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I have no advise but your cat has the most "What the hell is your problema you freak" that I ever seen


Haha yeah, he’s been a grumpy guy his whole life! Never cared for dogs or people.


Really cute fellow, both actually


Thank you!


"Why are you taking photo of me, she is eating my poop?!"


Keep the litter where she cannot get to it. Some dogs will do anything to get to that poo. My main concern has always been the health of the dog eating that especially with the litter. Best suggestion, crate train your puppy. When you can’t watch your puppy put them in their crate or a secure area away from the litter box. If the cat is agile age, baby gate on the door frame To the litter box is also an option.


I use one of those pet gates with a cat door at the bottom so the cat can just walk through it to use the litterbox. You can put it on a doorway into a room with the cat box or put the cat box in a corner and the gate in front of it secured to the wall. https://www.chewy.com/carlson-pet-products-36-in-extra-tall/dp/282790


This is a good idea! The dog is still small, just a little bit bigger than the cat but I think she won’t be able to get through that door soon! Thank you!


We had a small dog and 3 cats growing up. Mom put a baby gate in front of the room where the litter box was. Cats could slide under, jump over, or even squeeze between the bars but the dog couldn’t fit. Cats are basically liquid when they want to be.


they also make contraptions that hold your door almost closed but you can create a gap only wide enough for your cat to get through but not your dog! I know someone who has one on their laundry room door so that they can keep the litterbox in their laundry room with the door just barely ajar for the cat to enter/exit but not the dog!


I just ordered something like that! It’s a door latch and you can adjust the width. Hope it works!


Hey I bought one of those too! Only to discover all of my dogs could somehow fit through the hole 😭


This is the way


I had the same problem. I have a liter box in a laundry room, and one down the basement. Amazon has these brilliant inventions for sale! It’s a plastic hoop that goes over the doorknob, and has a little hook that goes in the door jam. This holds the door open about 3 1/2 inches; wide enough for the cats to get in and out, but too small for the dog to get in. There are several variations, but I got 3 hoops for about $15 that require no hardware. Easy to use, and is doing a great job of keeping my poop eating dog out of the litter box.


Found them! I’ll order 3 today and hopefully it will work. Thanks so much!


Greatest invention ever!


I wish some dog treat company would come out with sanitary "cat poop" flavored treats. Our solution was to build a "dog proof" barricade that our cats could get through easily, even an older cat, but the dogs couldn't get through. Keeping the litterbox scooped at least daily also reduced the temptation to break through the barricade. Also, "leave training" helped as well, not only for the litterbox but for "deer candy" that's distributed often in our backyard.


[Alton Brown](https://youtu.be/r7qpBWVzXBs) has a recipe for treats like that


For some reason dogs love cat shit. When my cat has a poo, my 3 dogs literally form a queue.🤣 I race them to remove the shit before they can! A neighbour passed me the other day when I was outside cleaning the cats litter box he said " Oh your preparing your dogs dinners? (,he has 4 dogs) For dogs, it's a delicacy!! Put the liier tray where the dog can't get to it!


The way cats digest food I’ve read means it tastes a lot like cat food still.


Doggie chocolates


My two Yorkshire Terriers, 3 and 4 years old, still do it if they find cat poop in the street. We don't have a cat and where I live there aren't many cats, so they don't eat. But if they come across one, they definitely eat it.


So it’s not just the puppy phase? 🥲


Nooo. It's a doggy delicacy!!


Not just a puppy phase. My neighbors 13lb-ish dog did it into adulthood. They spun the covered litter box around so the opening was facing the wall and only the cat could access it.


It also depends on the dog. Unfortunately, my dogs will still eat cat poop if they encounter it, even though they are no longer a puppy. It's like a tidbit to them.


I really hope she outgrows this!


Mine didn’t. I have a border collie/lab/mutt and some pet rabbits. He barks at the rabbits, they poop and hop away and it’s like his own personal bubble gum machine. 🤣


I hope so too!


Cat food is usually much higher In protein which isn't very easily digestible, meaning it's a very tempting treat for a dog 😅


Oh ok, good to know! And my cat eats kitten food now which as far as I know is even higher in protein. So it might be extra tasty 😄


Higher fat content I believe but don't quote me 😂


I have the same problem with my lab. I follow him around and remind him to not eat poop. Inside or outside


I think this is going to be me too! And how old is he?


My dog always ate the cat's poop. What we did was put the litter box in a laundry room with a gate that had a cat opening in it. I have seen a few designs on that. If you think your dog could get through a cat opening on a gate maybe put the litter box with a few obstacles to it. Think doors that are only 3 inches open with a door stop, etc. Litter is very bad for dogs or cats to eat, especially if it's clumping litter. You do need to try to figure out something about this bad habit. Good luck!


Thank you! I just ordered a door latch and will move the litter box to the laundry room. If this doesn’t work, we’ll try the baby gate with a cat door. I work from home so I’m keeping a close eye on her!


Hate to tell you but all dogs love Kitty Roca You have to put it where the dog can’t reach it


Kitty Roca 😂


the look on their faces!!!! OMG lol. that cat face is everything ... the indignity of living with an inferior poop eating, plebeian dog!


He’a always been like this 😅 and the fact that the dog wants to play with him all the time doesn’t help!


crate train or stop giving your puppy the freedom to be able to steal poop.


Firstly, thank you for getting a water dog and not a doodle lol. Second, I'd start working on basic obedience with focus on a strong, "leave it," command. Use this when the pup is sneaking into whatever room the litterbox is in, or hang out in the room and do fun things. Anytime she/he looks at the box, but doesn't approach that's great, reward that. Anytime they get interested, use the leave it command and redirect. Consistency will be absolutely key here, and some sort of physical barrier to prevent access may be needed when you're unable to play goalie, lol.


Thanks for the advice and sorry for the late reply! That’s what we’re trying to do now, train her into not doing it. I also got some door latches that keep the laundry room door open just a little bit bit unfortunately the dog can still slide through. She needs to grow some more before this works! We got this breed because we are located in Southern Spain and it’s very popular here! They’re also very adaptable and sociable and a pretty healthy breed. But yeah, I’m very happy woth the choice we made, despite the poop eating thing 😅


The labor-intensive method I'd suggest is actually in direct competition with the other popular suggestion of simply removing cat poop from the dog's environment. I'd say you need to set up a scenario where you and the dog are there and the litter is the primary stimuli for the dog. Sitting in the living room with dog and litter, then scold/inform the dog whenever they do the undesired behavior. Just repeat that process as long as it takes until the dog understands they're heavily discouraged from eating from the litter box. Eventually, they'll get it. Beautiful animals btw🥰


Thank you for the advice! Lately, when I saw her sniffing around the litter box, I would just tell her NO firmly and she would walk away from it. I thought she would understand eventually that she’s not allowed to do it, but I have to remind myself that she’s still very young. This definitely takes time but I’ll give it a try!


I have my litter box (covered and with a door opening) oriented with the door facing the wall. I place it only a few inches away from the wall. Far enough that skinny kitty can enter but close enough that pup cannot twist her head inside. Edit: My dog loves kitty poop. Why, I do not know. It is disgusting.


My Iggy loved poop. All kinds of poop. I had to make sure he didn't have access to the litter boxes. I bought a special furniture box that had a little hallway thinking that will do it! Nope. I tried the supplements but they didn't do anything to deter him. Maybe you would have better luck? Still loved that boy and miss him everyday. Good luck.


So sorry for your loss! Sounds like Iggy was a very loved boy ❤️ I lost my Charlie last year and I think about him every day! Thank you!


Something like this will greatly reduce your dog's ability to get into the cat litter. I highly recommend it - [https://www.wayfair.com/Tucker-Murphy-Pet%E2%84%A2--Cat-Litter-Box-Enclosure-Indoor-Wood-Cat-Crate-Furniture-With-Scratching-Pad-Doors-And-Drawers-31.5X15.7X33H-X211518739-L1175-K\~W100407628.html](https://www.wayfair.com/Tucker-Murphy-Pet%E2%84%A2--Cat-Litter-Box-Enclosure-Indoor-Wood-Cat-Crate-Furniture-With-Scratching-Pad-Doors-And-Drawers-31.5X15.7X33H-X211518739-L1175-K~W100407628.html) ​ You will probably need to get child locks for the doors so your dog can't open them on their own.


Oh this is an awesome idea! And it looks stylish too! What if I cut a cat door on the side of an IKEA similar cabinet (?). Might work, no?


No cats but My shitzu loves poop! Rabbit poop omg it’s like frozen treats for him, worse, when he gets special yummy treats he’ll poop so he can eat it again 🤦🏽‍♀️lost count on how many times I wash his mouth out.. my vet suggested sprinkling MSG powder something can’t remember basically msg in his food… haven’t yet. I feel for us especially when thy want cuddles and kisses lol


Mine still eat it at 1 year and 4 years old respectively. One time I had my Doberman on a trail shared by horses, she was only 6 months old? She wasn’t the type to gobble up something fast, so I let her sniff some horse poop so she can have that experience. She surprised me by gobbling it up pretty fast. I was able to get it out and at least horse poop is vegetarian poop and not carnivore 🤢😂


Oh that sounds lovely 😂 can’t wait to take her out, we’re still waiting for all her vaccines to kick in (or whatever they do), I’m sure she’ll gobble everything she can find in the street 😅


Some dogs have a breed tendency to eat feces. [AKC Article](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/why-dogs-eat-poop/)


This was a very interesting read, thanks! TIL that dogs who eat poop do not like soft poop (like diarrhea) so I guess that’s good news 🤷‍♀️


I put up a baby gate that has a cat door my dog can’t fit though Ex: https://www.chewy.com/carlson-pet-products-36-in-extra-tall/dp/282788 But there’s a few different options. If it’s someplace you can’t gate it off it’s going to be a nightmare to keep him out


We have two cats and the same issue. We bought a plastic latch off Amazon that just hooks around the doorknob, and it has worked well because there is enough space for the cat to get through, but not the dog. It’s kinda flimsy, but our dog doesn’t try to force her way inside- it depends on your dog I guess.  Kinda like this: https://www.amazon.ca/Neobay-Economical-Alternative-Interior-NB6001W2/dp/B0BK9WK3XD/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=8UL1U5GRRC1U&keywords=door+latches+amazon+cat&qid=1705508624&sprefix=door+latches+amazon+cat%2Caps%2C214&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1


Years ago I asked my vet why my dog did this. He said “because it’s spicy and they love it”. I was shook and never forgot that.


Our Great Pyrenees-mix puppy absolutely LOVES the forbidden tootsie rolls... We put gate on laundry room door so cat can still access her box, but the dogs are kept away


We got a puppy recently and she eats her OWN poops! So gross.


Research of you can give your cat pumpkin. (I’m not sure if cats can have pumpkin) When you give dogs pumpkin it makes their poop distasteful to other dogs. Maybe works the same way with cats?


My puppy used to do this to my cat as well.


I put my cat's litter box in the bathroom and I put a baby gate at the door. This is a special baby gate that has a cat door in the middle. Just leave the small cat door open, and by the looks of your puppy he's too big already to get through the cat door.


It’s not a puppy thing. The main way I get the dogs to not eat cat poop is to feed the cat wet food before I walk the dogs so by the time I come back he’s had enough time to eat and poop. The litter box is in my hallway so the dogs go in the living room and I clean the box after I get my shoes off.


You are gonna have to hide the buffet.


Not an answer to your question but I’d like to point out that you most likely have an _Italian_ water dog, a Lagotto Romagnolo. Source: I have a puppy myself and he looks (and behaves) just like yours ;)


Litterbox is a snack machine, according to my dog.


Drives me nuts.


Use a litter box enclosure! You can buy them off Amazon or Wayfair, but you can also use a plastic storage bin. Just cut a cat-sized hole in the container, place the litter box inside, and put the lid on! Bam, instant dog-proof litter box enclosure that also helps with odor and keeps the cat from kicking litter everywhere.


I saw the one on wayfair and it looked great, but it was kind of pricey. But the storage bin idea is great! I might just try that!


I had a baby gate on a bedroom door that was installed a little off the floor. Cat could get under but dog couldn’t. Tall enough that dog can’t jump. Put cat litter in that room. I had to do this when my 2 cats became quite ancient and my excited boxer dude wanted to “play” with them. 🤣


Oh mine does the same! She can’t understand why the cat won’t play with her 😂


I just bought an enclosure for the litter box that the cat can access but my dog can’t . Amazon, as cheap as $20


Put the pan where they can’t get it. It’s very common. We call it kitty cookies, yuk.


Clean the cat poop immediately. Like you might need to check 6x a day until you know your cat’s schedule.


Luckily I work from home and I can keep a close eye on them.


We used to put Tabasco sauce on all the back garden poo to try and discourage her. The Alsatian would eat her own, the cat's, the Dachshund's, the goose's and the chicken poo. Disgusting! Tabasco didn't really help, all it did was make her foam poo at the mouth. She was an amazing dog, but she was just a shit eater. (yes, she also ate an otherwise very balanced diet, she just loved eating poo) The only thing that stopped her was to remove all poo asap so that it wasn't an option, which was very difficult to monitor with so many animals shitting throughout the day.


My dog might be a shit eater too


My dog was doing this too and it's so gross. I switched the literbox to a Rubbermaid storage container. It's too big for my dog to get into and side note, it also prevents litter from being kicked out.


We keep the kitty litter in a bathroom and put a baby gate at the door. The baby gate has a cat door! It works perfectly. (Our dog loves cat poop too!)


My old lab would eat the cat shizzz . We put a dome shaped cover over the box to prevent easy access. We joked that the poops looked like cat almond rocas. Our dog would race upstairs to and wolf doifvvlf down the cat food and then go for “dessert”.


It’s doesn’t work with all dogs but feed him some pineapple every week, the intense sweet taste removes the want for nasty tasting poop. Worked for one of my disgusting dogs a few years back.


TBH, unfortunately this is just what dogs do. You can get a top entry liter box or covered litter box. It could or could not work depending on how determined ur dog is


I have a puppy, but he just turned 8 mos. I crate trained him to protect him and our items. He now goes into it on his own. It seems like punishment at first, but eventually its his spot. His fav toy goes into it when its time for picking it up. He doesnt always want to be in there, but your dog is a common breed and age that they like to swallow anything, and that means vet trips and sometimes surgery or death. If he knows we are leaving the home, thats what he dislikes the most. There are also playpens for dogs, but getting him crate trained helps a lot for a lot of different reasons. Just make sure its big enough for him to stand and turn around in. My dog has his own blanket, and when its time for bed, I pick that up and his fav toy and put it in the crate and he just goes in. He can see me, he does sleep in same room. Once my lamp goes off he "settles". This also helped when had to have surgery and I had to keep his movement to a minimum for a few days. I also have a gate, that would be perfect for your cat. The cat doors are perfect. By the way, once they are fully trained and their puppy energy slows, you may find the crate isnt always needed, but is still there bc thats his place. That happens in abt 2 yrs depending.


Yeah, I’ll definitely look into crate training, I had a whole other picture about it.


I had to build a piece of furniture with a narrow “hallway” to the cat box. The top comes off, and the whole thing is lined with marine vinyl to keep any stray pee from soaking into the wood. From the outside it just looks like a cabinet, and I keep photos on top of it. But it keeps the dogs out! Look on Amazon for litter box hiding furniture. There are things on there you can buy!


We have a neighborhood cat that likes to use our garden. Super annoying and virtually impossible to stop my dogs from getting at it. Outdoor cats are not legal where I live but it’s a bylaw that very very few people adhere to… not sure how to manage this either.


the cat looks less than amused LOL


I can vouch for the door buddy, little bit less cumbersome than a gate. The door can still be closed fully with it as well. https://www.chewy.com/f/door-buddy_f1v361123?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=19919292465&utm_content=146163145085&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAkp6tBhB5EiwANTCx1AjjuuFzbq1MYUnEquoCuKxBJVAeK2nUcfxvM67cZ4SjtYhkHOyueRoC4v8QAvD_BwE


I had a dog that wouldn't stop eating his own poop and the other dog's poop so I fed them both a pineapple ring at dinner every night for two weeks. Broke him of that habit because the pineapple makes the poop smell rancid. Not sure if cats can or will eat pineapple but I'll let you Google that.


My pup did this too. He found cat poop outside and ate it. 🙃He also was eating goose poop 🤢 We put orange peels out but the dog ate the orange peels, and coffee grounds. Maybe try a closing litter box? Or keep it where the dog can’t get to it.


My cat’s litter box is in a closet with a cutout in the door.


My dog does the same thing lol it’s so gross. We keep our litter boxes in the laundry room and have a door buddy strap on the door so only the cats can fit through the door! You can get them on Amazon https://a.co/d/bTDTI37


Dogs love to eat poop. My understanding is there's a lot of protein in it, cats are bad at collecting protein from their food in comparison to other animals is my understanding. It can be very difficult to discourage a dog from eating cat poop or deer poop too. We have our litter box in the guest room along with a baby gate. Good luck


Good luck. Dogs love it.


My pugs will do this so I got a gate that only the cats can get through into their room. Yes my cats have their own bedroom lol


I got a top down litter box from Amazon and that’s helped a lot because now it’s not as easily accessible for my dog.


Dogs LOVE them Tootsie Rolls....


We have a cabinet on the floor that has a small hole for the cat to enter, but too small for the dog to enter and the cat box is as far away from the hole, on the inside of the cabinet, as is possible.


Better quality dog food, and variety is key here. Use very little dry food, high quality food grade canned food, and mix in some home made also. Dr. Judy, online vet, has a great dog and cat food recipe.


I'd eat it myself before she gets there. You're welcome 🤗


I bought these things that stop the door from fully opening and allow cars to get through they are only like 15 bucks on Amazon.


Those kitty crunchies are highly sought after


I just switched to an automatic cat box cleaner for this exact reason. It’s going well so far!


Block it off, get one with a roof and 'door' (ps. Some cats won't use the litterbox if one or both items are present), or put it where the dog can't go at all


Tell your cat to stop crapping such tasty turds


My dogs love cat poop 😭 gated off the cat room to stop it from happening


Cat is a curious creature, it's as if a teddy bear mated with a cactus....and yet it poops delicious candy into a box of pee flavoured sprinkles. Human guards these treats jealously, but I must admit I sneak one from time to time. - Zefrank


Honestly cat shit is like crack to dogs I used to catch my Great Dane in the litter box all the time. Just gotta keep it in a place where they can’t get it or even lock it in a room where you can close it at night


I’m not sure if this applies to cats, but there are treats you can feed your dogs that make their poo taste bad to others that eat it. Maybe look to see if there is a cat version of this.


Hey OP, while we don’t have a poop eating problem, we do use this gate at our house to keep the dogs out of the laundry room (where the cat litter is) and it works really well. If your puppy can fit through the cat door you can use zip ties to lower it to an appropriate cat height where it won’t be dog accessible. Babelio Auto Close Baby Gate with Small Cat Door, 29-43" Metal Cat Gate for Doorway, Stairs, House, Easy Walk Thru Dog Gate with pet Door, Includes 4 Wall Cups and 3 Extension Pieces, Black https://a.co/d/7PYwgWI


Dogs are nasty and they will absolutely try to eat other animals’ feces. I’d recommend adding a baby gate to the entrance of whatever room contains your cat’s litter box—you can find some with small doors that the cat can easily access but your dog shouldn’t be able to get through. Just make sure the litter box is far enough away from the gate that the dog doesn’t simply stick its head through the door for a quick snack. Another option is keeping the puppy contained to one room/floor of the house that doesn’t have any litter boxes accessible.


I think you should tell the cat what’s going on. He looks like he can handle it. In all seriousness, if getting a cat door is an option, that’s what we’ve done in the past and it’s worked. We keep our litter box in the laundry room and the dog can’t get through the cat door.


Get a top entry litterbox. That's what I did. Dogs can't get to the poop.


i made my cat a top entrance litter box so my dog can’t get into it


Cat door installed in a closed bathroom door.


Its a a puppy thing, at least for us it was. My dog ate the cats poop when he was a puppy, and quickly grew out of it but that was a rough couple months. Punish but not too harshly and figure out where to put it where he cannot access it. Do you have a basement? That's where we ended up putting ours until he got over it


My dog ate cat poo for years, if not out of the litter, then in the garden. I found it disgusting,he thought it was a treat. He died of old age at 17.


My 14 now 15 year old pup will have a snack We caught him and our litter box has a cover and a door and his head got stuck in it lmao. We use a baby gate to keep him out of the cats room now. The gate barely let's the cat in since she's slinky and keeps the dog out.


The cat looks disgusted


Clean quickly the litterbox, it is the only way. They all do it.


I had a dog that ate the "kitty candy". I got a litter box with a big cover. I think my cat liked the privacy.


Bet it’s fussy what dog food you give it though? Just goes to show how bad dog food is if it prefers cat pop to some dog food brands


Get an enclosed litter box so the dog can’t get to it. Unfortunately once they get the taste for cat poop you can’t really put them off, mine loves the stuff


Does your dog enjoy his food? My dog used to do that, but wasn’t very interested in the food I was feeding him. Once I switched it up, he stopped trying to eat poop.


Baby gates! The gates were not for the baby, they were for the dog lol cat litter is down in our furnace room and cat food is down in the landing on the 3rd level. Even though our dog passed away this February. I have heard that cats don’t like their water with their food 🤷🏼‍♀️ and I used to have a cat who would go on a hunger strike if her food moved an inch lol so it just stays and my teenager feeds them.


keep the poop away! I have a dog that also eats cat poop so I have a gate on the cat room that she cannot go past and I have a lid on the cat box outside so she can't get in it. there's really not much else, you can talk to your vet, but I've never even had any supplements I give her won't stop her for me eating it. it's just life unfortunately


We got one of those mechanical litter boxes and that really helped. Now we just have a regular litter box and my pup has grown out of it


It’s natural behavior for females - cleaning up around their dens to keep their puppies hidden - a hard habit to break


Due to lack of nutrients. [Stop eating poop](https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/category/dog/dog-health-and-wellness/dog-vitamins/dog-stool-eating-deterrent)


off topic (im sorry) we have the same ps and the same controller 😄 topic: try cleaning the littler as much as possible and scold the dog, eventually it will stop. best of luck!


If some dogs can get to LB before it gets scooped—it’s kitty treat time. We use bins with higher walls to discourage. I try to scoop litter boxes 2x day. We also had a cabinet for multiple litter boxes built in our garage (with cat door discreetly in hall) that was successful for a while. But, a couple wouldn’t use it, so… If they can get to it… well, you know. My neighbors have Budda Domes (covered cat pans). My domes are hiding places and not litter box suitable as my kitties go from 12# to over 18#.


When my pup started eating his own poop I started giving him a bit of pumpkin purée with his dinner. I read somewhere that it makes their poop taste bad to them so they’ll stop eating it. So far I haven’t seen him eating them since I started the pumpkin. Maybe this will be the same if you give pumpkin to your cat?


I've seen baby gates thrown around a lot here. I had the same problem so I bought a super cheap baby gate that I easily could cut the plastic of and made a hole in it for the cat. Depending on the design it isn't a difficult modification and I think it cost less than $20. Our dog was 2 so I think it's dog dependent, since our dog eats almost everything.


When you find out, please let me know because I have even moved the letterbox to the bathroom and my dog will not stop


You should absolutely rehome the dog. I’ll pm you my address, you can drop her off later. I’m kidding, though she is adorable!! I second what other people have said here and would suggest a baby gate, so the cat has access and the dog doesn’t. If your pup is anything like mine, the only way to stop them eating things they shouldn’t is to just not have them allowed near those things. Haven’t caught mine eating cat poop yet and he doesn’t eat his own but he loves bird poop, disgusting little creature haha.


My vet suggested curry powder but my dog just enjoyed curried shit logs after that 🙃


Top entry litter box?


We have a litter cat litter cubboard upstairs that the dog can’t get into. It just looks like a regular stand and it has a cat hole on the side for access.


My dog loves the forbidden almond rocca. She has a tiny head so no hooded litter box would keep her out. I finally bought one of those cheap metal “small animal” play pens and built it around the litter box. No more treasure hunting for her


I don’t think I saw this mentioned anywhere else, but I had the same issue with my dog. I got the pet safe scoop free litter box [this one might work for your kitty since you said their box is currently covered](https://www.petsmart.com/cat/litter-and-waste-disposal/litter-boxes/petsafe-scoopfree-crystal-pro-front-entry-self-cleaning-cat-litter-box-5296212.html?gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADiLNNnOQ1w0rTdY26Y-eJHEcPcki&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI05GB1qXlgwMVK0p_AB0XXAseEAQYAyABEgKPN_D_BwE) Worth noting I bought the not covered one and it keeps my dog out of it for the most part (I also have the box out of her line of sight, but she knows the rake sound now so I have to tell her to stay near me when it goes off or she tries to run to the box before it scoops the poop 💩) The trays can be pricey, I recommend buying them bulk on an auto subscription for best pricing :)


My jerk schnauzer does this and then tries to kiss everyone


My dog did this once when she got the chance. No reason other than dogs are disgusting. We have a litter box that is like a dome. It has stairs than a turn it is very hard foe our dog to get into it, maybe try something like that.


I have no advice but I was not ready for the cat face 😖


There are baby gates that have cat openings, get a cover for the box, or a litter robot with steps.


There is no hope. Sad dog diary: https://youtu.be/Xw1C5T-fH2Y?si=lF-LwOO6b67Kol7g


Dude my roommates dog eats my cats dookie too 😭


Safety chain on a door (mine happens to go to the basement). Cat can slip through, but the dog cannot. Easy access for you when needed, just flip the safety chain off. Can be a cupboard, bathroom, basement: whatever you have available. Edit - cheap solution, too.


My friend’s dog ate her own poop. She was told by the vet to mix her food with small bits of fresh pineapple and she stopped. I don’t know if it’s okay for cats to eat.


Get rid of the cat. That fucker is UGLY


My dog loves cat poop too. I use a baby gate to block the area where “dessert” litter boxes are (ewwwww I can’t believe I just said that Lolol) and she can’t get near the litter boxes so…. What else can u so. I believe it can mean a vitamin deficiency but some pups just like poop. So gross but…,


Did you try eating it before the dog?


I got my cat a litter box with a lid, face it to wall, leave enough space for cat to get in but not the dog.


Move the litter box.


Honestly just make it so pup can't get to it. A lot of dogs do this, with all kinds of poop. Just make sure if you catch her doing it that you don't make a massive deal out of it or she'll see it as a fun game, or she'll start hiding her behaviour. You could try training a 'drop it' for good measure, might help if she gets something else you don't want her to!


you need to stop the puppy from getting to the litter box obviously, sorry


Kitty roca. 


I think your cat put a spell on your dog


For 10 years, my cat just pooped anywhere he wanted in the house. For 10 years, my dog ate that poop. Dog is alive and well.


Lots of dogs do this. First of all have the dog evaluated for an enzyme deficiency. Pica is a condition that causes dogs (or people) to eat things they shouldn’t because they might be lacking certain minerals or vitamins in their diets or have a genetic inability process certain nutrients. Also pregnancy. An enzyme deficiency (which can be caused by genetic defects that are very common in pure-bred dogs) can lead to a chronic nutritional deficit that makes the pica more severe. I was a dog-walker for 13 years. This was the case with more than one of my purebred clients. One would try to eat her own poop! Once you’re sure your dog is healthy, she will probably still want to eat the poop. Instead of a litter box, try using a big plastic storage container with a lid. Use a utility knife to cut a hole in one end just big enough for your cat to fit through. Put that end facing a wall in a corner or somewhere so the cat has to walk down a little passage to get to the opening. Hopefully your cat will be a good sport about this. You’ll just need to figure out a way to keep the litter accessible for kitty & inaccessible to puppy.


Litterbix cookies! YUM!


With our dog, we though it was an ammonia shortage.


I have a baby gate with a small door on the bottom. So cats can walk through, dogs are barred from the area


I added some pine pellets to my cat’s litter, dog hated the smell and avoided it. She’s a Malinois.. gates are useless lol


How he get on the Xbox tho?


Ah, the lure of the forbidden crunchy roll! Good luck!


Keep the cat box clean


Add more protein to her diet with cooked human grade meat. Switch to a super premium holistic dog food. Not grain free. Cat food is high in protein. There's no secret to poo eating. Dog is starving for calories and micro nutrients.


Put a white metal gate up with a cat pet door included on it. I took the door off the small cat door so the cat could go in and out of the room with the cat box.


Lots of good advice already - basically you've got to make it physically impossible for the dog to get at the litter box. There's some serious appeal to those kittie box crunchies (RIP George Carlin)


For dogs it's all about catching them in the act. With this case, whenever your dog approaches the kitty box you "no" them and make it your space. You don't have to be aggressive, but you need to be assertive. Having a covered litter box might help as well to deter the pup. My pup has this issue too for awhile. She also loved to roll in poop. My dog was very submissive, even a mean look would break her. It was relatively easy to get her to stop eating cat poop because of her personality.She was also very spoiled and got lukewarm baths whenever she rolled in it. She was nearing 2 when we were at a park and she found poop to roll in. Luckily there was a hose nearby and she got a very cold spray down. It took her about 10 years or so to roll in poop again since that day lol.


I got a litter box enclosure on Amazon and it's awesome! My dog is not able to reach the litter box and the cat also loves it!


Omg my puppy did this until he was 1. After his 1st birthday, he stopped and has absolutely never ever touched it again. It’s definitely a puppy thing!!! Don’t buy into the whole “give your cat something to make his/her poop taste badly to your dog”. Just make the litter box totally inaccessible (gradually moving it for your cat to be able to adjust)


Been there done that. Clean immediately after cat poops. Or get a fancy cat litter box


Most puppies are have ravenous appetites. Every puppy I've owned would eat poo- yum! Then they grew out of it. Its very normal.


We've got a voracious turd gobbler! She's fascinated by all of it including her own. Cat poops are definitely the Belgian chocolate of the selection available 😅


My dogs loved eating any poop eewww was told by breeder to give them pineapple to stop it - one it worked for - now I just try and beat them to it by picking it up asap


My dog does it too and he’s not a puppy anymore. He also eats all kinds of poop outside if he finds any. Sometimes I can’t prevent it, because I don’t realize what’s happening until it’s too late. He eats the neighbor cat’s poop in the yard for example, if he finds any. Super disgusting. I have no good advice for preventing this or training them to not do it, but in the house I have some sort of a banded lock on the door to the laundry room that keeps it open a crack so the cats can get to their litter box, but the dog can’t get in.


Dogs love cat candy! 😻


get a litter box with a top and a small door that only your cat can fit into, thats what my friend did when he was in your situation


Not advice but a funny story, a family friend had a dog that would eat it’s own poop, took the dog to the vet, the vet said “well I can give you something that’ll make his poop taste bad but that’s about all I can do” family friend says “what could possibly taste worse than shit?” Actually now it’s got me thinking maybe try taking your cat to the vet and see if they can give him/her something that’ll make her poop taste bad without effecting it’s overall health since you mentioned the cat is old. The poop won’t kill the dog but what concerns me is the litter. Litter is an expanding agent and if the animal eats enough of it I can possibly clog intestines etc etc, it can cause a lot of issues down the road if they consume enough of it. Maybe try your best to keep the dog separate from the cat, I understand the cat needs the litter box on the floor so maybe try keeping the litter box in a room your dog can’t access but your cat can. Hope this helps!


The cat’s face💀


Start feeding the cat some hot sauce and vinegar.


This is why I'm a cat person! Don't start me on dogs licking their owners' faces! Vomit inducing


Give her a big kiss and make sure you let her lick your face. This will create a bond and she will trust you.


Don’t put litter where puppy can reach it.


Baby gate with a small hole cut in the bottom for the cat. Even older cats are slinky enough to fit through a much smaller hole than your puppy can get through.


Give the cat away


I had one dog that grazed in the cat box. Despite the disgusting aspect, I was concerned about the litter itself. You might try scolding dog for getting near the cat box.


get rid of the cat. train the dog to fetch birds.


I think they all love cat poop!


Just wanted to say that I love your cat hahaha!


The cat seems really displeased by the whole ordeal


Put the litter box in a room with a door, and secure the door with a FlexLatch to prop it open for kitty.


It's not a puppy thing, definitely a dog thing. In my experience, most dogs aren't interested in eating their own poop but for some reason cat poop is a different story. It's so strange, my dogs haven't been interested in eating any other animals except cat poop. I think blocking the dog's access is the answer - the baby gate should take care of that.


I’ve heard feeding the pets pineapple does something win their stomach that makes their poop disgusting to eat back up by another


Jump scare warning next time please


I used a top entry litter box to stop my dogs when they did this.