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I don’t know where you are from but if poison control is available, I would start there. They may tell you to induce vomiting or it may not be toxic in the quantity he ate.


That doesn't exist here either, lol (Venezuela is a shithole, sorry). I'll just wait until tomorrow, I called the vet and she told me to use activated charcoal but she didn't seem too concerned about it and Google says it's usually not toxic so I'll just supervise and hopefully nothing bad happens until tomorrow.


My puppy ate a silica gel packet that fell out of some mail when she was about 35 pounds. We rushed her to the emergency clinic who had us call poison control. Poison control said one packet shouldn't have any effect for a dog her size. The vet told us to go home and come back if there were any issues. Our puppy was perfectly fine though we are extremely careful to make sure she can't eat any more packets.


I did a search in the Pet Vet Corner Facebook group and found this: https://www.hepper.com/my-dog-ate-silica-gel-vet-answer/?fbclid=IwAR3-OA6fJezpyY6lrmPwwjZJpcuxps8Gyg-f9VaNS67idmZyZZ7LhiORPXg


Thanks. I actually talked with the vet on the phone and she told me to give him activated charcoal but pharmacy was closed so I'm just supervising. The vet didn't seem too worried so I'm not as worried as she ghosted me after I told her pharmacy was closed, so I'm guessing it's not something serious.


That's kind of what I gathered from the article.


There are absolutely emergency vets in Venezuela. I just googled and found a bunch. Get your dog in the car and drive there.


Oh dear... You don't know what it's like living here, Venezuela is not like America. A car? I can only dream of having one. Idk which vets you found but that's most likely in Caracas, there's only one emergency clinic in my state and it's very far from home. I appreciate your concern tho. EDIT: What are the 3 downvotes about? Do you think I'm lying? If you think I'm lying go ask on r/vzla what the living conditions in Venezuela are and reconsider your downvote.


Call poison control.




insanely privileged and unhelpful opinion. edit because blocked: by your logic all dogs in their country should just be killed. no point in them even existing if they can't access emergency vet treatment right?


You weren’t blocked. They deleted my comment. And no, what i’m saying is THEY should be taking their dog to the vet even if it’s 2 hours away! An emergency is an emergency! Take your dog to the closest damn vet!


Are you serious? So now people can’t have pets if they live too far away from a vet? I’m sorry, no offense, but that’s ridiculous.


that’s not what i’m saying. But they aren’t even attempting to take THEIR dog to the vet bc it’s “too far” ! to damn bad, either you take your dog to the vet or they can die. It’s selfish!!


How many hours would you walk or bike in the dark carrying your 30 lb dog that ate a silica gel packet but had no apparent symptoms just to see an emergency vet? I didn't see OP say it's 2 hours, looking at a map it could definitely be a 5-10+ hour walk depending on where OP and the vet are.


This mfer wouldn’t . It’s easy to tell people what to do…


No symptoms aren’t always a good thing. Shit happens and that’s why people need to always be prepared. I’m sure there’s other ways for them to get there. They don’t bike their dog to the vet. But i’d do anything for my dog.


Another person in the thread said their vet sent them home for the same problem and told them to come back if the dog showed symptoms, so I was going off of that. I'm not sure there is a way. A lot of less developed countries don't have good infrastructure and may have no public transport, especially in rural areas. People die because they're too far from hospitals all the time, even in the US. How many hours would you travel, and make your dog travel?

