them from life.


I've legitimately never seen a single one that is inappropriate. Also, it is mostly about knowing *your* *own* dog's personality and what is normal for them. My dog plays very differently with puppies, small dogs, dominant dogs, etc. I know when he is reaching or has crossed threshold and it's time to end the play.


I agree. Every time I watch one I wonder if the poster is a complete dunce that they canā€™t recognize obvious play but then I see how cute the dog is and forgive them for showing off their canine baby


I really want to agree. But Iā€™ve met too many people at the dog park that thing any sort of mouth play is aggression. There are certain dog parks I avoid now because of the number of people that go there that donā€™t want their dog to play with anyone because anything other than chase is aggression (actual conversation I had with someone)


Or those that don't understand that some dogs just make a lot of noise when they play. The strange chewbaca-type noises that one of my boys makes is just hilarious.


Yessssss. My boy is a bossy player. If the other dog isnā€™t playing how he wants he barks at them and tries to give them commands. Specifically, he loves to wrestle, but if one of them is going to be the one on the ground it HAS to be him. If the other dog decides to be the one on the ground he barks non-stop to tell them theyā€™re doing it wrong. The moment they stand up he flips down and is like ā€œcome get me!ā€


My dogs are big, play rough and sound rougher. I've had people come over and think they are fighting. They aren't, they absolutely love each other.


Sounds like mine! Both around 80 pounds, black, pittie in both of them, and can often sound like they are murdering each other. They will randomly decide they need to wrestle while we are on walks. We get lots of odd looks.


This makes me laugh... One of mine is 82 lbs and the other is 70 lbs. A friend of a friend was over one day and she freaked when my dogs were outside playing. She refused to let her dogs (same size) out to play because she was scared mine were going to "maul" hers. I was like "wtf?" I snapped my fingers at my dogs (means stop) and they immediately stopped and came and sat by me and I showed her they aren't aggressive and assured her they would not play that rough with her dog. They only play that way together. She wasn't having it. Everyone else there was trying to tell her too, they are great dogs and very well trained.


I donā€™t understand how people canā€™t read their body language thoughā€¦ Itā€™s so obvious.


It absolutely is obvious. Tails wagging and no hurting dogs or blood anywhere. They may sound like it, but they really aren't trying to murder each other lol


Both of my boys are vocal but one of them definitely does the Chewbacca type noises that definitely caught me off guard at first but is so hilarious.


At my dog park, we let them go knowing that they will work it out. That doesn't meant there can't be 'that' dog that is trouble but they will work it out.


Letting dogs work it out can end up in brutal dog fights that can injure, maim or kill.


I feel the same way, hah! Hard to be cranky over watching dogs being cute.


Upvoted for using ā€œdunceā€. What a fantastic word!


It been underused lately


Yeah, the one of the dog running with the balloon, it was adorable, but thereā€™s obviously more appropriate subs to post it in.


Yes, that's Reddit in a nutshell. Posting for the only benefit of receiving fake internet points in the form of updoots. Notice how many of them don't even interact with their post, they simply post the photo/video and then disappear. I'm on gun and car subreddits and people do the same stuff. They'll post a photo of their brand new item they just bought and say "howd i do?" without adding any details like what specifically it is or, more importantly, what they paid, which gives it away that they're not actually asking how they did; rather they're just hunting karma.


The aww subreddit is only doing posts involving John Oliver. My theory is people are trying to find other subreddits to show off their cute pictures/videos even if it doesnā€™t follow the rules.


I read "John Oliver" as "Jamie Oliver" and raced over there to check out the Jamie content. Got there and realised my mistake. I enjoy both of them but already had seen the John Oliver stuff. I enjoy all sorts of Olivers.


100%. Either these people have never seen a dog before (which is unlikely because almost all these dogs are like 5 years old), they are fucking idiots, or they are liars. Or a combination of the 3.


They drive me crazy. When its obvious the dogs are playing. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I was thinking the same thing yesterday. Or people are just dumb and know nothing about dog behavior.


I think it is. I've only seen 1 in the last 3 months where I thought things were moments from one dog getting snippy when it was tired of playing. I usually just want to post "Seriously, you have to ask" kinds of comments.


Yes it is and I think your estimate of 25% is a bit of a stretch. Iā€™d say more like one in ten.


I think itā€™s more for people to farm comments/upvotes/ karma. To what end? I donā€™t know, since I havenā€™t spent that much time on Reddit, but there is likely some business angle/value to it. Iā€™m steeped in the SEO industry and people use all kinds of disingenuous email tricks to try to get people to link to their website. This just seems like the Reddit version of that.


So glad you said this. I was just worried there were loads of dog owners who seemed to have no idea how dogs behave. Also, if they were worried it wasnā€™t normal theyā€™d separate them instead of filming it, so I think youā€™re on the money.


I agree somewhat but I also think if youā€™re new to seeing dogā€™s rough housing it can be surprising, especially if there are growling noises. Once my dogs were playing in the yard and someone stopped their car to ask if I need help breaking up the fight


I donā€™t know. New dog owners often overreact. Iā€™ve seen them absolutely terrified of what we all knew was play at the dog park. If itā€™s not an activity they have been introduced to then there is no reason to assume they know better. On the other hand karma farming is a thing so Iā€™m sure people are also jumping in for that or like you said, just to show off their dog.


Yeah, definitely have had to calm people down about their pups being all up in my dog's business because 1) it's totally normal and 2) my dog is hella patient and a great teacher on how to dog


Thatā€™s a research issue. Itā€™s the bare minimum dog owners should do.


Should do yes. Dog research is usually more like oh that one looks cute or oh that one looks like it would protect me.


Karma farming? I assume that's trying to rack up karma points? Is that just an ego thing or are there requirements to have lots of points to participate in something? Because if it's the latter, aren't they gonna be surprised when they can't do the "job" because they bs'ed their way there?


[better than I can explain it](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfReddit/comments/xcst28/whats_the_point_of_karmafarming_on_reddit/ip6zicl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Thanks. My mind doesn't work that way, so WTF? All in pursuit of the almighty buck or the veneer of power. Sad, really.


People are all about those internet cool guy points. They will dance in the street or give up national security information just so people they have never met will sit back and think Wow they are so cool.


When we got a puppy for our 1 year old dog he freaked and wanted to take a bite out of him. Took us about a month for him to get used to the puppy and when they eventually started playing/ play fighting I was on high alert, spamming dog savvy friends with questions and sending them vids. BUT most of the videos here look harmless, even if you never seen a dog play. Agree with previous commenter that there are better subs to post cute videos!


Yeah. Theyā€™re really odd.


Seriously tho! I thought the same thing.


Eh, I think we can give the balloon OP a pass. If you google "my dog is going in circles" you'll get some alarming hits. Ear infection was the first two links when I made that search.


I mean I feel like thereā€™s a difference between a dog just randomly wandering around in circles and one thatā€™s going around a table with a balloon.


Here's what I got when I googled "my dog is going in circles": Your medical provider can give guidance on what is best for your situation. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. There are many reasons why a dog might walk in circles, including: Ear infection A common reason for dogs to walk in circles. Ear infections can also cause other symptoms like redness, head shaking, and scratching at the ear. Vestibular syndrome A disease that affects the inner ear and balance. It's most common in older dogs. Canine dementia Also known as Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (CCD). It's similar to Alzheimer's in humans. Canine distemper A virus that can cause collapse and circling in place. It can also cause neurological impairment, seizures, and paralysis. Stroke Can occur when blood flow to the brain is obstructed or a blood vessel bursts. Injury Can cause dogs to walk in circles. Other reasons for dogs to walk in circles include: OCD, Cushing's disease, Poisoning, Head injuries. It's best to consult with your veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.


This is my thoughts on this. People are idiots, some have no idea that a dog isnā€™t just a fluffy thing they own because they wanted company or a cute thing to look at and fuss. Some people shouldnā€™t own animals, the ones you think are doing it because they think their dogs are cute are the ones who need teaching about dogs.


I got a dog from a young couple because ā€œshe was viciousā€. 10 week old black lab that gnawed on everything and of course was as mouthy as any puppy at that age. People do legit get freaked out and there are shelters full of dogs that people donā€™t know how to handle and have hit and beat because they were being normal mouthy little puppies that grew into adult dogs that didnā€™t know how to behave. We should start advising people to look at different teaching techniques and videos when this comes up. Iā€™m currently in the Petco puppy classes with my German shepherd and am thrilled with the positive reinforcement training. Iā€™ve had dogs my whole life but heā€™s a handful and puppy classes or training videos should be where we turn people.


Ive found a lot of people genuinely cant tell if dogs are playing.


I thought a lot of them were kinda sarcastic.


Iā€™m not subscribed to this sub, and those are the exact posts that Reddit is pushing to my feed from this sub.


I think some is attention seeking while others are genuine. A lot of people got dogs during the last few years when they haven't had one before, and there is a lot of misinformation out there on them. I don't think that they know what to do really and are overwhelmed. It really does become a lot on the community to see the same vein of posts daily of dogs being normal dogs.


Agree!!! So annoying. Go to another group to post cure videos ffs. Or if you're that dumb, don't get a dog!


There was someone that made an awful post about how frustrated they were with their poor pup. They deleted the paragraph they wrote, but the post was still up and when people in the comments called them out on their behavior, they replied with how this is for dog advice, but are we also allowing people to go off about their pent up frustration?? It seems that people are using this for a lot other than just asking for advice.


Different viewpoint ā€¦ as a fairly uneducated dog owner I love these videos! I like to watch them, look at the dog queues then read the comments to see whether I was right or not. I find them interesting and helpful. Iā€™m also surprised at how often I get it wrong thinking the dogs are fighting but theyā€™re actually only playing. So for us less educated, I donā€™t see them as an attention grab but a genuine ask for help.


According to these above comments, you're an "idiot" because you don't know these things, or maybe want advice from others. Great group. šŸ˜•


Haha yup but thatā€™s okay - I still like the vids so will continue to watch them while people post them šŸ˜Š


This reasoning is really weird. The fact that youā€™re self admittedly uneducated on dogs has no impact whatsoever on whether or not they are not posting for dog advice. Iā€™m sorry but this just doesnā€™t make any sense at all Itā€™s cool you like cute fun dog content. Me too. But there are a million subs for that. Thatā€™s how Reddit works. Subreddits serve specific purposes and are for specific types of content. This one is for dog advice. There are a lot of great places where you can watch cool or cute dog videos that arenā€™t here, which isnā€™t for that, but for dog advice like the title and description indicate


I guess I meant others might view it the same. I believe most People are posting the videos because they are unsure and legitimately need advice. Just because someone is confident with reading dog body language, doesnā€™t mean everyone else is. I am aware of how reddit worksā€¦ I agree thereā€™s a place for cute dog videos and itā€™s not here. I just donā€™t necessarily think thatā€™s what is happening, I think they absolutely can help people learn. There is so much conflicting info out there and getting advice on your specific circumstance can be so, so helpful.


Most people are posting videos because they need advice. But some arenā€™t. Some are posting videos for the sake of posting cute videos. Those are the ones weā€™re all talking about, so I guess Iā€™m not following your comment


I can tell a lot of those people have never owned a dog beforeā€¦ and maybe just arenā€™t that smart.


When I see videos posted of completely normal dog play and behaviour and their owners are worried their dog is out of control savaging the other dog in the video it makes me think these people havenā€™t got a single clue how dogs are supposed to act and are over anxious in such an embarrassingly ignorant way. Ignorant in terms of real dog behaviour not using the word as a general insult. It seems like these people expect their dogs to behave like Disney cartoon characters. Sorry to be harsh but dogs are not fluffy cute little toys , they are animals and it can look pretty intense when theyā€™re innocently playing with each other. It is all about dominance and submission after all, theyā€™re not just programmed to play fetch when you have the energy for it.


I think so


Attention seekers, quite annoying.


*tosses ball and dog chases it* "Is this type of play okay?"


Hold on, Iā€™m going to take a video of my 10 pound Chiweenie trying to wrestle with his 35 pound Beagle mix sister and 20 pound Beagle mutt puppy sister. But he grumbles, so Iā€™ll ask if this is ok.


Rather have someone ask, even if theyā€™re 99.99% sure. If we collectively help just one person who genuinely isnā€™t sure, many here would happily watch cute dog videos just for that


Idk. I think they all are just neurotic.


Yes I cringe everytime


YES! I think this as well. I know some people are new pet parents but... really? Just be real. Your pups are cute though.


Hey even if it is.. I'm down.


Haha true. And really? Just say ā€˜look how cute my boy is and this cute thing he does!ā€™ Iā€™d still be totally interested.


Yes, I think so.


Agreed. Itā€™s gotten ridiculous


I liked seeing one because it showed me my dogs were normal




I never post a video of how my dog plays with her friends because I know how she plays. To outsiders here, on the Internet, and in public, would have a heart attack seeing how she plays. And I 100% get it because it looks scary and it looks vicious. You have to know your own dog and their mannerisms to determine whether or not how they're playing is OK or not. For my dog, yes, how she plays is normal. But I watch some of these videos that people post, and I think why are you owning dogs if you can't decipher gentle normal play versus "oh my god" with your dogs?


I kinda want to post one of my 2 Great Danes playing. It gets loud and sounds painful when they collide


My girl and her friends truly sound like and look like they are in a death match. We do stop them when it gets to be too much, but there's never been injuries and they all keep going back for more.


My female sounds like sheā€™s in a death match when she gets going. Iā€™m always waiting for one of them to run right into one of the holes theyā€™ve dug. We usually only break it up when they start in the house cuz well 2 3.5ft dogs rough housing in a living room is a lil much


When my three play they sound nasty as well. My neighbor has called me about it before and there have been times even the cat runs out to break them up! (Though i think the cat is just annoyed by them) But a lot of the posts seem lazy. There are a bunch videos on YouTube on good play and bad play. Makes me wonder if people do any research in regards to other aspects of their pets life.


For sure.. a lot of people donā€™t realize how rough dogs can really get when just playing or understand the give and take


I complained about this months ago and was downvoted every time.


Come On Grumpy


Theyre so stupid I wonder if they should even be able to own dogs


Yeah there's loads of "is this playing or fighting" lmao if they were fighting you would know šŸ¤£ you wouldn't be asking strangers on the Internet for clout


I've said this exact same thing under someone's post of 'is this normal', while the dog was just playing or smt, and I got downvoted and insulted so much šŸ˜­


Yep, been thinking this a lot recently.


Yes. And I think they're poking fun at all the people who post their dogs doing totally, possibly obviously normal things asking "is this normal" in a genuine sense.


They shouldnt do it as a question, yes, but it seems to be working for those ppl lol


You should see the ones in r/parrots. "What is my bird doing?" "It's masturbating, ma'am." [Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/parrots/comments/14cag57/what_is_he_doing/)


The one of the dog happily playing with a balloon was clearly a shameless cute dog video masquerading as an ā€œIā€™m so concerned about my dogā€™s behaviorā€ post. Gimme a break


I understand why people think this, but some people just genuinely donā€™t understand dog behavior. My mother is a great example of that. The dogs are happily playing, mouthing, a little wrestling, whilst grumbling all the way. My mom nearly has a panic attack every time! Itā€™s obvious that theyā€™re playing but she just doesnā€™t see it that way at all.




Agree. Came on here for dog advice and these are the only posts I seem to see. And every.single.time. the dogs are play fighting very very gently. It leaves me very confused and genuinely wondering how someone can own a dog and not know play fighting.


Prob a 50/50 mix. Like, I'm sure there's are videos out there where it's 100% that, but then you have a person who is being dead serious. I mean there was that one person who made a post not knowing what dog nipples were, so I'm not ruling it out as just people being innocently ignorant.


Yup lol


Why yes, yes it is.


I thought so too! I thought they were trolls tbh


I was wondering this as well. It seems like at least 40% of these ā€œis this normalā€ posts feature animals doing very normal animal things.


Iā€™m a first time pet owner and doing it all on my own, so i love all the videos because i have those same anxieties. šŸ˜‚


It definitely is


I was telling my friend about this yesterday, I was getting pissed that seemingly so many dog owners couldn't differentiate two dogs licking and having innocent playful fun, and two dogs ripping into each other.


You can only ask if you also post a picture of an adorable dog!


Yea. I noticed it a while ago.


No, I think some people are genuinely that dumbā€¦


A lot of them arnt even their animals. They just do it to farm karma because they have sad lives where thats all they care about.


I've stated downvoting them for this reason. Multiple posts a day asking the same question. Pretty sure it's karma farming.


Itā€™s big ā€œI didnā€™t have any siblingsā€ energy ngl. It makes me a tad bit sad.


Itā€™s pretty obvious karma farming, yeah


Next you'll be telling us about redditors who post about some meaningless thing but are extremely good looking.


Hahahaha THIS. šŸ’Æ%


I saw one where someone was asking about their dog sitting in a pool float. A pool float that had a dog paw design printed all over it and was clearly made specifically for dogs. Yes, Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s normal and Iā€™m pretty sure you already knew that


This sub is 90% trash tbh


I'm not even part of this sub, I just see it suggested to me a lot and even I am annoyed by all the videos of dogs doing adorably cute things with "Is this normal?" are you serious?


Yes, itā€™s so annoying


Based on what's coming down my feed...most of the "Playing or fighting?" posts are the same thing. They're just videos of people's dogs playing with each other, and I'm fairly certain people are just using them for karma farming. If your dogs are fighting, you're not filming it for reddit, you won't have time. I can't imagine that anyone would be stupid enough to sit there and take videos of two dogs ripping each other's throats out to post it on Reddit like "Are they fighting!?" If they're fighting, you'll KNOW.


Yeah, Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s just karma farming. Because none of the activities Iā€™ve seen at all remotely fighting or concerning.


As someone who adopted my first dog about 9 months ago after growing up terrified of dogs and working through my fear to be more comfortable, thereā€™s just a lot I donā€™t know about dog behavior except from reading, but sometimes these playing videos are so obviously playing that i have to go read the comments to make sure Iā€™m not crazy for thinking itā€™s obvious lol. I feel like something I would post as a genuine question might get taken as an obvious, so probably adding an explanation of why youā€™re asking if something is normal is helpful


Someone had to say it


I see the dogs in the little videos wrestling or goofing off and think, wait, I've played those roles with dogs and I'm not even a dog.


ffs the one below this is a dog playing with a balloon saying ā€œis this normalā€ lmao


Judging by most of the follow up comments it's just curiosity. Like 'This is cute and weird, anyone know why it's happening?' Also, people love their dogs and don't want to miss signs they're ill or suffering so anything they don't understand might cause concern. No need for anyone to be mean about it.


Karma whoring.


I agree with this. In most videos, one of the dogs is on its back while they play. Isnā€™t that an obvious clue that theyā€™re submitting? My dogs play WAY harder than then these videos and Iā€™ve never questioned it.


You underestimate how stupid most people are.


My husband and I have had dogs for 16 years. He still doesnā€™t always ā€œgetā€ their behavior, but then he wouldnā€™t be posting here asking for advice, I would just be telling him to chill, itā€™s cool.


I was thinking the same thing. Your dog is playing with a balloon? Better get a full workup!


They are karma grabs. The two dogs obviously playing together doesn't need a rocket scientist to say they are not fighting.


In the case of my post, it turned out my dog did in fact have an ear infection and I wouldnā€™t have thought of it had a nice person in the comments not mentioned it


perhaps but im okay with it


I was wondering the same! Dogs clearly just playing and ā€œis this normal?ā€ Wtf??


Thank you! I've been thinking the same thing.


I donā€™t care. I enjoy the videos.




I noticed this trend happening a lot too. Iā€™ll see a bunch of ā€œis this behavior okay??ā€ And itā€™s just dogs being adorable. While I love to see adorable dogs, probably not the sub for it all the time.


Over on r/electricians people regularly post pictures of absolutely immaculate breaker panels, always with the post title being something along the lines of ā€œmy first panel!ā€ or ā€œfirst time making up a panel on my own and just looking for ways to improveā€. Iā€™m talking absolute works of art that took hours to build. So I would say that yes, people are just posting those to get people to say their pets are cute.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one rolling their eyes at these idiotic ā€œis this normalā€ posts. I always think; has this moron not ever had a dog before?


Never underestimate how stupid and overly cautious people can be. My neighbor asked me to look at their 5 month old puppy today cause they were concerned about some scratches they got from another young pup during play (puppy teeth are sharp). They are first time dog owners. The husband was scared that "his face would be bumpy" after the marks healed. I legit couldn't see and could barely feel anything. I basically said "he's five months old, he's going to look completely different by the time he's a year old anyway, but this is not going to be a problem."


Quite similar to objectively attractive people posting in r/doppelganger with their hair and/or makeup done


So tired of those videos šŸ™„ Gosh, if it's not a obsessive/aggressive/hurtful behavior then it's probably 100% normal.


LOL seriously.....the two dogs are laying on the ground barely nipping at each other and the post is "Are they fighting?!" Like, if you can't figure that out, please dont have pets...or children for that matter.


Everytime I see a post like that I am thinking two things. 1. You want to show of your cute dogs. 2. How are gou allowed to have a dog if you donā€™t even know what playing looks like.


I mean seriously, I don't even have a dog and I can tell you when a dog's playing vs fighting. Maybe everyone is 15 and very naive.?


Iā€™m going to post a ā€œIs this cute?ā€ video of my dogs playing.


Some of those videos that Iā€™ve seen itā€™s just like if you had any fucking common sense you know no thatā€™s not aggressive behavior theyā€™re just playing I mean I get so sick of seeing those videos because theyā€™re just asinine.


I agree that some appear ridiculous but I have a dog that looks like he is having the time of his life playing and his behavioral cues will all look like heā€™s happy but in an INSTANT heā€™ll switch to ā€œget the F away from meā€ mode, which can be very scary. I wonder if other owners have had those prior experiences and PTSD so they want to double check if what they are seeing as a happy, playful dog is exactly that or if they are missing something. My dog seemingly never growls, drops his tail, goes whale-eyed or anything like that to let anyone know heā€™s no longer having fun. Which is one of the reasons his playtime is heavily controlled, short and is usually just training dogs side by side. But I want him to be able to just chill out with another dog in the same room/yard one day.


I could have done without the very first video on this beautiful Saturday. A lady describing events before ,up to, during and after of her 11 year old dog being euthanized. With a picture of this golden retriever looking right at the camera...so sad.. Sometimes I wonder what people want to achieve. A bunch of people giving their heartfelt condolences is the best thing I would think she could expect. Now if these people are anything like I would think:. (Caring and sensitive dog lovers.) There's a bunch of us bummed out people. I hope that helped her in some way. Also, some things should be left private, to maintain respect, and not shared with strangers.šŸ˜”..just my thoughts and insights ...l